Legend of the Great Sage

Chapter 81 Gluttonous Demon God

Li Qingshan retracted his sword and scabbard, and immediately freed himself from the state of "unity of man and nature". Under the illumination of a bright moon, he slowly descended from the sky and landed on the rooftop of a building.

"Sure enough, based on my own realm cultivation, even if I comprehend the 'Shenlong Transformation', coupled with the blessing of the devil, it is not enough to control the avenue. the limit is reached.”

"And if you want to cultivate the ninth level of the "Shenlong Qianyuan Dao", it is not enough to be a true god or immortal. You must go through eight calamities to reach the highest realm of 'refining the virtual and combining the Dao' and become a great sage!"

Thinking of this, he looked at the sword in his hand in amazement. The power of this sword is too strong, not to mention ordinary magic weapons, even the three mountains given to him by the Great Sage of Yishan are far behind, I am afraid that only the "Mountain-Moving Order" "It can be compared, and he faintly feels that this ancient bronze sword is stronger.

"Who is the man in the bear's skin? What is the Xiong family? He also said that he would reward me with the entire land, but who has the qualifications?"

He suddenly raised his head and looked into the depths of the sky, through the deep and high demon sky, to nine days away.

I once thought that man was indescribable, but now I realized the "Dragon Transformation", and suddenly found that the man is not a dragon who sees his head but does not see his tail, but also a dragon of "flying dragons in the sky".

"A friend? An enemy!"

He shook his head, deciding he didn't want that for now. Walking to the edge of the building, the rain has stopped, and the whistling night wind brings the breath of death.

The magic capital became dead silent, corpses piled up the streets and alleys, men and women, young and old, and the corpses were quickly decaying.

The crows came from out of nowhere, the darkness was overwhelming, and the crows were screaming to grab the carrion.

He suddenly felt that there was not a city under his feet, but a cemetery, and the buildings were like tombstones, standing alone, talking about the disappearance that no one cared about.

Suddenly, the night wind seemed to blow into his chest, and his heart trembled.

At this moment, he is not "heaven", and these demons are no longer "numbers". At least for the last moment, they were still alive.

All kinds of feelings, bit by bit, merged into a great Yangtze River, which turned into an inexplicable vibration, impacting his mind and making him a little shaken.

Heaven is ruthless, but he is still a person.

"Just some damn demons!"

Are they really all damned? Do those demons with good intentions deserve to die too? Should the witch who is pregnant with the child also die? Does the little devil in her stomach deserve to die too?

Li Qingshan closed his eyes,

Unable to answer these questions, he took a deep breath, tried to regain his firmness, put all thoughts behind him, turned his head and asked, "Where are we going?"

A colorful snake broke through the ground at some point, coiled around the building in circles, its head stretched out on the roof, and hissed and spit out snake letters.

Qian Rongzhi felt his change, but didn't say much, only said: "If you can't pass the customs, there is only one way left..."

"Where do you want to go?"

Suddenly, a voice resounded through the sky, majestic, cold, and magnificent, and the divine might filled the world.

"Gah!" The crows flew up into the sky with a clatter, circling frantically among the tall buildings and screaming, but they didn't dare to fly into the higher sky.

call! The gust of wind lifted Li Qingshan's red hair, and the sky was surging, and in an instant, it obscured the bright moon and enveloped the magic capital.

In the depths of the magic cloud, a face was faintly revealed, without a trace of expression, like a gluttonous pattern carved on a bronze cauldron, with the simplest lines to outline a stern and eerie beast face, staring at Li Qingshan motionless, so that He recalled how he felt when he faced God Garan.

"Taotie Demon God!" Qian Rongzhi immediately retreated to the ground.

Li Qingshan's expression was as usual, and everything was within his expectations. In the state of "harmony between man and nature", he understands that it is useless to escape. The entire gluttonous demon world is the territory of the taotie demon god, and gluttonous is the real "heaven". The will is everywhere, and it can come to any place at any time, but it is useless to escape thousands of miles.

If you want to leave, you must do one, defeat the will of the gluttonous devil to come, and then have a chance to escape.

The only thing that is fortunate is that the gluttonous demon god came only with the will and not the deity, otherwise, he would basically die without life.

However, this is also because the gluttonous demon god has enough self-confidence to suppress everything by his will, no matter whether it is an evil god or a human being, there is no resistance at all.

It's still a deadly situation.

At this time, the animal face in the sky suddenly came alive. Instead of being furious, he immediately shot and killed Li Qingshan, but asked with great interest, "You did all this?"


Li Qingshan replied frankly that lying to the True God has no meaning. However, he silently put the ancient bronze sword behind him. Fortunately, the divine sword was self-obsessed. It usually looks like an ordinary bronze ancient sword without any aura.

Grasp the hilt of the sword in one hand, ready to draw the sword out of its sheath at any time, and fight to the death with Taotie.

"I have to say, I'm curious, how did you do it?"

An evil god, hundreds of millions of demon people, and before dying, he mobilized all the power of faith, but he still fell.

"Kill it!" Li Qingshan said categorically, so that he would not reveal his means.

"Okay, very good!" Taotie Demon God seemed to be very satisfied with this answer: "However, you killed my cook, and I am missing a cook now."

Li Qingshan's heart moved: "This is to recruit me, so he thought I was here to be the evil god."

After all, this is the most reasonable inference, otherwise a person would go to the Demon God's territory to do something, send him to his death?

In this chaotic and evil realm, there is no friendship at all. From the point of view of the gluttonous demon god, since an evil god has died, it is enough to add a stronger one. As for those demons, they are like weeds, and they will never die, so there is no need to worry about them.

"Or, turn into a dish, you have no other choice."

The gluttonous beast face lowered a little again, and the divine might was like a prison, and the pressure was unbearable.

"Of course, I understand."

Li Qingshan thought for a moment: "My goal is to overwhelm Qishan, and it is meaningless to fight with this gluttonous glutton. As long as I can get through this level, the customs clearance will also be under my control. After I solve Qiongqi, How can you get me, and who's who's food is still uncertain?"

"Well, I can consider accepting it, but I'm not very good at cooking."

"That's not a problem, state your last name, um, name."

"Li Qingshan." You can't lie in front of the true God, and it's pointless to hide your identity, so he simply speaks out.

"Wait, Li Qingshan, you are Li Qingshan! The one chosen by the leader?"

Li Qingshan said in surprise: "Boss, do you mean Brother Niu?"

Taotie Demon God immediately confirmed it and declared, "I am the Jiang surname of Jinyun's clan, a descendant of Emperor Yan, and you and I belong to the Shennong clan. Haha, boy, I order you to come to Jinyun restaurant immediately, I want to treat you to a big meal!"

The tone was full of joy, and there was no trace of the ruthless majesty of the demon god, but more like a kind elder, greeting the younger generation to come to the house for dinner, and the animal face even showed an expression similar to a smile.

Li Qingshan's jaw dropped in surprise. If he hadn't known that there was no need to fool him, he would have suspected that this was a conspiracy trap. He didn't know what the "Jinyun clan" was, but the words "Yan Di" and "Shen Nong clan" were like thunder, revealing all the answers.

And, who is Brother Niu? (To be continued.)

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