Legend of the Great Sage

Chapter 75 Rose Spider Queen

In the dark underground, the atmosphere is as cold as ice, and the ice frog is jumping and jumping, and after telling the story, this is also related to the cold air it emits unconsciously.

From the beginning to the end, the face of the lady in red was completely expressionless. That gorgeous face seemed to be an exquisite mask, and her pair of beautiful eyes seemed to flash with vicious light, which made people shudder.

After hearing this, she turned around and left, dragging her scarlet dress behind her.

A big man with a black face and beard like a halberd said loudly: "My lord, how will the territory be divided?"

"I'll assign it later, and it will depend on your performance." When she said this, the corners of her lips curled up, and a charming smile appeared on her cold face, but it was like a brightly colored girl. venom.

The hearts of the four demon generals trembled, and they immediately decided to quickly distribute the territory and stop arguing over the details. Otherwise, with this lord's temperament, the peaceful negotiation would inevitably turn into a bloody fight, not for any special purpose. The reason is just because she likes it, her preference for bloody and cruel, not only far exceeds the survival instinct of monsters, even humans can't match it.

Ice Frog said: "Quack, King Malu is not dead yet, the leader said he will come back."

"He's dead." She said unquestionably, her eyes swept over all the monsters, as if she wanted to engrave these three words in their hearts as a law.

A demon general who lost his demon core is no different from death. For that incompetent fool, she didn't feel a little sorrow for it, but saw some kind of opportunity.

"I will avenge him." The poisonous smile appeared on her face again, and she merged into the darkness.


On the Ivy Hill. In the hall, there was silence.

Fu Qingjin sat cross-legged in front of the main hall, on the steps, the moonlight was shining. (www.._""") Looking at the mountains in the distance, the Qingxu Sword rests on his lap, silent and motionless.

He was quietly waiting for the news of the Three Mountains Herb Picking Ceremony to spread in all directions and be brewed.

The old man Sanshan was sitting not far behind him, in the dark hall, with a faint uneasiness on his face.

The old man Qingteng said: "Fellow Daoist Fu. Will there really be demons coming to take revenge?"

The old man Jinji said: "How dare this group of evildoers, it is obvious that they first violated the covenant and came to the earth to cause chaos."

The old man Qingteng said: "Should we avoid the edge first.


The lonely old man said: "Yes!"

When the anger of the disciple being killed cooled down, fear began to cover his heart, if the monster really retaliated. There will be a large-scale attack, they are very old, and they are afraid of death.

Fu Qingjin turned his back to them, with a sneer on his lips, but patiently explained: "I'm staying here. It's just to guard against this kind of situation. Look at the demon killing orders in your hands. How can we monks survive the threat of demons?" Back off?"

Elder Sanshan was startled when he heard this. Looking down at the small token in his hand, it was neither gold nor jade. There was a faint light, and the word "Zhu Yao" was engraved on it. Can't help but think back to three days ago.

Just after the war ended, Fu Qingjin took out these three tokens and invited the three of them to join the "Monster Slaying League". With the Hidden Sword Palace as the core, he united with all the righteous sects and recruited aspirants among human monks. Slaying demons and eliminating demons is currently in preparation, and the three of them will be the elders.

The three of them are in the midst of extreme hatred for monsters, and there are many benefits to joining this alliance. Hidden Sword Palace shares advanced exercises, secret messages, and rewards of spirit weapon pills if they are successful in killing monsters. Fu Qingjin agreed that when he went back this time, he would ask for credit for the three of them and help Sanshan rebuild the lintel, and the three of them immediately agreed and accepted the token.

Then Fu Qingjin started here, waiting for the monster's revenge, the three of them became more and more uneasy, because in the fight with Malu, they saw the horror of the monster, they didn't have the strength of Fu Qingjin, even a monster general, If they blew up the demon core recklessly, they could also kill them.

And how could the underground be so stupid as to send a monster to die, and a group of powerful monsters even higher will come here. When the time comes, they really don't know how to die.

But it's too late to regret, joining the Monster Killing League will naturally be driven by the Monster Killing League, and now you want to quit, is it really a child's play for Hidden Sword Palace? Without waiting for the monsters to retaliate, Fu Qingjin could kill them now, and this little order to kill monsters became hotter and hotter.

"My reinforcements from Hidden Sword Palace are already on their way." Fu Qingjin's next words reassured Old Man Sanshan, and they looked at each other bitterly, that's all.

But there were no reinforcements at all.

Fu Qingjin shook his head slightly, cherishing his life when doing great things, forgetting his life for small gains, and rotten wood cannot be carved.

He stayed here to let the three pieces of rotten wood display their remaining light and heat. With the Qingxu Sword in hand, even if the Yaoshuai came in person, he was sure of getting out.

The monsters not only brutally slaughtered all the disciples of Sanshan underground, but also broke the covenant, rushed out of the ground, slaughtered them rampantly, and were finally punished by him, but this was not enough. Those frenzied monsters soon came to revenge and killed the head of Sanshan. He was desperate to escape. His current patience is to a large extent the patience for the dying, for these three "martyrs" and "sacrifices".

This is the plot arranged by Hidden Sword Palace, Fu Qingjin is just an absent-minded protagonist.

Just like a master playing chess, taking one step out, there is definitely more than one purpose, and it must include a series of subsequent changes.

At this time, Fu Qingjin suddenly raised his head and frowned.

Hua Chengzan was climbing up the steps, followed by Hua Chenglu and Yu Zijian.

Fu Qingjin said: "You haven't left yet?"

Hua Chengzan said with a smile: "Why should I leave? The market below will be closed, I have nowhere to go, and I am going to stay on the green vines for two days."

"Then you shouldn't come again, and bring them with you." Fu Qingjin only looked at Yu Zijian, and wanted to wait until this matter was over before taking her back to the Hidden Sword Palace, but unexpectedly, something changed. It was easy for him to get away, but it was very difficult to protect a low-level alchemist at the same time, and he had to let her go down the mountain quickly.

Hua Chengzan kept observing Fu Qingjin's expression, and he became more convinced of his deduction in his heart, and smiled: "Don't worry, what you are worried about will not happen."


"She's already here." Hua Chengzan pointed to the sky.

Fu Qingjin raised her head, but only saw the clouds, the moon and the stars, but she already understood what he was referring to. Ruyi County was her territory, and she should have known that things were not that simple.

She shuttled through the cave, and suddenly her eyes lit up, and the long-lost moonlight was in front of her eyes, but she couldn't help but stop. Under the moonlight, a woman in white was leaning against the rock wall, standing with her arms folded.

"Gu Yanying!" She frowned.

"Ah Luo, long time no see." Gu Yanying greeted her with a smile, as relaxed as if she ran into a neighbor next door when she went out in the morning.

Seeing that she frowned and said no, Gu Yanying's smile didn't change: "It's already at the door, don't you invite me to sit at home? I still have to pay respects, the Rose Spider Empress is a handsome master?" (To be continued. .)

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