Qian Rongzhi's words were like a poisonous blade, aggressive. 【Read the latest chapter..】

Li Qingshan was also questioned immediately. The so-called "normal demon people" are all cruel and tyrannical, and they will do all kinds of evil. If he encounters them, he will kill them. But if left alone, Qian Rongzhi would clearly torture these people with great malice, madly mocking the so-called conscience, justice and hope.

Totally a dilemma. In the final analysis, Demon Domain is not a normal world at all.

Close your eyes and open them again: "Is this your purpose?"

"What purpose?" Qian Rongzhi said with a smile.

"Do you think I care? Are these fiends miserable or happy."


"Maybe the darkness will never subside, maybe hope is just vain, but as long as someone rises up to fight, it can't be said that there is absolutely no hope. Rather, despair is the real vain!"

At this time, the fiery candles had been burned out, and the darkness poured in like a tide.

Li Qingshan's eyes flashed in the darkness: "Who said that darkness is invincible, there is a heat and a light, even if it is like a firefly, it can illuminate a little darkness, without waiting for the sun!"

Along the way, he has not suffered pain, has not experienced despair, does he really have no doubt at all, whether it is possible to reach the Nine Heavens?

In fact, it doesn't matter if you can't get there, it's just a star that guides the way.

The way is not in the sky, but under the feet. Just go forward, even if you take one more step. Even if there are thousands of twists and turns and return to the original shape, as long as there is still a bit of strength, you can move on.

Unless it is to die in battle, there is no need for despair. Rather, it was exactly what I wanted in my life.

Sincerity is both brave and forceful, and in the end, it is strong and unstoppable.

With a strong and determined spirit, Pei Momoyu rushed out of the temple, filling the entire temple, and all the demons felt inexplicably excited.

Qian Rongzhi also retreated, and the poisonous snake could not stop the king of beasts on his way. Once again, he confirmed that this is the charm of the tiger.

Li Qingshan turned and left the church: "You woke them up, that's great! I'll help you too, but don't forget, one month!"

Qian Rongzhi stood quietly in the dark,

Thoughtfully, he smiled faintly.

Li Qingshan wandered alone in the temple, he has his own way to go, and it is impossible to stay here to help these demon people make a revolution.

Just as Brother Niu never took care of him all the time, what he wanted to do should have been sacrificed by himself, how could he rely on the light of others.

But like Brother Niu, he can teach them a set of exercises. This set of exercises should not only be powerful, but also be able to adapt to the environment of the Demon Domain.

He, who has become a big tortoise, has this ability completely. His eyes were unfathomable, and sometimes revealed a mysterious light.

A few days later, the hall of the temple. Clang-dang-dang, the bell rang fast.

All the demons came in a hurry, both men and women, young and old. As Qian Rongzhi said, there was a touch of pain and despair in their expressions that could not be concealed. Like the blue-winged bat king, who can turn pain and despair into generosity and tragic, after all, it is still a minority, and they still have to endure pain and struggle.

"Who are you! Dare to ring the alarm bell?" a shaggy-haired Demon King shouted angrily.

"Brother Lion King, he is the guest invited by the leader, Li Qingshan, Master Li!" The Blue Winged Bat King hurriedly came out to smooth things out: "Sir, please atone, my brother has the most violent temper."

As soon as the Golden Lion King heard the word "leader", he immediately stopped talking, but Li Qingshan was still very angry when he looked at him. Since he was a guest, he should obey the rules.

Li Qingshan said: "I am now teaching you a set of exercises, this set of exercises is called..." After a pause: ""Nine Yang Divine Exercises""

Regardless of the performance of the demons, they recited it word by word.

The golden-haired lion king didn't take it to heart at first, but gradually his expression changed. Those words are like imprinted in my heart, and they contain not only words, but also images, ideas, and insights. Every bit of information was exquisite and natural, and he was fascinated by it.

Li Qingshan motivated the primordial spirit of great freedom, relying on the magical method of heaven, to transmit the heart to the heart, and to empower him. Even a child who is completely ignorant can remember it clearly, and he only needs to constantly comprehend it in his future practice.

And this set of "Nine Yang Divine Art", although the name is still copied, but the content is absolutely original.

He took the "Suppressing Demons Catalog" and "Fighting Demons" as the logical starting point, and then combined his practiced "Boundless Seas", "The Emperor's Extermination of the World", "Zizai Tianshu", and in the Tianshu Tower. The thousands of exercises that have been read over and over have been refined, summarized, and deduced to create a new set of exercises.

Like Guihai Lingzun, he has the perfect spirit tortoise bloodline and the realm of six heavenly tribulations, and he has also read all the books in the Tianshulou. What Guihai Lingzun can do, he can do it.

Moreover, he was also in charge of the peerless exercises such as "Nine Transformations of Gods and Demons", and when he created this set of "Nine Yang Divine Exercises", he incorporated the spirit of fighting the heavens and the earth with tigers and demons.

In this way, it will not be rejected by the will of the Demon Domain. But this is not complacency. As long as this spirit is implemented, it will never succumb to any authority, whether it is a demon or a demon.

Therefore, he is not afraid of spreading this practice, but hopes that it will spread as widely as possible. Even if it can't change the world, it can illuminate the darkness like a candle.

Instead of transforming them into good men, he forged them into warriors.

Although it is impossible to create a practice technique that surpasses his own realm, just like the "Vientiane Heavenly Book", he can only cultivate to the peak of five calamities at the highest, and whether he can survive six calamities depends on his own aptitude and chance.

But to these demon people, it is like rain from the sky, extremely precious.

Even in the human world, it is almost impossible for ordinary people to get a scroll of heavenly books. In this cruel realm where the weak eat the strong, countless people are willing to sacrifice everything in exchange for a set of low-level exercises, but they may not be able to get it.

They even wondered if there was any conspiracy here, and immediately felt ashamed for the idea of ​​such a lowly demon.

The golden-haired lion king and the blue-winged bat king can best understand the meaning of this exercise.

Whoa! All the demons fell to the ground, as if Li Qingshan was the leader of the Ming sect.

Qian Rongzhi watched this scene in the dark, and said silently: "After all, you can't ignore it, and you don't want to ignore it. This is your charm and your biggest weakness."

Li Qingshan, however, had a different insight. Yesterday, Brother Niu passed it on to him, and today he passed it on to others.

The salary is exhausted, and the life is endless.

The small world is turning rapidly, the grass and trees are growing wildly, and the vitality is flourishing.

boom! A new force burst out, filling all limbs and bones.

"Kirin Transformation" actually broke through again, reaching the sixth level.

"Wait, what's going on?"

Li Qingshan's eyes widened, feeling incredible. Since when did "Nine Transformations of Gods and Demons" break through so easily, and that's all in the world of bliss, after all, it was transformed by the unicorn paradise, and the cultivation base of the unicorn transformation is not high.

But this is the Demon Realm, and the unicorn is one of the divine transformations, and it is not bad to be restrained.

There must be some conspiracy in it! (To be continued.)



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