Legend of the Great Sage

Chapter 80 Dragon Spirit

Li Qingshan's mind was still in the magnificent picture of the Battle of the Sky, staring at the half-human, half-dragon man for a long time, already knowing his identity.

"Holy King Fuxi."

There is an ancient cloud saying: "Fuxi has a scaled body, and Nuwa has a snake body." One is half-human, half-dragon, and the other is half-human and half-snake. They are the gods of the beginning, and they are also brother and sister husband and wife.

Fuxi is both the father god and the dragon god.

Chaos is Wuji, Wuji gives birth to Taiji, Taiji gives birth to two instruments, and two instruments give birth to four images.

Of the eighty-eighty-sixty-four hexagrams, the first hexagram is the "Qian hexagram", and Gan is the sky.

The hexagram saying: "Yuan, Heng, Li, Zhen" is the root of all hexagrams.

"Great is Qianyuan, the beginning of all things, and it is the domination of heaven."

The birth of Qianyuan, the beginning of all things, go through the Tao of Heaven.

"Shenlong Qianyuan Dao" implements the true meaning of it, that is the heavenly way belonging to the holy king Fuxi, the heaven of the heavens, the god of the gods, and its essence is far above the devil's heaven.

Li Qingshan was able to easily kill the evil spirit Bai Dolphin, not because he was strong enough to crush the evil spirit, and with the sword in his hand, he did justice for the heavens and punished the heavens on behalf of the heavens—the rule of heaven prevails over people—whatever your creatures or the common people, Under Heaven, they are all cud dogs.

After all, manpower is sometimes poor, but heaven is constant, not for Yao's existence, nor for Jie's death. Therefore, it is rare for man to conquer the sky, and it is the norm for man to conquer man.

He knew that with his current cultivation, he would not be able to touch the "Dao of Heaven" at all, and naturally it was even more impossible to comprehend the "Dragon Transformation".

Under normal circumstances, one would have to wait until after seven calamities to fully control a certain avenue before he can comprehend the "Shenlong Qianyuan Dao".

However, by chance, he sacrificed hundreds of millions of demon people and sacrificed an evil god, destroyed the demon capital, destroyed the faith, and completed this grand ceremony of "Sacrificing the Heaven", which successfully activated the "Dragon Transformation". ".

Unlike the initial difficulties of the "Kirin Transformation", once the "Dragon Transformation" was launched, it immediately developed upwards and was unstoppable, and quickly stabilized at the first level.

According to previous experience, the first stage of all changes is very weak. The "Dragon Transformation" is an exception. With this re-cultivation, it promotes the development of the whole body's cultivation.

In the small world, dragons roar,

A blue dragon danced and danced in the sky, the air rose and turned into the sky. Everything is under heaven.

The whole small world seems to have a backbone at once, and it becomes very different. In the past, the changes of various gods and demons always checked and balanced each other. Although it has reached a stable state now, it is still necessary to control it in the fierce battle.

If you want to maximize your combat effectiveness, there are often only two options, either to perform some kind of change alone, or to be careful not to break the balance.

But now it is completely different. No matter what kind of situation, he can exert his strength to the extreme, and he does not need to maintain balance at all. Even if a certain change is performed alone, other changes must provide strong support.

For example, when the "Tiger Demon Transformation" was used in the past, the small world also maintained a basic game, mainly relying on the power of the "Tiger Demon Transformation" itself to fight.

Now it seems that there is a king who can devote all the strength of the country to support the expedition of the army. Even if this monarch is still very weak and unable to fully control everything, it is far better than the state of affairs in the past.

"If I reach this state before entering the gluttonous building, I can cut off the pig's head of the White Dolphin Evil God with one sword, why waste so much trouble."

And even if it only talks about its own power, the "Dragon Transformation" is probably the most powerful and extreme transformation among all the transformations of the gods and demons.

The way of heaven is the way of dragon.

There are six lines in "Qian Gua":

On the ninth day, do not use Qianlong.

Ninety-two, see the dragon in the field.

Ninety-three, all day long.

Ninety-four, or jumping in the abyss.

Ninety-five, the flying dragon is in the sky.

On the ninth day, Kanglong has regrets.

Coupled with the last line of the unified "Qian Gua": with nine, the group of dragons has no leader.

All the lines are represented by dragons to show the reincarnation of heaven.

The way of the sky is the way of the dragon, the most yang to the strong, the most powerful and the most prosperous, symbolizing the supreme avenue, law, and power.

Li Qingshan has seen dragons and slaughtered dragons in his life, but only now did he know that those so-called "dragons" are all fakes and fakes, with the appearance of dragons, but without the spirit of dragons.

"Hmph, a bunch of GMOs!"

Different from other congenital gods, the blood of the dragon is widely spread, and there is a saying that "the dragon has nine sons". Nine is a pole number, which means that the number is vast and immeasurable.

So these children and grandchildren, no matter whether they were originally human or snakes, horses, carp, skin, shrimp, etc., as long as the dragon's blood is stimulated, they can grow two dragon horns, put on dragon scales, and jump over the dragon gate, known as "" True Dragon".

There is even a "Dragon Transformation Pond" in Buddhism. No matter what the origin, as long as you go in and roll around, you can mass-produce so-called "dragons".

Not to mention so far, the Vientiane Sect has a volume of "True Dragon Book", which can specially manufacture this kind of thing.

Li Qingshan, as the master of the Vientiane Sect, has also deliberately researched and tried to deduce the "Dragon Transformation", but of course he found nothing.

It's really funny to think about it now, it's like holding a village chief's notebook and learning how to be an emperor. According to the life of the village chief, the emperor probably used a golden pole.

Originally thought that the innate gods such as the tortoise, the unicorn, and the phoenix have declined, and only the dragon clan has flourished, but now it seems that this is not the case at all.

"I'm afraid the dragons are also in decline! How many of those dragons that were swallowed by Kunpeng are real dragons?"

The dragon was supposed to be the Nine-Five Supreme that unifies the world, but when the world falls apart, anyone dares to be called king and emperor, and deceives them into a real dragon.

Dragon, can be big and small, can ascend and conceal; big can excite clouds and mists, small can hide and form; when ascending, it can fly in the universe, and when hidden, it can lurk in the waves. Dragon is a thing, comparable to the hero of the world.

Heroes in the world, only make you and Cao Er. The characters of the Three Kingdoms who can be called dragons are nothing more than Cao Mengde and Liu Xuande, and they have not been able to unify the world in the end.

And Li Qingshan's "Dragon Transformation" has just reached the first level, and there is a faint sign of a breakthrough. Although it is so powerful, it is so easy to practice.

He thought about it for a while, and suddenly understood: "It turns out that I started to practice this 'Shenlong Transformation' many years ago."

On this journey, we aim at nine days, we have experienced wind, frost, rain and snow, and we have gone through hardships, mountains of swords and seas of fire, and defeated all powerful enemies.

Tian Xingjian, the gentleman is self-improvement. This nine-day journey is the journey of the dragon.

The spirit of the dragon, he has already mastered it. If it is in line with his temperament, it is far above all the divine transformations, and it is not inferior to all the magical transformations.

"The spring is deep this year, and the dragon rides change in time, and the people are determined to travel across the four seas."

"Ninety-two, see the dragon in the field. I don't know when I will be able to, but the flying dragon is in the sky!" (To be continued.)

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