Clouds open, moon breaks.

A full moon is extraordinarily huge, hanging like a silver plate in the sky, brighter than the daytime.

The magic capital shook, the tall buildings swayed, and the demons swarmed the streets one after another, staring at the bright moon in amazement. Such a sight is really rare.

Li Qingshan stood on the ruins, holding an ancient bronze sword in one hand and a broken arm in the other.

The lion fights the rabbit with all his strength, let alone against an evil god, even if it looks like a pig.

The wild boars in the mountains and forests, the tigers also dare not be careless.

He didn't hold back at all, as soon as he made a shot, it was a lore. He knew the power of this ancient bronze sword best, but if Bai Dou Evil God reacted a little slower, what would be left now would be a pig's head.

"Sure enough, the evil god is not so easy to kill."

He casually dropped the broken arm, but Qian Rongzhi picked it up smoothly: "Don't litter, this is the hand of the evil god." Then he took a bite, sweet blood overflowing his mouth.

"In addition to clearing the customs ultimatum, is there any other way?"

"Yes, yes, but you have to deal with this pig and talk about it!" Qian Rongzhi pointed to the sky while burying his head in the pig's trotters.

Li Qingshan looked over in the direction of her finger, the white dolphin evil god hovering above the bright moon, with an extremely hideous pig face, staring at Li Qingshan with resentment, and the bronze ancient sword in his hand, his face twisted, he couldn't hide it. fear in it.

"who are you?!"

In fact, the evil gods are the same as human immortals. The most powerful thing is their insight and application of laws. Even if they cannot control a certain law like a true god and a true immortal, it is enough to completely distinguish them from ordinary practitioners.

The Evil God is to the Demon Realm, just like the Dou God is to the Asura Road, he is protected by the care of one world, and his combat power is far higher than that of the human beings. Even the Liuding, Liujia and Jialan gods would never dare to go deep into the Demon Realm alone.

However, at the moment of the confrontation just now, Mo Tian abandoned Bai Dou Evil God, the real evil god and his own son, and blessed this man of unknown origin with all his blessings, and even suppressed his perception in turn, only to realize it at the last moment. to a life-and-death crisis.

Even though the will of the Demon Domain has always been chaotic and evil, such a thing is simply too incredible!

"How dare you not escape.


Li Qingshan said in amazement, the sword just now was considered a clear winner. Although the pig's head could not be cut off, the cut off arm would never grow back.

Bai Dou Evil God has also noticed this. In the past, such an injury was nothing at all, and he could even directly control the broken arm, which was even more powerful than a magic weapon. But now I can't feel the existence of the broken arm at all, I can only watch it being eaten up.

Qian Rongzhi's greed sucked the flesh and blood from the last little finger, and praised to the sky, "As expected of the 'handicraft' of Lord Baidou Evil God, it tastes great!" She burped.

This is not a sarcasm. The flesh and blood of the white dolphin may have absorbed the essence of all things. It does have a very wonderful taste and a power like a sea.

She had been eaten skin and bones, but now she gnawed on this pig's hand, and she became fat as if she was inflated, and became a big fat woman. The original water snake waist became the thickest part of the body. All snakes are round.

Moreover, the blessing of the devil has become stronger and stronger, confirming that she is the chief sacrifice of this sacrifice.

The Evil God Bai Dolphin was extremely angry and hated. The power he had accumulated so much, at least one-tenth of his total power, was taken away just like that. It's all this man, and this strange sword!

However, when he looked at the ancient bronze sword, the pig's eyes were full of greed again. As long as he got this sword and dedicated it to the gluttonous devil, he would be able to get double compensation.

After thinking about it, he coughed twice: "Hum, this is my magic capital, why should I run away?"

"If you don't escape, then fight again!"

Li Qingshan swung the ancient bronze sword again, and felt a little tricky in his heart. He couldn't kill the pig in one move just now. If the pig suddenly scurried and tried to hide and seek with him wholeheartedly, it would be really difficult to kill him. And if you leave it alone, I am afraid that it will be embellished again, and countless incidents will occur, and you will not be able to sneak into Qingqi Mountain.

After all, the higher the cultivation base, the more difficult it is to kill. Even if he has an absolute advantage, he cannot easily separate life and death. Unless it is to throw another big mountain, but just to deal with such a product, it is not like dealing with the sneak attack of Wuhua Ghost Immortal, they are a big difference between each other, I really feel that it is not worth it, and I feel that this practice is all in vain. .

"Wait!" Bai Dolphin Evil God said confidently: "You are here to serve the Demon Realm!"

In the history of the Demon Realm, many immortals entered the Demon Realm in order to escape from reincarnation and turned into evil gods. For many practitioners, sentient beings are like ants, there is no such thing as good or evil, everything is for existence, and existence is everything.

Evil God Bai Dolphin thought that Li Qingshan was the same. This was the most reasonable inference, otherwise it would not make sense to go deep into the Demon Realm. And the entire Ming Sect and this woman are all pieces thrown by him. Through this special method, they have obtained the favor of the devil and completely transformed into the evil god. Then everything makes sense.

Pigs are actually not stupid, but smarter than most animals, but this "tiger" is not reasonable at all.

Li Qingshan's heart moved, and he said calmly, "So what?"

"No matter what status you were in the past, hum, when you arrive in the Demon Domain, you have to start from scratch. I am your senior."

Li Qingshan's heart was not fluctuating, and he still wanted to laugh: "You are worthy of being my senior just because of your pig head?"

Evil God Bai Dolphin said proudly: "I am the number one evil god under the command of Demon God Taotie. Hehe, Master Taotie can't leave me without anyone. Do you think I am qualified to be your senior?"

"Stop talking nonsense, fight without fighting, escape without escaping, what do you think?"

"Hey, you know you've already made a big disaster! As long as I go to the 'Jinyun Restaurant' to sue you..." Bai Doo Evil God wanted to hand over to the sky, but found that he only had one arm left, so he put it down embarrassingly: "Master Taotie will never let you go!"

Li Qingshan's expression changed: "Taotie Demon God!" There was a hint of fear in the panic.

Qian Rongzhi couldn't stop watching after one glance, her acting skills were too bad.

Bai Dou Evil God said in a persuasive manner: "As long as you offer up that sword and hand over that woman, I will spare you this time, and I will say a few good words for you in front of the Great God Taotie, so that you can be placed under the command of the 'Jinyun Restaurant'. ,how?"

"This woman can't do it!" Li Qingshan said flatly, otherwise why would he come to save people.

Bai Dou Evil God pretended to think about it: "Okay, just that sword! It's not for me, it's a gift from you to Lord Taotie."

Li Qingshan pretended to struggle for a while: "Okay!" Holding the ancient bronze sword in both hands, he thought in his heart: "This time, we must cut off the pig's head!"

The evil spirit Bai Dolphin descended slowly from the sky, a glint of pride flashed in the pig's eyes, and he also thought in his heart, "Without this sword, why would you still fight with me!"

In their eyes, the other party is already dead. More precisely, dead pigs and dead tigers.

Qian Rongzhi simply closed her eyes, ignoring their mutual acting skills here, her fat face was full of contempt. (To be continued.)

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