Legend of the Great Sage

Chapter 78 Tiger's Might

Chapter 78 Tiger's Might

Qian Rongzhi heard about Li Qingshan's plan, "That's not self-inflicted, the first floor of the ** Gate is in Qinghe Mansion, they won't let you go, and they won't let Xiaoan go, unless Xiaoan also enters Baijia In the school."

"That's exactly what I mean. Although the sect is strong, it can't be directly against me in the School of the Hundred Schools." Li Qingshan patted Xiaoan's head. With her aptitude, it shouldn't be difficult to enter the School of Schools of the Hundred Schools.

Qian Rongzhi said: "Hundred Schools of Economics is the foundation of the imperial court. It is the place where the meddling of sects is the least tolerated. The most dangerous place is actually the safest. Now there is still some time before the opening of the school. What are your plans?"

"Retreat." Li Qingshan said calmly. He wants to use the resources he has obtained to break through to a higher realm. In this world, only strength is the greatest guarantee. ,

"Smart, there is a special retreat cave on the mountain, as long as you don't leave this mountain, the cave will have nothing to do with you."

This is another reason why Li Qingshan chose to return to the Eagle Wolf Guard. The human world is different from the demon world, and the rules are more complicated and strict. Without the protection of Malu, it is far safer in the Eagle Wolf Guard than underground.

Li Qingshan can completely go from one safe place to another safe place, avoiding conflicts with the ** sect now, until the day he has the power. But the premise of all this is that he can get down on the mountain.

Qian Rongzhi smiled and said: "Leave this matter to me, I can be regarded as a commander now anyway!"

Asking Xiao An to stay in the room for a while, Qian Rongzhi cleaned up in the mirror without putting on any makeup, and took Li Qingshan to see the current Commander Xuanying.

Li Qingshan felt that Qian Rongzhi had changed so much that he was hardly inferior to him, there was no coquettishness on her body, and she didn't have the arrogant young lady's temper when she first met, as if she had been washed away, dignified and elegant.

But this kind of change is not so much a realization of the heart, but a new disguise made to adapt to the new environment. It is just because of the "****" that this kind of disguise is more difficult to see through, and the heart is also more difficult. Going deeper, the value of seduction has been fully utilized in her hands, it is by no means as simple as seducing a man.

And Li Qingshan kept one thing in mind, this woman is definitely not a kind person, ordinary villains may even put down the butcher's knife and become a Buddha immediately, but "Only the wise and the foolish are the same", ordinary people will be confused and confused, with both ends of the head. Only the wisest and the dumbest can persevere.

Although he didn't like this woman, he had to admit that she was almost "Shangzhi". Once this kind of person decided on something, it was almost impossible to change it.

At this time, it was early morning, and some Xuanlang guards walked out of their respective small buildings, and went to eat.

Li Qingshan found that most of them were strangers. Qian Rongzhi introduced: "After you left, a large-scale call was made to fill the vacancy. The scene was very intense. It's a pity you didn't see it, but you are not bad for this scene." look."

"Commander, good morning!" Those newcomers greeted Qian Rongzhi warmly when they saw Qian Rongzhi, and they were a little surprised when they saw Li Qingshan beside him. relation?

And the few who knew Li Qingshan reacted much more intensely, with their eyes wide open and dumbfounded. The two eagle and wolf commanders in Jiaping City, together with a group of elite black wolf guards, are almost extinct, and the root cause lies in Li Qingshan.

"Morning." Qian Rongzhi responded with a smile, as kind as a big sister next door, making people feel good at the first sight, and they can't help but have a three-point respect.

Li Qingshan felt that even if he told these people about Qian Rongzhi's viciousness, no one would believe it. Thinking of a sentence, a person who is really deep in the city will never show the appearance of being very deep in the city, and even looks better than ordinary people. Much more gentle.

In this regard, the original Zhuo Zhibo was far behind. When the poisonous snake hides its fangs, and even hides that it is a poisonous snake, it is the most terrifying time.

"Commander, who is this kid?"

At this time, four or five Black Wolf Guards were standing in front, all with unkind expressions. The leader is a man at the fifth level of Qi refining, about thirty years old, with a sloppy face and an ugly face, looking up and down at Li Qingshan curiously.

Qian Rongzhi said: "This is your senior."

"Ha, even if you don't even have full hair, you can be my senior. There are quite a few of our seniors. They are both women and children. Women should be under men!"

The ugly man and the several black wolf guards beside him burst into laughter.

At first Li Qingshan thought it was just a silly jealousy, but after a closer look, he realized that they were here for Qian Rongzhi, the ugly man in the lead was also at the fifth level of Qi Refining, probably he was not convinced by Qian Rongzhi, the leader.

Li Qingshan guessed right, in order to make up for Eagle Wolf Guards as soon as possible, the recruitment criteria were relaxed this time, and all kinds of people were included, so it is inevitable that good and bad are mixed. And this ugly man was not a good stubble at all, he came from a tiny sect, got entangled with a group of seniors, specialized in attacking and killing qi refiners, and didn't touch ordinary people, so he wasn't on the black list.

Like Qian Rongzhi, he is at the fifth level of Qi refining. He thinks he is profound in Taoism and has a group of senior brothers to support him. How could he be willing to subdue Qian Rongzhi, so he provoked and undermined his authority many times.

Qian Rongzhi frowned slightly, looking aggrieved and helpless. The Xuanlang guards passing by all showed dissatisfaction, but they dared not speak out, sighing in their hearts, her temper was too soft.

Li Qingshan glanced at her, "It seems that your move cannot completely convince the crowd."

The method of forbearance and camouflage is too high, making some people feel weak and deceitful, which can be regarded as helpless.

The ugly man pointed at Li Qingshan: "Boy, hang out with me from now on!" He originally planned to recruit soldiers and recruit all the newcomers as soon as he came to Eagle Wolf Guard, but this bitch is weak, but she knows how to win people's hearts , On the contrary, it made many people hate her, so sooner or later, she must be fucked well.

Suddenly seeing Li Qingshan's strength is good, he has four levels of Qi refining, he is young and easy to control, so he has the heart to win him over.

Li Qingshan said: "Get lost."

"Brother, this kid doesn't know how to flatter!"

"court death!"

The ugly man was also furious, and was about to say a few cruel words, when he suddenly met Li Qingshan's eyes, the raging anger in his heart suddenly cooled down, what kind of eyes were those, when he looked at him, it seemed that he was not Looking at the living things, cold sweat broke out inexplicably on the back.

Li Qingshan did not know how many qi refiners above the sixth level of qi refining had killed. Under the ground, they broke through the boundaries and started killing. Looking at these people, they were like pigs and dogs. If they were in the wilderness, even this " Needless to say "get lost", they were all killed.

There is no need to deliberately show murderous aura, this idea will arise spontaneously, intimidating the enemy's liver and gallbladder.

Qian Rongzhi is the best at observing words and expressions, penetrating people's hearts, trembling slightly, this guy is getting more and more terrifying, and he has to be more careful in the future, what has he experienced in the past few months?

This is the majesty of the tiger.

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