Legend of the Great Sage

Chapter 39: A Porn Book

i Chapter Thirty-Nine

Li Qingshan touched her cheek, and said seriously: "Hey, you can't kill people you don't know!" After saying this, he immediately felt that his whole body had been sublimated, and he felt that he had fulfilled the obligation of an educator. It turns out that I am such a kind person!

Xiao An blinked her eyes, not sure if she understood.

But Li Qingshan had made up his mind, so he didn't worry anymore, he walked behind the screen, took off all his clothes, revealing a well-defined, strong body like cast iron and stone, shaking his shoulders, thumping, jumping into that pool-like bath.

Hot water flooded out of the bath and rushed over his chest, Li Qingshan let out his hair in a bun, leaned comfortably against the side of the bath, took out the jade slip of "Gueshui Condensing Qi Jue" from his treasure bag, and began to study it carefully.

The first level is the simplified version of "Xiantian Qi Refining Art", one glance at it, and you will know that you don't need to spend any thought. But starting from the second level, it was a bit difficult. I thought it would be enough to transform the true qi in the body into Guishui true qi, but after careful study, I found that things were not that simple.

It is also for cultivating yang meridians, but what is required is not just to penetrate the meridians. The five viscera correspond to the five elements, and the kidney governs water. The "Guishui Condensing Qi Jue" needs to interact with the kidneys to induce the essence of Guishui.

But how to sense it and how to draw it is just a mysterious ancient text, if there is no foundation of "Xiantian Refining Qi Jue", he must be a monk Zhang Er who can't figure it out. Although it is better now, it still feels very obscure and difficult to understand. Fortunately, he bought the annotated version, and the notes made by the seniors are much easier to understand.

However, the content of these handwriting is more than ten times that of "Guishui Ningqi Jue". After reading it for a while, I feel dizzy and have to admit that I have nothing to do with talent and intelligence.

Submerging his head in the water, his mind calmed down in the ups and downs of the water, and his understanding was not enough when his heart moved, but isn't there a gifted child beside him who even Qingniu admires?

Li Qingshan said: "Xiao An, are you done eating? Come take a bath!" From drinking tea to eating, any comfort and enjoyment, he will never forget her.

Xiao An immediately came to him, took off his clothes and jumped into the water.

Li Qingshan handed the jade slip to her: "Help me study it." Then he took out the copy that the old man in the store gave him with great care, and took it out in such a hurry that he didn't even have time to read the name.

There is some expectation in my heart, what is it that the old man gave so carefully? Could it be that there are some special intensive exercises, he sees that he is very talented and undertakes the important task of saving the world,

He deliberately refused to accept the spirit stone and gave it to him.

The binding is extremely delicate, the seams are meticulous, and it exudes a faint fragrance of ink. The paper used is not bad, and it feels a bit heavy in the hand, but it is a bit too new for the standards of magical secret books.

No matter what, let's talk about it first, the bright and clean vermilion cover is written with three elegant words "Mian Hua Mian", which is slightly different from the name of the secret book that Li Qingshan imagined.

Turning over a page, I saw that it read "The first time, Hua Sanniang mistook her lover" and then there was an opening poem, which said: "Everything in the world is never free, and there are thousands of thoughts of love and hatred for a while. No lover will give up because of love." If you die, make friends first and then get together."

"What the hell is this?" Li Qingshan was stunned, the old man was so careful to conceal it, it was just one, he didn't believe in this evil, he read it patiently, and then it was just a very boring story, if it was just boring, it would be fine , the more he looked at it, the more he felt something was wrong, and the description of intercourse in it was very bold.

Of course, for a time traveler like Li Qingshan, white steamed buns and purple bacon are really not exciting at all, but in this era, they should be considered out of line!

After turning over more than a dozen pages, almost all the male characters and all the female characters "doubled", but it didn't make the book any less boring, until the fifteenth page, a beautifully drawn erotic The picture suddenly appeared in front of Li Qingshan.

This erotic picture not only has meticulous lines, but even the expressions are lifelike. Even Li Qingshan, who is well-informed, thinks that this painting is very good. There are many such erotic pictures.

Li Qingshan was finally convinced that what he had in his hand was indeed a yellow book. i

But it doesn't make sense! That old man who seems to be very respectable and friendly, just to give him a yellow book?

Even the weakest Qi refiner is still a powerful person among mortals. If he has the skills to watch this stuff, wouldn't it be easier and more straightforward to just find a famous brothel?

Could it be that the old man is a loving person who appreciates certain cultural connotations in the book, so he wants to share it with himself, but he is afraid that he will underestimate this book because of the content in it.

This is the only reasonable explanation, but the content of this book is obviously very clumsy, and it has absolutely no cultural value to talk about.

Li Qingshan was confused, ten times more confused than he was when he watched "Guishui Ningqi Jue" just now. If something is abnormal, it is a demon. In this matter, there must be a secret that I don't know, but it's just deliberately hidden in this kind of garbage.

Li Qingshan felt it with his hand, there is no interlayer. Infuse true energy, no response. When I shine it on the light, there is no picture. Take water and pour it, it's wet.

Inside and out, I tried various methods, but this is just an ordinary book. Could it be that there is some kind of code hidden? But even if there is, he has no chance to see it right.

The so-called wisdom is not enough to find Xiao An, he glanced at Xiao An, and saw that she was concentrating on studying "Guishui Condensing Qi Art", and then looked at the one in his hand, if she found out that he was reading this, wouldn't it be embarrassing.

Immediately dismissed the idea, if it wasn't for Xiao An being by his side, he would have done it almost as in the erotic picture, to see if there is some kind of luck method.

"What are you looking at?" Xiao An suddenly leaned over, with long, wet, jet-black hair winding down on his suet-white jade-like shoulders, floating on the water, more and more like some kind of aquatic plant.

Pa, Li Qingshan closed his hands tightly, and said with an unnatural expression: "It's nothing, ah, have you finished your research?" Inexplicably recalling the expression on the old man's face when he gave it to him.

Xiaoan glanced curiously at the one in Li Qingshan's hand, and had fully understood everything about the second stage of "Guishui Condensing Qi Jue", and then taught Li Qingshan in straightforward words that could not be more straightforward.

Li Qingshan suddenly felt enlightened, embraced her and kissed her, and exclaimed: "It's so smart, why didn't I think of it."

Xiaoan's face was flushed, and in the dense water vapor, she faintly showed the color of a country that was still far away.

Li Qingshan seemed to have suddenly noticed the difference between men and women, and said with a smile: "When you grow up, you won't be able to take a bath together."

Xiao An raised her head: "Then I will never grow up."

"Don't be silly, how can a person never grow up?"

"I'm not human."

Li Qingshan didn't take this childish words to heart: "Well, we are not human, but we should grow up or grow up."

Xiao An pouted.

Li Qingshan said: "However, having said so much, you have forgotten the most important one, how to convert true energy into Guishui true energy?"

Xiao An said: "Aren't you able to directly absorb the aura of heaven and earth?"

Li Qingshan scratched his head: "It turns out that I'm really not smart enough!" His Yaodan is not water element, he can cultivate Guishui True Qi as much as he cultivates Yaodan, he only needs to use it in the infinite world, why bother to think about the small small self.

It's not that he's stupid, it's just that he is limited by habitual thinking, and he regards the practice of exercises as the golden rule, but the various suggestions given by the seniors who wrote their own experience notes are aimed at ordinary qi practitioners, and they would never think of it. In the world, there are Qi refiners who can directly absorb the aura of heaven and earth.

Li Qingshan said: "By the way, the salesman gave me a copy. I think there should be a lot of mystery in it, but I just can't understand it."

Xiao An asked curiously, "Is it the one just now?"


"Can't you show me?"

"Absolutely not." Li Qingshan shook his head.

Xiao An said disappointedly: "Then you can go and ask him tomorrow."

Li Qingshan was stunned again, that shop is no longer able to run long, I just go there again tomorrow.

"Why did I suddenly become stupid today? It must be because reading this book has affected my IQ!"

Xiao An muttered for a while, and finally didn't say that you haven't read this book just now.

Li Qingshan said: "By the way, this one is for you." He handed the jade slip called "The Pavilion of Tibetan Scriptures" to Xiao An.

Xiao An accepted it shyly and happily, and Li Qingshan took out the "Vientiane" book, and according to the memory in his mind, he found information about several kinds of spiritual herbs. As expected, every kind of spiritual herb can be used as medicine. Among them, the most valuable are those flowers that can turn into butterflies in Malu's cave. They are called blue butterfly flowers, which are an indispensable main ingredient for refining a precious medicine.

The name of that precious panacea is called True Panacea.

Li Qingshan found the information of the True Spirit Pill casually, and suddenly felt that the True Spirit Pill looked familiar, and suddenly his eyes lit up. Isn't the True Spirit Pill the two unknown pills he got from the two grandmas? ?

The medicinal effect of the True Spirit Pill is extremely simple. It converts true energy into spiritual energy. The two grandmothers kept it carefully, presumably for the purpose of taking it after reaching the peak of Qi refining, but it was cheaper for Li Qingshan.

It is conceivable that the value of this kind of spiritual grass, which Malu evaluated as unpalatable, is a pity that "Vientiane" only briefly introduces the medicinal properties of the real panacea and how to use it, but there is no formula and refining method. Ways, really valuable information, will not appear in this popular category.

: Hey, it's the last day, and I'm really close to the thirty-ninth place by a few votes. I'll leave this little wish to everyone.



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