Legend of the Great Sage

Chapter 79 Dragon Transformation

In the depths of the pitch-black sewer, a large snake crawls and crawls, its scales shining with coquettish brilliance. cannot accommodate.

The scale of this sacrifice far exceeded her expectations. It was no longer limited to the gluttonous building. The entire demon became an altar, and hundreds of millions of demons were sacrifices.

"Tsk, I'm just a priest, and I have a little benefit. If he is willing to become a demon and accept the blessing of the demon, what is the difficulty of becoming a demon?"

The chief priest, as the name implies, presides over the sacrifice, divides blood and food, and prays for God's blessing. Just as the younger generation pleases the elder, the servant flatters the master.

The Son of Heaven, the so-called "Son of Heaven" in the world, is still a son after all. So throughout the ages, all the emperors have to sacrifice to the gods.

At this moment, Li Qingshan seems to be the existence of "Heaven", the owner of all sacrifices, and the recipient of the entire ceremony.

However, he does not have a demon heart in his body, nor is he a demon citizen, nor does he accept this favor. He just wants to use the law of heaven and earth and the sword in his hand to win this battle.

Bai Dolphin Evil God is still struggling, using various methods and casting various supernatural powers and spells, he has the great power to move mountains and fill seas, but now he seems so powerless. His face became more and more hideous, unable to hide the horror,

The pig's eyes stared at the sky, suddenly condensing all the power in his mouth, and toward the bright moon in the sky, a dark red shock wave erupted.

It's not that he acted indiscriminately. He found the trajectory of the law and tried to interrupt the sword's momentum.

He succeeded, the sky was full of moonlight, and it was dim for one. As soon as he showed his ecstatic expression, the moonlight returned to its brightness.

The water is more flowing when the knife is cut off. Even if the rivers and rivers are cut off, how can they cut off the replacement of the sun and the moon, and the rotation of the four seasons.

Li Qingshan also pushed the law at will, and the dark red shock wave rose to the extreme, suddenly flipped, and shot down towards the evil spirit of the white dolphin.

And this power originally belonged to him, and the opportunity to pull it was unavoidable.

With a loud bang, it fell to the ground, hundreds of high-rise buildings were flattened by the aftermath, and a mushroom cloud rose in the city.

The evil spirit Bai Dolphin vomited a mouthful of blood, and one of his long fangs was broken.

Just in response to such a sentence, the person who spit in the sky will eventually land on his face.

The white dolphin evil god is desperate,

He was like a pig tied to the altar, how he struggled and howled, to no avail. The source of his power, the foundation of his faith, is being rapidly destroyed.

In an instant, tens of millions of demons died, and in the two world wars in the previous life, the number of deaths was only the same.

And with the passage of time and the shifting of the lunar month, this number is still rising rapidly.

Whether it is male, female, young or old, good or bad, everything is dictated by heaven, but Li Qingshan's heart has no fluctuations, as if it is just a number, just an ant.

And there is no need to pretend that he is punishing evil and promoting good, there is no anger and hatred, or even the natural way of Qilin, he wants to win this battle, that's all.

Li Qingshan suddenly heard a voice, if it was there or not, it was illusory.

A move in my heart, that is Longyin! Not from the outside world, but from the depths of his soul, where "Nine Changes of Gods and Demons" resides.

In "Nine Changes of Gods and Demons", except for one unknown change, there are four magical changes and four magical changes. He has understood three kinds of changes, and each has one change.

He had already guessed what the last divine change was, but unfortunately he never had the chance to comprehend it.

"Maybe, right now!"

Li Qingshan took out the dragon ball obtained from Lin Xuan and put it on, and the sound of the dragon's roar became much clearer, but it was still intermittent, not enough to truly comprehend.

"What's still missing? Is it a lack of realm?"

He also mobilized the trade winds given to him by the Great Venerable Master, and entered the realm of "non-ideal, non-non-ideal execution". This kind of realm consumes a lot of energy, even if it is a human being, it will be easy to do in a while.

However, he is with the heaven and the earth at this time, and the blessings of the devil are endless. Although there is no way to convert it into his own power, once he gets out of this state, it will dissipate, but like the power of faith, it can be used.

In an instant, the laws of heaven and earth became extremely clear. How the sun and the moon change, and how the seasons change, are all within sight and at your fingertips.

This is already close to the state of a true god and a true immortal. The only difference is that he cannot really control the laws of heaven and earth, but only relies on the ancient bronze sword and the blessing of the devil.

Although knowledge cannot be directly transformed into power, knowledge is the source of all power.

At this time, the evil spirit Bai Dolphin no longer had any fighting spirit, and a cloud of blood erupted all over his body, and he displayed the "Blood Escape Movement*", which directly broke the void and moved to the "Jinyun Restaurant".

He also left a cruel sentence: "The devil will not let you go!"

Li Qingshan clearly saw how the laws of heaven and earth work when he casts spells. Mainly not by its own power, it is more similar to the remote control of the previous life, press a button, signal transmission, TV turntable. For someone who hasn't seen TV, it's amazing, and it's completely incomprehensible how he did it.

If this world is compared to a big TV, the internal structure is a trillion trillion times more complicated, the so-called magic is to find the signal that can arouse its reflection, and press it lightly.

Li Qingshan pointed his hand and interrupted the signal.

Seeing the white dolphin evil god's figure become blurred and clear again, the cruel words are still echoing, but there is only deep fear in its owner's heart.

At this time, hundreds of millions of demons died. All the temples were destroyed.

Only this last offering remains.

Li Qingshan raised his hand again, and the full sky and the moon were folded into one.

The evil spirit Bai Dolphin collapsed, knelt on the ground, and kowtowed: "Shangxian spare your life, Shangxian spare your life!"

Li Qingshan waved his hand, the moonlight fell, condensed into the sword's edge, the pig's head fell to the ground, the sacrifice was completed, and the heavenly family descended.

The white dolphin evil god fell, and died like an ordinary demon.

Under the sky, the evil gods are also ants.

A big snake broke through the ground, swallowed the pig's head and body, and said to the sky, "Taotie will come soon!"

As if he had never heard of it, Li Qingshan had solved the trouble of the Bai Dolphin Evil God, and he could finally concentrate all his energy on himself and listen to the sound of the dragon's roar.

Dragon Yin is still very small, and in a blink of an eye, it resounds throughout the small world, and the dragon shadow appears, rises, changes, and travels in the meantime, but it is still not very real.

He tried desperately to catch it, but was always missing.

Suddenly, he recalled the magnificent picture of the battle of mending the sky, looked away from the goddess Nuwa, and focused on the man who was half human and half dragon.

If Mother Nuwa is a loving mother, then he is like a majestic father. Although he doesn't seem to like the human child very much, he has a preference for the dragon family.

"I am also a descendant of the dragon!"

All these feelings merged into a wonderful feeling, which was transformed into a sentence that people could understand.

"Shenlong Tianxingtong good fortune!"

As soon as the words were spoken, the last divine transformation was suddenly opened!

In an instant, the mighty dragon roar resounded through the heavens and the earth.

Li Qingshan finally comprehended the last divine transformation - the divine dragon transformation.

The name of its exercise method is "Shenlong Qianyuan Dao" (to be continued.)

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