Legend of the Great Sage

Chapter 77: One Thought

In Sanshan old man's view, this is not only stupid, it is simply stupid.

Every year I go to the Tibetan Sword Palace to pay homage to the mountain, and there is an endless stream of people who ask to join. Some people kneel outside the palace all the year round and refuse to drink or eat to show their sincerity.

The old man Qingteng persuaded: "Zijian, you have stayed in my Qingteng Mountain for so long, and you have some fate. I originally wanted to teach you the secret method of Qingteng Mountain and train you to be the future leader. Today I sincerely advise you , go to Hidden Sword Palace, both you and your family will benefit infinitely, if you miss this opportunity, you will regret it for life."

In the words, he was three points polite to Yu Zijian and seven points kind. Although he thought that Yu Zijian had good aptitude, he never thought of training her to be the head of Ivy Mountain. Talking like this is just a good relationship. However, these words are not entirely false. Now that the Ivy Mountain disciples are withered and almost wiped out, if it wasn't for Fu Qingjin, he would really teach them carefully.

Fu Qingjin didn't say much, but just looked at Yu Zijian silently. He already had a domineering majesty, otherwise he wouldn't be able to convince the old man Sanshan easily, and it was rare to show such a sincere expression, and it was even more irresistible.

Yu Zijian lowered his head, pinching the corner of his clothes, his knuckles turned white. She is not good at rejecting other people's good intentions, it's not that she can't distinguish between good and bad, it's human instinct to seek advantages and avoid disadvantages, and it's not that she is really dull and stubborn, because a word means she has to go to Baijia School of Economics with Hua Chenglu.

But her true intentions are beyond the imagination of others. The stalwart figure who has saved her in distress many times is still uncertain, how can she leave just like that. Seek out your own future, stay in Qinghe Mansion, even if it doesn't help, maybe you can see him again. This thought. Deep rooted, deeply rooted in the heart.

"I support you!" Gu Yanying patted Yu Zijian on the shoulder and said with a smile.

Fu Qingjin's eyes were fixed, and finally showed displeasure for the first time.

"The way of practice depends on the heart, and you can't force it. If you have a fate or not, do you just say it by your mouth? I am a eagle wolf guard. I guard the law of Daxia. Even if I hide the sword palace, I can't abduct people in front of me. ah!"

Yu Zijian hurriedly said: "It's not a crutch, it's me...it's me..."

Fu Qingjin took a deep look at her. He raised his head and sighed: "Forget it, it must be that the opportunity has not come, so you stay here for now, but I believe that one day in the future, you will eventually come to Hidden Sword Palace and do what you should do."

He gave another salute to Gu Yanying: "Just ask Commander Gu to take care of her, don't let anyone hurt her." His eyes swept over the others: "If there is even half of what happened today, it will be leaked. *www..*《《》》 "*Don't blame me for being ruthless!"

The Qingxu sword trembles in the scabbard like a dragon's chant,

The meaning of chilling. All over the place.

Hidden Sword Palace is not without enemies, it can be the enemy of Hidden Sword Palace. It must be the most terrifying and powerful enemy. If it is known that the next inheritor of the Zixiao Sword will live here, it must be killed in the bud.

The old man Sanshan felt slightly uncomfortable. In Fu Qingjin's eyes, the three foundation-building cultivators were not as important as a little girl, but in the long run, they were really not as important as this little girl.

Gu Yanying smiled casually: "I can guarantee this."

Fu Qingjin cupped his hands again, turning into a blue rainbow, flying straight into the sky, and disappeared in an instant. He acts without sloppiness and is very decisive.

Gu Yanying also bid farewell. Before leaving, she said to the old man Sanshan: "I see that you all have a bit of death on your face, so it's better to be more careful in the future."

Sanshan old man's face was ugly, Jinji old man said with a dry smile: "Can you still meet each other, my lord?"

Gu Yanying smiled and said: "No, I said casually, you don't have to take it to heart."

The four of them crossed the magic circle on the mountainside, and the cold wind swept over from all directions, making their clothes rattle.

Yu Zijian and Hua Chenglu walked in front holding hands, Gu Yanying and Hua Chengzan lagged behind, only to hear Hua Chenglu constantly scolding Yu Zijian for being an idiot, Yu Zijian kept arguing about what was wrong.

Gu Yanying and Hua Chengzan looked at each other and smiled, Gu Yanying said: "When the child arrives at Qinghe Mansion, you entrusted him to you."

Hua Chengzan lowered his gaze: "Don't worry, Commander, I know the pros and cons."

Gu Yanying smiled and said: "Speaking without looking at people is disrespectful."

Hua Chengzan hurriedly raised his head, Ming Rui's eyes rarely showed a trace of panic. Gu Yanying didn't just fly away, he knew she had something to say to him.

Gu Yanying's gaze was already looking at the sky, where the stars are located in his unfathomable misty place: "Fu Qingjin, heh, this decision alone is worthy of being the successor of the Qingxu Sword, my eighteenth commander , your cultivation level is the lowest, but if there is no one who can surpass you in terms of resourcefulness and careful thinking, I am naturally relieved, but I lack this kind of determination. .”

Hua Cheng praised: "The subordinates don't want to achieve any big things."

Gu Yanying sighed.

"Besides that Malu, there are two monsters this time, which are really extraordinary. If Fu Qingjin hadn't made a move, the three old men would have been almost killed."

As soon as Gu Yanying came, she only heard Hua Chengzan's brief account of what happened, and went directly to stop the Spider Queen's revenge. Hua Chengzan had already written an extremely detailed report on the Sanshan Herb Collection Ceremony, but it was not yet time to submit it, so he used it to change the topic.

"Oh, what is it like?" Although Gu Yanying didn't care, she asked casually.

"One is extremely tall and looks like a human, but it has horns on its head, hooves on its feet, a tiger tail trailing behind it, red hair and red pupils, it should be a hybrid of a monster. The other is a small skeleton. Somehow, it broke into Qingxu In the illusion, the swordsmanship is exquisite."

Gu Yanying raised her eyebrows, and the figure roaring in the snowstorm on the Ice Sword Cliff naturally emerged in her heart, and she had a deep impression on Li Qingshan.

"What means do they have to deal with the foundation-builder cultivator?" According to her memory, just a year ago, Li Qingshan was just a monster who didn't even condense the demon core, and it was absolutely impossible to threaten the foundation-builder cultivator.

Seeing that Gu Yanying was interested, Hua Chengzan narrated what he saw, and he articulated fluently, vividly describing the scene at that time. Even the other two parties involved, Hua Chenglu and Yu Zijian, couldn't help stepping down and listening to the side, interrupting from time to time to add a few sentences.

Gu Yanying thought to himself: He has really made rapid progress, and he has reached this level in just one year. In this way, the annihilation of all Qi refiners underground this time is probably due to his plan. Being able to take this step so quickly was even more surprising to her than the improvement in her cultivation.

Palace Master Hidden Sword is right, the separation between humans and monsters is only a matter of thought, but how many people can easily decide this thought?

Gu Yanying said: "Do you still remember being outside Qingyang City last year?"

Hua Chengzan opened the chatter box, as if to stop some thoughts in his mind, and continued to follow Gu Yanying's words, "Of course I remember, the wine that Lao Wang invited, by the way, you appreciate it." The kid who took the cup is called Li Qingshan, and he really came to be the eagle wolf guard..."

Gu Yanying was taken aback immediately, she thought that Li Qingshan had already completely invested in the way of demons, and she couldn't forget that she had no intention of planting willows at the beginning, but it really had results, her face remained calm, and she only listened to Hua Chengzan's words.

Now, Hua Chenglu had more right to speak, and couldn't help but take over the conversation, talking about the situation when she saw Li Qingshan on Xihua Island.

He even practiced Qi, what on earth does this kid want to do? Gu Yanying became interested.

Li Qingshan was going to the School of the Hundred Schools, the base camp of the practitioners of the Qinghe Mansion. Only there could he continue to penetrate into the world of human monks, and the more than a thousand treasures in his body could be transformed into the resources he needed. Only those picked and collected spirit herbs have the opportunity to refine them into spirit pills.

And all of this requires him to use Li Qingshan's identity and Zhou Wenbin's recommendation.

Of course, this is not without some risks, and it is inevitable to be investigated by the Eagle Wolf Guards, but according to the information he obtained from Qian Rongzhi, the Eagle Wolf Guards did not pursue him as a criminal, so there is a big risk. Chance muddles through.

And in the worst case, it is actually just a foundation-building cultivator coming to kill him. He has cultivated to the second level of tiger and demon, and he is confident in facing the foundation-building cultivator. Even if he loses, he can escape. Underground, find a hidden place to retreat for ten or eight years.

He is not very far away from the realm of the demon general, plus the resources in the more than a thousand treasure bags, it will not take more than twenty years to reach that line.

Twenty years is nothing to monsters, even rapid progress.

But he doesn't want to wait for these twenty years. After twenty years, who knows what changes will happen in the world. Among other things, the old man Sanshan might die of old age, and with the support of the Hidden Sword Palace, Fu Qingjin will meet again. What kind of realm did you cultivate to?

Li Qingshan is confident that he can live longer than this guy, but he really can't use this reason to comfort himself that he has defeated the enemy, so he must find a shortcut, be brave and diligent, a little sinister, let alone trivial.

Thinking of this, Li Qingshan finally set foot on the top of Eagle Wolf Mountain. After several months, he returned here, but he felt like a world away. He suppressed these feelings in his heart, and strode towards his original small building to find Qian Rongzhi. .

Knocking on the door, Qian Rongzhi was slightly taken aback when she saw Li Qingshan, she didn't show any surprise, and said softly and cheerfully: "You're back." As if a wife was waiting for her husband who had traveled far away, she was kind and gentle, The time between them will not be too long, so there is not too much excitement, but it will not be too short, so that they seem to be used to it.

Li Qingshan said: "It seems that ** sect's exercises are very suitable for you."

The four eyes met, and they both noticed the change in the other party. One became more gentle and watery, and the other became more calm and sharp, silently practicing each other's way of survival.

"It's okay!" Qian Rongzhi turned sideways and let Li Qingshan into the room, seeing Xiao An following behind Li Qingshan, his eyes became softer: "Xiao An is back too."

Xiao An gave a soft "hmm", and Qian Rongzhi was stunned for a while, showing a sincere smile. (To be continued..)

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