Legend of the Great Sage

Chapter 72 Black Qilin

After Li Qingshan passed on the exercises, he fell into contemplation.

All the changes in "Nine Changes of Gods and Demons" are easy at the beginning, but more difficult as you go on. Even the magical transformations such as tiger demons and ape demons that fit his nature are far from complete.

After all, no matter how compatible the xinxing is, it is only a part of the practice. The accumulation of external resources and the inner spiritual understanding are all indispensable.

And even in terms of xinxing, the "unicorn change" is the most unsuitable change for him, and the most difficult change to practice, and it was difficult from the very beginning. Breaking through the first, second, and third levels, it took a lot of hard work.

Thinking about how easy it was for the Bull Demon and the Tiger Demon, and now his understanding and resources are many times greater than at that time.

So he was ready to fight a protracted battle, and it was not until he accidentally entered the Paradise of Elysium that he began to advance by leaps and bounds.

That is naturally the credit of the Kylin Paradise. Just like Guixu's effect on the tortoise, the influence of a world is very huge, and it can even be said that the environment determines people.

After all, no matter how strong the power of an individual is, compared to the energy possessed by the entire environment, it is only a drop in the ocean. If it is a world with a particularly strong will, it directly determines the way of life for all people.

If a person is born in the Asura way, but is unwilling to fight with others, no matter how talented he is, he will be killed, or he cannot be considered a genius at all.

The woman Qian Rongzhi was barely qualified in the Kyushu world, but in this Demon Realm, she might be a peerless genius that was rarely seen in a thousand years.

Also, because he dominated the will of the five continents world, those people who met in Kyushu back then made rapid progress, such as Yu Zijian, Ruxin, and Han Qiongzhi. There is no need for deliberate care, his emotional tendencies can affect everything.

If it wasn't for a trip to the Returning Market, his spiritual tortoise transformation would never be complete.

Returning to the ruins not only affects his xinxing, but also provides him with endless resources.

Although the price is all memory, and almost destroyed all other changes, but it is all worth it. The further back, the more difficult it was, and the greater the power it brought, which established his current state.

Moreover, it's not just xinxing and resources, but also luck.

The theory of luck is illusory, but it is real. If an ordinary person gets the help of a noble person, he will naturally be able to go smoothly.

What if you get the care and help of the whole world?

Qian Rongzhi fought with Silong, and when Silong was about to escape from the Demon Realm, he bumped into Li Qingshan's hand. This was not just an accident.

Take this Ming Cult as an example, if other Demon Sovereigns came up with the same idea, they wouldn't dare to do this, otherwise they would have been found out long ago.

However, even Li Qingshan couldn't calculate her fate. Compared with ordinary demon people, it was like cheating. You don't need to take the responsibility of the Demon Emperor, but you have the benefits that are far greater than the Demon Emperor.

The black sun demon heart is just around the corner.

What Li Qingshan got was not just cheating, it was simply "The world has already researched and decided, you will be the Demon King."

He should have recited a poem right away: Gouli's country is already dead, how can it be avoided because of misfortune and good fortune. But thinking about it is really unwilling, he is a good chivalrous king, how can he come to this Demon Realm?

"But why? Why did Moyu choose me?"

At first, he thought it was because of all kinds of magical changes, and he got the favor of the devil with the devil in his heart, but now he feels that things are not so simple.

When he thought about it, he raised his thick eyebrows, and his forehead suddenly opened a vertical eye, looking into the laws of heaven and earth. But he could not help but let out a breath.

The blue-winged bat king and the golden-haired lion king just stood up and almost fell down again, looking at each other in amazement: "Evil... Evil God!"

Demon kings like them are already considered super strong in the Demon Domain, and there are actually very few Demon Emperors and Demon Sovereigns.

There are hundreds of millions of people in this demon city, and there are only a dozen demon emperors, one in ten million. There are more Demon Emperors, and it takes nearly a million to produce one.

As for the evil god, that is simply an unreachable existence.

Although the Demon Emperor and Demon Emperor are powerful, they will still die in battle. The Heretic God is already the darling of the Demon Realm, and he will never fall, and is the backbone of the entire Demon Realm.

The ruler of this demon city is an evil god.

Blue Winged Bat King couldn't believe it, and muttered to himself: "The leader is a guest, but he is actually an evil god!"

The golden-haired lion king's eyes gleamed: "No, it should be called a human immortal. If it wasn't for the gods and gods, how could such a technique be created."

"Yes, human fairy."

The Blue Winged Bat King nodded, thinking back to the past, he dared to speak generously in front of a human immortal, expressing his dissatisfaction with his mockery, and he couldn't help sweating like rain.

But this adult not only did not blame him, but encouraged him and treated him as an equal, which was simply incredible. On second thought, isn't this what he yearns for? Generosity, integrity, equality, light.

The golden-haired lion king sighed: "The sect master can invite a high immortal to help, and also pass down such exercises, we Mingjiao have great hope!"

"Yes, there is great hope!"

Hearing this, the eyes of all the demons shone with hope, and they looked up at Li Qingshan, feeling that if this adult led him, it might be possible to overthrow the tyranny of the evil god who ruled this demonic capital. As for the Twelve Demon Gods, they didn't dare to think about it at all.

But he didn't know that Li Qingshan came here this time, and the target was a demon god.

He walked all the way and never looked back. Before I knew it, I had gone so high and so far. Perhaps because of this, he didn't realize that he had already surpassed all living beings and entered the ranks of gods.

Or clearly aware of it, but he wants to smash the statue of the Galan general, and does not want to be worshipped and worshipped by anyone.

So these demons are destined to be disappointed. The purpose of his trip is not to save these conscientious demons, but to lift the blood oath of the Styx, which only concerns himself.

"When the road sees injustice, draw a sword to help" is okay, but "rescue the suffering and save all sentient beings" is still not necessary. He did not come to the Demon Realm to be the savior of the world.

The unicorn timidly took pity on the common people.

But he didn't know what pity was. He didn't pity himself or others. This was the cruelty of a tiger.

However, many years ago, the teenager also touched the intestines and shed tears for a homeless child. That child was named Xiao An.

That's the only exception.

Li Qingshan glanced around a few times with his divine eyes, and had an insight into the operation of the law of the Demon Domain, but it was still unclear why. The laws of heaven and earth are too vast and complicated. His method is like a blind man touching an elephant, unable to grasp its essence at all.

Then there is only one last way.

He transformed into a unicorn mythical beast, with four hooves flying into the sky, flying antlers, fluttering mane, and green scales.

Another moment, his eyes widened suddenly: "How is this possible!?"

In an instant, the billowing demonic energy gathered towards him, and the laws of heaven and earth were twisted for him. The will of the Demon Domain, which has always been full of malice, welcomed him like a mother would welcome a wandering child.

In Qian Rongzhi's perception, the will of the Demon Domain converged on him, as if the Demon Heaven had descended.

No, not the son of destiny, he is the master of this destiny!

However, Li Qingshan did not feel the slightest joy in his heart. The scales and armor were dyed inky with demonic energy, and the blue unicorn turned into a black unicorn, with black horns and black hooves, black mane and black scales, and the eyes that were as warm as a deer became cold and cruel.

"Heaven and earth are not benevolent, and all things are cynical dogs."

This used to be the slogan shouted by millions of demons outside Black Cloud City.

And this black unicorn seems to be the incarnation of this sentence.

Originally, although Li Qingshan had no sympathy for these demons, he had sympathy. Now even this sympathy has disappeared, and the indifferent eyes swept over, as if looking at dead objects.

Taking a deep breath, the demons in the temple, men and women, young and old, strong and weak, all fell to the ground like felled stakes and died.

Only Qian Rongzhi could resist, so the black unicorn stepped forward.

With every step, he stepped deeply on the ground, as if to smash all things to smithereens.

The temple vibrated violently, the crisscrossed underground passages broke and collapsed on a large scale, and the entire demon city was shaking.

The stronger the existence, the more you can feel this terror.

This is where the benevolent divine beast is, it is clearly the most ferocious and evil monster. (To be continued.)} Sexy private room photos show crisp breasts and hips, after 95, the school flower spikes the otaku, please pay attention to the WeChat public account to see the beauty online (Beauty Island search meinvdao123 Press and hold for 3 seconds to copy)

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