Legend of the Great Sage

Chapter 74 The unicorn is dead, the phoenix is ​​old

Li Qingshan was sitting on the high stone steps, holding his head diagonally with his fists and his knees with one hand, frowning in thought.

Yin and Yang, Good and Evil, Buddha and Demon. All kinds, all kinds of colors.

Inadvertently, it revealed a solemn appearance, like a god in a temple, this dark temple is his dojo, lingering in a deep and quiet atmosphere.

"An unmoving is like the earth, quiet and deep like a secret."

If a mortal breaks in by mistake, the first reaction is to worship, and then to pray.

Whether he is willing to accept it or not, he is already a god, whether it is an evil god, a human fairy, or a garan general, it is just a title. Although it is not a true immortal, it is only one step away.

He took out the Black Sun Demon Heart and quietly suspended it in his palm, glowing with a gloomy light.

Understand all this, it is not so much the black sun demon heart, it is better to say that it is the heart of the unicorn, the sacred heart.

This heart no longer releases any breath, and is completely under his control. Even the devil cannot grasp its existence, become something that belongs to him alone, and is deeply tempting him.

"Come on, my beloved son, my sweet son, I have been waiting for a long time to become the master..."

From the depths of the darkness, there is a faint call, which is the eternal thought of the primordial unicorn, and the essence is the fluctuation of the invisible law. Through his primordial spirit, it is translated into vague and intermittent sentences, asking him to swallow this black sun. Demon heart, and carry this mission.

"... to restore the natural order!"

"Natural order?"

Li Qingshan muttered to himself, smelling blood and killing, and he couldn't help shuddering. He recalled a long-term dream: he dreamed that he was the enemy of thousands of people, and the mountain of corpses that was killed directly blocked the sun, and the blood starfish sank.

At that time, he was only a young man in the mountains, and he didn't know any exercises. With just a sigh of wine and anger, he killed the first person in his life and opened up a road of killing, the road of nine days.

That's where it all started.

He now seems to be back before the murder, standing in front of the starting point again, both terrified and dazed.

However, this time, there is no brother Niu to guide him.

Is it a lack of power? Still need more powerful supernatural powers and magic weapons.

No, neither is.

Want power? Simple! How difficult is it to become a true god as long as you swallow this black sun demon heart?

The crux of the matter is not only the black sun demon heart, but also the lotus pond in front of the Mahavira Hall of Nalanda Temple.

Every lotus flower is the embodiment of the law extracted from the unicorn paradise. The golden lotus symbolizes light, the green lotus symbolizes abundance, and the red lotus symbolizes enthusiasm...

However, its essence is another black sun demon heart, the front and back of a coin.

If you swallow the black sun demon heart in your hand again, the two will be reintegrated into one. Not only can he dominate the Demon Realm, but he can also dominate the Elysium.

The so-called "restoration of natural order" is to reunite the two worlds, which is his mission.

At that time, even if he wants to settle down, the world will force him to move forward, and Buddhism will not tolerate him even more.

All contradictions cannot be reconciled, the fire of war will burn into the sky, the anger will tear apart the kingdom of heaven, and the demonic energy will desecrate the pure land. Even if you are slapped on the head by a stroke of the Tathagata's palm, you can't cry out grievances.

He is not afraid of being the enemy of the gods and Buddhas, and he is not afraid of dying in battle, but this time, he is not the only one to sacrifice.

Whether it is the innocent good people in Elysium, or the fallen bad people of all beings in the Demon Realm, they will groan and groan in pain, all the mud and sand will fall, and all the jade and stones will burn.

Without Li Qingshan, they would be much better off, and they couldn't help but hold the Demon Heart of the Black Sun tightly.

"Oh, stop thinking nonsense, do you really think you are the savior of the world? Who can you save?"

"Hey, chivalrous king? Stop joking, you will only be the head of all sins and the source of all evils!"

All of this is not to save anyone, but to restore the natural order, which is the will of Yuanshi Qilin.

However, even if the tiger is bloodthirsty and aggressive, it is far less cruel than the unicorn.

Heaven and earth are not benevolent, and all things are dogs. The unicorn is extremely benevolent, and treats all living beings as dogs.

He seemed to feel that the legendary beast of benevolence was watching him silently, waiting for his dream to come true, as if everything was destined.

He also understood why Brother Niu set up such a test in the first place.

Destiny may have been written, but you still have to make your own choice, accept or reject, all in one thought.

Li Qingshan suddenly raised his head, facing the darkness in the void, and asked a question: "Original unicorn, why is it falling?"

The more he understands the way of the unicorn, the more strange this is.

Darkness and void, no fluctuations.

Li Qingshan shook his head, Yuan Shi Qilin has already fallen, even if the mind still exists, it is also integrated with the entire Qilin Paradise, close to the will of the world, there is no independent and clear thinking, leaving only the original instinctive reaction, it is impossible to be like a living being communicate with him.

He thought about it for a while, and then spit out four words: "The battle to mend the sky?"

The law immediately fluctuated slightly, confirming his conjecture, that it was the imprint hidden in the deepest memory of the world.

However, if it is said that the Yuanshi Spirit Turtle is to seek good luck and avoid evil, and wants to stand on the side of the winner. So what is the purpose of Yuanshi Qilin? Its path should not be involved in any struggle.

Perhaps it is also to maintain the natural order. After all, the "creation of man" is really the biggest destroyer of the natural order. In the end, like the Yuanshi Spirit Turtle, he was killed by the Nuwa clan.

Of course, the will of the world cannot answer such a complex question, unless you become the master of the world, go deep into the memory of the world, and see it with your own eyes.

Li Qingshan's heart moved, and he opened his five fingers again, and the Black Sun Demon Heart was suspended again.

Although he is not yet the master of the world, he holds a key, so he opens his forehead and stares at the devil's heart of the black sun.

In an instant, the Black Sun Demon Heart burst out with the brightest rays of light, and all the thoughts were sucked into it.

"...The Domain of Light Demon is just you, everyone in your heart is always in Mingguang..."

He suddenly heard Qian Rongzhi's voice coming from behind him, and said impatiently, "I didn't let you..."

Halfway through, it stopped abruptly, turning into surprise.

Qian Rongzhi didn't seem to be able to see him, and was exhorting the demons below the steps, but the words were out of order, inexplicable. The demons also appeared out of thin air, their eyes passed through him one after another, and they looked at the "King of Light" on the stage with reverence.

He suddenly understood that he had entered the memory of the world.

Everything was like a fast replay of a movie, and the demons under the stage dispersed and gathered, all walking backwards. People came and went in the temple, shuttled quickly, leaving a series of afterimages.

He saw how the temple was built, and also saw how the criss-crossing sewers shrunk inch by inch with the efforts of countless demons, and saw the rapid decline of high-rise buildings, and the demon city turned into a flat ground.

I also saw how monsters became demons, and how adults became children.

The cloud of smoke changed, the sun and the moon swiftly shuttled in the air, and a big golden hand suddenly appeared and disappeared, leaving behind a red sun that fell to the east.

In another moment, the red sun rises in the west, and the desolate land is restored to lush vegetation.

The warm wind swept a dead bone, and the ants rushed up blackly, using the scraps to piece together a corpse, and the wolves returned pieces of flesh and blood.

In an instant, an elk came back to life and stood up on its knees.

Time flies faster and faster, everything is taken away, everything is returned, up to the origin of everything.

The clear sky, the boundless earth, the galloping beasts... distorted and contracted toward one point, and finally merged into one.

Suddenly jumping out of this point, he saw a half-human, half-dragon man withdrawing that deadly thunder.

The man overlooks everything, sees everything, holds everything, like the sky itself, but the sky is also shattered by his anger, causing the sea to flow and the mountains to collapse.

The dragon roamed beside him, and behind him were thousands of giant dragons. The phoenix spread its splendid wings, covering most of the sky, proudly ignoring the man's threat, and the dazzling light made the dragons retreat.

The picture freezes at this moment, this is the origin of the unicorn world.

Li Qingshan was stunned.

The picture began to shatter from the edge, but from the perspective of Yuanshi Qilin, since he didn't look at the man who killed it, he couldn't hope for the dragon and the phoenix.

In the center of the picture, there is only one woman, with her head held high and her long hair fluttering in the wind. The slender figure stretched upward as far as possible, holding up the broken sky with one hand. The lower body is like a snake, winding between the mountains and the sea.

"Miss Nuwa."

A feeling of admiration arises spontaneously, and Li Qingshan's heart trembles, as if looking at his biological mother, and he can't tell the difference between the past and this life, both of which are the same hard work, tenderness and love, and tears suddenly blurred his eyes.

If you want to stare at her face again, the picture has dimmed, and the darkness has shrouded it again. After returning to the empty temple after thousands of years, it seems like a lifetime.

A sigh echoed in the darkness for a long time: "The unicorn is dead, the phoenix is ​​old... The unicorn is dead, the phoenix is ​​old..." (To be continued.)

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