Legend of the Great Sage

Chapter 17 One-shot Killing

Chapter Seventeen

The golden armor talisman was broken.

Grandma Dongmen's scorched face showed a mysterious smile, and between her skinny fingers, she held a magic talisman.

"Huh?" Li Qingshan was slightly taken aback, feeling that something was wrong.

The magic talisman burst out, the cold light bloomed, and the cold air overflowed.

Kacha Kacha, the ice climbed from Li Qingshan's fist to his arm, sealing his whole body, his fist moved forward with difficulty, but finally couldn't stop in front of Grandma Dongmen.

Li Qingshan's huge body turned into a big ice cube, his face was still full of shock. The terrifying murderous aura that nearly suffocated Grandma Dongmen was also instantly frozen.

Xiao An, who was on the side, was not spared either, being sealed in the ice and unable to move.

It is not only Li Qingshan who has the hole cards and trump cards.

Ximen's grandma sneered: "You are finally willing to use this top-quality cold drink. I knew that Dongmen's grandma had this trump card, and she only let her get three points on weekdays. Today, she was finally forced out, and she couldn't help expressing pleasure.

Grandma Dongmen survived the catastrophe for the rest of her life, but her face was full of frustration. She practiced for a hundred years and spent countless efforts to accumulate this top-grade magic talisman. This is a real life-saving talisman. Even if Li Qingshan is killed, it may not be able to make up for it her loss.

He thought fiercely, if he knew that he would not come, it would be a pleasure to let this old ghost die in the trap. Looking at Li Qingshan again, his eyes are full of hatred and resentment, wishing to immediately skin him, tear him apart, and torture him to death.

Ximen's grandma looked at Xiaoan and sighed: "It's a pity for this child. Otherwise, if the original memory is erased and manipulated with evil intentions, we will have a sharp weapon in our mouth."

The function of the cold wave talisman is not only to freeze, but also to freeze the body and damage the meridians, which is almost equivalent to a blow from a foundation-building monk, and it is impossible to survive.

Grandma Dongmen said: "This child is very strange, even if he is dead, this Li Qingshan is actually a monster, he hides his evil spirit so well, and even pretends to be a Qi refiner!"

In the blue and white ice, Li Qingshan's eyes suddenly rolled.

Grandma Dongmen said in amazement: "He's not dead yet, hurry up, or we'll all die here today!"

Grandma Simon was also surprised, how could this be possible!

bang bang bang,

Li Qingshan's heart was beating like a drum, getting faster and faster, his blood was throbbing, his muscles bulged, and he roared silently.

Kaka, the ice climbed up cracks.

How could Grandma Ximen dare to be negligent, she drove the flying needle, and with the other hand, it pierced Li Qingshan's heart, and the other hand also held a top-grade magic talisman. Suddenly a golden light lit up, dazzled her eyes.

Xiaoan turned the frozen flesh and blood back into raging fire, and affixed a magic talisman on the white bone, the top-grade King Kong Powerful Amulet.

A huge golden man emerged from the ice, with all five senses and a golden sword in his hand.

But at the core of the golden man, there is a small white bone, which is illuminated by the golden light, and it also faintly reveals the golden color, showing some Buddha spirit. A taste of King Kong's angry eyes.

Grandma Ximen's expression froze, her heart trembled, and she was captured by it. She has always cultivated the art of charm and evil to influence the spirit of others, so her own spirit is naturally strong. At this moment, he was actually shocked.

The supernatural power of "Zhu Yan Bai Bone Road" echoes the King Kong's powerful magic talisman, and exerts a power beyond imagination.

Vajra warriors are the protectors of the Buddhist kingdom. Even if they are contaminated with a trace of spirituality, they are definitely not something that any qi refiner can resist. No matter their strength or spirit, they will be suppressed.

King Kong glared and subdued the four demons. The Bodhisattva lowered his eyebrows and showed compassion in the six realms.

How could Xiaoan let go of such an opportunity, and strode close to Ximen's grandma, the bones were neither sad nor happy, King Kong was even more angry, he raised the golden sword high, and swung it down violently with the intention of killing all evil spirits.

The life-and-death crisis brought Grandma Ximen back to her senses. The golden sword was close at hand. She screamed and cast a spell. Xuanyin true energy gushed out from her body, forming a shield of true energy. He took out a top-quality talisman, hesitated for a moment, whether to retreat immediately, or drive the top-quality talisman.


King Kong cut through the zhenqi shield with a single sword, and chopped off her hand holding the top-grade magic talisman.

Granny Ximeng held her severed arm, screamed and backed away, trying to use her true energy to roll back the talisman, but King Kong grabbed the talisman with one hand and let her zhenqi go to nothing, and then chopped off with the second sword.

She didn't dare to stay at once, cast a spell to boost her energy, and ran out of the cave, but when she looked up, she saw that Grandma Dongmen was walking in front of her, and she couldn't help cursing in her heart.

All this happened in the blink of an eye. Boom, the ice cubes shattered jīshè, Li Qingshan broke through the ice and shouted: "Where can I escape!" As he stepped forward, the Bull Demon trampled on him.

A crack spread from the bottom of his feet, quickly catching up with Grandma Dongmen, but the target was not her,

Smoke and dust rose everywhere, and the cave collapsed, completely sealing the cave.

Grandma Dongmen just turned around, before she could speak!

The tiger demon screamed and let out an infinite sound bō wind blade, sweeping towards her, rushing her to the stone wall, before she could slip, Li Qingshan caught up with her. He punched her.

"The whirlpool of black mud!" Grandma Dongmen was still able to cast spells in this situation, offset most of her strength, and still spit out a mouthful of blood.

But Li Qingshan blasted a hundred punches in an instant, smashing the black mud vortex, blasting her whole body into the stone wall, turning her into fleshy mud.

When Li Qingshan turned his head sharply, Xiao An was chasing Ximen's grandmother and fled in all directions. With the sharpness of the flying needle, she actually pierced through the golden body, but it could not hurt Xiao An's hardened bones.

Grandma Ximen suddenly felt a pair of red eyes looking at her, the huge figure approached quickly, her eyes cast a shadow of death, and she couldn't help showing a look of despair.

Even without Xiao An's super performance, with two against one, Li Qingshan is absolutely sure, taking advantage of the opportunity that Ximen's grandma is nowhere to dodge by Xiao An, he grabs Ximen's grandma with his giant claws, and grabs Ximen's grandma with both hands, protecting him. The body's true energy was shattered, and Grandma Ximen also followed in the footsteps of Grandma Dongmen. She was smashed to pieces before she could even utter a scream.

Li Qingshan let out a sigh of relief, showing a bright smile, this fight, he won!

Because his evil energy and five elements belong to water, the top-grade cold chao talisman did not do much damage to him. Even so, his body also suffered from frostbite. If he changed to another top-grade magic talisman, it might be dangerous this time. .

There were also many mistakes in this battle. First of all, the power of the "Cao Zi Jian Shu" was not estimated. Otherwise, if it was included in the plan, there should be a chance to seriously injure or even kill Grandma Dongmen.

Another one is to underestimate the magical effect of the Vajra Powerful Talisman on Xiao An. Of course, there is no need to demand perfection, Li Qingshan is also constantly learning about wars in wars.

In comparison, Grandma Ximen and Grandma Dongmen made more mistakes. If he had been prepared from the very beginning and tried his best instead of acting like a playful person, Li Qingshan's chances of winning would have dropped to at least 50%. .

It was that contemptuous attitude that gave Li Qingshan the opportunity to preemptively strike. He didn't cooperate in any way, but just responded hastily under the continuous attacks. The result of the final failure was almost set at the beginning.

But which ninth-level qi refiner would be serious about a third-level qi refiner? His greatest weapon is not the "Cao Zi Jian Shu", nor the King Kong Powerful Talisman, but this kind of weak appearance. At any time, he can calculate with his mind or not, and take the initiative to strike first.

The raging fire devoured the corpses of Grandma Ximen and Grandma Dongmen, and returned to Xiaoan's body. Then, little by little, the bloody flesh condensed, smiled sweetly at Li Qingshan, and put two treasure bags and two top-grade spiritual weapons, A top-quality talisman is presented.

Li Qingshan regained his human form, opened the treasure bag and looked surprised, the space inside was vast, which he had never seen before, and there were countless kinds of alchemy, spirit, stone, talisman and skills.

But there was not a single Qi Ning Pill, and instead they replaced it with a pill called Juqi Pill. The potency of the medicine was slightly weaker than that of Zhulu Pill, but it was ten times stronger than the Qi Ning Pill, and the impurities were much less , as many as a thousand. There are dozens of other kinds of elixir.

But what surprised Li Qingshan the most was the two brocade boxes full of runes, which contained two lavender yào pills, which exuded a strange fragrance.

Li Qingshan didn't dare to look too much, and quickly closed the brocade box, the one that can be cherished so much by the ninth-level qi refiners must not be ordinary products, so he carefully inquired about the name of this spiritual medicine when he had a chance.

There are many spirit talismans, except for two or three high-grade spirit talismans that Li Qingshan paid a little attention to, there is no need to list the others in detail. There are only two spirit weapons, but the difference of one grade is at least ten times the value. The scarlet flying needle and spiritual comb alone are two high-grade spiritual weapons, which are worth more than the sum of all the spiritual weapons that Li Qingshan has ever obtained, except for the "Cao Zi Jian Shu".

In addition, there are not many spirit stones, only a few tens of them. Presumably, they have used all their wealth on this top-grade magic talisman, top-grade spirit weapon, and that purple panacea.

Li Qingshan hugged Xiao An, stroking his hair, and said with a smile: "We've done it!" He gave each of Xiao An two treasure bags.

Xiao An said: "Send it!"

Li Qingshan took out ten Baicao pills, meditated on the spot for a while, and restored the true and evil energy to the best state, then raised the wind knife, opened the cave again, and came out of the cave with Xiao An, but saw Qian Rongzhi Sitting on the open space not far away, I couldn't help being slightly surprised: "You didn't leave?"

Qian Rongzhi smiled and said: "I haven't got the things I want to share, how can I just leave like this!" With a calm and calm attitude, but in fact, the tension in my heart didn't relax until this moment, and I was even more surprised Due to Li Qingshan's strength, he actually killed two ninth-level Qi refiners.

Although the kungfu's skills are mainly to charm the enemy's mind, it can't be regarded as good at fighting, but the strength of the ninth level of Qi Refining cannot be faked. In her eyes, Li Qingshan looks more and more mysterious and unfathomable.

Looking at Xiaoan next to him, it seemed to be full of mystery, and he couldn't help but sigh, this child is still so clean!

Seeing Qian Rongzhi looking at her, Xiaoan smiled shyly at her, "Hello!"


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