Legend of the Great Sage

Chapter 76 Ironclad Corpse

Chapter 76: Armored Corpse

The boat drifted with the current, and the boat fell silent for a while, and the atmosphere was a little cold.

Hao Pingyang's face was as sinking as water, sitting on the bow of the boat, looking at the depths of the cave in front of him, the waves aroused fell on his body. Zhang Lanqing frowned tightly, just lowered her head and steered the boat.

Both Jin Yuan and Jin Bao were a little embarrassed and ashamed, and did not speak.

He Yishi suddenly said: "How many years have we known each other, we have only known Li Qingshan for less than a day, now because of an outsider, we have separated the relationship between our brothers and sisters?!"

They all entered the Hundred Schools of Economics since they were young, and it was the same year. Although their strengths have increased due to different talents and efforts, it has not affected their feelings. In other words, Hao Pingyang does not underestimate them because their strength is not as good as his own. , but gave a lot of care.

Jin Yuandao: "Yi Shi is right. Brother Hao, don't be angry. Qingshan will be fine. The most urgent thing now is to work together to deal with the zombie Taoist and complete the task assigned by the master."

After a moment of silence, Hao Pingyang sighed heavily, nodded slightly, and said: "Be prepared, this time, there will be no kid to take care of you."

Jin Bao said confidently: "Don't worry, we will definitely perform well this time!"

These pictures flashed quickly in Jin Yuan's mind, but they lost their original color and turned pale, leaving only Jin Bao's dead face.

His tears kept streaming down, and he took a last look at his younger brother, not daring to stop, like a headless chicken, scurrying about in the dark cave, and the heavy panting sound like a wild beast was getting closer and closer behind him.

A big rock suddenly stood in front of him, and there was no way out, and he unknowingly came to a dead end!

how so? If they stayed and faced the enemy together with Li Qingshan, would there be a different result? Yes, it will definitely be different, even if it is the leader of Xuanying, it is impossible to be more terrifying than this monster.


Jin Yuan turned his head abruptly, only to see a human head flying over from the darkness, bounced a few times on the ground, and landed at his feet, but it was the head of a puppet, which he used to release against the monster, but A face to face, was completely shattered.

A tall figure came from the darkness in front of him, his feet seemed to be wearing iron boots, and he stepped on the ground, clanging, bloodthirsty light appeared in his eyes, and four long fangs popped out of his lips, as if hungry. panting like a beast.

"Ahhh!" Jin Yuan roared wildly,

The thousand machine crossbow in his hand shot a string of fire crow arrows.

Dang bang bang bang!

It landed on the black shadow, but sparks shot out, the sharp fire crow arrows couldn't penetrate the monster's skin, and a series of flame explosions couldn't hurt it at all, it seemed to completely enrage it and let out a roar.

In the flames, one could see that the monster was covered with a layer of iron armor, which was not worn on the body, but tightly embedded in the body, covering his whole body. Every piece of skin, even the face, had half of an iron mask. It looked extremely cold and ferocious.

"No... don't come here, brother, help!"

The monster jumped up, and rushed towards Jin Yuan like a thunderbolt. A sharp claw pierced into Jin Yuan's chest, lifted him up in the air, bit his neck, and sucked blood.

Jin Yuan struggled desperately, constantly beating the monster's body, but it didn't work at all, his hands and feet gradually weakened, he twitched a few times and fell down, a last thought flashed in his mind.

If you don't run away, at least you can die together with senior brother, senior brother, I'm sorry!

In the depths of the cave, a rapid bell rang suddenly, and the monster suddenly raised its head, carrying Jin Yuan's body, let out an unwilling roar, and ran towards the direction from which the bell rang.

The monster carried the two corpses to a wide stone cave, and then lay on Jin Yuan's neck, sucking blood.

On the platform in the cave, the sarcophagus was no longer there, and the thick chains that originally locked the sarcophagus locked Hao Pingyang tightly. And beside him, there were He Yishi and Zhang Lanqing, who were also tied hands and feet with ropes, sluggish and dying.

Seeing the tragic death of the two brothers Jin Yuan Jinbao, Hao Pingyang's eyes were tearing apart, and he shouted "Jin Yuan Jinbao!" Zhang Lanqing and He Yishi also looked miserable.

"Jie jie jie jie!" The zombie Taoist burst into laughter: "Just because you are a bunch of trash, you still want to deal with the Taoist master, you have seen how powerful the iron armored corpse is!"

He has been hiding underground for so many years, painstakingly studying corpse refining, not just refining a bunch of useless carrion zombies, these things, in the process of corpse refining, can only be regarded as entry-level things, bullying and bullying the weak However, if it is used against high-level qi refiners who are good at fighting, it will be useless. Only when they are refined into an iron armored corpse can they dare to claim to know how to refine corpses.

The zombie said humanely: "Do you know how much effort I spent in refining this iron-clad corpse?"

The three of Hao Pingyang cursed loudly.

The Zombie Taoist said to himself: "I spent several years digging graves and digging up corpses everywhere, killing countless people, and only found twelve suitable corpses among thousands of corpses. Then I put a lot of fine iron It took him another three years to smelt molten iron, pour layers on these corpses, dissolve and replace their own flesh and blood, and lost more than half of the corpses."

"Then it was poured with fresh blood and continuously refined with corpse refining techniques to make the corpse's body flexible and revived. It took another three years, but this one was the only one that succeeded in the end.

"The owner of this corpse is a top-notch master of external skills. I poured molten iron on him alive, and hanged him with true qi pills to prevent him from dying, so that he accumulated strong enough resentment and hatred. , I just started to refine it, and it turned out that only this one succeeded, you really can't be soft-hearted!"

He Yishi trembled all over, being poured with hot molten iron, what a terrible torture! And the implication in Zombie Taoist's words chilled him even more.

The zombie Taoist laughed wildly: "Although it took ten years of hard work, it was worth it, it was worth it!" The iron-clad corpse is invulnerable to swords and guns, moves like the wind, and its body is as strong as a spiritual weapon. Only back away.

When Hao Pingyang brought several juniors, he broke into the cave. The zombie Taoist, who had been prepared for a long time, released this iron armored corpse, and there was no suspense in the result.

It was as if they were besieged by two sixth-level qi refiners, and a group of zombies helped them out, and they were seriously injured soon. Immediately followed him out, but eventually he was overtaken by the Iron Armored Corpse and died unexpectedly.

The zombie Taoist vented the depression that had been squeezed in his heart for many years, calmed down his emotions, and said sinisterly: "Do you know why I said this to you? Because I will also make you into iron corpses! With the last time With experience, it will be easy to succeed this time." This is the horror of corpse refining, as long as he is given time, he alone will form an army.

Hao Pingyang continued to yell angrily, all the blood on the faces of Zhang Lanqing and He Yishi instantly faded, if they were turned into armored corpses, this process alone would make life worse than death.

He Yishi's will collapsed, and he cried and begged: "Please, don't kill me, I will give you everything! When I become a formal mechanism master, I can earn a lot of spirit stones, I can't die here!"

Hao Pingyang said: "Don't beg him, he won't let you go, we disciples of the Mohist family are like a man who wants to die like a man, the master will avenge us!"

He Yishi resented: "It's all your fault, if you don't bring us here, it's all your fault!"

Hao Pingyang was stunned and speechless.

Zhang Lanqing said: "He Yishi, are you crazy?"

He Yishidao: "I'm not crazy. You are the same as him. What are the fifth and sixth floors, you beat and scold us at will, but because of your good aptitude and high cultivation?"

Hao Pingyang was disappointed for a while. With his cultivation base, he only accounted for 30% of the income, so he could find better companions. He just wanted to take care of a few classmates who had a good relationship, but he didn't expect to end up like this.

Zombie Taoist laughed as if watching a good show.

He Yishi flattered the zombie Taoist again: "Master Taoist, real person, I am willing to be your cow or horse, I can do whatever you want, I just ask you to let me live."

The zombie said humanely: "Okay, if you want to be a cow or a horse for the Taoist master, there are plenty of opportunities."

After a pause: "Just wait until you become a zombie. Zombies are more reliable than living people. Tsk tsk, with your aptitude, I guess you can't make an armored corpse." His eyes turned to Hao Pingyang: "You are very Not bad, but it's a pity that Li Qingshan didn't come with you, otherwise I would have three armored corpses, who else is my opponent in Jiaping City!"

As soon as He Yishi showed ecstasy, he fell into despair again, his face ashen.

Even if he is a zombie, he is not as good as Hao Pingyang, which is extremely ironic.

With a soft snap, a small figure flew past quickly.

"Who's there?" The zombie Taoist suddenly turned his head, looked at the dark hole, controlled the restless armored corpse, then waved his right hand, and the four zombies jumped out.

These four zombies have been specially refined by him, and they are much more powerful than the zombies in Yizhuang. Although they are not as good as the armored corpses, they are still comparable to the third- and fourth-tier Qi refiners. However, after the zombies jumped out, there was no sound pass back.

The face of the zombie Taoist changed, and his sense of those zombies was interrupted at the same time: "Who is it, get out of here!"

"Brother Hao, you are really not good at making friends!" Li Qingshan walked in from the door.

Zhang Lanqing said: "Qingshan!"

The Zombie Taoist was not surprised but delighted: "It's you!" He looked Li Qingshan up and down: "Sure enough, it is a great material, and it can be made into an iron armored corpse, maybe it is better than this guy!"

Hao Pingyang said: "Be careful, that's an armored corpse!"

"It's too late!" A cold light flashed in the eyes of the zombie Taoist, and with a silver bell in his hand, the armored corpse rushed towards Li Qingshan.

Li Qingshan backed away quickly, at the same time he pulled out the Wind Knife, flung it out forcefully, passed the zombie Taoist, and shot straight at the chains that bound Hao Pingyang's hands and feet.


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