Legend of the Great Sage

Chapter 79: The Three Reunited

Relying on his instinct of plundering for many years, the ugly man also felt that this young man was not easy to deal with, seeing his senior brothers still shouting uninterestedly, and even eager to make a move, he shouted in a low voice: "Shut up. " Cautiously asked: "Dare to ask, what is your name?"

"Let's go!" Li Qingshan said to Qian Rongzhi, and walked forward directly, as if he didn't exist. The ugly man's expression changed for a while, when Li Qingshan was about to bump into him, he dodged away, watched him and Qian Rongzhi leave, swallowed quietly.


"Don't provoke him, this person is very dangerous." The ugly man looked at Li Qingshan's back. If this young man was the leader of the black wolf, he would not even dare to think of fighting. This woman is really difficult to deal with with this help. up.


On the main building, Fang Enshang pushed aside the curtains, tidied up the desk, sprinkled water, and prepared to deal with official duties. He was still full of enthusiasm for this job. Hearing the sound of footsteps, he raised his head and said, "Rong Zhi, you are here." ,this is?"

Li Qingshan met Fang Enshang for the second time. Back then, in Youquan Valley, if Fang Enshang hadn't been involved, it would have turned into a fight, and his impression of him was pretty good.

Qian Rongzhi made an introduction for the two, Li Qingshan cupped his hands and said: "My subordinate Li Qingshan, see the commander!"

"You are Li Qingshan." Fang Enshang looked at the tall and straight young man in front of him, and looked him up and down, as if he didn't believe that this man was the murderous Hu Tu, so he couldn't help asking, "Where have you been all this time?" ?”

Li Qingshan then narrated his long-prepared remarks, seven of which were true and three of which were false. He admitted that he had been persecuted by Zhuo Zhibo and had to go underground. While fleeing, he alarmed a powerful underground monster, Zhuo Zhibo They were wiped out, and only he escaped.

these words. Apart from the fact that Li Qingshan is that monster, there is no lie.

Qian Rongzhi was on the sidelines to help out a few words at the right time. With her scheming and means, she got along very well with Fang Enshang in the past few months, knew his temperament better, and skillfully manipulated his thoughts.

Sure enough, Fang Enshang was filled with righteous indignation: "There is such a collusion with sinners. It is really not a pity to die for the commander who is devoted to dealing with his own subordinates! What about the former Xuanlang commander Lao Xishan?"

Li Qingshan said: "I parted ways with the deputy commander there, I am afraid that the deputy commander refused to believe it, and went underground."

"Then why are you coming back now?"

Qian Rongzhi said: "This is something that everyone knows.

Li Weishi offended the ** family because of a child. For this matter, the deputy head of the ** sect and the four grandmothers all went to Jiaping City. If I hadn't notified him to escape in time, he would have been killed by now. "

Fang Enshang patted the table and said, "It's simply lawless!"

Li Qingshan said: "I know that the school is very powerful, this time I came back, I want to retreat on this mountain for a period of time, the magistrate of Zhou County, Houde, promised to recommend me to the Baijia School of Economics, as long as I go to the Baijia School of Economics, I think the school will be successful Have some scruples!"

Fang Enshang patted Li Qingshan on the shoulder: "Don't worry, as long as you are in the Eagle Wolf Guard, no one will hurt you at all. When you are in the Hundred Schools of Economics, it is even more impossible for these sects to do anything wrong. I, the Eagle Wolf Guard, will never hurt you." Let anyone bully you!"

The sincerity made Li Qingshan feel a little embarrassed to lie to him, and finally took out the corpse of the zombie Taoist, delivered the task, and exchanged for more than 10,000 points of merit.

Condensation pills or spirit stones that can be exchanged for these meritorious deeds. It is no longer in Li Qingshan's eyes. But to retreat in the cave on this mountain, it also takes meritorious deeds. And the price is not low, you need 50 points of merit every day.

Qian Rongzhi brought Li Qingshan to the retreat place, which was also a vast stone cave dug out of the mountain.

Li Qingshan could feel that the aura inside was indeed stronger than outside, there were no tables, chairs and beds inside, only a huge formation was engraved on the ground.

Qian Rongzhi said: "This is the spirit gathering circle, but if you want to activate it, you have to spend another spirit stone yourself."

Li Qingshan saw that there were indeed many grooves left on the magic circle, nodded his head slightly, and said in his heart: "It's really a good plan."

Qian Rongzhi pressed his hand on a disc on the wall again, poured his true energy into it, and turned it gently, only to see a gigantic boulder slid over with a rumble.

"Once this stone gate is closed, it can only be opened from the inside. You can open it from the outside if you want, but you need to break through forcibly. I don't think even the master of the **** gate would dare to do such a thing."

Li Qingshan nodded, the entire Eagle Wolf Guard could not tolerate this kind of thing, took out a panacea from the treasure bag, and handed it to Qian Rongzhi, "When I am retreating, if there is any accident outside, I will trouble you Zhou Xuan, if there is any danger, please remind me."

Although Fang Enshang was deceived by those lies, it was related to the death of two commanders and a group of eagle wolf guards. Fang Enshang could not be arbitrary and had to report the matter to his superiors. Although according to Qian Rongzhi's analysis, there shouldn't be any major problems, this is just in case.

"Qi Haidan!" Qian Rongzhi's eyes lit up.

Qi Hai Pill is a key elixir that breaks through the fifth level of Qi refining and breaks through the sixth level. It can help Qi refiners condense the sea of ​​​​Qi, so it is not invaluable. But Li Qingshan found nearly a hundred of them from the more than one thousand treasure bags, and taking out one is nothing.

"I've already collected one, and adding this one will increase my confidence by 30%." Qian Rongzhi accepted the pill without saying a word of thanks.

This is the relationship between the two, no relationship, no credit, no debt, simple and clear mutual use, never involving any hypocrisy, not even a word of nonsense.

At this time, with a bang, the huge stone sealed the door, and the cave was completely dark.

Qian Rongzhi also felt very relaxed. In this absolutely enclosed space, her expression and temperament underwent a wonderful change. The warm and friendly feeling disappeared, and the cold and slippery feeling surged into Li Qingshan's heart again.

She looked like a snake about to bite people, with a cold light flashing in her eyes, she pursed her lips, and said with a smile: "In this way, the few medicine primers left behind can be used."

Ugly Man and those accomplices are all medicine primers she prepared to break through the sixth level of qi refining, and provide a lot of zhenqi at critical moments.

Li Qingshan frowned, turned the switch, and as the stone door slowly opened, the light fell on her face again, as if by magic, after the light arrived, her expression changed slightly, and when the light completely enveloped her, she The image of a kind and gentle big sister has been restored.

Li Qingshan felt that compared to himself, she was more like a legendary monster.

Light threw a long shadow into the hole, Li Qingshan looked at the owner of the shadow: "Diao Fei?"

Diao Fei murmured, "I heard you're back." He was already at the fourth level of Qi Refining, although his progress was not as fast as that of Li Qingshan and Qian Rongzhi after they came to the Eagle Wolf Guard, but his time was not wasted. .

The three people who entered Eagle Wolf Guard together at the beginning gathered together again. (to be continued)

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