Legend of the Great Sage

Chapter 68 The King of Light

Li Qingshan couldn't help frowning. He had known that crazy woman for many years, but he never had a trace of kindness or even familiarity, only deep disgust. 【No popup window..】

She always wanted to find an opportunity to kill her, but she never gave him a reason to take action. Instead, she cooperated with him many times to help him at critical moments.

The same is true now.

He must find her in this giant demon city, even if the massive demons confuse their fate.

He had to slow down his pace, and with the feeling of being alive and dying, he shuttled between high-rise buildings.

There were few pedestrians on the street, and they kept their distance vigilantly.

Li Qingshan felt that it was strange. In the past, most of the demons were on the battlefield. Now, it seems that they are no different from ordinary people. Even the demonic energy on his body has been assimilated by this demonic capital, so it seems nothing special.

Stepping on a pool of standing water, neon swaying and splashing, walking alone in this cold rainy night, suddenly felt a little desolate.

This kind of emotion has been away for many years, and I can't help but ponder it carefully. I recall the Elysium, the enthusiastic square, the carnival people, and happiness is like a dream.

Now waking up from the dream, people are walking alone, indifferent and guarding each other.

The contrast is so strong that he can't help but prick up his ears, wanting to hear something. Eyes wide open, looking for some sight.

So I heard countless moans, curses, and tears, lurking in the depths of the urban forest, and there was a tragedy at every window.

"This fucking place!"

Suddenly, he heard the woman's cry for help, and several men laughed cruelly and gasped with excitement, not far away.

He's a little impatient, it's only been a short while, he's heard enough of this kind of shit, enough to numb the most righteous people, and he is not a righteous man.

However, as if I heard something again, I turned a few corners and stopped at the entrance of a dirty alley.

Deep in the alley, a few demons turned their heads. They all looked young. The oldest was only in his teens, and the youngest looked like a half-year-old child, but they were surly and wielding daggers.

"Go away! There's no place for you here!"

Li Qingshan did not move,

Eyes closed. Strange, after walking around like this, I felt that I was closer to Qian Rongzhi.

Several demons were immediately enraged and surrounded by weapons: "Break his head!" "I want to eat his liver!"

Li Qingshan opened his eyes and activated the earth force field.

With a puff, several demons were crushed by their own weight and turned into a puddle of flesh.

He stood still, closed his eyes again, and continued to follow new clues.

Deep in the alley, a woman came out tremblingly. She was as young as several demons, with a pretty face and petite figure, and she was just a girl.

She came to Li Qingshan, scoffed, tore off all the broken clothes on her body, and flattered: "Master, what do you want to do?"

"Don't play." Li Qingshan felt a little helpless.

The girl's face changed, she turned around and groped for a few pieces of crushed silver from the pools of meat mud, took off her earrings and jewelry, knelt down and raised her hands, all of which were dedicated to Li Qingshan.

"No!" Li Qingshan was even more impatient.

The girl screamed and stepped back: "No, don't kill me! Please!"

"Why should I kill you?" Li Qingshan couldn't help laughing.


The girl was stunned. In her imagination, since it wasn't for sex or money, she could only kill for fun.

"Because I'm a good person." Li Qingshan shook his head, straightened out the clues, and moved on.

The girl was stunned. It took a while for her to react. She chased out of the alley and asked loudly at his back, "What's your name?"

"Lei Feng."

Li Qingshan disappeared into the night without looking back, feeling inexplicably happy.

However, it didn't take long for him to see the girl again, and there was a large group of people beside her, wearing the same black uniforms, some holding fire and water sticks, some carrying chains, all of them were full of flesh and malicious.

The girl pointed at Li Qingshan excitedly: "Master Demon General, that's him, he's that Lei Feng! He didn't want any favors, and he said he was a good person!"

Li Qingshan froze for a moment, his face sank, this woman called the police! Or city management, take care of him! Demons are Demons!

"Very bad, little slut, you have made good reports and you will be rewarded! We will neither let go of a good person, nor wrong a bad person." The demon general grinned and waved his hand: "Take him to me. This kid must be from the Ming Cult!"

puff! A place of muddy flesh, including the devil general.

The girl screamed and fell to the ground softly. In her mind, the demon general was already an invincible powerhouse, and he ended up in the same fate as those gangsters in an instant. What kind of monster is the other party?

Li Qingshan walked step by step, and she fell to the ground softly, unable to even utter the words to beg for mercy, she could only close her eyes and wait for death.

The sound of footsteps passed by her, and she left a sentence: "Next time, I will kill you twice."

It was when he heard the faint heartbeat that he chose to shoot. Now he can't help laughing at himself, he just saved a wicked seed. Of course, the children of the demons are still demons. Rather than being born in such a ghost place, it is better not to be born.

However, what the hell is Mingjiao?

The girl looked bewildered, and it took a long time for her to regain her senses. She touched her slightly bulging belly with both hands, completely ignoring the thoughts of this man named "Lei Feng".

The child in her womb is a kind of devil general. It took her a lot of effort to go to the nursery and sell it for a big price. She was also afraid that the sale would be broken, so she resisted desperately, otherwise it would be nothing to play with those little gangsters.

In short, there must be some big conspiracy!

Li Qingshan circled around the city for a few times, but he never made another move, nor did he find Qian Rongzhi.

Every time I feel very close to her, I always fail suddenly.

Her position was erratic, sometimes in the east, sometimes in the west, if it wasn't for her constantly shifting, there would be some force disrupting her fate and obscuring her location.

I can't help but feel strange, he is a fairy after all, and he has the perfect spirit tortoise blood, how on earth did this woman do it?

At this moment, he felt an aura rapidly approaching, and looking up, a thin figure flew down from the top of the building. The long knife on the sloping back, covered in black, with a flame embroidered on his chest, landed lightly and silently in front of him, stood up and cupped his hands and said, "May I ask your honorable name?"

"Li Qingshan."

The eyes of the man in black flickered, and he became more and more respectful: "Our sect master is invited!"

"Ming Cult?" Li Qingshan looked a little weird.

"Exactly." The man in black was full of pride, his chest could not help but straighten out, and he pulled away his mask: "I am the Blue Winged Bat King, one of the four kings of the Ming Cult.

Li Qingshan's eyes twitched, and he confirmed some conjectures, that bastard woman dared to plagiarize him, um, even though he copied it.

Moreover, the performance of the blue-winged bat king in front of him is really not like a demon. Although his expression is very gloomy, he does not have any surly and evil spirit, but instead has a generous and tragic spirit.

How strange! No matter how you think about it, it's strange, has that crazy woman changed her sex? No, this is impossible!

"Well, are you the leader?"

"The King of Light."

In an instant, the eyes of the blue-winged bat king were filled with reverence and light. (To be continued.)



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