Legend of the Great Sage

Chapter 69 Underground

"King of Light?!"

Li Qingshan thought it was absurd. If that mad woman could be called the "King of Light", shouldn't he call himself the Tathagata Buddha, and his expression couldn't help but mock. 【No popup window..】

The blue-winged bat king looked up at the sky, the rain was still falling, not even a single star, how could there be any light. In the Demon Realm, it is sunny and daytime, and there is only one black day.

"Sir, I know you look down on us despicable demons, but there are countless loyal and just people among the demons. The leader once said to us: the light is in everyone's heart, you are the light of the demon! Even if we all fight After death, thousands of people will stand up and fight against evil!"

Li Qingshan was stunned for a moment, his words came from the bottom of his heart, and he was sincere and did not deceive. Such a person, not to mention in the Demon Realm, is rare in the normal world. He patted him on the shoulder: "You are a good person, take me to see your leader!"

Qian Rongzhi, I'm sorry, what tricks are you doing?

"No!" The blue-winged bat king opened his cloak and soared into the air, flying through the rainy night like a bat to the edge of the city.

The sound of rushing water was deafening, and the sewage discharged from the city formed a large waterfall, pouring into a large swamp, exuding a pungent smell.

Li Qingshan, who was behind Cyan Wing Bat King Chong, nodded and rushed into the waterfall.

Li Qingshan followed closely, and in an instant, a huge black shadow rushed towards his face, and the harsh scream made the air tremble, completely covering up the roar of the waterfall.


The group of black shadows turned out to be countless large bats. He raised his eyebrows and was about to clean them up.

"My lord, please don't hurt them. They are natural checkpoints. Alas, they were originally demons. They couldn't survive on them. They fell into the sewers to feed on garbage, and gradually became demonized."

Perhaps because of being named "Blue Winged Bat King", he has a special emotion for these demonized bats. It just exudes an aura of deterrence, so that the bat does not dare to attack, and turns around frantically.

Li Qingshan also noticed that the bodies of these bats still retain the characteristics of human beings, there are males and females, old and young, but their faces are ferocious and inhuman. But compared to this, the sympathetic eyes of the blue-winged bat king surprised him even more.

Passing through the crowd of bats, his eyes suddenly opened up, and a broad and deep passage appeared, reminding him of the intricate underground caves when he was in Qingzhou.

But everything here is man-made.

The boulders are tightly stacked, and the dome is as high as ten feet away. If you don't consider the good, the evil, the beauty and the ugliness, this Demon City is truly magnificent, more spectacular than any city he has ever seen.

After entering the underground passage, the blue-winged bat king also relaxed a lot, and introduced while leading the way: "Sir, although this is the gluttonous world, all the demons in the demon domain are the disciples and grandsons of the Jiazuo demon god. They are the best at building mechanical equipment. At the same time as the construction of the sewers, the earth and stones that were taken out were built into high-rise buildings. The sect master said that we demon people are actually very smart and hard-working, but they were brainwashed and used, which blinded our hearts.”

"Well, that makes sense."

Li Qingshan nodded, but thought in his heart: Your original heart is not a demon heart, you are more like being brainwashed and used, your leader must have ulterior motives and will betray you in minutes.

There must be some big conspiracy behind this!

"You said that this is the gluttonous world, that is, the territory of the gluttonous devil. It's hard for you not to be suppressed."

Now he is vigilant against all demon gods, not to mention the deity of the demon gods, even the evil gods are not easy to deal with. The more I feel that there is a conspiracy here, Qian Rongzhi is just a demon emperor, why should he fight against it.

"Thank you for your concern, this place has been extended, expanded, collapsed and abandoned countless times for thousands of years. The terrain is intricate and completely turned into a labyrinth. And the power of the Chaos Demon God permeates it. If there is no one to lead the way, even the Demon King will be lost. In the end, I was trapped and died here. If those trash on the ground want to find us, they have to tear down the entire Demon City and completely dig up this area."

Li Qingshan immediately understood what the power that interfered with his divination was. And the deeper into this maze, the stronger the power, but there are still loopholes.

"What if any of you get caught? Like you."

The blue-winged bat king said calmly: "I will destroy the devil's heart immediately. Moreover, we actually don't know the exact location of the main altar."

The passage in front was suddenly interrupted, and it was a dead road that collapsed and abandoned. However, on the vast waterway, there stood a vermilion gate with mottled paint and rusted nails. A golden sun was painted in the center, which was also very dim due to the erosion of time.

Except for the stone lions on both sides of the gate, there is nothing around, just a solitary gate.

"Sir, here we are."

The blue-winged bat king stood in front of the door, and the eyes of the two stone lions suddenly turned, staring at them.

With a creak, the vermilion door slowly opened, Li Qingshan looked around, and there was a chaotic vortex inside.

"Interesting." Li Qingshan took the lead, stepped over the high threshold, and stepped into a temple.

Everything was immersed in the quiet darkness, and a candle burned silently, bursting with light.

Pairs of eyes looked from the darkness, only vigilant but not malicious, when the Blue Winged Bat King appeared, candles surrounded him.

An old man leaning on a cane asked, "Blast King, is this the guest invited by the sect master?"

"Yes, where is the leader?"

"Teach the children in the sanctuary."

A child tugged at the corner of Blue Wing Bat King's shirt: "Uncle Qingyi, is it still raining outside? What does the rain look like?"

"You know when you grow up."

The Blue Winged Bat King smiled and touched the child's head, and was about to speak to Li Qingshan, but found that Li Qingshan's figure had disappeared.

After entering this temple, Li Qingshan immediately grasped the trajectory of fate and determined where Qian Rongzhi was.

In the sanctuary, thousands of candles flickered and reflected in the eyes of the children.

A figure is sitting in the warm candlelight and is teaching: "You are all brothers and sisters, you must love each other..."

The misty voice seemed to come from a distant place, and it was not clear whether it was male or female, old or young, but there was a strange magic that poured directly into the hearts of the children.

"Sect Master, my heart is so uncomfortable!" A child pressed his chest, and a demon heart beat violently, as if it was about to be torn apart, and two thoughts in his heart clashed violently.

But when a hand grabbed his, the pain went away and it became warm.

"Be patient, you know?"


"That's it for today's class, you go down, my guests are here."

Li Qingshan stepped into the sanctuary, staring coldly at the "leader", his eyes pierced through the veil, and found that there was still a layer of chaos behind, and it was almost impossible to see her true face.

The eyes were condensed, and the profound light suddenly appeared, just now completely penetrated.

"Qian Rongzhi, what the hell are you doing?"

"Are you alone?" Qian Rongzhi seemed a little disappointed: "Okay, you are welcome."

"Stop talking nonsense, take me to Qingqi Mountain immediately!"

Li Qingshan decided to ignore what she was doing, maybe she was just crazy and wanted to be the enemy of the world. Even if there is any conspiracy, it will only harm the demons anyway. (To be continued.)



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