Legend of the Great Sage

Chapter 77 Zombies Know Martial Arts

Chapter 77: Zombies Know Martial Arts

"Don't even think about it!" The zombie Taoist stretched out his hand, easily grasped the Liaofeng knife passing by, and slashed hard on the stone platform. The already damaged Liaofeng knife was immediately shattered into pieces.

With a scoff, the Black Wolf suit, which could block crossbow arrows, was cut three times by the sharp claws of the armored corpse.

Li Qingshan forced out of the cave in extreme embarrassment, and said loudly: "Xiao'an!"

Zheng! The crossbow string tore through the air, making a sharp sound.

The Zombie Taoist suddenly looked to the left, and saw the child under the moonlight on the roof of Yizhuang, standing there silently, holding two thousand machine crossbows horizontally.

Shoot out sixty fire arrows, turning into sixty points of red light, either up or down, or left or right, sealing off all the room for the zombie Taoist to dodge.

"Tune the tiger away from the mountain?" The Zombie Taoist smiled contemptuously. Since he can't dodge, he shouldn't dodge. However, besides refining corpses, the sixth-level qi refiner also has powerful true qi, so how could he be easily killed.

In the sea of ​​qi in the dantian, true qi surged out wildly. He took off his body, and flung the Taoist robe of the low-grade spiritual weapon in front of him.

Boom boom boom! The Fire Crow's arrow landed on the Taoist robe, and was fired immediately, bursting one after another.

Although the Taoist robe was also reduced to ashes, the zombie Taoist was unscathed. He took out an identical thousand machine crossbow: "Try mine now!" Shi Bishen.

Zhang Lanqing didn't expect that the weapons he made would become the enemy's sharp weapons.

Xiao An didn't block it stubbornly, retreated behind a stone pillar, ding ding a few times, a few fire crow arrows were deeply driven into the stone, and exploded, smashing the stone pillar to pieces, but Xiao An behind disappeared without a trace.

The zombie Taoist frowned, and suddenly turned the thousand machine crossbow, aiming at Hao Pingyang: "What do you want?" The jī fired a fire crow arrow.

Hao Pingyang was rushing forward dragging the broken iron chain, intending to sneak attack.

Xiaoan didn't expect to be able to defeat the zombie Taoist with the thousand machine crossbow, and took the opportunity to rescue Hao Pingyang, and a few fire crow arrows accurately blew up the iron chain. The Zombie Taoist sees all directions with his eyes and ears, how could he not know.

Without dodging or retreating, Hao Pingyang slammed the iron chain violently, exploding the Fire Crow Arrow, and rushed towards the zombie Taoist with a roar, with endless anger to vent in his heart.

Facing Hao Pingyang who was rushing like a mad tiger,

The zombie Taoist stood motionless, firing the Thousand Machine Crossbow one after another, but with extreme restraint, stopping for a while after shooting two or three arrows, never shooting them all at once like Jin Bao and others.

The flames of the explosion kept flickering on his face, illuminating the sneer at the corner of his mouth, how could he be defeated by an enemy who had just been restrained!

Hao Pingyang had just rushed five steps in front of the Zombie Taoist, the violent Fire Crow Arrow blasted away the iron lock forcibly, opening a gap, and finally one shot penetrated the gap between the iron chains and shot directly at his mouth,

Hao Pingyang tried his best to resist with his true energy, but he was also blown away, and hit the stone wall several feet away, and his efforts fell short. A Qi refiner who lost his spiritual weapon was like a tiger who lost his minions, and he was still a weak tiger.

The Zombie Taoist put down the Thousand Machine Crossbow, with a look of contempt on his face, he was startled suddenly, and hurriedly shielded his waist, but it was too late, a small figure passed by at an unbelievable speed, and snatched the copper from his waist. bell.

Although the zombie Taoist was shocked, he said coldly: "Do you think you can control the iron-clad corpse with the copper bell?" The copper bell is only used to summon and control the iron-clad corpse, but the one who really controls the iron-clad corpse is himself. Will, this copper bell also needs to be activated by himself in order to be effective.

Xiaoan turned around and ran out of the cave, only to see the armored corpse chasing Li Qingshan and running around. Although there was a breeze talisman to speed up, the black wolf suit on his body had already become tattered. so good.

If he hadn't thought about how to explain it, he would have transformed himself and killed the armored corpse. Although the armored corpse was fast and powerful, but his intelligence was low and he didn't know any tricks, he was definitely not his opponent.

Xiaoan rang the bell, but the armored corpse seemed not to hear it, and continued to chase and kill Li Qingshan. Sure enough, the zombie Taoist himself is required to manipulate it.

Xiao An put down the bell and raised her hand.

Li Qingshan avoided the iron-armored corpse in extreme danger, and the iron-armored corpse suddenly seemed to sense something, turned his head suddenly, and saw a piece of blue flames, filling the cave, rushing towards him.

In his bloodthirsty heart filled with resentment, a trace of familiar fear suddenly appeared.

The iron-armored corpse has no real energy or demonic energy, and it can resist the attack of any magical spirit weapon with only its iron armor. But at this time, it is difficult to resist the attack of flames. The blue-red flames engulfed the iron-armored corpse, winding up like a snake, All the brains were poured into the mouth of the armored corpse, leaving nothing behind.

The armored corpse's movements suddenly stopped, and the depths of its eyes revealed a faint crimson light. In its skull, the withered brain was burned, turned into a furnace, and began to dominate the body of the armored corpse.

Xiao An shook the copper bell, and the armored corpse immediately walked in front of her. Of course, it is not the copper bell that is manipulating it now, but Xiaoan's flame, her flame, can be attached to the skull of a dead object and manipulate the bone.

The bodies of ordinary people and even qi refiners are not worth manipulating, because flesh and blood will naturally rot, and bones that have not been refined have limited strength and are not worth wasting energy.

But the Iron Armored Corpse is different. After being refined, it will not rot for a thousand years, and its strength is infinite. It is almost as if it was prepared for her. This is the high-level supernatural power, the absolute suppression of low-level spells, even though the cultivation level is about the same, but it doesn't even have the power to threaten her.

Li Qingshan smiled and said: "Well done!" In this way, there will be a powerful thug, his strength will increase greatly, and no matter what he does, it will be much more convenient. One of them is that it can justifiably kill a zombie Taoist.

Xiaoan imitated Li Qingshan's appearance and shrugged his shoulders, smiling.

In the cave, Zhang Lanqing and He Yishi, who had just ignited hope, once again fell into despair. I believe that it will not be long before the armored corpses will bring back the corpses of Li Qingshan and Xiaoan, just like gold ingots and gold treasures.

Hao Pingyang supported the wall with difficulty and stood up, staring at the zombie Taoist with sword-like eyes, but now he is injured more and more, his true energy is exhausted, and there is no spiritual stone pill to replenish, and he is completely intimidating. To Zombie Taoist.

Zombie Taoist is also full of confidence, but every time he thinks of Xiao An, he always feels a little uneasy. Suddenly, he opened his eyes wide, and the connection between him and the armored corpse was cut off.

He suddenly lost all his composure, and rushed out of the cave desperately. This is the result of many years of effort, and it must not be thrown away. No matter what the cost, he will regain control of the Ironclad Corpse.

Before he rushed out of the cave, a tall figure blocked the entrance of the cave, which was the iron-clad corpse.

The zombie Taoist hastily recited the Jue and activated his spells, but all the commands he issued fell like stones into the sea, without any response.

Xiao An rang the copper bell, and the armored corpse swung its iron claws, and grabbed the zombie Taoist.

The Zombie Taoist was in disbelief, how could the armored corpse he had refined for so many years be taken away so easily. If this is the case, all the corpse refiners in the world will die.

But the cruel facts are in front of him, and he can't believe it. He has worked hard for ten years, and he only took it out for a while, and then he was taken away by life. Same, nauseatingly want to vomit blood.

"Okay!" Hao Pingyang yelled. Zhang Lanqing and He Yishi also looked happy. They don't understand corpse refining, and they don't know the weirdness in it. They just think that Li Qingshan's luck is so good that it's incredible Turn defeat into victory.

As soon as his mind was confused, his movements became chaotic, a smear of blood suddenly appeared, and the zombie Taoist mouth, leaving four tragic scars, but the pain made him wake up all of a sudden, turned around and fled, leaving the green hills without fear of no firewood, he had already With the experience of refining iron armored corpses, as long as he can escape, there is always a chance to make a comeback.

The armored corpse stood in front of the zombie Taoist, raised his hand and punched out, squeezing the air, making the sound of Ling Lie piercing through the air.

The zombie Taoist instinctively folded in front of him to block it, but the armored corpse forcefully blasted through his protective zhenqi with terrifying power, and sent him flying.

The zombie Taoist stared at the armored corpse with wide eyes. My iron armored corpse cannot be that powerful!

He knows best how much power his own refining tools have. The armored corpse now is much stronger than when he manipulated it just now.

This is of course the credit of Xiao An's blue flames. Her flames can turn ordinary skeletons into powerful warriors. When used on armored corpses, of course, there is a great benefit.

Moreover, when the Zombie Taoist manipulated the Iron Armored Corpse, he only gave orders, and then the Iron Armored Corpse attacked instinctively based on its thirst for blood, without paying attention to any tricks or methods of force.

But Xiaoan is particular. Under the control of the flame, the armored corpse is almost like a clone, she can manipulate it to make the most delicate movements.

It's like an ordinary person who suddenly practiced his internal strength and understood the moves, of course his strength increased greatly.

Before the zombie Taoist came back to his senses, the iron-armored corpse staggered forward, catching up, as if it was moving with some kind of pace under its feet, making it impossible to judge its attack direction, which was very different from the straight-forward attack method.

The zombie Taoist took a big step back, avoiding the attack range of the iron armored corpse's claws, and then watched in disbelief, the iron armored corpse flew a whip tuǐ, violently kicking him in the face.

The shock made the zombie Taoist's expression distort, and he spit out a few teeth. How could the armored corpse know how to flog tuǐ! I've never heard that armored corpses use tuǐ to attack enemies, they always use claws and teeth.

Before the zombie Taoist fell to the ground, the iron armored corpse chased up and grabbed his small tuǐ, threw him over his shoulder, and threw him to the ground hard, then picked him up again, and fell to the stone pillar next to him.

The armored corpse's actions are like a foreign master, a hard bridge and a hard horse, using strength to break cleverness, but speed is not broken.

Li Qingshan also saw that there were many movements, which were imitations of his "Ox Demon Powerful Fist" and "Tiger Demon Bone Refining Fist". Xiaoan had watched Li Qingshan practice these two kinds of fists many times. come out. The zombie Taoist who beat him didn't even have the strength to fight back.

Li Qingshan sighed, as expected, zombies know martial arts, no one can stop them.

ps: If you are not careful, the monthly pass is about to drop out of the 40th place, and the front is not much worse, please work hard, please work hard! I also want to work hard, and the following plots will become more and more powerful... RQ! .

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