Legend of the Great Sage

Chapter 14 Rest and fight again

Chapter Fourteen Rest and Fight

As the sun sets and the moon rises, the moon shines into the cave, illuminating the two drinking together, one with a bald head and a pink robe, the other with a body like an iron tower. Book mígroup 4∴⑧㈥

Alcohol is the most wonderful thing that can bring people closer, but it needs to be drunk freely.

Li Qingshan was drinking freely, sitting in the pile of grain, smelling the natural fragrance of the grain, and put down his guard in his heart.

Drinking with this stupid Malu is more enjoyable than any banquet I have ever had. There is no intrigue or conflict of interest. Eat for eating and drink for drinking.

After drinking hundreds of jars of wine, both of them's stomachs were swollen, and their eyes were dim.

Malu's bright and bright bald head was even more dazzling by the moonlight, Li Qingshan couldn't help stretching out his hand and mōmō: "You are a good guy, you have no evil intentions, no, you have no intentions."

Malu smiled innocently: "You are fine too, underground, do you want to go?"

Li Qingshan shook his head like a drum: "No, no, I still have things to do. If you want to eat, just come to me, I invite you!"

Ma Lu was a little disappointed, and when he heard Li Qingshan's words, he kept saying hello, but suddenly his eyes blurred, he threw his head back and let out a thunderous grunt.

Li Qingshan scolded with a smile: "You eat and sleep, sleep and eat, and you don't have any distracting thoughts, which makes people very envious." He raised his head and yawned, sinking his body into the golden rice grains, and the millet mountain It collapsed, covering most of his body, like a big quilt, and he fell into a deep sleep.

Xiao An got down, cleaned up the leftovers, and squatted at the entrance of the cave to watch the night for Li Qingshan.

In a daze, Li Qingshan found himself turned into a child again, with small hands and feet, wearing patched clothes, running wildly in the boundless wilderness, chasing the sun in the sky.

Sweat dripped down, but he didn't wipe it off, and he didn't care if his feet were pierced by sharp stones. He tripped and fell to the ground with a slap. He rolled and got up from the ground. He didn't stop taking a step, and his eyes were fixed on the sun in the sky.

A big blue mountain blocked his way, he couldn't stop, he bumped his head on the mountain, but it was not as hard as imagined, a huge bull head stretched out from the side of the mountain, looking at him with moist bull eyes , making a magnificent voice: "What's the hurry? The sun won't run away?"

He was startled, climbed up the ridge-like back of the bull, looked at the sun in the sky, the sun did not run away. Around his waist, there is an extra bamboo flute, very rough but very familiar,

He picked it up and blew it.

The sun and the moon alternate, and the warm day at noon hangs lazily in the sky, shining warm eyes into the cave.

Li Qingshan opened his eyes, stretched his waist, and saw that Malu was still asleep, and he didn't know when he would wake up. He jumped out of the big hole, feeling refreshed, and the autumn scenery of the distant mountains was pleasant, refreshing, Refreshing.

It seemed that he hadn't been so relaxed for a long time. Ever since he came to this dangerous place in Jiaping, he was enemies everywhere, and every step of the way was in crisis. He could only continue to practice and break through. Even if he was sleeping, he was thinking about how to improve his cultivation, how to to deal with the enemy.

The string in his heart was always tense, and there was a lot of fatigue accumulated in his heart, which he didn't even notice. After drinking heavily and having a big dream, the string relaxes.

Recalling the dream of last night, he smiled to himself, and said to himself: "Yes, what's the hurry?" He moved out of the depths of the treasure bag, the flute that had been forgotten for a long time.

The sound of the flute echoed in the autumn mountains. Malu opened his eyes and listened quietly.

From that day on, Xiaoan noticed that Li Qingshan had more smiles on his face, played the flute more often, and often pulled her to ask her to teach him how to write, or took her to wander in the nearby dead leaf forest.

As he walked, he would suddenly stop and look at Xiao An with a solemn expression. Xiao An immediately became nervous, clenched his fists with both hands, and said in his heart, "Here we come!"

Li Qingshan's mouth chún opened and closed quickly: "If you eat grapes, you don't spit out the skins, if you don't eat grapes, you spit out the skins."

Xiao An hurriedly stammered, "Do you want to eat grapes... grapes or grape skins, don't eat... grapes until you spit out grape skins."

This is a trick that Li Qingshan came up with in order to train her to speak, a family teaching called "Qingshan Teach Me Jingle", but now Li Qingshan is completely immersed in seeing her blushing and slurring her cute appearance of jingle middle.

Reach out and pinch her little face: "I'll make you laugh at my ugly handwriting!"

Xiao An worried about not letting him pinch her head, but she was in a very good mood. Although she was well-behaved and did not affect his practice, she also longed for his care, rather than being separated by a stone gate.

In fact, Li Qingshan didn't stop practicing, he still ate pills every day. But there is a lot less tension in the body. No matter what you do, you should pay attention to the way of relaxation. If you are tense on weekdays, then when you encounter major events, you will easily become overly nervous and your mind will not be very bright.

Moreover, his responsibility is not just to protect her.

Before I knew it, more than a month passed.

All the Qi Condensing Pills were exhausted, and the monster energy on Li Qingshan's body also reached the level of what he had done before, but Qian Rongzhi's news did not come for a long time, but he was not in a hurry, and started to take Baicao Pills.

The first snow of this year came very early, when the first flake of snow huā fell on the tip of Li Qingshan's nose. He was staring at Malu covetously, while Malu was nervously looking at Xiao An, more precisely, the dice cup in Xiao An's hand.

Several wine jars were turned upside down to form a table, with bowls of wine placed on it.

Li Qingshan and Malu sat facing each other, while Xiao An sat beside him, acting as a croupier.

Xiao An raised his sleeves, flaunted his arms like lotus roots, and opened the dice cup with a smile.

Li Qingshan smiled and said: "It's fifteen o'clock, drink!" While grabbing a handful of huā raw from the grain pile beside him, peeled the skin and threw it into his mouth.

Malu was cheerful, picked up the wine bowl and drank it. Compared with when Li Qingshan first met him, he was much more energetic and fatter.

Xiaoan twisted a long huāshengren, and said to Malu, "Does it look like you?" He articulated clearly, like spring water jingling, and the strings of the qin vibrating. "Qingshan teaches you jingle" family teaching, initially achieved success.

Malu looked at himself, then at Huā Shengren, and nodded: "Like!"

"Here you are!" Xiaoan placed huāshengren in Malu's palm.

Malu immediately threw it into his mouth.

"You ate yourself!"

Li Qingshan opened his mouth and was about to say something, his expression became concentrated, Xiao An immediately turned his head to look at Li Qingshan, come on! Her rhetoric has already been said faster than Li Qingshan.

Li Qingshan smiled at her, and took out the messenger talisman from his bosom. The talisman burned quickly, turned into ashes in an instant, and drifted away with the wind.

Qian Rongzhi's message has finally arrived!

Li Qingshan got up abruptly, Malu also stood up, opened his mouth, his face full of astonishment.

Li Qingshan pressed his shoulders and pushed him back: "I'm going out to do some errands, I'll be back soon!"

Li Qingshan didn't ask Malu to help, or use him to deal with the gangsters, he is an excellent drinking buddy, that's all, of course he has to take care of his own affairs

Li Qingshan and Xiao An, one big and one small, disappeared into the cave, Xiao An turned around and waved at him.

Sitting there blankly, Malu suddenly looked at the emptiness in his heart. Pieces of snow huā were falling into the wine bowl. After eating a mouthful of his favorite rice, he felt that it lacked some taste, so he scratched his bald head in wonder.

In the small building, Qian Rongzhi frowned and pondered, going through the plan in detail, how to start, how to deal with the aftermath, and how to get out if it fails, to ensure that there is no omission.

Suddenly Liu raised her eyebrows and turned around: "You are finally here."

Li Qingshan was standing behind her, his figure had basically returned to its original shape except that he still looked very strong. This is the result of his strengthening of the practice of "Spirit Turtle Township Jue" during this period of time.

He saw the unusual black wolf costume on her at a glance: "Are you the leader of the black wolf?"

Qian Rongzhi got up and turned around, showing off: "How about it, isn't it not bad!"


"Thank you, it seems that you have had a good time."


Greeting each other like old friends, maintaining fragile alliances with hypocritical decorum.

Without waiting for Li Qingshan to ask, Qian Rongzhi said: "The fish has already been hooked, according to your request, only catch one Ximen."

Li Qingshan asked strangely: "How did you do it?" It is not difficult to lure out the people of the **men, but it is not easy to attract only grandma Ximen without disturbing the rest of the **men.

Qian Rongzhi didn't explain, she stroked the commander-level black iron wolf card on her waist with her fingertips, and said with a smile: "This is my job, it's up to you now, if the benefits come to nothing, I won't accept it."

"As long as you do your job well, of course you don't need to worry about my affairs." With absolute confidence, Li Qingshan adjusted himself to an optimal state. He needs a battle, and that soothing string is gradually Tensioned, the fighting spirit rose faintly.

Qian Rongzhi changed the subject: "However, you have to prepare for the worst! Before confirming the number of enemies, I advise you to hide your aura well."

Li Qingshan stared, Qian Rongzhi said calmly: "There is no plan, it is absolutely perfect, even I can't eliminate all accidents, I don't need to say more about this truth, before thinking about victory, think about failure."

"That's natural." Even if Qian Rongzhi didn't say anything, Li Qingshan would prepare for the worst and would not fully believe her. She said this just to clear things up, saying that even if something unexpected happened, it wasn't me who wanted to harm you.

Li Qingshan smiled: "Anyway, you only have one life, so cherish it!"

"Of course!" Qian Rongzhi also laughed, knowing that no matter how clever she was, she couldn't fool Li Qingshan.

Li Qingshan did not expect that the place Qian Rongzhi chose would be here.

He raised the edge of the bamboo hat and looked at the majestic Qian family mansion.

It's normal to choose a place that you are familiar with, but she killed nearly a thousand people here, and ordinary people would have some scruples, but she has no scruples, and everything is the best choice.

Li Qingshan came to the other side of the mountain, found a hole in the dry grass and fallen leaves, entered it, gradually widened, and finally formed a huge natural hole.

Li Qingshan calculated the height, even transformed himself to try it out, and then began to prepare, constantly observing in the cave, first pasting the seven talismans on the hidden stalagmites on the top of the cave, and then giving some talismans to Xiaoan.

The lion fought the rabbit with all its strength, and this time, it was an extremely dangerous beast.

ps: Tragedy, dropped below forty...


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