Legend of the Great Sage

Chapter 83 Xuanyuan Sword

The magic cloud is like a sea, and a violent storm suddenly rises. The blood rained, overwhelming the sky.

Li Qingshan's soul was agitated, and that "traitor" sounded like an explosion in his heart. The mighty power is suppressed as if it were real.

In the blink of an eye, the gluttonous beast face filled his eyes, and the fierce and violent expression contained great terror and majesty, which severely impacted his mind, like a lamb waiting to be slaughtered, without the slightest resistance.

Close at hand! The corners of the mouth with the fangs protruding suddenly cracked open to the base of the ear, opening the abyss-like huge mouth. That kind of aura was not so much to swallow him, but to be sucked in.

This scene is very similar to the situation when he slaughtered the white dolphin evil spirit, but this time, he became the prey.

At the critical moment, I only heard a clanging sound, the long sword was unsheathed, and the light of the sword shone through the darkness*, severing the suffocating divine might, and resolutely slashed into the huge mouth of the abyss.

Time seemed to stand still, Li Qingshan did not look at the gluttonous beast face, but stared at the bronze ancient sword in his hand, only to see the sword's edge slowly swaying the blood rain, changing with a strange brilliance, engraved with mountains, rivers and trees on one side, and sun and moon on the other. Xingchen suddenly understood the true meaning contained in it.

The mountains, rivers and trees represent the earth; the sun, moon and stars represent the sky.

With a sword in hand, it is the co-owner of heaven and earth. This is the legendary sword of the holy way - Xuanyuan sword!


The gluttonous beast face swallowed half of the building in one gulp, and a sword mark was added to his face, and he became more and more furious: "Traitor! Traitor! Traitor!"

Li Qingshan fell sharply, smashing through dozens of floors one after another, and the roaring sound was as if he had been hit dozens of times, and then slammed into the foundation of a thick building, only to stop the downward trend, and suddenly vomited a mouthful of blood, five internal organs. All torn.

The aftermath swayed under him, and the sturdy and heavy foundation could not withstand the huge impact, and the remaining half of the building collapsed instantly, burying him under 10,000 tons of earth and rocks.

Under the darkness, a pair of red eyes flickered, some sighed, and some excited: "So it is!"

If Niu Ge is "Emperor Yan", and is contemptuously called "Chi You". The man in the bear's skin is the "Yellow Emperor", originally belonging to the "Youxiong Clan", and later called the "Xuanyuan Clan", which is also a branch and transformation of the "Shen Nong Clan".

Unexpectedly, I have just witnessed the magnificent battlefield of the "Battle of Patching the Sky", and now I am in the aftermath of the "Battle of Zhuolu".

No wonder gluttonous suddenly became furious,

If expected, it was the Yellow Emperor who exiled him to this Demon Realm.

That is, the man dressed in bear skin and holding a bow and arrow, who said he wanted to "hunt cattle", the original owner of this "bronze ancient sword".

Li Qingshan, a savage bull, rages through the eighteen layers of hell, causing a lot of commotion and attracting a King Yama, who must reach the heavens to hear it.

That one immediately found him, but for some unknown reason, instead of killing him, he invited him to join the "You Xiong Clan", and used the "Xuanyuan Sword" as a token to reward him with the earth.

He accepted all of this, even though it was all unintentional, but being called a "traitor" really wasn't wrong at all!

He laughed at himself: "Li Qingshan, Li Qingshan, I didn't expect you, a big-eyed man, to betray the revolution!"

At the same time, a demon corpse flew up and flew towards the huge mouth of the abyss. Hundreds of millions of corpses of the demons rushed into the sky like a tide, and were swallowed up by the gluttonous beast faces, forming bodies and growing limbs.

With a bang, a huge black foot fell, leveling a tall building, and a figure with a height of 1000 meters stood between the heavens and the earth, with a bronze mask on his face, which was the face of a gluttonous beast.

"Get out of here!"

A giant claw was inserted into the depths of the ground, where Li Qingshan was, and he squeezed 10,000 tons of earth and stone in his hand, and instantly shattered it.

At the moment when the five fingers folded together, Li Qingshan rose to the sky and shouted: "Shut up, I'm not a traitor!"

"Dare to argue!?"

Taotie clenched the earth and stone in his hand, waved his arm, and threw it hard.

The mountain-like boulder broke through the gas barrier in an instant, and the flames ignited like a meteor, dragging a long tail flame, rushing towards Li Qingshan at an incredible speed.

Li Qingshan's heart was stunned, instead of retreating, he advanced.

boom! The boulders were torn apart, some flew into the sky, and some swept toward the magic capital, running through more than ten buildings, igniting fire, and slowly dumping, and smoke and dust were everywhere.

Li Qingshan stood with his hands behind his back, stared at the giant between heaven and earth, and said calmly: "Everything is not as you thought. If I am really a traitor, why should I come here and throw myself into a snare?"

The arm that smashed the boulder was put behind him, and even if he held it tightly with the other hand, he couldn't stop shaking, and the inner bones were shattered like the boulder.

After all, it is a demon god, even if it is just an incarnation, the power is far above him. This kind of difference between the sky and the abyss cannot be made up by just a Xuanyuan sword.

If you can't convince the gluttonous devil today, there will be a hard fight.

"Who knows what conspiracy you have?"

Taotie Demon God roared, but did not continue to shoot. Just now in a trance, Li Qingshan's demeanor reminded him of the leader, who was chosen by the leader after all.

However, it may also be an illusion. Even if he doesn't want to admit it, the man who exiled him here has the same grace.

"Conspiracy?" Li Qingshan laughed and said calmly: "That's not my specialty. How can I win the trust of you? Senior."

"Put down that sword and follow me back to Jinyun Food Court, or I will make you shattered and shattered!"

"Unfortunately, I can't agree to either of these things."

Li Qingshan shook his head. The relationship between them was already hostile. The reason why Taotie suddenly became friendly was just because he regarded him as a clan, but now his identity has been questioned, and he was even suspected of being a "traitor", then all the friendliness would vanish. .

In this case, it is impossible for him to lay down his sword and let others be slaughtered in order to win the trust of the gluttonous devil, and put his own safety on the other party's mood.

"Besides, I hate others to threaten me the most!"

"Then you have only one dead end!"

Demon God Taotie waved his hand, and hundreds of tall buildings collapsed behind him. Countless steel was pulled out, twisted and condensed into a short spear in his hand.

He raised his short spear, arched his back, and bent his knees slightly, his huge body seemed extremely light, all his auras and powers were restrained, and even his anger and hatred seemed to disappear.

Behind the bronze mask, a pair of dark eyes stared at Li Qingshan quietly, this is his oldest and most primitive fighting posture.

Li Qingshan couldn't help holding his breath and felt an unprecedented threat. The tortoise foreshadowed the fate of nine deaths and asked him to avoid this battle.

However, the Shenlong, who had just woken up, let out bursts of long groans, and urged him to go upstream. The tiger demon has long been impatient, roaring and eager to fight for everything, and would rather destroy than give in.

So he took a deep breath and pointed his sword:

"Come on then!" (To be continued.)

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