Legend of the Great Sage

Chapter 16 Master has practiced

Chapter 16 Grandpa Practiced

In addition to the five elements of true qi, there are also two yin and yang qi, collectively referred to as Xuan yin zhen qi and Xuan yang true qi, **ményīn yang double cultivation, men cultivate Xuanyang, women cultivate Xuan yin, they are black and white, cultivated to the extreme , yin and yang are born from the pole, and yin and yang are born from the anode, and yin and yang are combined. Not only is it not an evil exercise, but it is an authentic Taoist exercise.

The yin and yang two qi are infinitely changeable, and the derived skills are even higher than the five elements of true qi, and their attributes are very different. Zombie Taoist cultivates Xuanyin true energy, but his mysterious Yin true energy is all for Cooperating with refining and raising corpses, it does not have the function of charming people's minds and seizing people's essence.

Li Qingshan was secretly startled, Xuanyin True Qi has never been known for its fierceness, but it can have such an effect, the nine-level Qi refiner is really not easy.

Suddenly, a shadow enveloped Li Qingshan, and a giant black hand grabbed it down.

Grandma Ximen bluffed her right hand and said speculatively, "I see where you can go this time?"

"Why should I run away!" Li Qingshan said proudly, parted his hands, and took out the "Cursive Word Sword Book", the incomparably pure qi poured in frantically, flicked horizontally and vertically, like knives and swords, and lit up one by one.

The last time he tried this "Cao Zi Jian Shu" was in Qingyang City, "Xian Tian Qi Refining Jue" was only on the second level, but now he has cultivated to the seventh level, his true energy has increased by more than ten times, the "Cao Zi Jian Shu" is enough Twenty-one strokes lit up on the foot, piercing into the big black hand.

The sword energy jīshè, the big black hand disintegrated inch by inch.

"Top-grade spiritual weapon!" Grandma Ximen was startled, and shouted: "The black mud vortex!" The thick black zhenqi formed a large vortex in front of her, spinning at a high speed, as if it wanted to swallow everything into it!

This is the strongest body protection spell Grandma Ximen knows, and she is confident that she can withstand the bombardment of any Qi refiner's spells.

Twenty-one sword qis pierced into the black vortex in no particular order, and the vortex suddenly became agitated.

Grandma Ximen's face was serious, she used her spells with all her strength, and the black mud vortex swirled so fast that it crushed and annihilated all twenty sword qi.

With a roar, the vortex of true energy collapsed, Grandma Ximen shortened her body, and a sword light passed her shoulder, bringing up a smear of blood.

Li Qingshan immediately took out a piece of spirit stone, the pure heaven and earth vitality flowed into his body slowly along the palm of his hand, and the true energy quickly recovered.

He was also surprised,

Originally, I just wanted to block the attack of the big black hand and take the opportunity to escape, but I didn't expect the real power of "Cao Zi Jian Shu" to be so strong that it hurt a ninth-level Qi refiner in a single encounter, and it was because he was too angry Pure, if it is another qi refiner, I am afraid that only the fifth level of qi refinement can exert such power.

"Extreme spiritual weapon?" Grandma Ximen's complexion changed drastically: this "Cursive Word Sword Book" is still very incomplete, so even grandma Ximen can't judge its grade, only knowing that it is no small matter, she became angry from embarrassment A hint of extreme greed.

"This thing is mine now, old woman, don't grab it from me." Grandma Dongmen's eyes lit up, she closed her eyes tightly, held a mantra in both hands, recited the mantra, and her profound energy returned to her. Beside him, it was churning like black water, and it seemed to be alive!

A sense of crisis rose in Li Qingshan's heart, and it must be a very important spell that made the ninth-level qi refiners spend all their time preparing.

But instead of retreating, he advanced instead, holding the Liaofeng Knife with his backhand, and with all his feet, he produced a puff of true energy like an air cushion, stepped on the stone wall, as if walking on flat ground, walked like flying, took seven steps in a row, and jumped to the top of Grandma Dongmen's head.

With a flash of cold light, the Lingfeng Knife "clanged" out of its sheath, and slashed down with the momentum of splitting mountains and rocks.

Grandma Ximen's spell was broken just now, and there was no time to rescue her for a while, or she didn't want to rescue her at all. His body refining technique is really powerful, and coupled with that top-grade spiritual weapon, if he makes a sudden move, maybe even a sixth-level qi refiner will fall for him.

Grandma Dongmen suddenly opened her eyes, clasped her hands tightly, raised her middle fingers, and pointed at Li Qingshan, "Snake Bound Curse!" Enough to break the liver and gallbladder of ordinary people.

Liaofeng Dao was entangled by dozens of black snakes, as if stuck in a quagmire, unable to advance an inch. His body was also entangled layer by layer, leaving only a human figure.

Li Qingshan concentrated his thoughts on one point, put all his strength on the Lingfeng knife, looked through the black zhenqi, stared at the top of Grandma Dongmen's head, and shouted: "Break it!" A pair of arms suddenly swelled violently, becoming Cheng Tieqing's complexion was green, his evil spirit broke through the restraint of the black snake, and he slashed violently.

Grandma Dongmen, who just showed a smug smile, suddenly froze, "This is it!"

Grandma Ximen also sensed something was wrong, she pulled out a small red needle, although the needle is small, its aura is extremely strong, it is actually a high-grade spiritual weapon. There are not many high-grade spiritual tools, and even fewer needles, making it more difficult to refine.

Once refined, the power is infinite, not only extremely concealed and fast, but also capable of breaking all body-protecting true qi and body-protecting spells. When fighting skills, it can instantly kill qi refiners who do not have body-protecting spiritual weapons.

The flying needle pulled out a thin red thread, almost hitting Li Qingshan's head first.

A skull rosary flew across and hit the flying needle. The other one turned into a huge skull and bit Grandma Ximen.

Xiaoan broke through the floating ground, jumped out of the darkness, and stabbed Dongmen's grandma's vest with a sword. Three talismans were attached to his hands, feet, and sword, amplifying her speed, power, and lethality to the strongest level, just to deliver this fatal blow.

Li Qingshan showed the enemy to be weak, just looking for an opportunity, with such a killing momentum, if he can kill a grandma first, he will definitely win this battle.

Layers of light were emitted from Grandma Dongmen's body, covering her whole body.

The sword split and the sword stabbed, and there were two loud bangs like a yellow bell, the light trembled, but it never shattered.

Li Qingshan and Xiao An took advantage of the counter-shock and leaped backwards, a gap appeared in each sword, they both felt regretful, Grandma Dongmen has a very powerful spiritual weapon for body protection.

Grandma Dongmen screamed and flew aside. She hadn't experienced such a life-and-death crisis for many years. If she hadn't spent a lot of money to buy a middle-grade spiritual weapon, the "Mingguang Heart Mirror", she would have almost capsized in the ditch. He died unexpectedly, and then looked at the bright light heart mirror, leaving two deep nicks, his aura was greatly reduced, and he was even more shocked and angry.

Looking at Li Qingshan's stature, he is already one foot tall, his whole body is as black as iron, there are two horny protrusions on his forehead, and his red hair hangs down to his waist.

He yelled: "This kid has a problem, let's do it with all his strength!" He raised his hand, and a comb flew out of his sleeve, rising in the wind, and shoveled towards Li Qingshan.

I didn't expect this kid to be so difficult to deal with, even the child of national beauty and heavenly fragrance was very weird. But she believed that as long as they were serious, Li Qingshan would definitely not be an opponent with two Qi Refining Ninth Levels and two top-grade spiritual weapons.

But when Li Qingshan took out a magic talisman, she could tell at a glance that it was a middle-grade lightning-inducing talisman, and she sneered in her heart, it was not a thunderstorm weather, this middle-grade lightning-inducing talisman could not penetrate even her body-protecting true energy , confirming that Li Qingshan is already at the end of his rope.

Li Qingshan smiled slightly, his ultimate move is not over yet.

The lightning-inducing talisman fired, but it did not hit Grandma Dongmen, but turned into countless small electric shocks, illuminating the dark cavern, and also illuminated the eight talismans pasted by Li Qingshan, and the lightning flowed through it. superior.

The eight talismans fired at the same time, converging into a blazing white lightning bolt the size of a bucket, hitting Grandma Dongmen in the air, her weak protective qi couldn't stop her in the slightest, and when she was pierced through at once, the bright light heart shield burst instantly, screaming With a sound, he fell from the air, and smoke rose all over his body.

"What a sinister boy!" Seeing this scene, Grandma Ximen's face was ashen, with deep wrinkles.

On the one hand, he used a top-grade golden armor talisman to block the flame-suffering skull, and on the other hand, he used a flying needle to stab Li Qingshan again, so fast and urgent that even the skull rosary could not catch up.

Li Qingshan's expression froze, his figure soared to three feet, he stretched out his hand to grab the comb that was out of control, and released the spirit turtle mysterious armor.

With a ding sound, the flying needle pierced into the mysterious armor of the spirit turtle, and got stuck in it, unable to penetrate an inch.

Grandma Ximen was shocked, her flying needle failed to penetrate the body protection spell, and seeing Li Qingshan's terrifying figure, a flash of inspiration flashed in her heart, and she cursed: "This is a trap for that little bitch!"

At the same time, Xiao An rushed to the front of Dongmen's grandma, and stabbed down with a sword, not giving her any chance to breathe.

There was a crisp clang, and the blade of the sword fell on a piece of golden light. At the critical moment, Dongmen's grandma also posted a top-grade golden armor talisman for herself. The top-grade talisman is extremely precious, and they are not willing to use it unless it is absolutely necessary.

Xiao An's face was expressionless, the Hidden Blade stabbed down like a storm, her arms were almost blurred, and the golden light faded inch by inch.

Although Grandma Dongmen was not surprised, she took the opportunity to swallow a healing elixir, holding a spirit stone in her hand, recovering her true energy. Although her whole body was scorched, a few thunder charms alone were not enough to kill her, she was furious Crazy, desperately urging the comb,

The spiritual comb in Li Qingshan's hands was trembling, but how could he be against his strength, just as he smiled, suddenly the brilliance flashed, and the comb teeth shot out dozens of light blades, the power was hardly under the sword energy of the cursive swordsmanship. In the speech, there is no way to avoid it, and it is even more impossible to resist it with the spirit turtle Xuanjia.

Dang clang clang clang, there was a sharp sound of gold and iron āo, the light blade fell on Li Qingshan's chest, blood radiated everywhere.

Xiao An didn't even look at it, the sword became more violent, the thin Hidden Sword was unbearable to use, and cracks appeared inch by inch, and Grandma Dongmen's golden armor talisman was also weakened to the extreme, on the verge of breaking.

On Li Qingshan's body, there were dozens of criss-crossing terrifying scars, some of which were even deep enough to show the bones, but there was not a single fatal wound. To the demon, this kind of injury is nothing at all. As soon as the demon energy surges, the wound quickly closes and disappears.

Grandma Dongmen's smug smile just froze on her face, "Impossible, even a monster, it's impossible to have such a tough skin!" Unexpectedly, after Li Qingshan became the second stage of "The Great Strength of the Bull Demon", The strength of the bull devil's refining skin has also reached a peak.

"I have practiced!" Li Qingshan just said the first word, he stepped in front of Grandma Dongmen and punched him down.


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