Chapter 81: Riding the Clouds and Riding the Mist

As for "Water Archery" and "Water Prison", they are not in Li Qingshan's choice, he does not lack the means of attack. (""www..)

In the end, his eyes fell on two paintings, each spell has such a simple painting.

In one painting, a monk is stepping on a thin layer of white clouds, and in the other painting, the monk is surrounded by billowing mist, and seems to be moving fast.

The two spells he wants to practice now are "Soaring Clouds" and "Riding Fog".

These two spells are not only related to each other, but also interact with each other.

Cloud Soaring Art focuses on flying up and down, but the speed is not as fast as a good horse, while Fog Riding Art focuses on moving, but it can only fly close to the ground. The combination of the two is to soar through the clouds and ride the fog, so that you can fly freely in the sky. between heaven and earth.

There is no particular reason, flying is everyone's dream, and Li Qingshan is no exception, and the value of flying in the course of the battle, needless to say.

On the day when he left the customs, he flew away directly through the clouds and fog, and at the same time used the glass invisibility mirror to hide his figure. Even if the monk who established the foundation wanted to find him in the dim sky, it was not so easy.

And learning spells is also conducive to deepening the control of Guishui's true energy and stabilizing his cultivation.

He did what he wanted, and immediately started to study. In the secret room, he saw Li Qingshan pinching the Dharma Seal with his hands, calming down, and a white cloud began to gather in his hands.


And in another retreat place, Qian Rongzhi also started her own practice.

Diao Fei looked at the stone door slowly closing with a complicated expression, Qian Rongzhi smiled and waved to him: "I wish you a smooth journey." In the deepest part of the cave, there were several black bundles piled up, inside of which were chubby bags. The thing seemed to be still trembling slightly, and the bright red liquid was slowly oozing out. They were supposed to be performing tasks outside.

That could be called a gentle and amiable smile, but it caused a chill in Diao Fei's heart. Qian Rongzhi didn't ask him for a bribe, but just asked him for a "small favor". She has never been soft-hearted, but compared to this woman's way of killing people, she is as simple and cute as a child. ""www..

Those people disappeared from the world forever, and no one would even suspect her.

The stone door closed suddenly, and Diao Fei couldn't wait to turn around and leave.

It seemed that he was avoiding something terrible. With Qian Rongzhi's help, he was suspended from his position as the Black Wolf Guard, and he could go back to Ivy Mountain to practice.

The verdant green mountain that once made him resent suddenly became haunted by his dreams, like an emerald green pearl, at least compared to being on Eagle Wolf Mountain, compared to facing those two people day and night, Ivy Mountain is safer many.

Once imagined, knowing her secret, will she come to deal with herself? He will become restless eating, but fortunately, he can finally go back now.

After running non-stop for several days, Diao Fei returned to the Ivy Mountain again. Compared with the prosperity at the beginning, now he looks extraordinarily lonely.

When he came to the main hall, the old man Qingteng personally met him, encouraged him a few words, and looked kindly, but he had experienced too much wind and rain, and his heart was not so simple to be inspired by a few words, but just pretended to be grateful appearance.

In addition to him, there are a few unfamiliar men and women, some seem to be familiar, some do not know at all, but their cultivation bases are not too high, and he can be ranked third by relying on the fourth level of Qi Refining .

They were all promoted to inner sect disciples, each assigned their duties, and each of them was a fat job that they couldn't compete for at the beginning, but now they can only barely support the sect, and the resources and treatment they give are almost as good as they were at the beginning. Big brother level.

Diao Fei was assigned to be in charge of teaching the new disciples the introductory exercises. Although this job was inconspicuous, it was the most popular.

The old man Qingteng taught a few more words, and then returned to the place of cultivation. The few remaining disciples of Qingteng Mountain greeted each other.

One of the bearded men stepped forward and said: "I am Shukuang, I have seen Senior Brother Diao." Seeing no one around, he lowered his voice, "Senior Brother Diao, I heard that you just came back from Jiaping Yinglangwei?"

Diao Fei frowned slightly, the role of the imperial court eagle dog was not well received in the sect, this could be regarded as which pot was not opened and which pot was lifted, but he still let out a "huh". ""www..

Yu Shu said wildly: "Well, are you familiar with Li Qingshan?"

Diao Fei didn't dare to neglect immediately, "Do you know him?"

Yu Shu said wildly: "No one knows the name of Hu Tu." Seeing that Diao Fei didn't believe it, Fang said: "It's a coincidence."

There is nothing to hide, so Diao Fei told about Li Qingshan's return.

Yu Shukuang was rough on the outside and delicate on the inside, with a calm expression on his face, he naturally changed the topic and talked about his proud daughter.

But he was slightly relieved. In the past, Liu Fengrui brought Kuangjian Villa under the jurisdiction of Ivy Mountain. He, the owner of the village, can be regarded as half of Ivy Mountain, but he was able to come to Ivy Mountain because of Yu Zijian's influence. Light.

The old man Qingteng knew that Yu Zijian had a bright future ahead, so he started to make friends, and Yu Shukuang was able to change from half of Qingteng Mountain to the whole Qingteng Mountain, and he was still an inner disciple.

Originally, no sect would accept an adult like him, no matter how withered the Ivy Mountain is, the old man Ivy would rather start from a baby. An old Jianghu like Yu Shukuang would not be half loyal to the sect.

The reason why Li Qingshan was asked was probably because of Yu Zijian, apart from his own gratitude. Yu Zijian returned from Ivy Mountain safe and sound, and told his father the whole story.

Although Yu Shukuang regretted that Yu Zijian did not agree to the invitation of Hidden Sword Palace, he also felt that he had a lot of good luck this year and celebrated in the villa, but Yu Zijian was always thoughtful and became much calmer. Restored to the original liveliness, I can't help but sigh that my daughter has grown up.

Before he came to Ivy Mountain, Yu Zijian asked him to pay attention to a character very seriously, and that character was naturally the "Great Hero Niu" who had not been heard from since the Sanshan Herbal Collection Ceremony.

Yu Shukuang naturally knew what kind of character Niu Juxia was, and his heart skipped a beat. Could it be that his daughter had something to belong to, but judging by her appearance, it didn't look like the youngest daughter was in love with her, so he said something more.

"Under such a situation, I'm afraid that he has... What are you going to do?" I'm afraid she will say the words of widowhood and death for love.

Yu Zijian lowered his head and remained silent for a long time, Fang said: "My daughter must avenge him!"

That determination made him doubt that the person in front of him was still his own daughter, and he couldn't help but sigh in his heart, Zi'er, Zi'er, our daughter is not as weak as you.

Now that he knew that Li Qingshan had returned safely, he was having a headache again, how should he inform her.

Diao Fei suddenly said: "Li Qingshan will soon go to the Hundred Schools of Classics to study, maybe he will become a classmate with Ling Ai."

Yu Shukuang was startled, and smiled bitterly. It seems that this matter does not need to be a headache, but there is some fate between them, is it possible that it is true? I hope it's not a bad fate.


"Li Qingshan is back." Hua Chengzan took a document and threw it in front of Wang Pushi.

It was Fang Enshang's report, which not only contained Li Qingshan's explanation of Zhuo Zhibo's case, but also Fang Enshang's admiration for him, and strongly recommended Li Qingshan to join the Legalist School.

This is not only due to Qian Rongzhi, as soon as Li Qingshan joined the Eagle Wolf Guard, he cleared up dozens of old cases, and with the help of Mohist disciples, he brought back the corpse of the first person on the black list, the Zombie Taoist. It's a bit cruel, but it is in line with the spirit of the Legalists' strict punishment and law.

Wang Pushi looked at it, but was slightly angry: "He really dares to come back, really think we are fools, can't see through his tricks? Xiaofang is also too inexperienced, and he doesn't know the evil people."

Hua Cheng praised: "Old Wang, don't be too preconceived, Enshang sees the truth, Li Qingshan can be called a go-getter in handling affairs, and his practice speed is also extremely fast, he is a rare outstanding person, who can strengthen my legal family Momentum."

Wang Pushi looked at Hua Chengzan in surprise: "Why are you so optimistic about him all of a sudden, that's all, let's do it this way, I'm too lazy to worry about this kid, it's serious to kill the remnants of the White Lotus Sect." After speaking, he left in a hurry go.

Hua Chengzan looks out of the window, the winter snow is starting to melt, and the Jingzhe is brewing. He didn't tell Wang Pushi the real reason, that he was on the Ivy Mountain back then.

Before Gu Yanying left, he said casually, "If you see him again in the future, you might as well take care of him, it's my suggestion."

How could he not pay attention to her words? It is inconvenient to explain these words to Wang Pushi, otherwise there will be a lesson.

He is also a little interested in the young man who dared to look at her without blinking, but it is impossible to have thoughts of jealousy. Over the years, I don't know how many people have been drawn by her.

On the way back to Qinghe Mansion from Qingteng Mountain, Hua Chenglu said something that he thought was the most mature over the years, "Brother, you should give up, I can't imagine that she is in love with a man."

Hua Chengzan could only smile wryly again, how could he imagine that after knowing her for many years, she is as chic as the wind, joyful, angry, sad, and unaffected, and now he still feels that he can't figure out her thoughts, and when he is gentle, he is like a spring breeze blowing on his face, When it is cold, it is like the cold wind like a knife, and it is like the change of the wind. Since it is the wind, how can it stay in someone's arms?

Xiao An opened her eyes from the meditation, and in her hand, a third skull rosary was condensed.

Immediately afterwards, Li Qingshan's impatient voice was heard, "Look, Xiaoan, I can fly."

Xiao An looked back, and smiled, and saw Li Qingshan sitting cross-legged, with his hands in seals, and layers of white clouds formed under his body, lifting him up, but he was only a foot off the ground, and he was still staggering. I don't know how far the realm of "flying" is.

Li Qingshan didn't feel ashamed either, he chuckled: "This is the first step of the Long March, let's see the day when I fly straight to the nine heavens!"

Xiao An's eyes were gentle: "Let's go together."

"of course."

ps: Alright, everything that needs to be prepared is almost ready, the fourth volume will be finished here, and the normal update will resume tomorrow, starting a new journey, "Volume 5 Hundreds of verticals and horizontals", starting tomorrow will be a double monthly pass, Xi Yan hopes Everyone supports Shuomeng, and it is a good start.

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