Above the magic capital, the human and the gods confront each other.

Before Li Qingshan could finish speaking, Taotie snorted coldly, and the short spear twisted and condensed with millions of tons of steel suddenly disappeared!

Li Qingshan's heart jumped and stopped abruptly, breaking a small hole and being penetrated by something.

It was murderous, a wisp of murderous aura as thin as a gossamer thread.

The operation of the small world suddenly became sluggish, and the powerful momentum that had just been gathered collapsed.

I was shocked: "I didn't expect murderous aura to be used like this!"

As the master of the gluttonous demon world, the true god who controls the law, even if the power of the incarnation is only comparable to that of the evil god, but every movement and stillness contains the law, which is enough to crush any immortal evil god.

Li Qingshan was at a disadvantage before they really fought each other. If you dare to fight recklessly, you will be crushed by the short spear that follows.

He can only retreat, wave the wings of Fengshen, and retreat desperately! But it was like a grasshopper on a rope, tightly bound by that wisp of murderous aura, unable to break free no matter what.

Although he could not see the disappearing short spear, he clearly felt that the short spear was moving towards him following this trajectory like a celestial body.

The moment he reappears, it will be his death! Even if there is a Phoenix Nirvana, how many spears can it last? Or one hit that runs out of respawns.

"This is the power of the Demon God, just one incarnation, so powerful! It's so... interesting!"

Li Qingshan took a deep breath, let out a mighty dragon roar, forcibly pushed the small world to run, waved the Xuanyuan sword in his hand, and cut off the murderous aura, as well as the law contained in it.

The short spear appeared out of thin air, and it was close at hand. At first, the tip of the spear was like a black eye, staring at Li Qingshan's chest, and in a blink of an eye, it became a black city wall.

In front of him, there was still a dead end. His expression changed, terrifying and ferocious, full of will to destroy and destroy, and even his skin turned indigo.

His fingertips fell from his forehead, his third eye was suddenly opened, and the billowing black flames condensed into a bundle and burst out.


Li Qingshan did not step back, raised his brows instead, and stepped forward, the black "city wall" kept pressing down, but it kept collapsing, unable to get closer to him.

This flame once burned the indestructible "Three Linked City" of Asura,

This is a short spear made of ordinary steel, not to mention.

"Destroy the Fire!"

Taotie was slightly surprised, but even if the spear tip was burnt, the black flame still burned up along the spear body. He injected a divine power into the spear body and extinguished the flame, but the blow was also unsuccessful.

After all, this is not his real weapon, otherwise it would not be destroyed so quickly, enough to crush Li Qingshan.


Although the blow failed, the aftermath still caused countless buildings to collapse, and huge debris scattered all over the sky.

Li Qingshan was standing on a piece of wreckage, which was the upper part of a tall building that was cut off by the middle, but he did not take advantage of the situation to launch a counterattack.

The power of the World Destruction Divine Fire is enormous, and the consumption is equally huge. Even with a small world as a foundation, it won't last long.

The most important thing is that it is impossible to give gluttonous a fatal blow.

Taotie's body is really too huge. He can destroy one of his hands and one leg, but he will be killed by the blows that follow. There are flaws everywhere, but there are no flaws.

And I'm afraid it's useless to destroy his whole body, the most important thing is the bronze mask. But under the glance of the god's eyes, the bronze mask was flawless, not even a single node that could be destroyed.

Of course not really, but he can't see it.

"Is that a trick?"

Taotie's cold voice came from behind the bronze mask. Since his incarnation, this mask no longer has any expressions. "You surrender now, there is still time."

"I admit." Li Qingshan said calmly: "I'm not your opponent, even if it's just an incarnation."

This real power gap cannot be filled by any spiritual will. He tried his best to resist a normal attack.

The fighting method is not the spell, but the application of the law. When he beheaded the evil god of white dolphin just now, Mo Tian was on his side, but now Mo Tian is on Taotie's side, unless he swallows that black sun demon heart...

But as soon as this thought arose, he was dismissed by him.

"You understand. I'd like to believe that you didn't betray Emperor Yan, so don't make senseless resistance, put down that sword, and follow me back to Jinyun Restaurant."

"No, you're wrong, maybe I'm really what you call a "traitor"."

Li Qingshan smiled, he joined You Xiong just to ask for a drink. Since the wine tastes great, there is nothing to regret. As for what other people have to say, that's someone else's business.

Shaking his head: "I don't know any Emperor Yan, let alone fight for him! All I know is 'Brother Niu'."

"They are the same person."

"No, it's not the same. Senior, I am different from you. I have neither a leader nor loyalty to anyone. Brother Niu once said to me: Don't bow your head to anyone, because you once rode on my back."

Taotie was shocked, and an indescribable feeling came to his heart, but he immediately believed: this is what the leader will do, and this is what the leader will say. This Li Qingshan was the one chosen by the leader.

The bronze mask was also moved, but the various experiences in the past made his heart cold, and he showed a bleak smile:

"Do you think I'll let you go by saying that? We've been through so many betrayals, every time it's a guy like you, starting with the bastard with the Bear clan, then the stone monkey, and now It's you!"

"Which one did not entrust the leader's hope, and which one did not receive the favor of the leader, but you guys are born with rebellious bones, and only act according to your own mind, and never know what loyalty is."

Li Qingshan touched the back of his head, speechless.

Taotie said resolutely: "Do it again and again, don't do it again and again. Instead of pinning your hopes on a guy like you, it is better to stop this thought. I will ask you one last time, will you surrender?"

Li Qingshan said meaningfully: "This world has changed you. But I didn't ask you to let me go, I just wanted to say, I'm sorry! Although it's a bit incompetent, it's the only way to do it."

With a single step, half of the tall building under his feet shattered, and he flew towards the gluttonous food.

"Seek your own way!"

Taotie disapproved, spread out his five fingers and slapped it with a palm, like a dark cloud covering him.

The god's eyes widened, and he scanned the "dark cloud" to find a node that could be destroyed. Immediately, the world-destroying god fire was launched, and a black beam of light instantly penetrated through the palm of his hand, following a certain trajectory, gathering, dispersing, clutching, and erratic.

boom! Half of Taotie's arm was torn apart, and millions of demon corpses fell, but he didn't care, and the other big hand covered Li Qingshan again.

It was too late for Li Qingshan to destroy it, but he was close enough to Taotie's bronze mask, and suddenly pulled out the mountain-moving order.

"Come on the mountain!"

He smashed the last of the three mountains - Motianling - on Taotie's face. (To be continued.)

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