The Formless Realm - an empty world that has no color, no matter, no existence.

In another instant, he felt that he was expanding, expanding infinitely, not a thousand feet, but a thousand miles, until it filled the whole world.

If it was really a moment.

For a moment, he felt that he was turning white, with white skin, white blood, and white eyes, Wei Du couldn't feel his existence.

If that was really a moment!

Then, everything returns to its original state, endless reincarnation, and eternal return.

Is it a hallucination? Maybe not, maybe he really became that big, so white, that he broke some boundaries and returned to the beginning.

The feeling cannot be described in words, more nothing than nothingness, more despair than despair, more madness than madness.

He has gone crazy countless times, roaring wildly in the white world. But that's okay, everything will go back to square one.

This immortality is more terrifying than death.

His thoughts became more and more difficult to concentrate, and countless thoughts were entangled in a mess and gradually dissolved.

It is said that when people stay in the ice and snow for too long, their eyes cannot find a place to focus their gaze for a long time, and they will become blind. This symptom is called "snow blindness".

The situation he was in was far worse than that, and perhaps it should be called "heart blindness."

If there is no death, there is no need to strive for survival; if there is no enemy, there is no need to struggle.

Some things in daily life are too natural, but people ignore their value, like air.

When time and space, these most basic concepts are suddenly pulled away. Everything that rests on it begins to crumble, and this breakdown will never end.

"Oh, is this the so-called Infernal Affairs?"

His expression suddenly changed. The treasured image was solemn, and he sat in the cross-legged posture, and meditated silently: "Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva. When you practice deep Prajna Paramita, you will see that the five aggregates are empty. According to all suffering..."

into meditation.

He didn't know that this was the colorless world,

But he knew that he had to find a way to restrain his thoughts. Although he can live forever here, once he is completely blinded, the impact will be irreversible.

He must find a way to fight against nothingness!

The Tao of Heaven and Demons is independent of the Buddhist avenue, and is inextricably linked with Buddhism.

After the ascetic practice on the big glacier, his meditation skills have reached the highest level - form is emptiness.

So I began to penetrate my heart and re-observed everything I saw and heard after entering the hell realm.

The realm of hell is the core of the entire six realms of reincarnation. There is no reincarnation without hell. And the six reincarnations are the core of three thousand worlds, endless stars.

All worlds, large and small, are subject to reincarnation.

As he continued to go deeper into hell, the laws became more and more manifest and more mysterious.

That is to say, what he is facing now is not only the laws of heaven and earth of hell, but also the core laws of the entire six reincarnations and even the three thousand worlds.

Three thousand worlds, six reincarnations, all of this. There is a common name - ****.

"****, core, white. Nothingness..."

Countless words gathered in my mind and turned into a flash of inspiration: "Could this be the legendary 'colorless world'!"

Then everything makes sense!

All the wonders of the hell realm make sense!

For example, why the Naihe Bridge suddenly becomes shorter after walking over it.

This is just the most common phenomenon in daily life. The unfamiliar road always feels long, but as long as you walk through it once, it immediately feels much shorter.

But in the ordinary world, the length of reality is always fixed, it is only the feeling that changes. But here, feelings can influence reality. Change the length of the bridge directly.

This also explains why there is only one Huangquan Road, but it can lead to countless worlds. The length of the bridge was so in his mind. It is the same in the minds of others.

The bridge is the same bridge, the road is the same road. But showing a completely different "color". Because this is the intersection of the **** and the colorless world, the laws that belong to the **** are gradually replaced by the laws of the colorless world.

Just as humans enter the demon domain, they will be demonized. He who belongs to the ****, enters this colorless world, and will be colorless, and colorless is "empty".

That's pretty fun!

Form is emptiness, originally only a kind of comprehension, a kind of state. It's really not that hard to understand.

"Color" is the collection of all things, and all things are always in constant motion and change.

For example, a living person may be killed by a big truck in a blink of an eye, turning into a pile of rotten meat. This person ceases to exist and becomes "empty".

Going a step further, even if it wasn't so sudden, let him live for a few more decades, and it would still be the same in the end.

Going a step further, in these decades of living, it is still changing. Today is different from yesterday, and tomorrow is different from today.

The deceased is like this, reluctant to give up day and night. Everything is impermanent, and the color is not different from emptiness.

And "emptiness" is not nothingness, and death does not mean disappearing, but just turning into mud or other substances.

Therefore, all dharmas are empty, neither arising nor perishing, neither defiled nor pure, neither increasing nor decreasing...

Therefore, in this colorless world, his mana will neither increase nor decrease. Neither survive nor perish.

It's like walking alone on Huangquan Road, and he will never try to find the "old five". All the evil spirits who have been infiltrated into the colorless world will not meet, and must face everything alone.

After realizing this, not only did he not feel disappointed, but he was very excited, and he was gradually understanding the world. Break through the realm of four meditations and enter the realm of four emptiness.

The first certainty of the four emptiness - the concentration of emptiness and boundlessness.

In an instant, his body was no longer inflated and whitened, and he sat quietly with a smile on his face.

Originally, no matter how mysterious and profound the realm was, it needed strength to support it, otherwise it would be like a fool.

If someone slaps you, you don’t take good care of your health, but instead you go to a temple to meditate, and when you come back and talk nonsense about the Dharma, you will only get another slap.

Therefore, emptiness does not change form, emptiness does not separate from form, and there must be a basis for it.

The so-called realm that cannot be transformed into power, the so-called Zen machine, the so-called Buddha Dharma, are all like ****.

However, the mystery of the Colorless Realm is that you don't need any support. If your realm is true, then you can "follow the law" and directly spray the enemy to death on the spot.

Similarly, your sins can be reflected in a mirror, and then all kinds of real torture can be derived.

It is precisely because of this wonderful characteristic that he was able to overcome the sea of ​​glaciers and fires by breaking the color, and finally survived six calamities.

But this situation is of course very unusual. If you want, you can come to anything, all fat people can lose weight successfully, all otaku can open a harem, and pie is falling every day.

"Why is this colorless world so wonderful, so different?"

Li Qingshan fell into a long period of contemplation, his consciousness re-converged and condensed, and a mess of thoughts was straightened out, and he entered the second concentration of the four emptiness-the first concentration of boundless knowledge.

Questions arise one after another. It is easier to understand that form is emptiness, but what does it mean when emptiness is form?

Returning to the Ruins was transformed by the Primordial Spirit Turtle, so what is the source of this "colorless world"?

As the core of the three thousand worlds, the six paths of reincarnation, the colorless world is much more important than returning to the ruins.

Primordial Spirit Tortoise was born in heaven and earth, it is already the highest existence, who can create this colorless world. Buddha? Is it Nuwa? No, not even they could have that ability.

Then there is only one possibility...

In the constant contemplation, he felt his own existence again, and his heart was full of joy, and he no longer felt nothingness.

The third concentration of the four emptiness - the concentration of nothingness.

The answer was about to come out, he smiled slightly and said, "Empty is color."

The sound is like thunder, shaking the void, breaking the eternal silence.

"Empty is - Tao!"

It shines brightly, illuminating all directions, and it becomes pure white after being dyed.

Three thousand avenues, the same destination by different paths. It's just a different way of saying it, and a different purpose.

Buddhists want to save all beings, they say that the color is empty, and they must use the mind of impermanence to eliminate the desires and attachments of all beings.

Taoists want to seek liberation by themselves, so they talk about the Great Way and seek out a way of transcendence.

At this time and place, what Li Qingshan was looking for was liberation, so he calmly gave up the four meditations and eight meditations, and recited aloud:

"Dao Chong, but use it or not. Yuanxi, like the sect of all things; Zhanxi, like or exist. I don't know whose son is like the first of the emperor."

This is the answer to everything. This colorless world is the gathering point of all the laws of the heavens and the world, and it is the world of "Tao".

Whether the apple falls or the stars move, they all follow the "Tao".

Mysterious and mysterious, the door to all wonders.

With the "colorless world" as the source of everything, there are three thousand worlds of "****". Only with "****" can there be sentient beings, and only the "Desire Realm".

The so-called cultivation is to go against the current, constantly approaching this source, approaching the Great Way.

After realizing this, he entered the fourth of the four emptiness samādhi - the samādhi of non-thinking, non-non-thinking. (To be continued.)

ps: Returning to the Ruins is hard enough to describe, this colorless world is literally killing people. If you don't understand, it's not your fault, but please don't criticize me. I just fulfill my promise and take you through a wonderful world, not just change the map, and I have no choice. But fortunately, the next step is not so abstract. ^_^

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