Legend of the Great Sage

Chapter 30 Colorless Realm

Driven by the shock wave of the big bang, Li Qingshan passed through the long and narrow rift in the Tiewei Mountain, and his eyes suddenly opened up, but he saw only one color - white.

Not white, not pale, not gray or white, but purely literal—white.

All colors are faded, neither thick nor thin; all light is evenly divided, neither dazzling nor dim.

Looking back, I saw neither Tiewei Mountain nor King Yama. It was as if he had entered another world, a world completely different from the previous seventeen layers of hell.

White sky, white earth, heaven and earth are mixed. Other than that, nothing.

Whether it is a knife mountain oil pan or a sea of ​​glaciers and flames, you can't see it all, it doesn't look like you are in hell.

Li Qingshan couldn't help but let out a sigh: "It's so fucking white!"

This sentence just reverberated in my heart, and it was diluted and swallowed up by this boundless "white" at the moment of exit, and no sound came out.

"Weird place!"

Li Qingshan felt himself again, and found another strange thing.

In the last big explosion in "The Disintegration of the Demons" completely out of control, although he broke out of Judge Lu's body ahead of time, the power of the explosion was too violent, and his Primordial Spirit should have been seriously injured. Really felt the pain.

But after entering this white space, all the injuries disappeared, as if it was diluted by the boundless white, and there was no feeling at all.

boom! He punched him hard in the right cheek, but he still felt no pain.

Like the voice in the mouth, the power of this punch disappeared the moment it was sent.

The cultivation base is not damaged at all, and the mana can also be used, but it is completely unable to hurt himself. Although he didn't dare to try to die, he probably couldn't even use the "disintegration of the demons".

In other words, he couldn't even commit suicide here.

"That's it!"

Li Qingshan touched his chin and pondered. He is about to get used to it. This hell is very strange, and the closer it is to the depths of hell. The more the inner law becomes manifest, the more wonderful it becomes.

But the law is manifested.

But that doesn't mean it's easy to understand. A ripe apple falling to the ground is obviously much easier to understand than the law of gravity.

It is precisely because the appearance of reality has faded that it has become unfathomable and absurd.

With his current cultivation, he cannot fully penetrate the mystery.

"This white place, I don't know where the "old five" is?"

He built a pergola in his hand, looked around and turned into a divine light, rushing into the white sky. But look far. Only eternal white.

He was like a tiny black dot on a huge white sheet of paper.

According to his estimation, at this height, there is sufficient light without any shading, and the background is so "white" that you can see the scenery within three thousand miles at least. And with the speed of his flight, he could search all over a million miles in just a few days.

But he suddenly thought of the Naihe Bridge that seemed short and long. Is this judgment really reliable?

Because without any reference, he wasn't even sure how far he had seen. Whether it is a hundred miles or a hundred meters, maybe the sight is also engulfed by the white dilution, and it is impossible to reach too far. It rammed like a headless fly, but thought that it had searched a large area.

He can cast spells at will, but it will disappear in the moment of the shot. Unable to judge the viewing distance.

But is this really gone? Or because beyond this distance, he couldn't see anything, and couldn't hear any sound.

And he soon discovered that no matter how he casts spells, there is no loss of mana, even if he never draws spiritual power at all, and there is no spiritual power to draw from this world.

Although no enemies were encountered. Nor is it excluded from this world. But in this boundless and pure white world, he felt an unprecedented mysterious atmosphere.

Make him who has already entered the way of the devil. Couldn't help but shudder.

After just staying in the sky for a while, he gradually became confused. In which direction is the earth, in all directions, up and down, left and right are all white, exactly the same.

He had been flying around for many years, but he felt a sense of emptiness in his heart, lost his direction, and was out of bounds.

But fortunately, there is still a distinction between heaven and earth. He accepted the escape method and fell back to the earth.

He deliberately fell directly on the white ground from a high altitude, but he was not injured at all, and he didn't even feel any impact.

It feels that the white earth is neither soft nor hard, completely indescribable in words.

And it was extremely smooth, without the slightest texture. He lay on the ground and rubbed it carefully for a while. There was not even a single grain of sand bulging or denting, but at the same time it was not smooth at all.

Everything that is accustomed to, every feeling, is pulled away, leaving an absolute void.

He even missed the coldness of the glacier, the heat of the sea of ​​fire, and the anger and joy in his heart.

He tried to make some marks on the white ground as a reference, but it was a powerful trick to break the mountain, but he couldn't carve even the slightest trace on the ground.

Everything has become impossible to focus on, and it is impossible to try desperately.

"What the hell is this place?"


At the same time, in the temple of Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva, the Nether Palace.

There is an old saying: "Seeing is invisible, hearing is silent, it is called the ghost. The ghost is a metaphor for the Tao, not the Tao."

On the left and right plaques are written: "An forbearance is like the earth, and meditation is as deep as a secret treasure."

King Pingping bowed and asked, "Why didn't the Bodhisattva stop that person?"

He didn't think that it was really "Judge Lu" who went into trouble and accidentally broke into the eighteenth hell.

Glancing at the big white dog like a lion under the seat, although the realm of hell is boundless and vast, with this "hearing divine beast", it is impossible not to grasp the movements of "that person".

Back then, that spiritual stone monkey made a big havoc in the underworld, and was blocked by Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva, how could it not be able to stop a little ghost.

Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva slowly opened his eyes, his pale blue face seemed like a smile but not a smile, his expression was indifferent and unpredictable: "It is neither born nor destroyed, neither dirty nor pure, neither increase nor decrease."

King Ping Ping was stunned for a moment, and immediately understood: "On the basis of a mere ghost. He dares to enter the colorless world, that is really self-defeating, but I worry too much."

If there are ordinary monks here. Must be stunned.

Buddhists named the three thousand worlds "****" and wrapped the "Desire Realm" in them. The uppermost layer is the "Formless Realm", which is the so-called "Three Realms".

"****" and "Desire Realm" are not names for geographic areas.

As the name suggests, the "Desire Realm" is a collection of all kinds of *, which is owned by all kinds of creatures, especially human beings.

"****" is the collection of all hues and all substances. The "Formless Realm" is naturally the highest realm that transcends it.

Therefore, most monks believe that the "colorless world" does not actually exist, but is only a description of the realm of practice. Even entering the Western Paradise of Ultimate Bliss requires unremitting practice. Only have the opportunity to reach this state.

But who would have thought that the colorless world not only exists, but is also the real title of the eighteenth hell.

A big stone fell in King Ping's heart, and he retired with satisfaction.

Evil ghosts who enter the "colorless world" will experience the real "infernal hell". Even if they fly out of 108,000 miles, they are just spinning in place. Even if you stay in it for 100 million years, you will never see the six-eared macaque.

You can't live, you can't die. No time, no time. It's called "Uninterrupted Hell".

As for the fall of the four judges, he didn't care at all. In the six reincarnations, there are many corpses and immortals. As a judge, you can live forever. Who doesn't want to. And the ghosts of the Hungry Ghost Realm are more like wild dogs, in short, just call them again.

The only thing that can threaten these true immortals is "killing the world".

After King Pingping left, he listened to the probe and asked, "Bodhisattva, will 'that person' really be trapped in the Formless Realm forever?"

Ksitigarbha King Bodhisattva said only two words: "Wukong."

Ji Ting shuddered, as if recalling a very bad memory: "Oh, you are good at everything, but you like to play dumb riddles! Of course I know that as long as you cultivate the 'Four Meditations and Eight Concentrations', you can break the true meaning of 'emptiness is form'. He travels freely in the colorless world. But he's just a ghost, and he's still far away from 'refining the gods'! How can Wukong be possible?"

The so-called Four Meditations and Eight Concentrations. That is "meditation", which is the most important way of practice in Buddhism.

Four and eight together. It is precisely that the **** is opposite to the formless realm, in the **** is Zen, and in the formless realm is concentration. It can be further divided into "four meditations" and "four empty meditations".

The four meditations are based on "comprehension of form", and the four emptiness are based on "wukong".

"Heart Sutra" has a cloud: "Form is not different from emptiness, emptiness is not different from form, form is emptiness, and emptiness is form." It describes the four realms, and it goes deep layer by layer until it reaches the highest state.

When Li Qingshan was on the big ice mountain, he clearly realized that "appearance is born from the heart", he was able to break through all forms, and reached the realm of "form is emptiness", so he was no longer tortured by all kinds of torture, and gained great freedom. color".

Many eminent monks and great virtues with great wisdom and perseverance can reach this state as long as they practice continuously.

And even after seven heavenly tribulations and attaining the status of Arhat, he may not be able to go further and realize that "emptiness is form".

The difficulty of "Wukong" is evident.

Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva smiled and said nothing.


"My name is Li Qingshan, and I've noticed that I'm actually a character in a comic..."

On the boundless white ground, Li Qingshan hugged his legs and muttered to himself, like a broken machine.

Suddenly he became angry: "But, what about the background painting? What about the dialog box?! This ghost place is not even as good as the comics!!"

And his anger came and went quickly. The anger disappeared as soon as it was ignited, and he didn't know where it went.

He also tried to fly around and search for the "old five", but he knew that it was no different from staying where he was. The concept of distance is meaningful only when there is a reference.

This process lasted for almost three years, without any pause in the middle. Anyway, he didn't feel tired, just more and more tired.

And time is equally meaningless, perhaps only a moment has passed since entering Tiewei Mountain to the present.

He misses those tortures in hell very much. Those tortures are unbearable in a short period of time, but when the time is infinitely extended, it becomes the most terrifying torture.

He even developed self-doubt: "Can I get out of here?" (To be continued.)

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