Legend of the Great Sage

Chapter 76 Killing

The wind and rain were dark, the thunder was shaking, and the feast was in full swing in the gluttonous building.

"Tiger?" Bai Dolphin Evil God frowned and licked his lips: "Tiger bone soup, hum, it's better."

He waved the kitchen knife in his hand again: "Now, start the second dish!"

There was a sound of swallowing saliva on the big round table, and the demon emperors couldn't wait to look at the falling blade.

One knife, one knife, another knife, like the punishment of lingering, but even more cruel, frying, frying, cooking and stewing, the diners chewed, swallowed, and reminisced, while Qian Rongzhi, who was an ingredient, giggled and watched all this. .

"Come on, eat! The weak eat the strong, the nature of the world is like this, why cover up, why pretend, who doesn't eat people, who doesn't get eaten? All happiness is the happiness of eating, and all suffering is eaten. pain."

Snake hissing, inciting frenzy, pushing the feast to *.

The Evil God Bai Dolphin was also shaken: "This woman!" Such a feast was originally a ceremony for him to sacrifice to the devil to gain more favors. However, at this time, it was discovered that the care that shrouded her was getting stronger and stronger, but he, the "priest priest", had gained very little and stole the prayer of his identity.

Her eyes made him even more unbearable, as if looking at a sacrificed pig's head.

In a trance, the difference between the diners and the food was blurred, as if she was not being eaten, but was eating. She is the sacrificer, and they are sacrifices.

An unease is getting stronger and stronger, as if something is wrong! "No, it's impossible, it must be an illusion. This is the depths of the Demon Realm and my territory. Unless the Emperor Zhenwu comes in person, otherwise..."


The door was open, the building was full of wind and rain, and the lights swayed wildly, throwing a long figure into the stormy night.

The white dolphin evil god's hand holding the knife trembled slightly, and the group of demons looked up.

A man stood outside the door, dressed in wind and rain, his long hair fluttered in the wind, like a fire. The thick brows are wrinkled, and below are two burning red eyes.

He glanced at Qian Rongzhi's skinny body, greedy diners, and dazzling tableware, and finally landed on the chef with the pig's head.

"These damn demons!"

Over the vermilion threshold,

He strode in, as calmly as walking into his own door.

A Demon Sovereign slapped the table, got up and shouted: "Stop! Who are you, dare to break into the gluttonous building!"

The devil emperors immediately surrounded them. When they wanted to come, they were nothing more than the remnants of the Ming Cult. The leader still let them slaughter them. Anyone who came would be sent to death, just to show it in front of the Heretic God.

The other Demon Sovereigns thought the same, Yuzai wiped his mouth and leaned back on the high-back seat.

"These Mingjiao guys really don't want to die!"

"Just in time, there is one more side dish, you can change the taste."

"Yeah, that woman's meat is getting sweeter and sweeter. I'm a little tired of it. Oh no, my lord, am I not questioning your cooking skills?"

Bai Dou Evil God turned a deaf ear to all of this, just stared at the person who came, his heart was beating wildly, an indescribable sense of terror flooded into his heart, he felt that he was not staying in a brightly lit gluttonous building, surrounded by a group of powerful men. .

Instead, he walked alone in the dark jungle and met the wandering beastmaster. Those so-called subordinates were just a group of noisy crows, but he really became a pig.

Qian Rongzhi smiled and said, "Sir, the tiger bone you ordered has arrived, and it tastes really good." Licking her lips, "But I want to taste your taste more."

The evil spirit Bai Dolphin ripped off his apron, swung the kitchen knife sharply, and pointed at Li Qingshan: "It's a disaster for him, a disaster for him!"

The power of the evil god was activated, and the whole gluttonous building came to life, the walls squirmed and seeped blood, and the mouths of the blood basins were split open.

Roaring loudly: "This is my restaurant, my magic capital, only I can eat people, no one! No one can eat a piece of my meat!"

With an order, the Demon Emperors swarmed up. The Demon Sovereigns didn't dare to neglect, they moved, mainly to act like they were. Because from the beginning to the end, the visitors didn't show any aura that made them feel threatened, and they didn't understand why the evil spirit Bai Dolphin was so angry, it seemed, there was still a trace of panic?

The lights dimmed suddenly, and the dark and turbulent demonic energy collided in the narrow space, rushing towards Li Qingshan like a frenzy.

Li Qingshan suddenly opened his mouth and swallowed the billowing demonic energy.


The violent and mournful tiger roar washed over everything.

The devil emperors were the first to bear the brunt, and they couldn't even hear the tiger's roar, and they turned to dust in the sound of the tiger's roar.

However, this is just the beginning, he seems to be pouring out all the struggles in his heart and the blocks in his chest.

The expressions of the demon emperors changed drastically, desperately urging the demon hearts to resist with magic power. Some try to demonize and use their powerful bodies to resist.

But that so-called defense is as brittle as paper. A powerful demon body is not much different from a piece of rotten meat.

The roar of the tiger ripped apart everything, poured into their bodies, and the demon hearts burst.

After six calamities, Li Qingshan's "unicorn transformation" has broken through several times, and his strength has made great progress. The so-called "Evil Emperor" is no longer his opponent.

It was impossible to kill with such a simple move. If it was an ordinary human being, it would be impossible not to do this step. After all, this is the depths of the Demon Realm, and the suppression of the Demon Realm Law alone is unbearable.

However, he is special, every move, even if he has not swallowed the heart of the black sun, the Qilin's blood is still flowing.

Mo Tian was echoing him all the time, especially when he was using his full power to perform magical powers, he heard the wind whisper: "My proud son, my beloved son..."

With just one move, all the demon emperors were killed, and the demon emperors were all wiped out.

However, this is not the tiger's prey. A pair of red eyes are always watching the evil spirit Bai Dolphin, and this tiger roar is also directed at him. At the moment when the tiger roared into the sky and the devil's heart burst, he jumped.

"How is this possible!? Who are you?"

Evil God Bai Dolphin couldn't believe his eyes, it was impossible for him to kill so many demon emperors in one move. However, the pair of red-red pupils seemed to have been caught in a nightmare, so terrified that they could not move.

Crows scattered, tigers hunt pigs!

However, Bai Doo Evil God is not a pig after all. At the juncture of life and death, he waved the kitchen knife in his hand and chopped it head-on.

This kitchen knife of his is not an ordinary magic weapon, but a spiritual treasure bestowed by the gluttonous demon god, even a human being can't resist it, and he is ruthless in his heart: "If you dare to spare no effort like this, watch me cut you in half with one knife!"

At this moment, the tiger opened its fangs. An ancient bronze sword was unsheathed, the mountains, rivers, vegetation, sun, moon, and stars were all in it, spinning endlessly.

The evil spirit Bai Dolphin felt a chill in his heart, and without hesitation, he withdrew his sword and left, but it was already a step too late.

puff! Blood splattered, and the arm holding the knife flew up.

The lion fights the rabbit with all his strength, not to mention facing an evil god in the enemy's territory.

However, even the Heretic God couldn't match his all-out attack.

With a loud bang, the demon hearts of the demon emperors exploded completely, blasting the entire gluttonous building, and engulfing dozens of high-rise buildings around them one after another, rushing out the dark clouds in the sky. (To be continued.)

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