Legend of the Great Sage

Chapter 13 Drinking Under the Moon

Chapter Thirteen

Sneaking into the ground again, Li Qingshan found a huge cave with the help of the underground map, and said to Xiao'an: "It seems that the next one will have to work hard for a while, this place is not as good as that of Yanshan City. Tool: No advertisement, full text ,Even"

An obediently said, her voice was hún soft and glutinous, except for the first yell, she couldn't utter a word clearly, but it was also very pleasant, like the spring breeze blowing on the face, which made people feel at ease.

Amongst the forest of stalagmites, Li Qingshan checked the elixir, half of the Ningqi pills were gone, only more than 4,000 pills were left, and only one of the Baicao pills was used, and there were more than a thousand pills left, and the high-grade pills There are nearly a hundred of them that can be used for cultivation, and the resources are quite abundant.

Li Qingshan put away a spiritual talisman close to his body. This spiritual talisman is called the Communication Talisman, and there are two copies. As long as one of them is triggered within a thousand miles, the other will respond.

Although it cannot convey complex information, it is sufficient for signaling. As for what method Qian Rongzhi would use to lure Grandma Ximen out, Li Qingshan didn't ask much, her improvisation was indispensable, anyway, this woman is very familiar with doing this kind of thing.

He wasn't worried that she would betray him. Although she didn't have any moral bottom line to speak of, she put her interests first, which made it easy to guess. If she betrayed him, the gangsters would not be able to let her go just because of the fact that she communicated with internal and external enemies.

He just needs to be in the right place at the right time and wait quietly. This reminded him of a fairy tale he read in his previous life: the tiger caught the fox, and the fox said that as long as you don't eat me, I will bring other animals over.

However, the premise of all this is that the tiger has the ability to eat the animals brought by the fox.

He raised his head, poured the condensate pill into his mouth, and started to practice.

After six days, Li Qingshan began to miss his manor in Yanshan City, not only because of the rich food and wine, but also because of Xiaoan. In this empty cave, Xiao An didn't have much to do, and when he was bored, he propped his cheek and watched him practice.

It made Li Qingshan feel very guilty, and often had to interrupt his practice, and play with her for a while to talk. If he's just alone, then it's fine, even if he uses the "Spirit Turtle Town Sea Jue" to retreat for a year or so, it's nothing.

But with her by his side, he wanted to let her live a good and comfortable life as much as possible, and when he looked around, there were all black and bare rocks, which had nothing to do with his ideal place. It is not beneficial to the mental health of children at all.

Li Qingshan made up his mind: "Since there is nothing going on here,

Let's go back and have a look, that Malu should have gotten impatient, so go away! "


The villa is quiet, but autumn is more intense, Li Qingshan pushed open the main entrance, went directly to the back garden, pushed aside the sparse vegetation, looked into the cave, and couldn't help smiling bitterly.

Malu closed his eyes and lay in the cave, sleeping as if he was dead, as if he hadn't even moved his place. He suddenly opened a pair of slightly protruding round eyes, stared straight at Li Qingshan, and said in a muffled voice: "What about food?" He didn't realize that Li Qingshan had let him go.

Li Qingshan grinned: "Come on!" Then he took Xiao An, turned around and left. It's not clear whether he was moved by his foodie spirit, or because he was too easy to deceive, which made him a little uneasy.

In Kuangjian Villa, Yu Shukuang looked at Li Qingshan with surprise: "Hero Niu, you are finally back."

Li Qingshan nodded: "Yeah, I'm back, there is one more thing I want to trouble you for?"

Seeing his seriousness, Yu Shukuang said with great emotion, "Don't hesitate to order Niu Daxia, no matter whether it's going up the knife mountain or down the frying pan..."

Li Qingshan interrupted: "It's not that serious, prepare three things for me and send them to the villa."

"You mean?" Yu Shukuang couldn't imagine what Li Qingshan could ask for, and even if he wanted it, he shouldn't be asking for it from himself!

"Xiaomi, Dami Qingshan took out another one million taels of silver and slapped it on the table.

"That's all?" Yu Shukuang's jaw was about to drop in surprise, and he formally begged for ordinary food from himself.

Li Qingshan said: "Other grains, melons, fruits and vegetables, you should prepare some, the more the better, of course, there must be no less than twenty tables of banquets every day, these things should be kept as hidden as possible, don't let too much people know."

"Niu Hero, don't worry, I'll send someone to make preparations right away, how much do you want?" Yu Shukuang patted his chest and assured, as the leader of the rivers and lakes, it is not easy to find other things, and it is not easy to get some food.

Li Qingshan said casually: "By the way, I got some Xiantian pills recently." After saying that, he turned and left the door.

The speaker has a heart, and the listener, of course, is more intentional.

Yu Shukuang's eyes slowly widened. As a person in the Jianghu, he didn't know much about the thousands of elixir à o of Qi refiners, but there was only one that must be known, and that was Xiantian elixir. The sacred medicine that all martial arts practitioners dream of, hard training in martial arts, who doesn't want to ascend to the sky in one step and step into a brand new realm.

Yu Shukuang also thought about it, and it was not a normal thought. The three words Li Qingshan said casually were like carrots tied to the head of a donkey. The voice seems to mean that I can give you one.

He immediately summoned a few trusted disciples, and ordered them to go down with a solemn expression. If Li Qingshan hadn't asked him to do it more secretly, he could hardly bear to do it himself, and let Li Qingshan see his own performance.

A powerful local force started to operate, and the efficiency was astonishingly fast. After half an hour, the things Li Qingshan wanted began to be delivered continuously.

"Next!" Li Qingshan picked up a bag of rice and threw it into the cave.

Malu stretched out his hand to grab and tear, and the crystal clear rice flowed down. His mouth opened to an exaggerated degree, reminding Li Qingshan of a character in a cartoon, and in the blink of an eye, a whole bunch of rice flowed into his mouth.

He babbled, "It's delicious!" Then he continued to stare at Li Qingshan.

"Eat more if it tastes good, and don't bother me when you're full." Li Qingshan casually threw down another strip of rice.

Malu only cared about eating rice, so he didn't have the time to pay attention to him. He ate another bag of rice, but he still seemed unsatisfied.

Li Qingshan simply threw away dozens of bags of rice, and the charm of the Xiantian Pill was beyond Li Qingshan's imagination. Next, all kinds of food, such as rice flour and millet, were delivered by the disciples of Kuangjian Villa. There are also a mess of fruits and vegetables, some of which even Li Qingshan can't name.

Li Qingshan held a few bags of rice in his arms and a few strips of rice on his shoulders, like a super dock porter, running back and forth between the front gate and the back garden, throwing bags of grain into it.

Malu, who always has a dull face, now grins his mouth almost to the ears. As a foodie, he sees all kinds of food falling from the sky. The mood is probably similar to that of a rich man who sees gold coins and silver coins falling like rain.

Dazed and confused, I almost didn't know what to eat first.

Li Qingshan shook off the sweat on his head, and said to Xiaoan: "Look carefully, I'll go to practice for a while first, remember not to go down into the cave, be careful not to eat you too."

Of course, Xiaoan would not take this kind of scaring to the children to heart, and agreed with a smile, squatting by the cave entrance, watching Malu eat, and found it very interesting.

In the evening, Li Qingshan's 20 tables of banquets were also delivered. He took them to the cave and sat down, opened the food box, and ate voraciously. I have to say that watching Malu eat is extremely appetizing.

Li Qingshan ate above the cave, Malu ate under the cave, Xiao An looked down at Malu and up at Li Qingshan, thinking it was very interesting.

Although after incarnating as a demon, one can completely replace food with heaven and earth vitality and not eat for a long time. With the throughput of the heaven and earth vitality, the monster general can reach the realm of bigu that humans call, and can survive without food sources completely. But the instinctive appetite will not disappear, it will only grow stronger as time accumulates.

Humans choose bigu because there is too much turbidity in the grains, which is deposited in the belly and affects their cultivation. However, the way of cultivation and physique of monsters are completely different from humans. For monsters, eating and drinking enough is never One bad thing, their powerful bodies are strong enough to accommodate and digest any foul air.

The process of human practice is like a sculptor carving a fine work of art, carefully choosing the most suitable exercises, the most suitable medicine, and then dividing the process of practice into many steps, and then moving towards the goal little by little , requires everything to be under control, constantly strives for perfection, and achieves a person who is superior to others, and can be called a fairy.

The process of monster cultivation is like a painter's splashed ink landscape, bold and unrestrained, free-spirited. The painters are not even themselves, but the good fortune of heaven and earth, just like the wind, frost, rain and snow spent tens of thousands of years to sharpen a piece of strange rocks and strange rocks. They just happen to have more characteristics than other stones, so they are called demons.

Malu's mouth stopped suddenly, and he raised his head to look at Li Qingshan, and the snow-white rice flowed down from the corner of his mouth. He said indistinctly, "Wine!"

Li Qingshan was drinking happily with a jug of wine, when he noticed his gaze, he threw down the jug in his hand: "Here you are!"

Malu gulped it down to lighten up, and then asked for more.

Throwing down four or five jars of wine, Li Qingshan also drank a lot, and when he got drunk, he forgot to warn Xiao An, jumped down the cave with the wine and vegetables, bumped the wine jar with the one in Malu's hand, raised his head Gulp and drink.

Ma Lu stared blankly at Li Qingshan, not knowing what he was doing, when Li Qingshan drank half of the wine, he seemed to realize something suddenly, drank his own wine quickly, and looked at Li Qingshan while drinking.

But let Li Qingshan finish the drink first, he laughed. Malu suddenly became unhappy, picked up a jar of wine and stuffed it into Li Qingshan's hand, then picked up a jar by himself, touched Li Qingshan's wine jar, opened his mouth in a hurry, and drank the wine in one gulp.

Li Qingshan couldn't help laughing, he didn't expect him to look dull, but he was also a bit angry: "Come again!"


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