Legend of the Great Sage

Chapter 88: Floating Life

Li Qingshan glanced back at the "Gate of Mysterious Females", also stepped forward, chose a path, and went deep into this "Blood Maze" with determination.

Every blood palace has several gates. Step by step, he differentiated into the same number of clones, leading to different blood palaces.

There was a voice in front of him, Li Qingshan became more and more careful, approached slowly, and entered a new blood palace. Looking around, there was actually a settlement of demons.

Even though he was mentally prepared, he still opened his eyes wide, unable to hide his surprise.

The magic city that I passed by not long ago, which can accommodate hundreds of millions of demons, is larger than any city I have seen in my previous life, and it is a bit of a postmodern science fiction color.

In front of this demonic settlement, the primitive ones are even more backward than the cannibal tribes, without any decent buildings, more precisely, not even a shack. No matter whether you are young or old, there is nothing covering your body.

Naked, walking or standing, lying or lying, on flesh and blood.

Thousands of demons scattered in groups of three or five in the huge space. There were fungi everywhere, clusters of bright red and full, shining brightly.

Some demons are doing collection work, but they can't actually be called "work". They just put them in their mouths, eat a few and they're full. They lie there and rest lazily, thinking that this is the source of their food and water.

There are also some things that the demons are doing, babbling and moaning, while others don't even look at it, neither feeling ashamed nor tempted. Some were too noisy, so they scolded and hid in the corner to sleep.

However, whether they were eating, sleeping, or even mating, all the demons seemed to have a veil on their faces, and their expressions were vague.

"Maybe someone can lead the way."

Li Qingshan pondered, picked out the eldest-looking Demon Minor, and his Da Zi Zai Yuan Shen jumped up.

The old demon was skinny, hunched over, sleeping far away in the corner. He was covered in age spots, smelled bad, and looked like he was dying. His body froze slightly, but no one noticed.

Li Qingshan launched the soul search technique and got everything he wanted easily, but he was disappointed.

This old devil lived to be eighty-nine years old. He walked around all his life. He did walk through a lot of blood palaces. next one.

However, in his life, apart from "eating" being "day", he would occasionally fight with other demons for some inexplicable reason. He was lucky, and he didn't get killed, so there was nothing else.

Li Qingshan suddenly realized what was that layer of veil covering their faces.

It is the ignorance of ignorance and ignorance. That ambiguous expression is not the expression of a human or even a beast.

The demons outside at least have to compete for survival, intrigue with each other, and fight each other to kill. In particular, the demon people at the bottom have to be dragged to fight and invade other worlds. They must know how to obey orders, or they will be tortured to death.

Such incompetent old demons would never live so long. Once they passed their prime, they would definitely be eliminated and even become food for other demons.

In this blood palace, the demon people neither need to participate in the war of the twelve demon gods, nor are they threatened by hunger and cold. The climate here is always suitable, and the food here is always sufficient, which is quite delicious to their taste. , I have some food every day and some days, I don't know how easy it is, it can be called a "little paradise" in the devil's realm.

However, there are fundamental differences. In the Paradise of Ultimate Bliss, there are some kind people selected by the Buddha, and they have also experienced the grinding of the world and the torment of sorrow. No matter how fertile the land of Elysium is, it still has to go through a lot of hard work and waiting.

The demons in this blood palace are only migrating in the blood palaces. They can eat wherever they go, sleep when they are tired, and work when they get up. They are like babies, from birth to death. in the womb.

Da Zizai's primordial spirit was separated from the body, and the old demon died silently. At the moment of dying, his expression was still vague, as if he didn't understand what "death" was, it was just a daily rest.

His life is like floating, and his death is like a rest.

Of course, no one noticed.

The flesh and blood squirmed for a while, and his rickety body gradually merged into it, and soon disappeared, and then more fungi grew, clusters of bright red dazzling, glittering, thriving.

"This is also a lifetime!" Qian Rongzhi sighed.

Li Qingshan suddenly felt a burst of horror, the flesh and blood around him squirmed violently and pressed down from all directions, and he couldn't breathe. Grasp the hilt of the sword, wanting to smash it with one sword.

He shook his head suddenly, and found that the blood palace was still wide, and the demons lived easily. Those demons who were babbling and moaning also quieted down, relaxed their bodies, closed their eyes, and fell asleep.

No dreamland - no day to think, no night to dream.

Li Qingshan took out the wine bag, gulped a few sips, and let out a long sigh: "This place is really scary."

In fact, it is not that he is not afraid of death, but he is more afraid of this kind of life, ignorant and unconscious, without dreams and thoughts. Therefore, to fight and kill, it is also necessary to experience heavy pain, recover from serious injuries, and be reborn from despair.

"Hiss, I heard that people already have perception and memory before they were born. Although they don't remember after they were born, they are actually buried deep in the sea of ​​consciousness, so people are pursuing such a peaceful and comfortable situation all their lives. Cultivators At the time of reincarnation, the most feared thing is the mystery in the womb, not only because the baby's weak body cannot carry their consciousness, but perhaps even more intoxicated and unable to extricate themselves."

"Hmph, crazy talk, are you talking about yourself?" Li Qingshan snorted coldly: "When I leave, if you don't want to leave, I can leave you here, maybe Jiuying is willing to recognize you as a friend Daughter."

"Daughter? Haha." Qian Rongzhi sighed with a smile: "These ignorant demons are actually luckier than many people in the world."

"So, you are the luckiest if you are not born?" Li Qingshan disagreed.

"Yeah, you are the luckiest when you are not born." Qian Rongzhi nodded in agreement.

"Then why don't you die?" Li Qingshan asked rhetorically.

"Because I want the world to understand this." Qian Rongzhi said as a matter of course, and there was a kind of determination and fanaticism in the eyes of the cold snake.

Li Qingshan felt that his head was really flooded, so he tried to communicate with a lunatic. So I stopped talking and continued to move forward.

"You should question me..." Qian Rongzhi imitated Li Qingshan's voice and said gruffly: "Hey, bitch, you are contradicting yourself, in fact, don't you still want to live?!"

Li Qingshan glared at her, but she asked herself and answered, "I'll answer, hiss, I'm contradicting myself - so do you."

Li Qingshan stopped abruptly and said word by word: "You dare to compare me with you again..."

"Atonement, forgiveness, my lord, I dare not, hiss~" (To be continued.)

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