Legend of the Great Sage

Chapter 15 Fighting for Life and Death

Chapter 15 Fighting for Life and Death

"Your cultivation speed is rather fast!" Grandma Ximen squinted her eyes and looked Qian Rongzhi up and down, with deep doubts in her eyes.

A few teenagers gathered around Grandma Ximen, pinching her hands and feet, looking at Qian Rongzhi, who was dressed in the commanding uniform of the black wolf, with jealousy and hatred in his heart.

Qian Rongzhi knelt down and begged: "Rongzhi also got a monster inner alchemy by accident, that's why it's like this, but after all, it's not a long-term solution, please take me back to my grandma, I will definitely not let my grandma down. "

Ximen's grandma caressed the face of a handsome young man: "If what you said is true, I can't think about it. Grandma still likes you very much." Being able to be bowed down by a black wolf leader made her heart also Very comfortable.

That handsome young man looked at Qian Rongzhi arrogantly, as if Qian Rongzhi was kneeling down to him.

Qian Rongzhi was overjoyed: "Rong Zhi is absolutely true. He became the leader of the Xuanlang. With the eyeliner of the Eagle Wolf Guards, he found out that Li Qingshan brought that child to Gufeng City. I specially sent someone to investigate, and finally found out His hiding place was found."

"Not only does he have the treasure bag of the Zombie Taoist, Zhuo Zhibo's eagle wolf guards are also likely to be killed by him. They are worth at least thousands of spirit stones. Grandma will not be disappointed."

This is her conspiracy, a small Qi refiner is rich, and another powerful Qi refiner finds out, of course, he will not want to inform his accomplices, but will try to keep the wealth for himself.

A smile just broke out on Grandma Ximen's wrinkled face when an old voice said from outside the window: "Old lady, with such benefits, how could you forget me, my sister!"

Grandma Ximen's complexion suddenly changed, Qian Rongzhi's heart sank, it was Grandma Dongmen's voice.

Dongmen's grandma Shi Shiran walked in with a happy smile on her face.

Grandma Ximen and Grandma Dongmen have always had a feud, and they always pay attention to each other's actions. As soon as Grandma Ximen left Qinghefu City, Grandma Dongmen noticed that she was suspicious and followed her quietly. The most concerned about you in the world is not your friends, but your enemies.

Grandma Dongmen ignored the gloomy Grandma Ximen, and said to Qian Rongzhi: "Girl surnamed Qian, take us there quickly, that kid is very alert, I can't listen to someone's stupid idea anymore, and use it for nothing. It will take a few days."

Qian Rongzhi was so embarrassed that she forgot to take a look at Grandma Ximen, who said with a sullen expression, "Let's go!" The matter has come to this point, it is useless to get angry anymore,

Just to bring this old thing back.

The three of them came to the back mountain of Gufeng City and stopped outside the dark cave entrance.

Qian Rongzhi said: "Grandma, Li Qingshan should be hiding there."

"Lead the way ahead!"

"Yes!" The blow of the plan's failure did not make her mentally unbalanced, she showed no flaws, planned meticulously, as long as it can prove that Li Qingshan did appear in Gufeng City, these two old women should not be too angry with themselves.

And before leaving, he specially explained to the trusted Eagle Leader that he was going to Gufeng City with them to investigate the disappearance of the Eagle Wolf Guard, which was considered as a talisman.

If you fail once, there will be a next time, as long as you keep trying, there will always be a time of success.

Go forward along the winding road until you reach the huge cave.

Qian Rongzhi's complexion suddenly changed, and he was almost about to curse.

Li Qingshan didn't hide his breath to avoid it, he just sat on a big rock and meditated carelessly.

Grandma Ximen and Grandma Dongmen walked past her, and Grandma Dongmen patted her on the shoulder and said, "Well done!" She didn't notice her pale face.

Qian Rongzhi reluctantly said: "Grandma please capture Li Qingshan, I'll wait outside the cave first!"

Grandma Ximen nodded indifferently, and only looked at Li Qingshan: "Go and wait in the carriage, we will be out soon!"

Dongmen's grandma's eyes brightened even more: "Old woman, be gentle, such a strong child is rare, let me try the Yuan Swallowing technique again."

"Swallow Yuanshu!" Grandma Ximen's heart moved, and she glanced at Qian Rongzhi's back thoughtfully.

Qian Rongzhi felt sword-like gazes sweeping over her body, but her pace didn't move any faster.

Grandma Ximen suppressed her suspicions, turned her head and scolded: "I knew you were going to piss off this old bastard, so I'll give you 10% of what's on his body."

Grandma Dongmen agreed with a gloomy smile, and looked at Li Qingshan with an extremely greedy look.

"But don't suck it up, you still have to save Yingjie's whereabouts, and that beautiful and beautiful child." Grandma Ximen looked around, but couldn't find Xiaoan's whereabouts.

"Didn't Wei Zhongyuan ask for the linen clothes? The unlucky boy has a lot of bad luck. He died without a life. The murderer should be in the north, and he is probably this boy."

Qian Rongzhi's heart trembled, there is such an exquisite divination technique in the world, if Li Qingshan hadn't shared the sight, she would have been exposed long ago.

Walking out of the cave in one breath, she sat down slowly leaning against the stone wall as if she had collapsed, and slapped the stone wall bitterly, leaving a deep handprint.

If Li Qingshan was captured, her murder of Wei Yingjie would definitely be exposed, and she would have to face the wrath of a tenth-level Qi refiner and even the entire society.

Now she can only escape immediately, the farther the better, but the world is so big, where can she escape, unless she escapes underground like Li Qingshan.

Why didn't Li Qingshan escape?

"Look at that woman, no matter how high her cultivation level is, she looks like a dog." The carriage stopped not far away, in a sparsely forested open space, those handsome young men gathered together and pointed at the embarrassed Qian Rongzhi .

"You are dogs!" Qian Rongzhi glanced at them contemptuously.

Several teenagers were stunned, one said angrily: "How dare you fight back?" The other said suspiciously: "Just based on this sentence, grandma can cut you into pieces." They leaned on the west Mén grandma is a big tree, no one would dare to complain to them.

Qian Rongzhi showed a smile: "But, the old woman is not here now!" She walked forward with the water thorn in her hand, even if she wanted to escape, she would have to pull a few backs.

"You...what do you want to do?" The teenagers looked fearful, backed away slowly, turned and fled to the carriage.

With a wave of Qian Rongzhi's hand, an arc of light flashed, and the eight tuǐ were broken at the same root.

The steed neighed uncomfortably, raised its hooves, was glanced at by Qian Rongzhi, and immediately fell silent.

But some people couldn't calm down, and several teenagers rolled on the ground and screamed.

Qian Rongzhi skillfully stopped the bleeding for them, and each injected a burst of true energy to keep them awake, so that they would not pass out from the pain, and enjoy the painful torture.

"You slut, bitch, grandma will definitely kill you, just wait... ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" His handsome face was completely destroyed.

Qian Rongzhi patted his bloody face: "I hope your grandma can continue to love you, you ugly ghost without a nose!"

The other three teenagers didn't dare to scold any more, and looked at Qian Rongzhi with horror and resentment. Their beautiful faces are the most important thing for them. Maybe they can be cured if the tuǐ is cut off. Once the face is damaged, Will completely lose the favor of grandma.

Immediately afterwards, there was a shrill scream like a ghost in the forest.

Qian Rongzhi cut off three more noses, crushed them, and cut off all their hopes.

She did not choose to escape, but faced the cave not far away, and sat down amidst the screams.

If Grandma Ximen came out and saw her beloved face turned into this appearance, she would definitely be torn to pieces.

But she has completely calmed down, she is very clear about what kind of person Li Qingshan is, since he won't run away, he must be confident that he won't run away.

Since he dared to fight, why would she not dare, the worst would be death, and she has put life and death aside, she will never take a step back.

Qian Rongzhi guessed right, Li Qingshan was indeed fighting.

When he smelled the two auras going into the cave, he knew something went wrong with the plan, but it shouldn't be Qian Rongzhi's conspiracy. If she wanted to harm him, she could call all the gangsters.

Against the previous Ximen grandma, he was sure of winning, but with the addition of Dongmen grandma, the odds of winning fell to less than 70%. If you are 70% sure and dare not take a chance, is that still a man?

So he didn't hide, but sat here, adjusting every inch of his body to the best condition, like a tiger preparing to prey, waiting for the prey to approach.

Li Qingshan glanced at the pale-faced Qian Rongzhi, convinced himself of his deduction, and listened to these two old ghosts talking, and regarded him as a fish on the chopping board, he also moved with murderous intent.

Ximen's grandma looked at Li Qingshan who was sitting still, and said strangely: "This kid doesn't run away?"

"It's scary, don't be afraid, good boy, grandma won't love you." Dongmen's grandma smiled charmingly and used her charm. Strength is not something that can be easily grasped.

Ximen's grandma sneered, she knew that Li Qingshan's charms were of little use, but she deliberately didn't remind Dongmen's grandma, waiting to see her make a fool of herself.

Li Qingshan laughed loudly, the sound shook the cave. The Spirit Turtle Demon Pill was floating in his body, suppressing all distracting thoughts,

Grandma Dongmen was taken aback, "What are you laughing at?"

Li Qingshan stopped laughing: "The two old and ugly monsters also imitate the little girl's head scratching gesture. It's ridiculous. Even if you can deceive others, can you deceive yourself? You don't count the spots on your face in the mirror. How many wrinkles."

This remark hit the sore spots of the two grandmas. They hated people mentioning their looks and ages the most.

Grandma Dongmen was furious: "The kid wants to die!"

With a wave of his hand, a jet-black majestic true energy turned into a huge black làng and swept towards Li Qingshan.

Bang bang bang!

The thick stalagmite blocking the path of true qi was smashed to pieces, and the broken stones flew like a big black snake on the ground. It came to Li Qingshan in an instant, raised its head high, and bit it down fiercely.

With a loud bang, Li Qingshan sat down and the boulder was shattered.

Li Qingshan had already disappeared, and at the very moment of his death, he jumped up high, staring at the black zhenqi, "Xuanyin zhenqi!"


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