In an instant, the white sky was full of criss-crossing rays of light, some as wide as a long river, and some as thin as silver threads, intertwined until the end of the field of vision. Like a three-dimensional big net, all-inclusive.

This big net is not static, but is constantly running, but it is relatively static during the operation, and contains a rhythm and beauty that cannot be described in words.

These rays of light are the embodiment of the law, which is out of his imagination and true.

Li Qingshan stood up and looked down, the white earth was the same, he seemed to be in an endless giant formation.

Yes, isn't this world a huge magic circle!

The strong winds and rains, the thunder and lightning, the rushing rivers, and the life of all things—all are the manifestations of the effect of this magic circle.

The core of the array is "Dao".

Tao produces one, one produces two, two produces three, and three produces all things. Three thousand avenues, the world of stars, gods, gods, and demons are all-encompassing.

Even in the previous life, the vast universe was not like this.

People know the law, use the law, from the stone axe to the rocket ship, constantly approach the ultimate law, gain insight into the three thousand avenues, and become the master of the world.

It's just that the individual is too weak and unable to accumulate strength, so there are no ruthless characters such as "Newton, the Great Gravity", "Einstein, the relative immortal" and "Marx of the Communist Red Buddha".

But this world is different. Individuals can accumulate strength and wisdom to become incredible beings.

Since then, he also understood what a human immortal is, what a true immortal is, and even what are the bodhisattvas, emperors, and saints in higher places!

Taoism divides practice into four major realms: refining essence and transforming qi, refining qi and transforming spirit, and refining spirit to return emptiness. Refinement of the virtual.

There is no need to say much about refining and transforming qi. With the completion of his primordial spirit, he has reached the pinnacle of refining and transforming qi. Become the so-called "human fairy".

Although it has not been completely otherworldly, there is already a word for "immortal". Finally, we can realize the existence of a part of the law, which is to see the Tao.

If you want to survive the seven calamities and become the so-called "true immortal", you need to refine the spirit and return the emptiness.

What is empty is empty; what is empty is Tao.

That is, approaching the Tao,

Use the Tao, get the Tao. Nature can live forever. Calling the wind and calling for the rain is essentially different from casting spells. It is enough to "call", and the Dao will naturally respond to them.

His people are extraordinary and unworldly, no matter if they were human or demon before, once they cross this step, they will have only one another. They can understand mortals. It is impossible for mortals to understand them.

But this is still not the highest realm, eight times of robbery, refining the virtual and combining the Tao. is the ultimate pursuit.

At this point, it is no longer the use of rules, but directly the embodiment of certain rules, the spokesperson of the Dao. For example, Da Zi Zai Tian's Da Zi Zi Dao, such as the Xuanwu Dao of Zhenwu Emperor, etc.

The Tao is immortal, the body is eternal. Therefore, the great saints can only be suppressed, not destroyed.

A bird flapping its wings can temporarily overcome gravity, but even with the power of all mankind. Gravity cannot be eliminated either. You can only temporarily overcome the influence of gravity with the help of other laws, like a bird.

And refining the virtual and the Tao does not mean being ruthless. Otherwise, it would not be in harmony, but just assimilated. Just like he always controls the world of Wuzhou by his own will. rather than being part of the will of the world.

So he clearly realized that sooner or later he would have to give up this way of being at ease. Although the path opened up by the predecessors made it easier for future generations to walk, it also blocked the last step.

The great saints, bodhisattvas, and great emperors are all Dao pioneers, so they can be called "great". The original meaning of Bodhisattva is "the person of great enlightenment".

He also understood why this "colorless world" was regarded as the last layer of the eighteen layers of hell. Here, all the hues are removed, and all the "feelings, thoughts, and actions" relying on it have lost their basis. Naturally, the dream is reversed.

He is also fortunate that he is not a real Buddhist disciple, otherwise it will be difficult to achieve the final certainty of the four emptiness - the non-ideal non-non-ideal meditation.

"Non-thinking" means not wanting, but not wanting is also wanting, still can't let go, can't forget, have attachments, and become attached. So just not thinking about it is not enough, you must have "non-non-feeling", in order to be free of obstacles and break the color.

"Four meditations and eight meditations" also belong to the category of thinking, and it also belongs to hue.

For a Buddhist disciple who has devoted himself to the Dharma and cultivated to such a state, it is more difficult for him to let go of the Dharma than for lay people to let go of a hundred ex-girlfriends or ex-boyfriends. The more determined to let go, the deeper the obsession, and the less able to communicate with the Formless Realm.

Li Qingshan didn't have this problem, it was just a tool, use it if it's useful, and throw it aside if it doesn't.

All dharmas are empty and unlawful.

He also felt extremely regretful, once he was very clear that he left the colorless world, all these insights would be lost, and the realm would immediately regress.

It's not for any other reason, it's just a lack of power.

In the formless realm, everything is inexhaustible, inexhaustible, neither arising nor perishing, neither increasing nor decreasing. You can support this state as much as you can, and visualize the Three Thousand Great Dao at will.

If he is in the form/realm, and he still tries to maintain this state, his essence will be exhausted in an instant.

Those eminent monks and great virtues in previous lives, if they were not allowed to sleep for three days, or poured a pound of spirits, could they still be able to enter samadhi? If you spend all year round in the bustling city of the red dust, and rolling around in the temples of the rivers and lakes, can you still get in?

The answer is of course not.

Only by attaining the purity of the six faculties, regular work and rest, light diet, giving up all ordinary people's pleasures, and devoting all of your energy to practice, can you maintain diligence. If a beautiful woman suddenly falls into her arms in the dead of night, I am afraid that I may not be able to hold it.

This is the limitation of human beings. A realm without strength is hypocritical. As long as it is still a mortal body, don't say anything.

But at least I got a confirmation, an answer, I knew what direction to go in, and all the hard work was not in vain.

So now, it's time to see that "old five"!

Li Qingshan looked back suddenly, all the light disappeared, and everything returned to pure white.

A stone sculpture appeared in front of him, it was a stone monkey with three heads and six arms, quietly squatting on the white ground.

The shape of the stone monkey is quite peculiar - six monkey claws cover the eyes, ears and mouth of the three heads respectively - but it is not very tall, only waist-high, and even a bit funny and cute.

But it gave him the feeling that it was part of this colorless world, without the slightest abruptness.

There were four words in his mind: "Lianxu and Dao."

He took a deep breath, stretched out his hand, and knocked on the monkey head three times, dong dong dong!

The stone monkey suddenly moved, put down the monkey paw covering its mouth, and grinned, "Wukong, is that you?" (To be continued.)

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