Legend of the Great Sage

Chapter 10 Malu Demon General

Chapter 10 Malu Demon General

Any ferocious and terrifying monsters would not make Li Qingshan look like this, but what he saw was not any beast, but a person, to be precise, a fat white man, lying on the floor full of empty wine In the middle of the altar. Book mígroup 4∴⑧㈥

His head was clean and smooth, he was wearing a pink cloak, his white belly was exposed and swollen high, and his body exuded a strong smell of monsters and alcohol.

So Li Qingshan did a very simple calculation, what does monster plus human form equal?

Li Qingshan took a deep breath, and swallowed the swear words that were about to blurt out, the one who came to steal his food was actually a monster!

He has only seen two demon generals in his life, a cat and a mouse, and the moon is a collection of thousands of pets, not to mention, even the mouse is the king of the Black Rat Mountain, domineering and majestic.

A majestic monster general, in the human world, is a figure of Wang Pushi's level, above hundreds of millions of people, how could he do such a low-level thing as stealing food?

So he didn't think of this from the beginning, and then he was slapped hard by the cruel reality. He may still have a glimmer of hope that the poison yào**yào in the wine will work,

But the belly of the bald monster, as well as the loud snoring sound, completely dispelled all Li Qingshan's thoughts, this fellow was not poisoned at all, but drunk.

Li Qingshan and Xiao An exchanged glances, Li Qingshan retreated slowly, Xiao An also manipulated the armored corpse to retreat slowly. The purpose of opening the cave was to keep out the wolves, but after opening the bear cave, it is impossible to stay in this villa.


The bald general in a pink cloak scratched his belly with his hand and knocked over a wine jar.

To Li Qingshan's ears, it sounded like thunder, and he stopped immediately. After a long time, when there was no movement, he continued to step back slowly. True Qi formed a thick air cushion on the bottom of his feet, and he promised that he would never release any movement. sound.

And under Xiaoan's control, the armored corpse landed lightly on the ground.

The bald monster opened his eyes suddenly, and stood up from the ground with a strange gesture. The small tuǐ stood up first, then followed the big tuǐ to stand up, and then raised his upper body, looking at Li Qingshan with a dull expression. and Xiaoan.

Li Qingshan only felt a chill, which only rose from the soles of his feet to the top of his head, and then broke through the inspiration of the sky, and emerged. It is entirely the monster's instinct for danger, and the more convinced it is,

This demon will definitely not be able to deal with him now.

But the arrow had to be fired, and he waved out ten talismans, all of which were fixation talismans, seven low-grade and three medium-grade, not seeking to attack and kill the enemy, but just to freeze the demon general in place for a moment, so that he can fly away with Xiao An.

The bald demon general seemed to have not yet fully awakened from his drunkenness. The ten talismans were accurately pasted all over his body, and one of them was blurred on his face.

Li Qingshan secretly said good luck, and at the same time stuck an accelerated middle-grade Qingfeng Talisman on his tuǐ, and immediately rushed to the secret room. Just as he turned around, his pupils shrank suddenly, and he stood still suddenly.

The bald demon general was standing in front of him, his face was almost pressed against his face, and the body talisman on his body corroded and melted quickly, leaving no trace of it, revealing his dull face.

Looking at it from this angle, I realized that this monster general is not particularly fat. His whole body looks like a long and round shape. Standing there, he is even taller than Li Qingshan. Staring at Li Qingshan, the scene was indescribably terrifying and strange.

With a thought, Xiao An moved his fingers, and the armored corpse rushed up to hug the demon general. Li Qingshan took the opportunity to retreat quickly.

The bald demon trembled, and a burst of pink gas erupted from his body. The armored corpse that jumped on it seemed to have stepped into a pool of sulfuric acid. The powerful body made of iron was completely corroded in a blink of an eye, leaving only a ball of pale red flames, which flew back to Xiao An's palm.

The Iron Armored Corpse, which could kill a sixth-level qi refiner, only had a face-to-face encounter, and the opponent didn't even reach out.

Li Qingshan was horrified in his heart, and he was extremely afraid of that pink gas.

The speed of the bald demon general was extremely fast, and his actions were irregular. But he couldn't escape by fleeing. He released a violent demonic energy from his body, instantly turned into a height of three feet, smashed the ground above his head, grabbed Xiaoan and threw it outside: "You go first!"

The pink gas quickly spread over, covering Li Qingshan's whole body. There were crackling sounds everywhere in the secret room. The ground paved with bluestone softened and collapsed. Poor Li Qingshan still wanted to use poisonous drugs to deal with him. Only then did he see What is fierce poison.

In the steaming pink gas, a blue-colored spherical mask composed of countless hexagons protected Li Qingshan's body and resisted the erosion of the pink gas, making Li Qingshan feel relieved. Armor's defense is strong enough, and now he only thinks about how to get out.

He stomped on the iron hoof, and all the explosive power poured into his hoof, the ground cracked and collapsed, and the steel and iron bones in his body made a twisting sound. He seemed to use this power to soar into the sky.

But the bald demon general assumed a very weird posture, leaning forward, aiming at Li Qingshan with his bald head, his tall body shrunk a lot, as if a spring that had been squeezed hard, suddenly let go.

Li Qingshan only saw a fuzzy shadow rushing towards him, ten times faster than him soaring into the sky,


On the indestructible spirit turtle armor, a large crack appeared, and Li Qingshan flew horizontally from upwards, collapsing an unknown number of walls and sinking deeply in the mud.

He was full of horror, he had just practiced the strength of two bulls, and he had absolute confidence in his own strength, but the strength of this demon general was more than ten times stronger than him.

The bald demon general sat on the ground, the dizzy mōmō bald, looked up at Li Qingshan, as if he didn't expect that he could break Li Qingshan's spirit turtle armor.

At this time, two rosary beads whizzed and spun down from the sky, hitting the bald general's bald head.

The demon general raised his head, and a petite figure landed behind the demon general like lightning. His whole body was burning with red flames. With all his strength, part of the flesh and blood were turned into flames, and he thrust out the most violent sword in his life.

Li Qingshan was startled instead of happy, and shouted: "Idiot, go away!" The demon general can't be defeated by this kind of small trick, and he punched out with all his strength, regardless of the poison.

The monster general didn't dodge or dodge, and said in a slow tone: "You are monsters? Why did you hit me!" Although he was a little vague, Li Qingshan still heard it clearly.

Suddenly, as if an invisible hand pressed the pause button, Li Qingshan's fist stopped in front of the demon general, while Xiao An's Hidden Sword was still three inches away from the bald head, including the skeleton rosary that fell from the sky, all stopped on top of the demon general's head.

Li Qingshan slowly retracted his fists, and smiled dryly: "It's true, monsters don't fight monsters!" While winking at Xiao An: "Not yet!" Xiao An put away the Hidden Sword Rosary and returned to Li Qingshan's side.

Li Qingshan regained his human form, cupped his hands and said: "I don't know the lord's name and name, but in the Black Mountain, he practiced in the mountains for 500 years, and managed to transform into a human form. It's really a crime not to want to offend Mr. Demon General."

"I'm Malu, what is a collision, what is a crime?" Malu said with a dull face.

Li Qingshan breathed a sigh of relief, convinced that Malu was not angry about what happened just now, this guy's brain seems to be not working well, and his reaction is very slow.

Suddenly my heart moved, isn't the so-called millipede just a millipede? This guy turned out to be a Malu Jing, no wonder he was so powerful and so fast. And the response was so slow.

He had heard Xianyue tell a lot about the common sense of the monster race. The monsters with flesh and blood were roughly divided into four categories, scales, feathers and feathers.

Scales refer to aquatic animals, máo refers to animals, feathers refer to birds, and kun refers to insects.

Among them, the number of kuns is the largest and the most diverse, and there are countless kinds of kuns and monsters. No one knows how many kinds of kuns there are in this world.

Because insects are not born with much intelligence and act entirely on instinct, many of them can become monsters, but those who can form demon pills and even reach higher realms are not more than other types of monsters.

But kun-type monsters are often the strongest, whether it is strength, speed, endurance, or vitality, they are far better than monsters of the same level.

An ant can carry 400 times its own weight, a flea can jump 100 times its own distance, once every 4 seconds, and can jump for 78 hours, so the vitality of a cockroach need not be said. Once these tiny creatures at the bottom of the biological chain have the opportunity to turn into monsters, they can immediately jump to the top of the biological chain and become the most terrifying predators.

However, kun-like monsters have a fatal flaw, that is, their intelligence is very low. Even if the Condensed Demon Pill activates their spiritual intelligence, they have nothing to do with being smart. The so-called IQ is flawed.

Li Qingshan had an idea in his mind, and asked: "Malu, why did you come to eat my food?"

Ma Lu said: "I don't know if it's yours, no, it's all mine, things under the ground."

Li Qingshan said: "Do you still want to eat?"

"I want to eat!" Malu opened his mouth, and the saliva flowed out.

Li Qingshan said: "There is no food here, there is plenty on the ground over there, go and eat!"

Malu shook his head like a drum: "You can't go to the ground."


A trace of fear appeared on Malu's dull face: "It's an order, you can't disobey it."

Li Qingshan was overjoyed, he was tricked out so easily, this Malu is really good enough, he is much easier to deal with than that clever ghost like Xianyue, wisdom is always the most important evaluation criterion for creatures. With this advantage, human beings have suppressed thousands of monster races with their own strength. Once the brain is not enough, no matter how strong the strength is, it will be in vain.

"There are no more things in here, I'll go up and get some for you!"

"Okay, okay, go, go!" Malu's eyes lit up, and he hurriedly urged.

So simple! Li Qingshan was taken aback for a moment, he was a little embarrassed for simple things, in order to strengthen his persuasiveness, he asked again: "Then what do you like to eat?"


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