Legend of the Great Sage

Chapter 38 The Alliance of Kings

Chapter 38: Alliance of Kings

Li Qingshan ignored the curious gazes of those Qi refiners, and said: "What's the matter, everyone? Please tell me!"

The red-faced man didn't ask too many questions, and waved his hand grandly: "This is not a place to talk, let's talk in the teahouse!"

"Drinking tea is tasteless, is there a place to drink here? Today I will be the host. Holy Church." Li Qingshan settled a few important matters on his mind, and he was in a good mood.

The red-faced man also smiled and said: "I also like wine more. The Baiweilou is not far in front, but you must not compete with me as a host."

Li Qingshan held the jade slip of "Book of Wanxiang" in his hand, and many messages of Baiweilou immediately appeared in his heart. This is a very famous restaurant in the practice of Qinghe Prefecture, and the chefs in it are all Qi refiners. Just like Lu Ziyu cooking tea, he uses methods that only Qi refiners know, and he cooks ingredients that are rarely seen by ordinary people.

Li Qingshan smiled slightly, this thing is really easy to use, it's as if the knowledge reserves of dozens of know-it-alls have been gathered into this thin jade slip, for a casual cultivator like him who is just starting out, it is like rain from heaven.

But casual cultivators who are willing to spend nearly a hundred spirit stones to buy this item are extremely rare, not to mention rare. And the disciples from the sect all have the common sense of Taoism taught by their masters, and it is even more impossible to spend such a large price.

Upstairs in Baiwei, there was a long table near the window, several people were seated, the red-faced man said: "Han Xiong, these are my friends." After introducing Li Qingshan one by one, those Qi refiners all saluted .

Li Qingshan bowed his head to return the salute, and reported his family name: "I'm Xia Niu Juxia, why did Fellow Daoist Han invite me here?" He also thought about it, calling himself Niu Er was a bit too perfunctory, so he simply followed Yu Zijian's words and called Niu Juxia.

"Could it be that you are the Niu Juxia who defeated Song Ming, the inner sect disciple of Jidu Mountain!" Han Xiong was in awe, and couldn't help but use honorifics.

Li Qingshan didn't expect that he was already so famous, he said humbly: "It's just a fluke."

The other three qi refiners were a little surprised and confused, not as knowledgeable as Han Xiong, and asked, "Brother Han, what's going on? You're talking about that golden rooster man, Song Ming?"

Li Qingshan almost laughed, what kind of golden rooster man is worse than Xiashanhu.

Han Xiong explained to his companions.

Li Qingshan didn't want to interrupt, he looked at the restaurant, this restaurant is the same as other buildings in this small town,

They are all made of pure wood, exuding the unique aroma of wood.

The decoration is not luxurious, but very simple, not even a calligraphy or painting. When people sit here, they feel like they are coming to eat and drink. The shop owner obviously has absolute confidence in his cooking skills.

Just at this time, a waiter came over with a plate, wearing a square hat on his head, and a white scarf on his shoulders. He quickly put down a pot of wine and a few stacks of delicate dishes, and introduced these things with a full and enthusiastic voice. The origin of the name of the dish. The action language is extremely standard, but somewhat mechanical.

Li Qingshan took a closer look, only to find that this is Xiao Er, it is clearly a puppet doll, but it is very delicate, wearing Xiao Er's clothes, the exposed skin is painted with some kind of paint, it looks like a human skin color No two, obviously not the type used for fighting.

It must be that ordinary people are not allowed to come and go in this square city, but the Qi refiners refused to do the job of serving food and wine, so they ordered this kind of little puppet from the Mohist school. church

At this time, Han Xiong finished talking about Li Qingshan's glorious achievements, and those few qi refiners looked at Li Qingshan in awe, and Han Xiong, the strongest among them, was only at the fifth level of qi refining, tied together, He couldn't win against any of the inner sect disciples among the three mountains. He thought that Li Qingshan was a fledgling little Qi refiner, but he never thought that he was such a powerful person.

Han Xiong stood up and poured wine for Li Qingshan.

Li Qingshan sat still, picked up the wine glass, gave a slight signal, drank the wine in one gulp, and said with a smile: "You can explain your purpose now, Daoist Han!"

Han Xiong also quickly drank the wine in his glass: "We are all members of the Qiuzhen Society, and this time we sincerely invite Friends Niu Daoist to join us!"

What is the sect of Qiuzhen Society? Li Qingshan hurriedly sank his mind into the Wanxiang Book, but found nothing.

Han Xiongdao: "Fellow Daoist Niu, don't worry about it. The Qiuzhen Society is just an association organized by casual cultivators, not a great sect. There is no record in the "Book of Vientiane"."

"Association of casual cultivators?" Li Qingshan heard of this kind of organization for the first time, and asked curiously: "Actually, I have never quite understood what is a casual cultivator."

"This is what you don't know, Fellow Daoist Niu. Loose cultivators don't just refer to monks who practice alone. As long as they don't come from a family or sect, they are considered casual cultivators."

Li Qingshan said: "With Daoist Han's 5th level of Qi refining, it is more than enough to set up a family by yourself, and form a gang of Qi refining practitioners."

Han Xiong smiled wryly and said: "Without your own background and inheritance, how dare you call yourself a family sect. Generally speaking, there are no foundation-building monks in the family sect, and you are still a casual cultivator even if hundreds of thousands of Qi refiners gather together Not recognized by the way of practice, really speaking, my Han family is in Wanshun City, five hundred miles to the northeast, almost like a local emperor."

"But in the whole way of practice, it is not worth mentioning at all. They are often excluded and bullied by the disciples of the sect, so they form an association and jointly protect themselves."

Li Qingshan said: "With the strength of Daoist Han at the fifth level of refining Qi, can't you find a sect and join?" Pointing to the majestic mountains outside the window: "For example, this Ivy Mountain."

Han Xiong sighed: "I'm so old, and I don't have such amazing talent as Brother Niu, which sect will accept it? I can only figure it out on my own. How about it? Juxia Niu wants to come to our Qiuzhen Society to have a look." look?"

Li Qingshan thinks about it too, the sect disciples he sees now are all young and have five or six levels of strength. And looking at Han Xiong's appearance, he is at least forty or fifty years old, and his aptitude is definitely not good.

He vaguely remembered that Zhou Wenbin said that sects generally only recruit young disciples. They grew up on the mountain, were disciplined by their masters, cared by senior brothers and sisters, and bound by various emotions. Only then would they have a sense of identity and belonging to the sect. , which is also the foundation of the existence of a sect.

Regarding Han Xiong's invitation, Li Qingshan said carefully: "I'm afraid I don't have much time, and maybe I will join the sect in the future..."

Seeing that Li Qingshan didn't express his refusal, Han Xiong became more enthusiastic: "Qiuzhen Club is not a sect, and won't ask fellow Taoists to do anything. It's just a gathering once in a while to exchange experience in cultivation, or exchange resources. Nothing will be wasted. time."

The three qi refiners beside him echoed: "Yes, yes, everyone gathered together to drink and chat, so happy!"

"A few years ago, we organized a team to enter the Cangmang Mountain, and found hundreds of catties of black iron elites."

Li Qingshan has a little more understanding of the nature of this "seeking truth society". ("")

Han Xiong said: "Well, after a while, we will have a meeting in Youquan Valley. Fellow Taoists can go and have a look. If you don't like it, we won't force it."

"Let me think about it!" Li Qingshan picked up his wine glass and said nothing more, Han Xiong exchanged glances with his three companions, but said nothing more: "Come, drink!"

Looking out the window, Li Qingshan looked at the brightly lit square city and the endless flow of Qi refiners on the street, wondering: "Is this place always so lively?"

Han Xiong said: "How is that possible? It's not because the Sanshan Herb Collection Ceremony every ten years is approaching, which attracts so many qi refiners. Let's prepare here!"

Li Qingshan was puzzled and said: "The Three Mountains Herb Collection Ceremony? Does it have anything to do with ordinary casual cultivators?"

Han Xiongdao: "The disciples of Sanshan are very strong. They go to gather medicine to attract the attention of monsters. We casual cultivators will have a chance to fish in troubled waters."

"Aren't we also being used by Sanshan to attract the bait of monsters?"

Li Qingshan turned his head, only to see that the four-level Qi refiner named Zhou Wei who spoke was sneering.

Han Xiong said: "In short, the more people there are, the safer it will be."

"Safe? I don't think so. In every herbal gathering ceremony, countless qi refiners died underground, and how many of them died in the mouths of monsters?"

"Underground? Isn't it Cangmang Mountain?" Li Qingshan was surprised and put down his wine glass.

Han Xiong said with a smile: "Brother Niu, you really don't know anything. Almost all the spiritual herbs that can be picked in the remaining veins of the Cangmang Mountain have been picked. If you go deeper, just attract a demon general and refine Qi." All the soldiers must die together, who dares to go deep?"

Li Qingshan had some ominous premonition in his heart, and continued to ask: "Aren't there any monsters and generals under the ground?"

Han Xiongdao: "Of course, speaking of it, some underground areas are more dangerous than Cangmang Mountain? But it is much safer to enter the underground and go southeast."

Isn't this the territory ruled by Malu, Li Qingshan hurriedly asked: "Why?" The answer he had already vaguely expected in his heart.

Han Xiong was happy to show off his knowledge: "You have to ask others, they may not be able to tell you the answer, but I am the president of Qiuzhen Society, and I have a friend who is a core disciple of Fenqiushan, so I know !"

"Picking medicine in other places, if you kill monsters and hunt for demon pills, you will definitely attract demon generals to attack. If nine out of ten people can survive, it is considered a good life, but this place rarely attracts demon generals, and this It will take a month or two for the herbal gathering ceremony to start, do you know why?"


"Because we have to wait until the coldest weather. It is said that at that time, the monster general will go into hibernation. It is a good time to kill monsters and pick spirit grass. It doesn't matter if we turn the world upside down."

Li Qingshan suddenly didn't know what to say, he knew that Malu had two major hobbies in his life, besides eating and sleeping, even if it wasn't winter, he would just lie motionless on the stone platform most of the time, which gave the Qi practitioners a chance to take advantage of him. opportunity.

But why did Malu only hear about the oppression of other demon generals, but never about the threat from the ground?

"Why are you afraid of demon generals? Aren't the heads of the three mountains all foundation-building monks? As long as they join forces, even demon generals can be killed!"

Han Xiong opened his eyes wide and said: "Fellow Daoist Niu, don't you even know about the 'Alliance of Kings'?" The suddenly amplified voice startled the Qi refiners at the neighboring table, and turned their gazes over to Li Qingshan, all of whom were a little surprised and contemptuous.

It seems that Li Qingshan doesn't know the "Alliance of Kings", but he doesn't know that the sun is round.

Zhou Weidao: "You Daoist Niu just came out of the mountain, so it's not surprising that you haven't heard of it. There must be extremely detailed records in the "Book of Vientiane". You might as well take a look."

Holding the jade slips in Li Qingshan's hands, his mind sank into it, and he immediately got all the information about the "Alliance of Kings", the information was very complicated, if he read one by one, he might not be able to finish it in three days and three nights.

But after browsing through it roughly, I got a general idea of ​​why other qi refiners were so surprised. Those qi refiners who didn't know about it can be said to have never even entered the school.

The alliance of kings originated from the Great Xia Emperor, who was said to have blood of monsters. When he was conquering the world, he got the help of many powerful monsters and established the Great Xia Dynasty.

After the establishment of the Great Xia Dynasty, the world was sealed off, and the most important and prominent titles were the King of People from Eight Provinces and the King of Demons from Ten Directions.

Under the auspices of the Emperor Shengzu, the kings met for a hundred days and signed a covenant, dividing the boundary between demons and humans, so that the two clans would never invade each other.

What made Malu dare not take a step on the ground was not the demon commander above his head, or even the Mohai Dragon King in Qingzhou, but this covenant thousands of years ago.

However, low-level monsters have limited intelligence, and there are too many and too many gas refiners, so it is difficult to restrain them. Therefore, whether it is monsters rushing out of the ground or gas refiners entering the ground, they are all within the range of tolerance and acquiescence. The other party's territory was punished, and he was also seeking his own death.

This covenant really binds people and demons who have survived more than one catastrophe, whether it is a foundation cultivator entering the ground to kill demons, or a demon coming to the ground to slaughter humans.

The best result is that the covenant breaker will be strangled by the two clans. And the worst result is to reignite the flames of war, involving all humans and monsters.

Today, three foundation cultivators went deep into the ground to kill a monster general. Tomorrow, a monster commander may show up and slaughter Ivy Mountain and all the Qi refiners in this square city.

Even though Li Qingshan was so bold, thinking about that scene, he felt shuddering.

But when he heard that the Foundation Establishment cultivators would not enter the ground, he was a little relieved, but his mind was even more complicated. As the leader of the monster soldiers, all the monsters and beasts were his subordinates and could not be slaughtered by others. He also has absolute control over all kinds of underground resources, and he will never give them up.

If he was a pure monster, of course he would go back to the ground immediately to summon a group of monsters, set up traps, and kill all the invaders, so that he could get a lot of treasure bags.

But after all, he was transformed from a human being. It was not that simple to make this decision. For a while, he didn't even feel like eating.

Holding back his temper, he asked Han Xiong more about the herbal gathering ceremony, and then he was about to leave.

Han Xiong saw that Li Qingshan was not interested, so he didn't force him to stay, but he advised him to go to Youquan Valley to have a look.

After Li Qingshan asked about the time and place, he finally agreed, not just to broaden his knowledge. Youquan Valley is not far from here. Before the gathering ceremony, no matter what his decision is, he must always pay attention to the changes here.

When he came downstairs, Li Qingshan ordered another table of food and wine, put them in his treasure bag and took them away.

It was late at night, and Li Qingshan found an inn to settle down. He spent five spirit stones and booked the best room. Under the guidance of the boss, he opened the old door, and the space inside was much larger than expected. It is known that some kind of magic circle that increases the space is used.

Although it was winter, the room was as warm as spring. The room was covered with a thick silk carpet. The patterns on it seemed to be not just patterns, but some kind of magic circle, which made the aura in the room a little denser than it looked.

On a jade painting screen, embroidered with exquisite beauties, holding a pipa and Yaoqin, when the boss knocks on the screen, there will be a moving sound of silk and bamboo.

There is a futon in the room, which is said to be able to gather the aura of heaven and earth, and it is said to be of great help to spiritual practice!

There is actually a huge bathtub in the room, which can not only gather water by itself, but also control the water temperature with two runes.

Not only has Li Qingshan never seen the gadgets made by various Qi refiners, he has never even thought about them. It cannot be said that they have high technical content, but they can definitely make people very comfortable.

Before leaving the door, the boss suddenly stopped in his tracks, showing a smile that men could understand: "Fellow Daoist, if you feel lonely and sleepless, I know some young and beautiful female monks, all you need is some spiritual stones..." Li Qingshan was regarded as I met a big spender who had a lot of money but hadn't seen much in the world.

Li Qingshan couldn't laugh or cry at once, this situation gave him an inexplicable sense of time travel, but he didn't know if there would be police, no, it was the eagle wolf guard who came to make rounds, he waved his hands hurriedly, and refused righteously: "No need, I'm going to rest!"

The boss showed a little regretful expression, and said unwillingly: "There is a sound transmission talisman in the room, if you need it, fellow Taoist, just call me!"

Li Qingshan closed the door, let out a breath, put down the bamboo basket on his body and opened it: "You can come out now!"

Xiao An stretched out his hands to him, Li Qingshan said: "Aren't you going to come out by yourself?" But he has already picked her up and put the food and drink on the table, "Dinner is ready!"

He casually took out the jade slip of "The Pavilion of Sutras" and handed it to Xiao An, then sat aside, propped his cheeks to watch Xiao An eat, but his mind was lost, and he didn't even bother to take the "Guishui Ning Qi Jue" come out and see.

Xiao An said softly, "Aren't you going to eat?"

Li Qingshan said: "I've eaten it." But Xiao An had already brought a piece of fish to his mouth.

"It's getting more and more disobedient." Li Qingshan said, eating the fish again, "What do you think I should do?"

Xiao An asked strangely: "What should I do?"

Li Qingshan said: "Of course it's that bullshit medicine gathering ceremony."

Xiao An's face was full of surprise: "Aren't you going to kill them all?"

Li Qingshan was stunned: "When did I say that I don't know them, and they didn't come after me. It's not good to kill like this!"

Xiao An lowered her head: "But I don't know them either!" For her, this reason is enough, no, there is no need for any reason, except for the man in front of her, anyone can die.

The amazing thing is that because of each other's existence, neither of them can become a big devil who can do whatever they want.

ps: I feel much more energetic today. Whoever said that writers stay up late, why can't I stay up.

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