Legend of the Great Sage

Chapter 78 Heavenly Sword

Li Qingshan quietly clenched the ancient bronze sword, waiting for a thunderous strike to break it completely.

The evil spirit Bai Dolphin slowly descended, and the evil spirit aura spread out, covering the sky and covering the bright moon. Feeling this breath, hundreds of millions of demons fell to their knees.

This is the majesty of the evil god, only below the twelve demon gods and above the trillions of sentient beings.

Qian Rongzhi smiled. In her eyes, it was just a pig, a wild boar that was afraid of a ferocious tiger and tried to bluff, and passed on the message to Li Qingshan: "Hurry up and finish, gluttonous will come at any time!"

With a pig bone, she turned around and got into the sewer. As long as she digests the power of this evil god, and then completes this sacrifice, offering that pig head to the devil, the blessings she gets will be enough to open up her path to the evil god.

Unless Li Qingshan is defeated, she will be buried with her. However, this is the Demon Territory, and the Demon Heaven is probably not so concerned about the twelve Demon Gods. It is definitely not the home of the evil gods.

The evil spirit Bai Dolphin descended into the air and suddenly stopped: "You throw your sword over here."

"Hey, why?" Li Qingshan frowned, expressing confusion.

"Stop talking nonsense, let you throw it away! Otherwise, I will leave now and go to the 'Jinyun Restaurant' to report to the gluttonous devil!"

The Bai Dolphin Evil God sternly threatened, but he was clearly stern and did not dare to get too close to Li Qingshan. If it gets closer to the place where the tiger swoops, it may be more than just an arm that is lost.

Li Qingshan smiled and shook his head: "No, you can't throw it away, this sword is extraordinary, you must come and get it yourself!"

The evil spirit Bai Dolphin said angrily, "Do you think I'm stupid?"

"God, haven't you looked in the mirror?" Li Qingshan exclaimed, how this pig face looks has nothing to do with shrewdness.

Bai Dou Evil God's face twitched, and he resisted his anger: "I think you still have bad intentions, hum, are you going to throw it away?"

"Don't throw!"

"Young man, you have to give up, you can get it, hum, I can't bear to have a sword in this mere mere sword, how can the gluttonous devil tolerate you?"

"I'm afraid that the meat buns will beat the dog, oh no, the pig will never come back!"

"In that case, hum, I have to go."

The evil spirit Bai Dolphin is about to leave,

Li Qingshan suddenly said helplessly: "Okay, okay, then I'll give it to you, pick it up!"

While speaking, he struggled to throw the ancient bronze sword into the sky.

White Dolphin Evil God thought he had a plan, and suppressed the ecstasy in his heart: "Idiot, your death is imminent!"

He opened his five fingers and grabbed the ancient bronze sword that was flying in, but it crossed the sword body in a staggered way.

Looking at Li Qingshan again, he still stood there and said with a sneer, "You pig with a big head and a thick neck, why are you pretending to be Zhuge Liang like me!"

Under the gaze of the evil spirit Bai Dolphin, the whole body swayed.

Jinghuashuiyue - once a great supernatural power, now all supernatural powers of "Spiritual Turtle Transformation" have been integrated, and the power has become stronger, true and false, false and true, acquaintances can distinguish.

"not good!"

"Look at the sword!"

A stern shout sounded from behind the Evil God Bai Dolphin, which contained a tiger roar. The shock made him paralyzed and his liver and gallbladder torn apart. A pair of red pupils suddenly lit up from the void. He held a sword in one hand and the handle in the other, and the long sword came out of its sheath.

However, Jianfeng and Jianguang were not seen, and even Li Qingshan's figure disappeared, and a quiet and wonderful feeling came to my heart.

Only a bright moon, through the clouds, sheds clear light, condenses into a bunch, and falls on this huge pig's head.

Heaven and earth hide swords, the sun, moon, stars, mountains, rivers and trees can all be swords.

This sword is the "Moon Sword".

Li Qingshan had an idea and made it at will, but it naturally fits the laws of the devil's world, or in other words, the laws of the devil are in line with his thoughts.

A sword will come out, like a catastrophe, there is no escape, there is no escape.

A hint of enlightenment rose in my heart: "So, this is the true power of this sword! My strength is too weak, without the cooperation of the world's will, I can't control this sword at all, it's like using a peerless weapon as a fire stick. Come and use it. I am afraid that you will have to reach the realm of refining the virtual and the Tao before you can exert all its power! Who is that man in the bear skin?"

At this moment, it is not even that he is transporting the sword, but this sword is inspiring the law of heaven and earth, pushing him, without consuming him a bit of energy, and even having time to think wildly.

Such a sword would be difficult for him to resist. In his eyes, Bai Doo Evil God was already a dead pig.

However, the evil spirit Bai Dolphin was unwilling to die. The pig let out a shrill howl, and stretched out two long fangs. Layers of black mane appeared on his back and neck, and he rushed forward desperately.

This mana is his strongest defense, and the magic weapon is hard to hurt, even if the true immortal shoots, if it hits his back, it will be difficult to take his life.

However, the bright moon hangs high, and the moonlight is like water, continuous, invincible, and pervasive.

The layers of mane rustled down, and Yuehua quietly penetrated through the thick pig skin, immersed in the bones and soul, and the chill was deep.

This sword is the "Sword of Taiyin".

Wherever the evil spirit of the white dolphin rushes, the moonlight shines.

Ordinary swordsmanship, no matter how grand and grand, always has its end.

However, this sword seems to be endless. Manpower is sometimes poor, but the bright moon hangs high. Moonlight is inexhaustible and inexhaustible, how can it be exhausted. The laws of heaven and earth go back and forth, never ending.

All things in the world are for my use.

Bai Dolphin Evil God howled: "You forced me! Come on, my slaves, give me all your power!"

Hearing these words, hundreds of millions of demons fell to the ground, shouting his divine name.

In an instant, thousands of dark red beams of light shot up into the sky.

He is also a god, and this is his fief. There are thousands of temples scattered throughout the demon city, enshrining his idols, and accumulating the power of faith like a sea of ​​abyss.

These powers do not belong to him. From a certain point of view, they are only kept for the gluttonous demon god, and once consumed, it is difficult to replenish and will be punished. But at this juncture of life and death, he couldn't care about this much, and all of them were mobilized to fight Li Qingshan to the death.

A beam of light poured into his body, swelled frantically, blocking the moonlight. Even the severed arm was condensed with this strength.

The law of man is superior to the sky, and the power of the law of heaven and earth can only be contested by the human heart, and the Demon Realm is no exception.

"I'm going to kill you!"

"is that so?"

Li Qingshan's thoughts moved, and it was as cold as Yuehua, and he suddenly remembered the half-human, half-dragon man in the picture of the battle of the sky, and understood how he felt.

All living beings, ants, have no pity. He seemed to be with the bright moon. Looking down from the sky, the huge magic capital was just an ant's nest. Its existence was meaningless, and it would be fine to step on it.

After a second thought, the moonlight shrouded in the white dolphin evil spirit suddenly dispersed, and thousands of paths fell into the magic capital.

Between high-rise buildings, hundreds of thousands of demons gathered on a main road, kowtowing and praying constantly, and Yuehua Avenue passed by.

All the demons who worshipped, their movements stopped, as if time stood still.

In another instant, they all fell to the ground, banging sound, and the corpses were scattered all over the place, and there was no sound.

Yuehua gathers, separates and reunites, and sometimes gathers together to freeze the statues of the temples and gods, and then disperses to clean up the foundation of faith, that is, the demons.

Bai Dou Evil God was stunned and trembled: "He... Does he want to kill all these hundreds of millions of demon people?"

Even though he was accustomed to the slaughter, this emotionless, silent and clean scene still made him shudder, letting him know that he was not as brutal as he imagined.

He waved the arm that had just condensed and wanted to launch a counterattack, but what was the counterattack? the moon? Still the devil!

Li Qingshan disappeared and was everywhere, parallel to the law.

At this moment, he is God!

There is no god under heaven. (To be continued.)

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