
The earth trembled, like the ringing of a big bell. A round of sound waves spread in all directions, swaying a thick demon cloud. A bright moon hangs in the sky again.

Under the bright moon, Li Qingshan held a sword in one hand and an order in the other, flying into the sky like a dragon, his clothes as strong as a flag, and his red hair flying like fire.

Click! The bronze mask cracked, and the gluttonous avatar, which was thousands of feet away, staggered abruptly and fell backwards.

My heart is full of inconceivable: "This is...the Mountain-Moving Great Sage's...Mountain-Moving Order!"

In a trance, he saw a lion staring at him from the sky, and he was no stranger to that majestic figure.

This Motianling was originally a part of the body of the "Yugong", in which one of the three thousand avenues was solidified, and the gluttonous incarnation and the laws under its control were suppressed together.

"I haven't lost yet!"

Taotie roared, his right foot suddenly took a step back, several high-rise buildings collapsed, forcibly supported his body, and grabbed his one arm to Motianling.

"Shenlong Tianxingtong good fortune!"

Li Qingshan raised his Xuanyuan sword high and pointed at the bright moon.

In an instant, man and sword, sword and moon, sky and man—one!

The bright moon suddenly lit up and became bigger, as if it was about to fall from the sky, with a dragon shadow swimming in it.

Taking advantage of the moment when Taotie was suppressed by Dashan, Li Qingshan once again gained the upper hand in terms of the laws of heaven and earth.

The moonlight in the sky condensed into a bunch, and it fell on Taotie's arm.

Taotie grabbed Motianling tightly, trying to remove it from his face, but his arms gradually cracked, and the corpses of the demons fell one after another.

Finally, with a bang, it was torn apart, and the corpses fell like rain.

Under the heavy pressure of Motianling, the bronze mask was twisted and deformed, and it was full of cracks.

Li Qingshan's mind changed, and the moonlight also shifted, and it fell on Taotie's right leg supporting his body.

boom! His right leg also collapsed, and Taotie fell on his back.

Li Qingshan retracted his sword and returned it to its sheath, and descended from the sky. A dragon shadow flew across the void,

Landed on Motianling and stepped gently on the top of the mountain.

boom! Motianling vibrated violently, accelerated and pressed down, and finally suppressed the gluttonous food on the ground with the momentum of destroying the dead.

boom! The bronze mask cracked, the gigantic avatar disintegrated, the earth waves rolled over, the smoke and dust shot straight into the sky, the earthquake destroyed all the buildings on the ground, and a steep mountain was added.

Li Qingshan stood on the top of the mountain, but there was no color on his face.

This Motianling is the tallest and steepest of the three mountains. It was originally reserved for Qiongqi, but now it is used, and there is one less trick. However, at the juncture of life and death, it is too much to care about. Anyway, the most important thing to overthrow the Qiqi Mountain is the "Mountain Removal Order" itself, and it is not necessary to use three big mountains.

The most important thing is that what he has defeated now is only an avatar of Taotie. He probably thought that his avatar was enough to crush everything, but he did not expect that Li Qingshan still had such a hand.

"The gluttonous deity will come at any time, you must leave here quickly and leave the gluttonous demon world!"

Li Qingshan stretched out his five fingers, raised his palm upwards, and lifted it gently to activate the "earth force field". Tens of thousands of tons of rocks in the ruins floated up, and a big snake also floated up from the depths of the ground. It was Qian Rongzhi.

"You show the way, let's go!"

"Okay!" Qian Rongzhi turned into a small snake, wrapped around Li Qingshan's wrist with a swish sound, and pointed with the snake's head.

Li Qingshan unfolded his Fengshen wings and slapped it hard, the air waves swept away, breaking the smoke and dust, and roaring away.

In an instant, he came thousands of miles away, and glanced back, the magic capital had become a ruin, a cemetery.

This is the battle of gods, and it will inevitably affect hundreds of millions of living beings and cause countless damages.

But now, even their own lives may not be able to be preserved, and they don't care about hurting spring and autumn. Besides, they are just some demon people.

At the same time, Jinyun Restaurant.

A thin figure sat alone in front of the bull totem, surrounded by flaming torches, but could not break through the thick darkness in all directions.

He wears a bronze mask on his face, which is a gluttonous beast face. In the flickering firelight and the thick darkness, he looks particularly ferocious.

"Li Qingshan!"

The pale hands slowly took off the mask, revealing an equally pale face, with slender eyebrows lowered to both sides, eyes full of melancholy and exhaustion, staring at the bull totem on the wall.

He murmured, "Even me... has been changed!"

If before, he would unconditionally obey the leader's will and trust the leader's judgment, but now he wants to kill the person chosen by the leader.

Covering his face with his hands, the anger, pain, and hatred were so strong that it was hard to restrain.

Even if the Great Sage Yishan was sealed in the Returning Ruins, he would gradually lose his memory. How could he be exiled to this chaotic and twisted Demon Realm without being affected in the slightest?

"I hope this time, the leader is not mistaken."

The war has been going on for so long that even the gods are suffering.

If Li Qingshan was aware of it, Taotie didn't chase after him, maybe he was woken up by that mountain and realized that they were not enemies!

At this time, he had followed the direction pointed by Qian Rongzhi and came to the border of the gluttonous demon world.

He tried it, and found that no matter how he accelerated, the horizon remained the same, hanging far away in the sky. The rolling hills below are an insurmountable limit.

Qian Rongzhi pointed between the mountains: "Go to that canyon!"

Li Qingshan came to the valley according to his words, and on the left and right sides were two mountains running side by side, meeting at the end of the canyon.

There is a long and narrow crack in the depths of the canyon, layer upon layer, long and deep, but it is not composed of rocks, but bright red flesh, which is still squirming. It made Li Qingshan feel sick for a while, but in Demon Realm, seeing too many disgusting things, he was almost numb.

So he raised his wrist and asked, "Can you reach the Qiongqi Demon Realm through there?"

The little snake on the wrist was cold and slippery, hissing and spitting out a snake letter: "Yes, but don't be too careless, that is the blood maze of the Nine Infants Evil God, be careful to be trapped in it forever."

"Nine Infants Evil God?"

Li Qingshan raised his eyebrows in disdain, Fang Zhan had a demon god, although it was only an incarnation, but he no longer put the evil god in his eyes. After comprehending the "Dragon Transformation", and with this Xuanyuan Sword in hand, no evil god can kill him.

"Hiss, don't take her as something like the evil god of white dolphin. Jiuying is also a god of ancient times, and has settled in the demon realm longer than several demon gods. There are nine evil gods, all of whom are her descendants, and even the demon gods will give her three points."

"She is not loyal to any demons, and the cave dwelling is not part of the twelve demon realms, but is a realm of its own, with twelve exits, which can be connected with the twelve demon realms. If the demon realm can only accommodate twelve demon gods, she must be one of them. Devil."

Li Qingshan's heart sank, even if he wasn't a real Demon God, as long as he had the power of gluttonous incarnation, he would be difficult to deal with.

A "nine sons and ghosts" who are close to the devil, plus nine evil gods, I don't know how dangerous this "blood labyrinth" is.

Meaningful: "You are very clear about this."

"Of course, if you can't pass the customs smoothly, this blood labyrinth is the only way." Qian Rongzhi's snake eyes rolled: "However, as long as you swallow the black sun demon heart, she is probably not your opponent." The mysterious voice is full of temptation. (To be continued.)

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