Legend of the Great Sage

Chapter 12 Tiger Snake Trap

Chapter 12 Tiger Snake Trap

Smell is always the most easily overlooked place for human practitioners. Li Qingshan has a sense of smell that is a hundred times stronger than that of ordinary beasts, as well as an instinct for danger and murderous intent. He will never be ambushed simply. TXT e-book download**

He restrained all the breath in his body, clenched a Lingfeng knife, prepared all the talismans, and slowly approached the zombie cave. The nose kept catching the remaining breath in the air, trying to judge how many people were hiding in the cave now.

He came here for the sake of the gangsters, how could he run away, of course, if there are too many people, he will retreat strategically, if there are few people, he will go and kill them, join hands with Xiaoan, and face the ninth level of Qi Refining, There are still plenty of odds.

When he finally set foot in the cave, it was empty inside, only the lingering smell remained, which gradually dissipated.

How could it be possible for several great Qi practitioners to wait for a young boy in the dark underground, but after waiting for two or three days, they retreated to look for Wei Yingjie's whereabouts.

Li Qingshan was slightly disappointed, it seemed that there was still some trouble to be done.


In the middle of the night, Li Qingshan will quietly board the Eagle Wolf Guard, and come to his original small building. As expected, there is a breath coming from inside, but it is much stronger than he expected, but the smell is not. wrong. Qian Rongzhi broke through the fifth level of Qi refining, a little faster than him.

Asking Xiao An to watch the wind outside the door, Li Qingshan climbed up the small building alone, opened the window, and saw Qian Rongzhi was still meditating and practicing qi, there was no trace of sensuality on his face, but a bit of solemnity.

When Qian Rongzhi heard the sound of the window pane, she immediately grabbed the weapon and talisman beside her, put on a defensive posture, and then expressed surprise: "It's you?"

Li Qingshan said: "It's me."

Qian Rongzhi's body relaxed, and without asking why Li Qingshan's body changed so much, his eyes lit up and said: "You have cultivated to the third level of Qi refining, you are indeed a genius!" The first time she saw Li Qingshan was only a few months Before, at that time Li Qingshan was only at the first level of refining Qi.

Li Qingshan said: "Your cultivation level surprised me even more."

Qian Rongzhi said: "Waste wood also has the way of life of waste wood, but it's a pity that it can't beat you."

Li Qingshan narrowed his eyes and said: "If you can beat me, what do you want?"

Qian Rongzhi smiled and said, "I'll know when the time comes!"

Li Qingshan didn't want to get entangled in this topic,

Ask directly: "How is the **mén? Who is in charge of the ** building now."

"Don't ask me, I was implicated because of Wei Yingjie's disappearance, and now I have been kicked out of the house. I knelt on the ground and begged my grandma for a long time, but it was useless. I was tested in vain for so long, but I didn't even Haven't learned any kung fu, you say it's pitiful." Qian Rongzhi's face was full of bitterness and grievance, as if she didn't torture and kill Wei Yingjie with her own hands.

"Impaired?" Li Qingshan sneered, "Old rules, if you can lure Grandma Ximen out alone to a certain place underground, all the things related to her in the treasure bag will belong to you."

Qian Rongzhi opened her eyes wide: "Can you kill the ninth level of Qi Refining?!" She knew that Li Qingshan had another trump card, and his strength was at least above the sixth level of Qi Refining, but she never expected that he had reached such a level. the point.

She originally thought that it was only a matter of time before she caught up with Li Qingshan based on the speed of her practice, but at this moment, her self-confidence suddenly disappeared, and the distance between her and Li Qingshan not only did not shrink, but increased instead.

I also understand why he doesn't take his potential threats to heart, that is his absolute confidence in himself, and under the huge power gap, it is difficult for any conspiracy to work. This man, unlike any man she had ever seen, was unexpectedly difficult to deal with.

"So, you'd better be a little in awe of me, it's better for us!"

Qian Rongzhi put away her smile and said, "I see. Wei Zhongyuan, the vice-mén chief of the **mén, and the four grandmas went to the zombie cave to find you but failed, so they searched separately. The ** buildings are all over the place, and they are well-informed. As long as you appear, will be discovered.

Li Qingshan said: "You led them to the zombie cave?"

Qian Rongzhi said: "I said that Wei Yingjie went there to find you, but I didn't say that you killed him. Anyway, you have already made a death feud with the **** men. It's not bad for you. You won't be so stupid to hide Are you there?"

Li Qingshan's heart was blocked, and he said proudly: "Of course not, continue." She said it calmly, but it made him feel uncomfortable.

Qian Rongzhi smiled slightly: "The ** building lost two landlords in a row, and the **mén didn't send new people. If you want to deal with the **mén, then I suggest Wei Zhongyuan. He is in the pain of losing his son and is mentally disturbed." , easy to be controlled."


"Ten layers of Qi Refining."

"I refuse!" Li Qingshan said decisively, the tenth-level qi refiner has opened up the meridians of the whole body, and with the twelve orthodox meridians and the eight odd meridians, he is only one step away from the foundation building state, and the gap with the ninth-level qi refinement. Almost the same as the sixth level of refining Qi and the fifth level of refining Qi. Although he is confident in his own strength, he has not reached the level of arrogance.

Qian Rongzhi showed disappointment, her plan to rely on Wei Zhongyuan to break through his cultivation failed, but he was relieved a lot, at least Li Qingshan didn't have the strength to fight against the tenth level of Qi Refining.

"Then Grandma Ximen, but it takes time, I need time to plan, and I need time to explain my cultivation, and the higher-ups will send a new Xuanying to lead it!"

"So what?"

"I will apply for the Black Wolf Leader. As long as I am promoted to the commander level, the **** men will be suspicious, but as long as there is no evidence, they will not dare to deal with me casually. Of course, I would like to thank you for helping me make room."

In front of other people, she was scheming, but in front of Li Qingshan, she always appeared extremely honest. It's not that she has any special affection for Li Qingshan, but that she talks to people and talks nonsense when she sees people, knowing that only in this way can she reach a cooperation with Li Qingshan and maximize her own interests.

It was only then that Li Qingshan realized that she was already at the fifth level of Qi Refining, and she was indeed qualified to be the leader of the Black Wolf, and the Eagle Wolf Guard who entered together.

Leaving behind a contact talisman, Qian Rongzhi smiled and said, "It's as little as one month, as much as three months, and I will send Grandma Ximen to you."

Li Qingshan nods his head, he also wants to take advantage of this time to take the rest of the medicine pill, reach the highest level of strength, and increase the odds of winning this battle as much as possible, after winning, he can use Grandma Ximen's Hundred Treasure Bag The pill yào in it is used to maintain the speed of practice.

The barter of the two little Qi Refiners agreed that the barter was a nine-level Qi Refiner.

Li Qingshan said again: "By the way, help me identify the medicine pill!" He has now obtained dozens of bottles, a total of several high-grade medicine pills, but he doesn't know the effect of the medicine and whether he can take it. At any rate, Qian Rongzhi was from a family, and having learned serious alchemy from Qian Yannian, he should be able to identify it.

Sure enough, Qian Rongzhi's eyes lit up when he saw the medicine pills that Li Qingshan took out, and he pointed out the names and yàoxìng of all the medicine pills like a few treasures. Most of them have the same effect as pearl lulu pills, and they are used for cultivation.

But there are still two bottles of Qiqi Pills that can instantly stimulate potential, two bottles of Lianxi Pills that hide the restraining breath, and three bottles of Healing Pills for healing.

If you don't know yàoxìng, it will be a waste to eat it.

In the end, Li Qingshan took out three light yellow pills: "What are these?" Although he didn't know alchemy, he also felt that the spiritual power contained in these three pills was very special, extremely pure but extraordinarily docile Peaceful, not like a pill for cultivation.

Qian Rongzhi said: "This is the Xiantian Pill! It is much more valuable than Zhulu Pills, but it is not for Qi Refiners."

Li Qingshan is well aware of the value of Zhulu pills, but it has attracted countless qi refiners to scramble for it. Since this Xiantian pill is not for qi refiners, it is for ordinary people: "Could it be this?"

Qian Rongzhi said: "That's right, it is a pill that can allow ordinary people to refine Qi, but it is not 100% successful, it also depends on aptitude, Qian Yannian spent a lot of effort in finding one for his beloved son, After taking it, it failed to advance to the innate realm in the end. Therefore, only big families can refine this kind of elixir."

Li Qingshan understood that if it wasn't for his strong financial resources, there would be too many pills to finish, any Qi refiner would be more willing to exchange a few pearl pills to improve his cultivation, rather than to cultivate offspring, so he put away the Xiantian pills first , Said: "Choose a bottle, it's a reward."

Without any hesitation, Qian Rongzhi chose Lianxi Pill, which happened to be the one Li Qingshan didn't need the most, then he put away all the pills and was about to leave.

Qian Rongzhi suddenly asked: "Is that child by your side?"


Qian Rongzhi said: "I want to meet her." Seeing Li Qingshan hesitated, she took out a bottle of Qi Condensation Pills.

Li Qingshan said: "I won't make a deal with her."

The plain words fell into Qian Rongzhi's ears, like Huang Zhong Dalu's voice, he didn't know where to put the hand holding the Ningqi Pill, and even felt ashamed, forced a smile: "You are all lucky . " The smile reveals an indescribable envy and jealousy, and even a hint of misery.

Li Qingshan's heart moved, and he called Xiao An to come in, but she said: "No need, let's go!"

After Li Qingshan left, Qian Rongzhi leaned against the window sill with a hint of confusion in her eyes. An indescribable extravagant hope arose in his heart, that someone could say such things to him, and only once was enough. But will anyone say it? Will she believe it again?

She laughed at herself, the word 'trust' no longer existed in her will.

Unlucky people should not get too close to lucky people, otherwise they will lose even this determination and become nothing. She has long stopped praying for luck, and it is useless to kneel on the ground and pray to heaven, no matter how many times. It is useless to pray to others, it will only encourage their happy smiles, and everything must be taken by these hands.

She looked at her right hand, which was beautiful and fair, with pointed fingers, her eyes gradually returned to calm, indifferent and calm, the corners of her mouth curled up in a cold arc, and she shook her right hand suddenly, tearing up the smiles in the sky! Hehehe!


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