Legend of the Great Sage

Chapter 74 Returning to Jiaping

[Volume 2 Incarnation of Demons] Chapter 74 Returning to Jiaping


Chapter 74 Return to Jiaping

Liu Ruping's complexion changed slightly, but she didn't dare to talk back to Sun Fubai, and turned to other tables.

Li Qingshan asked Xiaoan to wait outside, and walked through the city alone. The ancient buildings around were folded and deformed like the futuristic technology in the movie, as if they suddenly came to life.

He came to the door of the general store, and the door opened, and the lights poured out and fell on the dark street.

Li Qingshan heard several familiar voices, and also heard Liu Ruping's words. He raised his eyebrows, but he didn't feel any strong anger. He just found a hidden corner and waited quietly. The opportunity came more than he imagined. be quick.

After a few hours, the entire square city was gathered up, leaving only the small building of the grocery store standing alone, and then began to deform.

The monks came out of the grocery store one after another, and the last one to come out was a rich old woman, the owner of the grocery store, Shi Peipei.

Originally, there would be a party every time the market ended, but after this accident, everyone lost their minds.

In the end, the entire Liuyunfang was gathered into a small cube of wood, fell into Shi Peipei's hands, put it back into the treasure bag, took out a small wooden boat, threw it into the air, and it became a hundred times larger and suspended in the air.

"The old man wants to go back to Qinghe Mansion and report the affairs here to the Patriarch. If you want to go to Qinghe Mansion, please board the boat. If you have other things to do, please go and take care of them yourself. We will not send you off. The next time Liuyunfang is in the market, It's March in Yangchun, and the Baijia School of Economics opens the exam, don't miss it."

With the white sails unfurled and the strong wind blowing, the spaceship flew into the night sky like a light fallen leaf, and in a moment it was as insignificant as a mustard. It sailed into a cloud and disappeared.

On the empty wasteland, there were only a dozen people left looking up at this scene, and bowed their heads to say goodbye to each other.

Li Qingshan is also one of them. Although he has seen a lot of the mysteries of this world, every time we see each other again, he still feels admiration.

Then he lowered his head and looked in the direction where Liu Ruping was leaving, like a wild beast, plunged into the darkness.


deep underground,

The group of monsters huddled together, collided and roared, showing their claws and teeth, trying to make the other party retreat.

If it was a human being, it would 100% turn into a big melee with corpses everywhere. After all, they would show disrespect for a look, and then go from swearing to stabbing each other to death.

And the wisdom of monsters is not enough for them to derive such a complicated concept of dignity. Anger is not worth mentioning in front of survival. Lives may be threatened.

What kind of fool would choose to go to war, human? Therefore, the four demon generals all chose to negotiate, but the way of negotiation may be very barbaric in the eyes of humans, and body collisions and claws and claws are indispensable.

Among the group of monsters, stood four monster generals with different descriptions, who were constantly raising their monster aura. Suddenly, a monster soldier who didn't know where he belonged came to report in a panic.

"My lord, below, below is coming!"

Before he finished speaking, eight lantern-sized eyes suddenly lit up in the dark cave, and each eye was filled with unimaginable cruelty and viciousness.

Under the glance of those eyes, the group of monsters trembled, and many huge monsters that were opening their teeth and claws crawled down whimpering, and even the powerful monster generals who were regarded as nightmares by the qi refiners showed panic and fear. nightmare.

But what came out of the darkness was a glamorous lady in a long bright red dress, her scarlet lips parted slightly, and she said coldly, "Where's Malu?"


Liu Ruping complained in her heart that Shi Peipei refused to see her off, otherwise she would be honored to return to the family on this big boat.

She sat on a silk carpet with runes embroidered on all four corners, and flew close to the ground. Although the altitude was very low, the rugged terrain was no longer a problem.

She was imagining how she would be greeted when she returned to the family, when a gust of wind suddenly hit her, and before she could figure out what happened, an invisible big hand tightly grabbed her neck and held her up in the air.

Li Qingshan showed his figure, held a long whale to suck water, and asked: "Did you get this knife?"

How could Liu Ruping not recognize her, her eyes were filled with fear and pleading, and she suddenly felt her neck loosen, "You...you are Niu Juxia? Thank God, you are fine. I heard that you were chased and killed by people from Jidu Mountain. I was so worried. Can't sleep for days."

"Now that the matter is up to now, do you still have to deny it?" If Li Qingshan hadn't listened to what she said just now, maybe she had really lied to her.

"That's all his one-sided remarks. How could I do this?" Liu Ruping's sophistry sounded reasonable, and she had tears in her beautiful eyes, which was indescribably charming.

Li Qingshan hesitated, he wanted to convince her to death, but she refused to admit it, except for the words of the masked man in black, he has no evidence to prove that Liu Ruping cheated him behind the scenes.

Liu Ruping said: "As long as you let me go, I will obey you in everything."

Li Qingshan laughed to himself suddenly: "I'm not a yamen, what evidence do I need, if you want me to die, then you should go ahead!" The flames melt away, destroying corpses and eradicating traces.

The more beautiful a creature is, the more pleasant it is to destroy. This is probably only human beings who have such complicated thoughts. Killing is always given too much meaning. Monsters are much simpler, most of the time there is only one word, eat.

Li Qingshan didn't want to become a pervert, although he tried to keep himself simple, of course, he didn't plan to eat.

At the dawn of the east, Li Qingshan stopped and looked at the magnificent city surrounded by mountains and rivers in the distance. After several months, he finally returned to Jiaping City again.

Li Qingshan changed into a black wolf uniform and wore the Lingfeng Saber. Xiao An also regained her human form and put on a new suit.

Li Qingshan took Xiaoan's little hand and walked towards Jiaping City.

For the first time in several months, he slowed down and strolled. On both sides of the road, the snow had not yet melted, and the buildings on both sides gradually became denser and taller, with lights and festoons everywhere.

Li Qingshan suddenly remembered that it is the new year now, counting the time, the old year has been removed, and his age is one year older, becoming seventeen.

The sound of the rooster being reimbursed came one after another, and the smoke rose into the sky, covering the whole city in a blue mist.

What were you doing when you were seventeen in your previous life? He was still studying in school and had a boring and monotonous high school career, but now his hands are stained with thousands of lives, murderers and monsters. I have to admit that the latter kind of life is more interesting.

Some people may feel self-pity and self-injury, the ordinary is true, or miss the peaceful life at the beginning. Li Qingshan has no such emotions in his heart, he would rather take greater risks and abandon more morals to obtain such a kind of fun.

At the foot of the mountain, Li Qingshan looked up at the iron-cast eagle and climbed up the steps.


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