Legend of the Great Sage

Chapter 73 Root Cause

Flying over the gray high-rise buildings, in the deepest part of the city's forest, the great evil god who rules this demonic capital suddenly stood up, frowning and staring at the trembling ground beneath his feet.

This demon city was suppressed by the great formation, and there has never been such an obvious earthquake. Something must be happening deep underground! Could it be that group of mice in the ditch, how is this possible? They couldn't have that kind of power, and even he felt some kind of threat.

"It seems that I can't let it go any longer. The ingredients are already fat enough, and it's time to serve! Humph!"

The black unicorn forced Qian Rongzhi to the corner, bowing his head and sniffing her breath.

Qian Rongzhi was swaying as if drunk, and the breath of life quickly left her, but there was no fear on her face, but she looked at the black unicorn with a blurred gaze: "Interesting...hs!"

During the smile, the bright red lips suddenly cracked into a bloody mouth, turning into a colorful venomous snake, biting on the neck of the black unicorn, four sharp snake teeth piercing the black scales, injecting all the bitterness of a lifetime.

The black unicorn roared and felt great pain, shaking his head suddenly, the black unicorn and the big poisonous snake were entangled in a death battle.

Boom boom boom! Several temple pillars were broken one after another, and the temple was about to collapse.

The black unicorn's right front hoof suddenly stepped on the back of the big poisonous snake, blood spattered, and stepped in two!

scoff! The blood of the snake fell on the ground, causing bursts of poisonous mist to fall on the black unicorn, but it slipped down like water without any hindrance.

The big poisonous snake hung half of its body on the black unicorn, and its vitality quickly wilted, but it still did not let go.

The black unicorn opened its big mouth full of sharp teeth, biting the big poisonous snake seven inches with one head, and was about to tear it apart.

Those eyes that were as dark as night gradually showed a trace of struggle. The severe pain not only made him furious, but also awakened his original consciousness.

As if awakened from a nightmare, looking around, two long breaths spewed from his nostrils.

The dead demons groaned and opened their eyes again, wondering what happened.

The big poisonous snake also took the opportunity to connect the body that was broken in two, and turned into a human figure, curled up in a dark corner, his face was as pale as snow, and he still smiled at the black unicorn.

The black unicorn let out a low-pitched anger and faded away the scales all over his body, but his eyes were still as dark as night, without any whiteness.

Half-kneeling on the ground, he suddenly pressed his chest,

After urging the spirit turtle to change, and suppressing the runaway unicorn, his eyes gradually returned to normal, with clear black and white, full of shock.

The earthquake in the magic capital gradually subsided.

"Sect Master!" The two Dharma Kings looked at her face in astonishment, as if it was the first time they had seen it.

Qian Rongzhi waved his hand wearily: "All retreat!"

"According to the order." The demons did not dare to disobey and retreated one after another.

"It's okay!" Qian Rongzhi said softly: "It hurts to be bitten by the 'bitter snake'." At the same time, he licked his pale lips, as if he was reminiscing the taste of that bite.

"Bitter snake?"

Li Qingshan touched his neck, and there were still four red marks left. The pain was still on top of the torture in hell, and he also had lingering fears. But thanks to this, he was able to wake him up in time, otherwise the consequences would be disastrous.

Demon Domain also wants to assimilate him.

"The way of cessation of suffering, the Four Noble Truths of Buddhism, was taught by Xiao An." Qian Rongzhi explained with a smile, and asked curiously, "What happened just now?"

Li Qingshan frowned and pointed to the door: "It's none of your business, you go out too!"

"Okay, I'll order someone to block this place so that people won't disturb it. I'll come to you when the customs clearance ultimatum is completed."

Qian Rongzhi walked away lightly, as if she was in a very happy mood, and even hummed a little tune, as if she had changed herself.

In a blink of an eye, only Li Qingshan was left in the empty hall.

He turned around blankly and sat down on the steps: "How is this possible, no, that's it, this makes sense."

In an instant, everything connected.

In Elysium, the wild night where monsters are rampant, the demon blood evaporated in the sun...

In front of the Mahavira Hall, the blooming lotus flowers, and the questioning and crying of the abbot of Yangon...

"What's the use of this Nalanda Temple? What's the use of this Paradise of Ultimate Bliss? It's better to destroy it!"

Why so sad?

He didn't understand that even if the Paradise of Bliss was transformed by the unicorn paradise, it was nothing more than a demonstration of the great compassion and power of the Buddha, and he should feel proud.

Now it's all understood.

"This Demon Realm is also transformed by the Qilin Paradise!"

This is simply a challenge to common sense. The contrast between Elysium and Demon Realm is simply too great. One is pure land and the other is dirty land.

However, the fact is right in front of him. After he transforms into a unicorn, both the Elysium and the Demon Realm will respond strongly to him. Although the methods are not the same, they are essentially the same.

The Black Sun Demon Heart, like the lotus in the pond, is the embodiment of the laws of heaven and earth, but the nature of the contents is diametrically opposite.

It is as if someone slashed the four seasons in half with one knife, returning to the Pure Land of Bliss in spring and summer, and returning to the filthy land of Demon Realm in autumn and winter.

"If you guess correctly, I'm afraid this is the great work of the Buddha."

In the Pure Land of Bliss, there will always be abundant melons and fruits, and inexhaustible food. Naturally, people don't have to work hard, and they don't have any fighting spirit.

And this is not enough. If the population cannot be controlled, no matter how rich the world is, it will eventually fall into conflict.

One is not everyone can enter the Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss, and the other is that people have no desires in their hearts, which ensures that the quality of life does not decline.

It's human nature to "feed, eat, eat, and think about ****". The residents of Elysium are not cultivators with great determination and wisdom. Most of them are just good people who accumulate virtue and do good deeds. Where did their desires go?

Li Qingshan initially thought it was the Buddha who influenced the world with his great vows, and even brainwashed everyone.

Otherwise, it is not just a matter of desire, good people will also have greed and jealousy, and even good people will fall, and will not "never turn back". Food and clothing alone cannot create such a blissful world.

Now I know it's not that simple.

The original Kylin Paradise, even if it is rich, should not be so rich. Even if there is a barren and desolate land, it should not be as desolate as the Demon Realm.

The Buddha extracted the laws of heaven and earth he needed, and constructed the entire Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss. Not only did he divide the Qilin Paradise into two parts, but it was still interconnected and influenced each other. All desires and evil thoughts would sink into this demonic realm.

The fertile pure land is sparsely populated, while the barren and dirty soil is driven by the demons, and the demons multiply wildly. If they can't feed them, they are sent out in one go to invade and devour other worlds.

It's no wonder that this Demon Realm can exist forever, not because the gods and Buddhas have no ability to destroy the Demon Realm, but because this is part of the setting.

Build a world, use the environment to influence people, shape people with laws, not control people with magical powers.

Such an ingenious idea, such a magnificent power, makes this great demon city, which houses hundreds of millions of demons, as naive as the sand sculptures piled up by children.

Li Qingshan can understand the mood of the abbot in Yangon. He sits in the Pure Land Temple in Heiyun City, watching countless soldiers and demons die in battle, and even more demons were killed by the Zen staff. In the end, he found that the source of everything was himself. In the blissful world that is in the mind, it is inevitable that the belief will collapse and the mind will be in chaos.

The point is that the Demon Domain cannot be destroyed, and the Demon People cannot be transformed. This fundamentally denies the belief in the Pure Land sect of "purifying all sentient beings". It is no wonder that the White Bone Bodhisattva wants to send out Samadhi White Bone Fire.

This is the root of everything. (To be continued.) {Chongqing University big breasts school flower selfie, real child face big breasts photos, please pay attention to the WeChat public account to see the beauty online (Beauty Island search meinvdao123 Press and hold for 3 seconds to copy)

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