"Shen Nong's family" is based on cows as totems, and the story of "Shen Nong tastes all kinds of herbs" is even more familiar to everyone. Because of the invention of farming, he was regarded as "Shen Nong", and he also invented medicine.

Legend has it that Shennong has a very strange appearance, with the head of a cow and a human body (Li Qingshan conjectured that it is probably because the totem is made of cows and wears horns on the head), except for the head and limbs, the whole body is transparent, and the internal organs will turn black after taking poisonous weeds. know immediately. In the end, because he tasted all the herbs, the poison was too deep and he died.

Although Li Qingshan was not a scholar in his previous life, he was familiar with these allusions. He suppressed his eagerness and asked the gluttonous beast face in the sky: "Brother Niu is Shennong?"

The gluttonous beast laughed: "How could it be, Shennong was the first group of people created by Empress Nuwa, our first ancestor. Because of his knowledge of agriculture and medicine, which made humanity flourish, he was honored as the leader and created the Shennong clan. "

"Emperor Yan, is the title of the leader, not only the leader of the Shennong clan, but also the leader of our human race!"

"Brother Niu is Emperor Yan, and Emperor Yan is Brother Niu."

Li Qingshan took a deep breath and tried to digest the information, but it was fine, they were all ancestors anyway. At this moment, there is quite a feeling of "recognizing our ancestors and returning to our ancestors". I am excited to hold the hand of my comrade, and finally find an organization!

I originally thought that my family was a rebel, but I didn't expect and according to Taotie's statement, they were the orthodox. But then, who is Brother Niu's enemy?

If the Shennong clan represented the human race, then could the enemy be the dragon clan, continuing the pattern of the "Battle to Patch the Sky". The man in the bear skin did have a real dragon atmosphere of "flying dragons in the sky".

Or even further, in the famous "Battle of Zhuolu", there was a certain great devil named "Chiyou".

"Master Taotie, is our enemy the Dragon Clan or Chi You?"

Hearing the word "Chi You", the gluttonous beast suddenly raised an angry face, and sighed again: "Oh, you really don't know anything! There are only a handful of real dragons, and those things on the table are only worthy of being taken. The liver sucks the marrow and brings it to drink. As for "Chi You", is my real name "gluttonous"?"

Li Qingshan was slightly startled: "You said your surname is Jiang, as for gluttonous food, it doesn't sound like a good word." Similar to the names of Tingtu and Qiongqi, it is closer to a kind of "evil posthumous", such as what King You, King Li , Spirit King, etc.

Taotie said angrily: "There is no need to say more about 'Chi', it is nothing more than ignorance and ignorance. This word 'you' is the most abhorrent. Cangjie coined the word that everyone's income is equal to 'even', and that one person has two portions of food is 'more'. , one person monopolizes multiple portions of food as 'you'."

"One person owns more than one food?" Li Qingshan raised his eyebrows.

He was used to seeing all kinds of evil in the world, and for a while he didn't understand what abhorrent it was.

"You don't understand, my Shennong clan, everyone is equal, and everything is public. Only in unity can we lead the way and open up the mountains and forests. The leaders of the past dynasties have cut through thorns and sacrificed their lives, and only then have humanity flourished. Damn, damn... usurped!"

The gluttonous beast face in the sky suddenly became hideous, but he didn't spit out the name, as if he was afraid.

Li Qingshan suddenly understood that the evil posthumous title "Chi You" is even more than "gluttonous" and "Qianqi".

Different from the strict hierarchy of humanity today, the monarch, the monarch and the ministers are used to it. In those ancient times, the human race was still very weak, and "everyone is equal and everything is public" is the most basic and sacred principle.

If a clan leader is not only stupid, but also unfairly distributed, then not only does he not deserve to be the leader, but he is simply "not a son of man". If the word "Chiyou" is translated in later generations, it is called "Wu Dao Shun Jun", and it is also a literal translation. If any clan leader used the name "Chi You" as a name, it would be really ignorant.

"But why is Taotie so angry, wait, don't tell me?"

He suddenly had a crazy idea. The legendary Chi You also has a copper head and an iron forehead, and the head of a cow is a human body, with a cow as a totem. At the same time, the Shennong clan would never have two leaders...

Niu Totem, Emperor Yan, unfair accusation, usurpation, Chiyou, the enemy of the East...

That earth-shattering "Battle of Zhuolu" was probably not as magnificent as it was in the legend.

I don't know when, the magic cloud disperses, and the bright moon shines.

Under the sky, at the top of the magic capital, one person and one god, one question and one answer, as if the "Tianwen" written by the descendant of the Gaoyang clan, traveled through many years of history, the same bloodline and totem, and the same bloodline and totem. They connected and listened to the trumpets from ancient times, leading to the battlefield of fate.

"Come to Jinyun Restaurant, I'll tell you everything. No one can touch you with me."

The gluttonous beast face in the sky has returned to gentleness again, like a guarantee from the seniors to the juniors on the battlefield, using the body as a shield and blood as an oath. For the clan, for the clan.

Li Qingshan has already believed in seven, seven, eight, eight, but once he enters the cave of the gluttonous devil, and faces the deity of the gluttonous devil, it is just fish on the chopping board, and anyone can slaughter it.

"The last question, why don't other demon gods know about me? I've met Qiong Qi and Qiong Qi, and I have a little grudge with Qiong Qi."

"Hmph, the son of the Shaohao clan is not one of our clansmen. Naturally he will not know such secrets. If he still has some eyesight, he doesn't dare to touch you, otherwise I will never let him go. Don't worry, no matter what kind of grievances there are. , I will help you solve it."

Li Qingshan breathed a sigh of relief and no longer hesitated. Even if Taotie is a notorious demon god, if even the clan can't believe it, who else can be trusted?

"Sorry, I killed you..." Li Qingshan shrugged his shoulders: "Cook." He could not help loosening the hilt of the sword and put down the ancient bronze sword hidden behind him.

"It's just a pig I raised. It's just right for you to practice your hands. Seeing that you have such strength, I can rest assured..." Taotie's beast face suddenly frowned: "That sword is?!"

Li Qingshan naturally told frankly: "It was given to me by a man in a bear's skin, with the breath of a real dragon on his body. He claims to be 'You Xiong'."

"There's Mr. Xiong... what did he say to you?"

"He said he would reward me with the land and invited me to join his tribe."

"You accept?"

The voice in the sky gradually became dull, the gluttonous beast face returned to its expressionless face, and the faded demon cloud began to cover again, becoming more and more gloomy.


Li Qingshan hesitated for a while, but didn't answer. It felt as if something was wrong, was there Xiong? There is Bear! Why is it so familiar, seems to have heard it somewhere. I just heard a lot of ancient clan legends, which inspired some kind of inspiration, and even the bronze ancient sword in my hand became more and more familiar.

boom! There was a thunder, and blood rained all over the sky.

The gluttonous beast face laughed again, every line of laughter trembled, and hysterical emotions gradually overflowed, full of pain, hatred, and rage.

"It turns out that you are also a traitor!" (To be continued.)

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