Qian Rongzhi wrapped around Li Qingshan's wrist, hissing a snake letter, the timing was extremely accurate. Even a reckless tiger has a time of exhaustion.

After a brutal struggle of nine deaths, a decadent city where corpses piled up, the ancient legends are bizarre.

At the time of the decisive battle, Li Qingshan was naturally brave and fearless, putting his life and death aside. Now that he is out of the siege and out of desperation, he has a different feeling in his heart.

When Qian Rongzhi, representing the Demon Domain, issued an invitation again, he did not refuse outright, but looked up, the bright moon had already fallen, and the magical sky was deep and far away. Don't be in the company of demons.

I had just escaped from the magic capital, and in a blink of an eye, I was about to enter a mysterious and sinister labyrinth.

And at the end of the labyrinth, waiting for him, will be a real devil.

After fighting with Taotie, he became more and more aware of the power of the Demon God, and even if he had the "Xuanyuan Sword" and "Mountain Movement Order" in hand, he might not be able to win.

If he loses this time, he will not be able to surrender to Qiongqi, and he will only die in battle.

He's not too afraid of death, but... is that the end?

Or...are you really not afraid of death?

Without fear, there is no need for courage; without pain, there is no need for perseverance; without worry, there is no need for determination.

Ask the world, who is willing to be brave, firm, and decisive? It would be better to say that those who are resolute and courageous are all unfortunate guys.

Do not hesitate to slaughter the common people and bear monstrous sins. Not afraid of swords and seas of fire, slaying all kinds of powerful enemies. Is it just to die?

"Yes, at this point, there is no other choice but to swallow this "Dark Sun Demon Heart", I need more power! As long as I swallow this "Dark Sun Demon Heart", everything is possible It's easy to solve, so why refuse? After all, only in this way can we survive and help Brother Niu."

Li Qingshan's expression changed and his eyes flickered.

Qian Rongzhi looked at all this with a smile.

Li Qingshan took out the "Devil Heart of the Black Sun", suddenly his eyes flashed, he drew his sword and cut it down!

The "Devil Heart of the Black Sun" was split in half by the "Xuanyuan Sword", and with a clanging sound, it was shattered into pieces, scattered all over the sky, and sparkled like stars.

In an instant, the magic sky shook, and the wind and clouds changed color. Qian Rongzhi's smile also disappeared.

The gust of wind roared in the canyon, as if angrily questioning what he had done.

Li Qingshan put the sword back in its sheath, his eyes shone, but they were as bright as the stars, and said with a hearty smile, "Thank you for reminding me."


"I have kept this thing all the time, and I still have luck in the end. I am ready to reach a difficult difficulty, and I can take it out and turn defeat into victory."

"That's what normal people think!"

"Yes, but unfortunately, I am Li Qingshan."

At the beginning of the year, he was young, and he was not afraid of death, and dared to enter Heifengzhai alone. Up to now, I have tasted fine wine, beautiful women have tasted it, and strong enemies have fought, but did not dare to die?

If he had been so cowardly from the beginning, Xuanyuan Huangdi would not have given him this sword, and Mo Tian would not have chosen him. Even Brother Niu was just an old cow with broken horns that he sold, and there is no "Li Qingshan" today.

Along the way, he has done some good deeds of chivalry and righteousness, but at the same time, the murder is extremely heavy and the crime is monstrous, and even today, he is unwilling to put down the butcher's knife, and is determined to carry out his original intention and go to the nine heavens.

Murderers are always killed, there is no need to resent it, there is no need to escape, if it's time to die, then go to die!

"Nine Heavens" is not in the distance, but in his heart. He is the unwilling cowherd boy who is determined to carry out his original heart and live a happy life.

Li Qingshan glanced at Qian Rongzhi: "It's just others, how could you not understand this truth?"

Behind her crazy surface, there is a cruel and cunning scheming, but deeper down, there is a more hysterical madness, the idea of ​​​​making the world burn. Not just for the pursuit of greater strength and longer life.

If she dies, the world will explode, and she will die immediately, which is simply "unselfish, specially designed to harm others".

Compared with her, that kind of selfish evil is full of idyllic scenery.

"Unfortunately, the devil chose you, not me!" Qian Rongzhi sighed.

"Because you are not Li Qingshan." Li Qingshan retracted his sword and returned it to the sheath, full of energy.

"Try to avoid Jiuying, I'm afraid you are not her opponent."

"Stop talking nonsense, no matter what he is, nine sons and nine babies, come and kill one!"

While scolding Li Qingshan, he used the "spiritual tortoise transformation", his bloodline was completely transformed into a spiritual tortoise, and a quiet and profound power of returning to the ruins permeated up, filling the internal organs, limbs and bones, and no longer leaking a trace of breath. Even the body gradually became invisible, as colorless and transparent as clear water.

He raised his right hand and looked at it repeatedly, nodding in satisfaction, enough to hide the evil god's eyes. Only the little snake on the wrist looked particularly bright and distinct, and snorted in dissatisfaction.

"Okay...you're amazing..."

Qian Rongzhi was speechless, feeling that he was sometimes more shameless than himself. Could this be the difference?

Thinking about it like this, it also becomes transparent like water, perfectly blending with the surrounding environment.

"This way, it probably won't be discovered. Hmph, I'm not a fool. See who is playing with whom."

Li Qingshan nodded with satisfaction, strode to the end of the valley, and finally glanced at the high and deep magic sky, and then silently merged into the flesh and blood crack.

During this process, the body also fluctuates and deforms like flowing water, not touching the surrounding flesh and blood, avoiding any possibility of revealing his tracks.

At the same time, Da Zizai Yuanshen opened his forehead eyes, peeping at the changes in the law.

There was no need for Qian Rongzhi to remind him, he also knew that he really might not be able to defeat Jiuying.

This is not to belittle one's self. As the cultivation level becomes higher and higher, it is constantly approaching the realm of "refining the gods and returning to the void", but it becomes more aware of their own limitations.

The fighting method of the gods is completely different from that of the practitioners. The magic and magic circles are still second, and the key is the control of the laws. In essence, the magic magic array is just an extension of the law.

Whoever controls the law is God.

With the Xuanyuan sword, Li Qingshan entered the state of "unity of heaven and man", beheading the evil spirit of the white dolphin like killing a pig. However, once the Taotie Demon God descends, even if it is just an incarnation, he will immediately be driven into a desperate situation.

The most fundamental difference is not the strength of each other, but the level of "authority".

All cave houses will set up a great formation to defend the mountain. As long as you stay within the great formation, you can fight against more powerful practitioners. But if someone took away the control of the great formation, he would instead become a turtle in a urn. That's how he took down the dragon in Xuanming Cave Mansion.

The magic of "Xuanyuan Sword" is that it can greatly enhance his "authority".

According to his current observations, this "blood maze" should be an existence between "world" and "dongfu".

Jiuying must have the highest level of "authority", in which it can compete with the twelve demon gods, otherwise it is impossible to maintain independence.

Even if he had the "Xuanyuan Sword" in hand, it would be difficult for him to outperform her in this regard, and he might even be suppressed by her. If she simply competed with strength, I'm afraid she wouldn't bother her to go out in person, and the nine sons of the evil god would be enough for him to drink a pot.

After all, if he didn't enter the miraculous state of "harmony between man and nature", the evil spirit Baidou would not be so easy to kill. What if the nine white dolphin evil gods joined forces? With the addition of an unfathomable ancient evil god Jiuying, the situation is even worse.

This crack is deeper and longer than imagined. After traveling for hundreds of miles, there is still no bottom, but the rules gradually change, which confirms some of Li Qingshan's thoughts, so he is more cautious.

After walking for a while, I saw a round door, tightly closed.

In the depths of the flesh and blood beside the door, the crisscrossed purple-red blood vessels outline a few crooked, but vicissitudes of life and ancient characters - the door of the mysterious female. (To be continued.)

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