Li Qingshan woke up from the desolate dream, and immediately closed his eyes, the magnificent picture of the battle to mend the sky was still clearly visible.

The Yuanshi Spirit Turtle lurked in the cross currents of the sea and launched a monstrous flood, submerging the mountains and the earth; the dragons had a head, the wings of the phoenix were soaring, and they faced each other in the sky.

There is also the last look of Yuanshi Qilin. Even if she has never seen her face clearly, she will never forget her figure that fills the sky.

"Miss Nuwa."

Unlike his initial conjecture, Yuanshi Qilin is not against her, but fights for her.

Roads are not the same as choices.

Even if they reach the highest realm of refining the virtual and combining the Tao, even the primordial spirits who coexist with heaven and earth are still sentient beings.

If such a spirit does exist, then there is no difference between it and non-existence.

Yuanshi Qilin showed its "existence", did not follow the innate way of nature, stood by and stood by her, and finally fell under the thunder.

"If the sky is in love, the sky is also old!"

An indescribable mood haunted his mind, once again, staring at the Black Sun Demon Heart in his hand. Motionless, like a god statue, standing from the ancient times to the future.

The temple was silent and silent for a long time.

"Bang!" After some time, a roar broke the silence, and the gate of the temple opened.

The blue-winged bat king staggered in and prostrated himself in front of the "god statue": "Sir, the leader has been captured, please go and save her!"

But when he saw the dark sun in the hand of the "God Statue", he instantly forgot everything, and stared straight at it, with only one thought left: "I must get it! I must get it! "I couldn't help but stepped forward and reached out to grab it.

"God statue" slowly opened his eyes and glanced at him, like a flash of electric light.

The blue-winged bat king stopped abruptly and fell to the ground again, still struggling and uneasily staring at the "Dark Sun Demon Heart".

Li Qingshan understands the temptation of the "Dark Sun Demon Heart" to the demon people, let alone a small demon king, even the demon gods can't resist.

He should not have resisted, but he was unwilling to bear such a fate.

If you sacrifice hundreds of millions of people just to become a god, then Li Qingshan is no longer Li Qingshan, and the "King of Heroes" is a big joke.

Even without this black sun demon heart, he is confident that he can become a god, and he does not have to be bound by this fate.

"Don't be a savior!" He strengthened this belief and put away the demon heart of the black sun: "Let the bliss return to bliss, and the devils return to the devils!"

He lowered his head and asked Blue Winged Bat King, "What happened?"

The blue-winged bat king returned to his normal state, and said with grief and indignation: "Traitor! It must be the left envoy of Guangming who betrayed the leader! When the customs clearance was handed over!"

"Is she still alive?"


The gloomy clouds shrouded the gray city, and the tall buildings stood damp and dull.

Under the street lamps, the cold rain kept falling, as if it would never stop.

However, in the deepest part of the urban forest, there is a restaurant with carved railings and jade, flying eaves and arched corners. The lights are bright and the voices are full of people. It is in sharp contrast with the bleak and decadent scenery around, and there is an unreal feeling.

Outside the building, the wine flag fluttered, with a smiling pig face painted on it.

At this moment, the owner of the pig face is raising the glass, drinking it down, showing the bottom of the glass, and apologizing to the guests for his late arrival.

All the Demon Kings and Demon Emperors in the Demon Capital gathered together, and the Demon Emperor had a seat. It was a large round table with tableware already set on it, and all the Demon Emperors could only stand by and watch.

The Demon Sovereigns have been waiting for a while, but they didn't show the slightest impatience, and even spoke softly. And they are all well-dressed and well-dressed, just like high-class people.

If an ordinary person breaks in, it is impossible to imagine how terrifying their true colors are.

"Congratulations, Lord Heretic God!" The Demon Sovereigns said in unison.

The owner of this pig face is the owner of this "taotie building", and also the owner of this magic capital - the evil spirit Baidou.

The white dolphin evil god is also well-dressed, but with an apron in front of him, a kitchen knife in his hand, the appearance of a chef, and a pig face with a reddish white is even more genial, his hands are lightly waving: "Sit down, Sit down, hum, don't be so polite, just be casual. This is dinner, not war!"

The Demon Sovereigns took their seats one after another, all dignified and solemn, without the slightest slack. In front of the evil spirit Bai Dolphin, if you lose a battle, you may not be punished. If you dare not be serious when you eat, you will definitely die. There was once a demon emperor who pouted while eating, and the evil god Baidou chopped off his head on the spot.

The Demon Emperors didn't even dare to take a breath.

Bai Doo Evil God nodded with satisfaction: "Hmph, today's banquet is called 'Bright Banquet'. All dishes are made from the same ingredients. These ingredients are not easy to come by, and it takes a lot of effort, but as long as you can One bite is worth the effort."

After clapping his hands, a sturdy Demon Emperor came out holding a behemoth and gently placed it beside the Evil God Bai Dolphin. There was a layer of black cloth outside, so I couldn't see what it was.

The evil spirit Bai Dolphin snorted and ripped open the black cloth, revealing a large cross engraved with runes. A woman was bound on it, her upper body was naked, revealing a full body and a slender waist. The lower body is in the shape of a serpent, which is round and slender, with a coquettish color, winding around the cross.

The Demon Sovereigns took a breath, this woman was clearly a Demon Sovereign! Could it be that the appetite of the evil god of white dolphin has become too great to be suppressed, and he has begun to feed on the demon emperor? Can not help but put everyone in danger.

Bai Doo Evil God said with a smile: "I'd like to introduce to you, this is the famous Ming Cult leader!"

The Demon Sovereigns were in an uproar, and they immediately understood the reason for this "Bright Banquet", but they felt incredible. The demon emperors below also looked at each other in disbelief.

Over the years, the Ming sect has been in chaos, and all the demons are speculating about the identity of the leader of the Ming sect.

How is this possible, such kind and righteous actions will definitely be repelled by the devil, and this devil emperor is clearly enveloped by a strong family of gods.

Only the Evil God Bai Dolphin faintly guessed her plan and was amazed at it. If you leave it alone, it won't be long before the Demon Realm will add another evil god.

Beneath the woman's messy hair, her eyes lifted silently, and an image immersed in, through the tense silence of her limbs, vanishing in her heart.

The evil spirit Bai Dolphin turned around and asked her, "Are you?"

Qian Rongzhi smiled and said, "I am."

"What do you have to say?"

"The strong eat the weak, the heaven and the earth are the best."

"good very good!"

The Bai Dolphin Evil God stroked her face and slid all the way down her neck, *a* rising, not ****, but appetite.

"You are the best ingredients I have ever seen, and I will not waste a single bit!"

The evil spirit Bai Dolphin raised the knife and dropped it, flying up more than ten pieces of white flesh that were crystal clear and thin as cicada wings, and fell into the porcelain dishes on the large round table.

Qian Rongzhi didn't have any scars all over his body, but the skin under his ribs suddenly dented. An indescribable pain came from it, and the snake body wrapped tightly around the cross, making a creaking sound.

This knife cut not only flesh and blood, but also soul.

"The first dish, called 'Guangming 脍', humming, can be eaten raw and cut, take its original flavor."

White Dolphin Evil God introduced proudly, and took the initiative to bring a plate to the sturdy Devil Emperor: "Guangming Zuo Envoy, you are doing very well! Eat it!"

"Thank you Evil God, thank Evil God!"

Left Envoy Guangming was both surprised and delighted. He glanced at Qian Rongzhi on the cross and put the piece of meat into his mouth. He immediately showed a look of joy and intoxication. The next moment, his face suddenly changed, becoming as colorful as a snake's tail.

"There is... poisonous... um..."

His hands tightly clasped his neck, and every muscle in his body was twitching, turning into wisps of colorful smoke like a poisonous snake, entangling through his body, and engulfed by poisonous smoke and colorful snakes in a blink of an eye.

The demon emperors were terrified, their bodies leaned back, and they were farther away from the meat in the dish.

Evil God Bai Dolphin waved his hand, dispersed the smoke and snakes, and said with a smile:

"Fugu is poisonous. If you want to know its taste, you have to take some risks. My ingredients are thousands of times more poisonous than puffer fish. Not everyone can bear it. Huh? What are you waiting for?"

Pig's eyes looked at the Demon Sovereigns, and under the brilliant lights, they suddenly seemed a little gloomy.

How dare the Demon Sovereigns wait slowly, while urging the demonic energy to suppress the poison, while sending the piece of "Bright Light" into their mouths.

It melts in your mouth!

In an instant, an extremely delicious taste filled their mouths, and even its own toxicity was part of the taste, but it was not among the five flavors of sour, sweet, bitter, spicy, and salty, but a strong and pure joy that stimulated their minds.


Evil God Bai Dolphin took a sip himself, showing an extremely intoxicated look, he is the chef of the gluttonous devil. Ordinary chefs can only reconcile the five flavors, how can they satisfy the appetite of the devil.

He can take joy as sweet, sadness as bitter, anger as spicy, jealousy as sour... One taste of this will give you all the flavors in the world. Moreover, its taste is ever-changing, and each ingredient is different. No one can predict it before entering it.

"Huh? Wait, why is it sweet? What about the anger of being betrayed by subordinates? What about the fear of being killed and eaten?"

Bai Doo Evil God frowned and tasted it carefully, except for the graceful sweetness in his mouth, he could not taste any other taste. Looking back suddenly, I saw that the corner of the "King of Light"'s lips was slightly hooked, and he was actually laughing.

"what are you laughing at?"

"Fate. Why is it at this time? Hahahaha." Qian Rongzhi thought it was very interesting, her smile was strange and full of malice.

"What fate?" Bai Dolphin Evil God felt anxious for no reason.

"Hurry up and eat! Even if I invite you." Qian Rongzhi raised her chin: "Tiger, it's coming."


A thunderstorm shook the lead cloud, tearing the sky apart.

A pair of red pupils lit up from the darkness, like two burning coals, the tiger walked vigorously through the forest, jumped lightly, stood in front of the taotie building, and pouted: "Isn't it dead?" (To be continued.)

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