Legend of the Great Sage

Chapter 87 Pathfinding

"Tao Te Ching" has a cloud: "The immortality of the grain god is called Xuanhen. The gate of Xuanhen is called the root of heaven and earth.

Li Qingshan stopped and stared at this flesh-and-blood gate, which contained some kind of wonderful law, which not only separated the gluttonous world, but also separated the boundaries of life and death, forming a world of its own, as if it was the root of all life.

Recalling what I have seen and heard along the way, a strange feeling surged in my heart, I coughed twice, and asked directly, "What should I do?"

This "Mysterious Feather's Gate" is so unusual that even the primordial spirit of great freedom can't penetrate it.

At this time, it is natural to ask Qian Rongzhi, the "guide". Although she is crazy and evil, she has always been more methodical.

This time, she didn't disappoint him either. She smiled and said, "Don't worry, there will always be a few days every month, hehe, is it a bit familiar..."

"Okay, I get it, no need to say it!"

Li Qingshan interrupted immediately, the strange feeling in his heart was stronger, but he was too lazy to listen to her nonsense and waited patiently.

Perhaps because of the destruction of the "Dark Sun Demon Heart", he greatly lost the favor of the Demon Heaven. This time, his luck was very bad. .

In an instant, a dark red blood spurted out.

Qian Rongzhi reminded: "Be careful not to contaminate it!"

Li Qingshan immediately flashed to the side, and he had already seen it, this blood is extraordinary, it can pollute spirituality and wash away mana. If it is an ordinary magic weapon, even if it is stained with a drop, it will immediately become broken copper and iron, and any magic body spell will be destroyed.

Even if it is his body of a god and a demon, coupled with the primordial spirit of great freedom, I am afraid that he will fall into a mortal bone and become uncomfortable.

At this time, he could no longer care about his thoughts, frowning and pondering: "This is not just the power that an evil god should have, but the embodiment of some kind of Dao law."

With a little more care, the word "from the heart" was brought into full play.

However, as the door was fully opened, the blood rushed like the Yangtze River, flooding the entire cave in an instant, and there was no room for dodging. In this blood river, all spells are invalid, and it is impossible to even escape into the void.

Without any hesitation, Li Qingshan immediately held up the heavy tortoise black armor,

Go upstream!

Blood also contains water, Guixu is the source of all water, and the tortoise is the master of Guixu, and it has a natural control and resistance to all laws and spells that contain water.

However, even so, the indestructible Spirit Turtle Profound Armor was quickly eroded away and washed away layer by layer.

The small world was running at full strength, and it was transformed into thousands of layers of spiritual tortoise profound armor in an instant.

However, under the scrubbing of this blood, the scope continued to shrink and became thinner and thinner.

Li Qingshan was unmoved and insisted on going his own way. He went straight through a narrower corridor, and suddenly rushed into the blood river, and his eyes suddenly opened up.

However, at the same time, the last layer of the tortoise black armor disappeared, and a stream of blood poured from behind.

"Ape Demon Arms!"

Li Qingshan didn't turn his head back, his left arm quickly swelled, turning into a black ape arm, and he opened his big fan-like hand to cover the blood with the potential to cover the sky and catch the moon.

However, as soon as the palm of the hand touched the blood, all the momentum disappeared without a trace, and the ape demon's big hand also changed back to the ordinary human hand, and it felt numb for a while. .

This is just the beginning, the numbness spread rapidly along the arm, swallowing the entire black ape arm, and it still does not stop spreading.

This is not something like highly poisonous or strong acid at all, but some kind of law is in effect, almost a curse.

Without any hesitation, Li Qingshan drew his sword out of its sheath, cut off his arm with one sword, and even cut off most of his shoulders.

The numbness suddenly turned into a severe pain, worse than the torture in hell, and I couldn't help but gasped and let out another breath:

"My luck is really not very good now!"

If there is no "Xuanyuan Sword", I am afraid that the broken arm can not be solved, and the wound has not healed quickly, and the blood vessels have to be contracted to stop the bleeding.

In a short period of time, this arm will never grow back. Although it is not a fatal injury, it will definitely affect the combat effectiveness.

Li Qingshan observed the surrounding environment. It was a fairly vast space, the size of several football fields. The whole body was made of flesh and blood. It kept squirming and changing its shape. It was narrow at the front and wide at the back.

The depths of the flesh and blood are glowing with a pink sheen. If you close your eyes and don't look at these strange flesh and blood, the temperature is actually quite pleasant.

However, it was empty, and there was no use for anything. Not a single demon, not a single beast, not even a single plant.

"This is the 'Blood Maze'?"

"This is just one of them. The whole 'Blood Labyrinth' consists of countless palaces like this. This place has just been washed, so there is nothing left." Qian Rongzhi held her head up, hissing snake letters, and observed the surroundings. .

Li Qingshan also discovered several new doors. Although the door of flesh and blood was also tightly closed, it was not as difficult to pass through as the "Gate of the Profound Female".

"How can I get to the Qiongqi Demon Realm?"

"do not know."

"What? Say it again!"

"do not know."

Li Qingshan's eyes narrowed, exuding a dangerous killing intent.

Qian Rongzhi explained: "The position of the palace will change with the peristalsis, and these paths are not straight lines. Moreover, all palaces have a certain life cycle. The old palaces will be squeezed and disappeared, and new palaces will be born again. Out, there is never a constant mark, and there is no absolutely correct way, so it is called the 'labyrinth'."

"Do you want me to be trapped here?"

"Of course not, who would put himself and the tiger in the same cage? Originally, you were chosen by the demon domain, and you are deeply favored by God. Even if you walk around in the labyrinth, you will definitely be able to go where you want to go. But now...it's hard to say."

"You didn't say that in the first place."

"Who would have thought that if you disagree with one word, you will cut off the 'Black Sun Demon Heart'. And if you can't pass the customs normally, this is the only way, and I have no other way. You can also go back to the gluttonous demon world, maybe your A senior has already calmed down and is willing to let you pass the customs."

"After I just smashed a mountain in his face?"

"Oh, I hope you still have a big mountain."

Li Qingshan wanted to pinch her to death, but he knew she was right. Even if she said this in advance, he would definitely step into this "blood maze". Nor does he regret cutting off the "Black Sun Demon Heart", because this is the path he chose.

After cutting off the "Dark Sun Demon Heart", his mind became clear and clear again, and all kinds of changes in the gods and demons have improved, especially the new "Dragon Change", which has faint signs of breakthroughs. All this is his fundamental.

"Hmph, if it's about walking through the labyrinth, I, Li Qingshan, have never been afraid of anyone!"

Li Qingshan proudly said, now that he has become a "spiritual tortoise", the spiritual tortoise is best at deducing changes and understanding the mystery, how can he be trapped in a small labyrinth.

He changed his body again, and transformed into several mirror clones, leading to different paths. He can now maintain many scene clones at the same time, and in addition, there are thousands of demon thoughts clones of the primordial spirit of great freedom.

Try to find a way! (To be continued.)

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