Legend of the Great Sage

Chapter 10 Beef Chewing Peonies

Chapter 10: Beef Chewing Peonies

Malu thought about it seriously, Li Qingshan was nervous, if he said "I eat you", then I will be fooled. e^look

But fortunately, Malu finally said: "Yellow sè seeds, white sè seeds."

Li Qingshan was slightly stunned before he realized that he was talking about millet, rice and wine. This guy is actually a vegetarian. Then I remembered that most millipedes in this world are vegetarians.

Of course, most monsters don't pay much attention to this. Even if they were originally goats, they gnawed grass on the hillside for half their lives, and after becoming a monster, eating meat and drinking is no problem. This guy is probably too stupid to change his eating habits in time!

"I'll go up and get it now!" Li Qingshan took Xiaoan with him, and tentatively jumped towards the big hole above his head.


Li Qingshan's heart sank, but he heard Ma Lu say: "Water without color!"

"Water? It's a bar!"


"Okay, then I'll get it!"

Sure enough, Malu didn't come to stop him again, and didn't even think about making Xiaoan a hostage, so he urged, "Hurry up! Hurry up!"

Li Qingshan jumped out of the underground secret room, the cave above happened to be the huā garden, so there was no house collapsed, he took Xiaoan and ran out, then lay down on the ground, looking at the dark blue night sky, breathing heavily.

It felt like fishing for a big shark. It was too dangerous. Fortunately, the shark's head was not bright enough to get out of the water, otherwise this time it would be fatal.

Xiao An was lying beside him, also looking at the night sky, there was a faint cloud drifting past, but her expression seemed a bit sad.

Li Qingshan sat up suddenly, grabbed her armpit, made her stand up, and then reprimanded: "You child is too disobedient, I tell you to go first and you go first, why come back?"

Xiao An waved her hands, arguing for a while.

Li Qingshan stared and said: "Hey, just learned to talk, you will talk back. It is lucky to help me in Cangmang Mountain, but it doesn't mean you are right. If you say you are wrong, you are wrong. For your own good!"

Xiao Anqi's eye circles were red,

Don't turn your head away and stop talking.

Li Qingshan said: "Don't cry!"

Xiao An's tears flowed down.

Li Qingshan suddenly felt distressed, and said ruthlessly: "It's useless for you to cry this time, let you remember it long."

Xiao An suddenly raised his head, looked at Li Qingshan with an expression he had never seen before, his mouth heaved violently, as if a volcano was brewing lava, and suddenly erupted, shouting: "Yeah, leave me a few times before you are reconciled! "The voice changed from hún to clear, with a sad expression on his face, he turned and ran into the room after speaking.

"You..." Li Qingshan was stunned, as if he had been hit by a thunder charm.

Xiao An finally said the first complete sentence, which should have been worthy of his great celebration, but the content of the words made him feel a little tingling in his heart. Lying down on the ground again, I also felt the so-called growing pains.

In the big cave in the huayuan, Malu asked, "Are you ready?"

"No!" Li Qingshan roared.

"Why so loud!" Malu asked dully.

"It has nothing to do with you!" Li Qingshan yelled again: "Just wait for me!"


Li Qingshan realized the seriousness of the problem for the first time, Xiao An is growing up slowly, and will definitely become more and more assertive, maybe there will be a rebellious period in the legend. Friction is inevitable between a family, no, it should be said that the more the family is, the easier it is to have friction.

As the head of the family, he must take this into consideration, communicate with her carefully, and guide her growth step by step, but how should he do it?

He also felt a mess in his mind, which was ten times more complicated than practicing. So he lay there, thinking a lot, thinking about how his parents dealt with him, thinking about how he was on TV in his previous life, listening to the pedagogy spoken by those experts.

Li Qingshan sat up suddenly: "Yes, first of all, you have to get up on an equal footing, walk to the door step by step, raise your hand to knock on the door, but knocked nothing, the door suddenly opened, a petite The figure jumped into his arms.

Li Qingshan was slightly startled, and laughed dumbly, feeling the attachment in her heart, róuróru her hair: "I'm sorry, I just said too much, I never thought of leaving you, I just wanted to protect you."

"I... also want to... protect... you..." Xiao An's words were still not smooth, but his expression was extremely serious.

That expression was so cute to the extreme, it made Li Qingshan both moved and pitied, and said with a smile: "Okay, King Xiao'an, I'm already very blessed by you, come, give me a kiss!" He gnawed heavily on his forehead.

The demon boy who looks like a black iron tower and the petite and tender girl form a very unique scene. Instead of saying sourly, "I have a tiger in my heart, I sniff the rose carefully", it is better to say directly, "A cow chews peonies and wastes everything".

Xiao An's face was flushed, she stood on tiptoe, and gently licked his big black face like the bottom of a pot.

Li Qingshan mōmō cheeks, the soft feeling still lingers on it, he can't help but smile.

In the big cave, Malu shouted again: "I'm hungry!"

Li Qingshan curled his lips, "Let's think about it, how to deal with this big brother!"

Xiao An covered her mouth and smiled.

Li Qingshan was a bit reluctant to leave the secret practice site he had just created, and that Malu didn't look very dangerous either.

Considering the habits of millipedes, it seems that they are also docile and harmless insects. After Malu is touched, he will usually form a ball and pretend to be dead, and at most will release some prickly gas or something.

Thinking about it now, the pink poisonous gas released by Malu was the result of being touched by the armored corpse, but it was not an ordinary stimulating gas, but a poison that burns gold and erodes bones.

If the **** come to the door now, Li Qingshan only needs to take them to the cave and wait for the corpses to be collected. What is the nine-level qi refining, ten-level qi refining, in front of the monster generals, they are all local chickens, even if the **** patriarch comes, facing a kun-like monster general, I am afraid that he will lose more than win.

After thinking for a long time, Li Qingshan picked up the bamboo basket, took Xiaoan with him, and came to Yanshan City to find Yu Shukuang. "I'll be away for a while, my manor, don't let anyone get close!"

This is the result of his consideration, the monster general is really too dangerous, although it looks stupid, he can be used as he pleases. But correspondingly, it means that his behavior is unpredictable, if he is accidentally angered, it will end in an extremely miserable end.

From this point of view, Malu is even more dangerous than Xianyue back then. Li Qingshan at least knows what Xianyue wants, and even develops feelings for each other. Even if she is angered, she will not kill her.

It is really unwise to put one's life on the mood of a fool. Before gaining the power to protect himself, he decided to keep a distance from it. Can't he hide from me if he can't provoke me?

Yu Shukuang woke up from his sleep: "Li, Hero Niu, where are you going?"

"You don't need to worry about it." Li Qingshan was slightly depressed, of course he was looking for someone who could afford to provoke him.

Yu Shu said wildly: "Then you, go, go!" Before he finished speaking, Li Qingshan's figure had disappeared, and a gust of wind blew up in the room, making the door rattle.

Yu Shukuang was rather reluctant. Although "Tiger Slaughter" was terrifying, he was very reasonable and generous. He just asked him to buy a manor and gave him food and drinks for a few days. Baicao Wan is an ideal backer, if he can help him with a few more things, and exchange some miraculous medicines, there will be great hope for the innate realm.

He stepped down from the bed, took out an envelope from the drawer, carefully took out the letterhead inside, and held it under the lamp to read it.

The daughter said in a letter that she had taken the legendary Xiantian pill and had already started to refine Qi.

The edge of the letter paper was fringed, apparently he had read it countless times, but every time he read it, he would show a gratified smile, the little girl who held her cheek and listened to his story about her heroism, has finally grown up Chengren, walking ahead of his father!

But after laughing, I feel lost and worried again.

The world of Qi refiners and the world of quacks like them live in two completely different worlds. In the arena, he is the hero Yu who is a hero and is respected by thousands of people. But facing the weakest Qi refiner, he had to bow his head and deal with it carefully.

Only ignorant people would treat qi refiners as gods, but he knew very well that people's hearts are equally dangerous no matter where they go. I only hated myself for using her adoring eyes too much at the beginning, and made up those stories of chivalry and righteousness too well. As a result, that stubborn girl really believed in chivalrous ways, and she might suffer a big loss.

Thinking of this, he was so worried that he couldn't sleep, hey, now he can't help her at all!

Even though he was not yet forty years old, he felt that he had suddenly grown old. He carefully put away the letter paper and put it back in the drawer, more than ever in his heart, he wanted to break through the innate realm.

The starlight fell through the treetops into the cave, and landed on Malu's dumbfounded face. His eyes were wide open, his mouth was wide open, looking up at this rare sight, his saliva flowed down: "It's like sesame seeds!"

"So slow!"

Li Qingshan left Yanshan City, ran for dozens of miles, found the cave, got in, walked through the ground, and came to the zombie cave, suddenly stopped, raised his nose, sniffed the air a few times, his face The color suddenly changed.

Although it was extremely faint, he would never forget that familiar scent of powder, and it came from that perverted Ximen grandma!

And besides that, there are three other completely different powder flavors. At least four people from **mén have been here, and they are probably **mén's fourth grandmother, that is, four nine-level qi refiners.

I didn't expect them to find this place, and I felt that I was too careless. If I was blocked in the cave by these people, the consequences would be disastrous.

ps: Xiaoan's first sentence, probably everyone did not expect it to be this! As the core character of this book, she will gradually show her demeanor, and of course it is impossible to be overshadowed by some perverted woman. Seriously speaking, the things they carry in this book are different, but they definitely don't exist for the purpose of becoming the protagonist's woman. I like this feeling very much. If you like it too, come and support me with a monthly ticket!


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