Legend of the Great Sage

Chapter 70 Snake Language

"Qingqishan! I almost forgot. [Full text reading..]"

Qian Rongzhi was dressed in a white robe, plain and elegant, with a faint smile on the corner of his mouth, surrounded by candles, with a faint yellow halo, warm and holy.

In an instant, Li Qingshan was a little shaken: Did she really change her temper? Found the beauty of human nature in this ghostly place?

Immediately dismissed the idea: No, she will not change, the devil is the devil, the poisonous snake is the poisonous snake.

Qian Rongzhi was also staring at him, the golden vertical pupils shimmered, reflecting a colorful tiger, lonely and arrogant, brave and quiet.

People are naturally attracted to this kind of charm, but how many people can see his viciousness? No, when tigers slaughter their prey, people are more indulged in this kind of power and beauty, and even feel that this is the manifestation of the laws of nature. The poisonous snake can only be rejected, even if it is only lightly bitten.

The world is really unfair!

"What are you looking at?" Li Qingshan felt very uncomfortable, even being despised and hostile would not make him so unhappy.

"Hey, I'm afraid you're not Qiongqi's opponent." Qian Rongzhi lowered her eyes and sighed in self-pity.

"I have my own way, I don't need you to worry about it. After everything is done, your benefits will be indispensable."

This game of tiger and snake has been played for many times, and there has never been even a trace of friendship, and it has always been a naked exchange of interests.

The tiger shreds its prey head-on, and the poisonous snake sneaks up in the shadows, and then each takes what he needs.

Qian Rongzhi pretended to be stunned: "Oh, I almost forgot, you have the evil heart of the dark sun, as long as you swallow that thing, you can immediately suppress Qiongqi from the level of laws. Even gods, after all, only use laws. ."

"I don't need it!" Li Qingshan said proudly, he would never accept assimilation, whether it was Elysium or Demon Realm.

"Have you never wondered why Motian chose you?"

"What do you want to say?"


"I'm not a good person, but at least I'm still a person, and this is the biggest difference between you and me. You better, right now, set off for me!"

Li Qingshan leaned forward,

Like a ferocious tiger, it lowered its head, showing its fangs.

So the poisonous snake curled up, leaned back, and raised his hands: "Don't scare me, since I promised Xiao An, I will definitely do it. I have already ordered the Guangming Zuo envoy to handle it, but it will take some time, gluttonous world The officials and masters are extremely greedy, and it is not easy to feed them."

"Do what?"

"Customs clearance letter."

"Customs clearance?"

"The core area of ​​the Demon Realm is divided into twelve realms, each dominated by twelve demon gods, and the realms are not directly connected. We are now in the gluttonous realm, and if we want to go to the Qiongqi realm, we have to pass a gate. Just like the scarlet gate when you came in, you can't do it without a customs clearance letter."

"Give me a deadline, I'm in a hurry."

"One month." Qian Rongzhi raised a finger: "Have I ever let you down? Oh, if I didn't have you, I wouldn't be here today, or I'd be dead."

Conspiracies always need strength to cooperate, otherwise they will be backlashed. She is very distressed now, even if the prey is the Qiongqi Demon God, she will not be so embarrassed. The prey this time is the tiger in front of her.

She wants to implement the will of the demon domain, so that this selected man can swallow the demon heart of the black sun and become the king of demon gods.

How to bite him hard without being torn apart by his rage? After all, she still wanted to live to see how the world was destroyed.

He licked his scarlet lips, longing for destruction, longing for death.

Li Qingshan frowned, instinctively feeling a hint of sinister, wanting a clearer premonition, he was immediately swallowed by the chaotic vortex wrapped around her.

He simply asked directly, "What is your purpose?" With a hint of killing intent, "You should know that I hate being calculated."

Qian Rongzhi suddenly got up and asked excitedly, "What do you think of this place?"

Without waiting for Li Qingshan to answer, he continued: "What's interesting is that there are many 'abnormalities' in every world."

With another wave of her sleeves, all the candles were extinguished, and she said mysteriously in the darkness: "They should have been extinguished like these candles, assimilated by the darkness and merged into one. It was I who found them, lit them, and let them take pictures. Brighter more people."


Li Qingshan couldn't understand that there was absolutely no benefit to her doing this, not only would she be repelled by the will of the Demon Domain. If things got bigger, the evil gods and even the demon gods would not let her go, and she would have to be put to death.

"Hehe, if a person is born in darkness, he doesn't find the darkness unbearable until one day, he sees the light.

Li Qingshan was shocked, thinking of the tragic atmosphere on the face of the blue-winged bat king.

"This Demon Realm is like a dark dungeon, with no windows and no way to be broken. The demons are sleeping here, from birth to death, in a daze, being smothered generation after generation. This is simply, simply... so lucky. !"

Qian Rongzhi spoke in a low voice, her face gradually distorted, full of jealousy and resentment, and suddenly a strange smile appeared.

She was jealous that these demons could be born in the demon realm, and resented that they couldn't feel the pain she felt. If you are sold at birth, you will not be betrayed by your biological parents. If everyone is raped, it doesn't matter.

This is not fair!

She waved her hand sharply and lit all the candles again, burning fiercely, casting a frantic and twisted snake shadow on the wall.

"These damn demons, if they don't wake up, how can they taste the taste of despair?"

"You lunatic!"

She chuckled: "They are destined to be rejected and hunted down, witnessing all the evil deeds in the world, hating their identity as demons, full of pain and struggle in their hearts, and finally dying in despair. Because I said to them: everything is there Hope, justice finally triumphs over evil, poof! Hahaha!"

"Hey, you don't know how strange the devil is! Just now, those stupid children, I tortured them to death one by one, and I didn't get much benefit, but now as long as I keep them alive, there will be a steady stream of heavenly relatives every day. , going on like this, it is only a matter of time before becoming a Heretic God."

Li Qingshan fully understood that the entire Ming Sect, all the sects, were her living sacrifices to the Demon Heaven. These demons, whose consciences are still alive, will surely suffer greater pain than death because of their conscience.

Such a vicious idea, ordinary demon people can't even think of it without breaking their heads.

Anger rose, and a sentence was squeezed out of his teeth: "Aren't you afraid that I will kill you?"

Qian Rongzhi said innocently: "They are just some damn demon people, I am leading them to be kind, and even the Buddha will not blame it, Amitabha, Amitabha." Blinking: "If you don't like it, Just let the Ming Sect be dissolved, and let them become 'normal' demons, there's no way, who made you have a big fist?" (To be continued.)



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