[Volume 2 Incarnation of Demons] Chapter 73 The Little Woman


Chapter 73: The Little Woman

Li Qingshan also didn't intend to summarize them one by one carefully, browse them roughly, so that he knew what he knew. At this time, Li Qingshan opened a strangely shaped treasure bag, and found that it contained many poisonous insects such as scorpions and centipedes instead of spiritual weapons and spirit stones.

Among practitioners, in addition to the way of controlling ghosts and refining corpses, there are also ways of expelling insects and using Gu, but ordinary treasure bags cannot be used to store living things, so the disciples of Tomb Hill Mountain use special copper rings for holding corpses , and this is a rare insect cyst.

Li Qingshan released one of the poisonous scorpions, the scorpion was covered in reddish brown, it looked huge at first glance, it was about the size of an adult, it surprised even Li Qingshan.

The giant scorpion was waving its giant pincers, showing its teeth and claws, when it suddenly saw Malu, it flinched and wanted to run away. Malu shrank his body, shot out like a sharp arrow, and penetrated into the body of the giant scorpion. The giant scorpion struggled a few times, turned over, and died.

Malu ate up all the scorpion meat, leaving only the empty shell, and then drilled out again, with intertwined mouthparts and squawking, and liked it very much.

Li Qingshan's heart moved suddenly, he released all the poisonous insects together, flying, crawling and jumping, Malu released a pink poisonous mist, covering all these poisonous insects, fell to the ground, and ate them one by one.

If there is really the art of raising Gu, Malu will be the king of Gu, and these poisonous insects are still far behind. A skinny camel is bigger than a horse, and Malu is also a demon general, as long as he spends some time, he will be able to restore his original strength.

Li Qingshan finally made up his mind, and started catching butterflies in the drinking cave.

Three days later, Li Qingshan was fishing for water plants when he suddenly heard the report from the monster soldiers, "Boss, it's not good, the monsters from the west have killed them."

As soon as the voice fell, another monster soldier rushed over: "The east side is also coming!"

"And the south." "The same goes for the north."

Li Qingshan straightened up calmly, his thoughts came very quickly.

The lairs of these four monsters are all located on the border between Malu's territory and the territories of other monster generals. These days, he has been asking them to pay attention to the movements of the surrounding monster generals.

The matter of Malu must not be hidden from these old neighbors, there is no order and law in the underground, the strong are respected, Malu loses power,

These demon generals must come to fight for the territory, even if the demon generals come, they cannot violate this law.

After Li Qingshan scooped up the last handful of water plants, he returned to Malu's cave, where there were far fewer flying blue butterflies, and the beautiful sea of ​​flowers dimmed.

He has already picked all the blue butterfly flowers that are ripe and can be used as medicine, and put them into the jade box in the treasure bag. To be more precise, he and Xiaoan swept all the mature spiritual grass in the territory.

Picking these spiritual herbs is not as simple as imagined. Many of them need to use special tools and pay attention to the method of picking. For example, if the blue butterfly flower is picked directly by hand, the medicinal properties will be destroyed. You need to bring a special golden thread Gloves. Fortunately, there is no shortage of these tools in those treasure bags.

The monster soldiers have gathered in front of the stone platform, and everyone is nervous. Although they dare not disobey the orders of the leader of the monster soldiers, Li Qingshan, fighting monsters is not like fighting humans. There are monster generals among them, and there are no monster generals on our side. , will undoubtedly fail.

Li Qingshan's eyes swept over the group of monsters, and the restless group of monsters calmed down, quietly waiting for his order, after going through tests again and again, the majestic demeanor of Li Qingshan's body was gradually tempered, commanding the group of monsters, relying on Gradually more than power and interests.

"Everyone, now the monsters from all over the world are coming to seize this territory. King Malu is injured, and I have no power to stop them. The deputy commander and I will take King Malu away temporarily to find a place to heal his injuries."

No concealment, no deceit, Li Qingshan is frank and outspoken.

"Quack, where are you going, leader? What should we do?" Ice Frog asked while jumping.

"Everyone is waiting here to surrender, but you have to remember, unite, no matter which side wants to seize this territory, it will need your strength."

There are also rules among underground monsters. As long as they are not resisting to the death, monster generals cannot kill monsters. However, the invasion of foreign forces will inevitably damage the interests of the natives. However, as long as they are united, they will be an important role in affecting the war to carve up the territory. .

The monsters have also tasted the benefits of unity. During the herbal gathering ceremony, it was uncommon to hear that a few monsters were beheaded and killed in the lair, but this time, only a few weak monsters died, and there was delicious food to eat. Seeing that Li Qingshan was about to leave, he was a little bit reluctant.

Li Qingshan took Xiao An and walked out of the cave, the group of monsters parted ways.

Malu slept in the insect sac. After losing the demon core, he was more and more driven by instinct. He could eat and sleep without affecting his emotions. I can only lament that silly monsters have silly blessings.

"Are you back yet?"

When Li Qingshan walked to the entrance of the cave, the Giant Rock Viper couldn't help asking, this is also the question that the group of demons wanted to ask.

"Of course, soon, wait a moment."

Li Qingshan waved his hand without turning his head, startled a blue light butterfly, flashed past his eyes, the brilliance was slightly dim, but still beautiful like a dream.

Li Qingshan only took the older spirit grass, and left the short ones untouched, and most of them were harvested, not at all, because he would come back sooner or later, to take back this territory for Malu and himself.

The howling and roaring of the monster came from a very distant cave. It's time to leave.

In Cangmang Mountain, at the foot of an inconspicuous hill.

Li Qingshan pushed aside the withered vines and walked out, the cold wind hit his face, a burst of refreshment, a large cloud lay across the sky, a few sparse stars leaked out of it, and he blinked coldly.

The Spirit Turtle Demon Pill shines brilliantly.

Li Qingshan's figure gradually shrunk and turned back to its original appearance. Touching his cheeks, it seemed that a light beard had grown out. Looking at himself in the mirror, he saw a strange boy among them.

Neither beautiful nor ugly, like a piece of hard rock, the edges and corners of the body, the more they are polished, the sharper they are.

People say that a relationship is born from the heart, and now I believe it.

In the past few months, he has been transformed into a demon, and he has experienced countless dangers. Killing people is useless, and he is determined to take revenge.

Li Qingshan didn't care, he confirmed that his description had recovered, he found a suit of clothes and changed into it, then put the glazed mirror on his body, injected his true energy, the light around him deflected and distorted, and disappeared in place.

This is a very interesting spiritual tool that Li Qingshan found from the many treasure bags. It can hide the user's figure, and even avoid various detections to a certain extent. It is a very rare auxiliary A top-grade spiritual tool, he named it the Stealth Mirror.

This glazed mirror was found in the pit dug by Malu. Apparently, a Qi refiner tried to use this method to hide the truth from Malu and freely pick spiritual herbs, but obviously, he failed.

Li Qingshan guessed that although this invisibility mirror can completely hide the figure, the aura that a practitioner naturally exudes is difficult to hide, but he has no such worries. His ability to hide aura is extremely strong, and this invisibility mirror cooperates, It can be said to complement each other, instantly turning him into a super assassin.

Getting ready, Li Qingshan ran towards the direction of the Ivy Mountain. Before leaving, there was still a small grievance that needed to be settled.

Arriving at the foot of Ivy Mountain, Li Qingshan overlooked Liuyunfang, but saw an astonishing scene.

Liuyunfang is getting smaller. With the sound of mechanical operation, Baiweilou is toppled down, folded together, like building blocks or origami, and finally turned into a small module. Such changes are happening everywhere. Liuyunfang Has shrunk in half.

It turns out that the entire Liuyunfang is a giant institutional building.

The lights in the square city are dim, only the grocery store in the center is still brightly lit, but it seems a little powerless.

In previous years, the Sanshan Herb Collection Ceremony was the busiest time at this time. Practitioners brought back the spiritual herbs they had risked and traded them here, but this time, all the practitioners were gone forever.

In the grocery store, there was a lot of voices, and the originally quiet hall was full of practitioners, most of whom were shopkeepers in the market, sitting around and talking.

Xiao Zhang, who sells weapons at Jinge Shop, said: "This time the whole army was wiped out, only a few escaped. Fortunately, I didn't bother to try my luck. These monsters are really ruthless."

Lu Ziyu of Qingji Tea House said: "Monsters are not ruthless, what kind of monsters are you? I hope there will be no trouble, drink tea! Old Sun, why are you so worried."

It turned out that Sun Fubai was also among them. When he thought of Li Qingshan, or Niu Juxia, his face was worried. Although he just counted them in a hurry, he had a good impression of him. Thinking about the safety of a little friend, I don’t know what happened to him.”

Xiao Zhang was the most transparent, and said with a smile: "You are talking about that giant bull, right?"

Sun Fubai was surprised: "How do you know?"

Lu Ziyu said: "There is nothing in this market that can hide from his donkey ears."

"Mr. Lu is too much. A few days ago, he killed the elder brother of Jidushan, and all kinds of news were drilled into his ears. He didn't know it. Even when he was with you, he drank a few cups of tea. I still remember it now, that is really a character!"

"Hmph, I don't think he can escape death!"

Everyone turned their heads and saw Liu Ruping who was waiting on the side, her beautiful eyes were full of evil eyes, she had heard that senior brother Jidushan died at the hands of Niu Juxia, and he escaped from the hands of the old man Jinji. Knowing her role in it, and coming back to take revenge, after a long period of time, I actually developed a hatred for him in my heart, why don't you simply die? What kind of man is he who runs away when he sees a master!

Xiao Zhang was surprised: "Ruping, did he offend you in any way?"

Liu Ruping couldn't tell immediately, Niu Juxia not only didn't offend her, but also made her a fortune for nothing.

Sun Fubai put the teacup heavily on the table, and said displeasedly: "Sure enough, only women and villains are difficult to raise!"


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