Legend of the Great Sage

Chapter 1 Departure, 0 schools

Over the past few days, Li Qingshan has been concentrating on studying spells, but within a few days, he has touched the door of the Cloud Soaring Technique. Although he can only "fly" like this, he has already passed that threshold, and he only needs to practice more in the future.

It's not that he has a high level of understanding, but that the five elements belong to water and have a very high phase property, especially the pure qi. When casting spells, his advantages are fully revealed. Manipulating the zhenqi like arms and fingers, like a group of elite soldiers who are forbidden by orders, According to the general's will, various formations are arranged without any confusion, and these formations are the key to casting spells.

Li Qingshan turned to practice fog driving technique again, spent several days, and the cave was filled with clouds and mist, Li Qingshan flew around the cave like a space walk.

It's just that combining these two kinds of spells into one to become a real soaring cloud and riding fog is much more difficult than practicing one of them alone. This can only be done a little bit, accumulating experience, and there is no chance.

However, Li Qingshan was also very determined, he practiced patiently, he only regarded it as a very interesting game, and with Xiaoan's company, he didn't feel bored.

The so-called retreat is actually like being in prison, but it can temporarily exclude all disputes from the stone gate, relax the mind indescribably, and not feel suffering, but rather enjoy it. All practice goes with the flow, never force, The effect of practice is excellent.

This state of mind is even more important than the spirit-gathering circle in the cave. Resources are an indispensable foundation for the path of cultivation, but the accumulation of resources alone cannot create a strong practitioner.

Only one kind of mind and one kind of comprehension can turn stone into gold.

this time. Li Qingshan realized more and more the importance of "Spiritual Turtle Town Sea Jue", as more and more pills were transformed into demon energy and incorporated into the Spirit Turtle Demon Pill, his mind became calmer and less anxious.

Time passed bit by bit, and the clouds and mist lingering in the cave became smaller and thicker, and seemed to have substance. Li Qingshan grasped it with his hand, as if he had grasped a group of flexible and elastic glue, but it was extremely slippery and light, flying around in circles in the hole.

Li Qingshan showed a gratified smile, he had finally mastered the technique of flying clouds and driving fog, and he sat down on the cloud ball. The cloud tumbled up and down, and held him firmly. He sat cross-legged on it. Asked with a smile: "how, do you look like a fairy?"

"It's not like!" Xiao An said honestly.

"What's different?"

"It doesn't look like anywhere." Xiao An looked left and right.

"Okay, little An, you dare to say that this fairy is not like a fairy, come here!" Li Qingshan stretched out his hand to grab it, and swayed it like water with true energy,

Wrap around Xiaoan.

Xiao An giggled. He didn't dodge either, let him catch it. Pinch the cheeks and pull the nose, and ravage it.

If Diao Fei saw this scene. You will definitely feel that Li Qingshan is not that scary, but unless he is in front of Xiaoan, in the dangerous world outside, how can he not open his eyes and show his teeth?

Suddenly, there was a tremor in the distant sky.

Li Qingshan said: "It's Chunlei!"

Spring has come and the earth is recovering.

The insect sac was beating endlessly, and Malu, who had been sleeping for a long time, woke up from her sleep and was twisting her body.

Xiao An said: "It's Jingzhe!"

Waking of stings, thunder, worms wake up.

Li Qingshan opened the insect sac, and Malu got out, his body seemed to grow a bit bigger, he waved his tentacles, "Eat! Eat!"

"Food!" Li Qingshan scolded with a smile, took out the food, and let Malu bury his head in eating.

It was already February at this time, and there was still about a month before the opening of the Baijia School of Economics.

Li Qingshan wants to break through the sixth level of Qi refining within this month.

The sixth level of refining qi and the fifth level of refining qi are completely different concepts, both in terms of strength and status, they are very different. As long as he reaches the sixth level of refining qi, he believes that even in a place full of talents in the Hundred Schools of Economics, he can Don't worry about being buried.

He didn't go to the Baijia School of Economics to take refuge, and he didn't intend to follow the principle of being a low-key person and protecting himself wisely. Regardless of any environment, the natural law of survival of the fittest is indispensable, and only the best can get more resources and have a better environment to practice.

This is the way he wants to go.

After waiting for a period of time, the zhenqi in the Yin and Yang meridians in his body had already reached a state of fullness, which was not difficult for him who could absorb the aura of heaven and earth. And in the process of practicing spells, the skill of manipulating Guishui's true energy has also become extremely proficient.

Are you ready? He doesn't know either, but it's time to give it a go!

Li Qingshan's gaze became firm.


Down the mountain, ** floor.

The building was completely dark. After several accidents, the vitality of the ** building was severely damaged, and it was suppressed by all sides, so it was difficult to restore its original grand occasion.

The courtyard-like structure used to connect the bustling bustle of the first floor from top to bottom, but at this time, it also seemed extraordinarily quiet, only the mural of the jade girl flying to the sky, still smiling.

"Is that little beast really on the mountain?" In the underground palace downstairs, a gray-haired middle-aged man asked,

The current owner of the ** building said cautiously: "Master, there is absolutely nothing wrong, many people have seen him, then, that Li Qingshan is retreating in a cave on the mountain."

"As soon as he left the customs, he immediately reported to me. I don't believe he won't go down the mountain." This middle-aged man is Wei Zhongyuan, the deputy head of the ** sect. To hide his whereabouts, he gritted his teeth when Li Qingshan's name was mentioned.

Ever since Li Qingshan's blood splashed on the mansion and killed the old bustard, he had enmity with the manor family. Until later, even Wei Zhongyuan's son and the two grandmothers of the manor family died for no apparent reason.

Wei Zhongyuan didn't believe that Li Qingshan had the strength to kill the two grandmas, but he was convinced that he had something to do with him.

Lurking at the bottom of the mountain this time, it was because of his great determination that as soon as Li Qingshan appeared, he would capture him and torture him to force a confession. Fang Xiao only hated him, as long as the Eagle Wolf Guard had no direct evidence, there was nothing he could do about him.

Of course, if he was asked to go to the mountain and directly kill Li Qingshan, he didn't have the courage.

"Sect Master, please put it down. There are eyesliners on the mountain and below. As soon as he leaves the customs, the Sect Master will know immediately."


When Li Qingshan penetrated through the meridians, he finally realized that the last four meridians of the eight extraordinary meridians are different from the first four meridians.

What he has to do now is not only to open up the various acupoints, but in the process, he must constantly balance the flow of true energy in the four channels of yin and yang. The difficulty is not only quadrupled, it is simply superimposed on a geometric level.

He tried to run four meridians at the same time at first, but soon realized that this was an impossible task for him now.

Just be patient and drive the true qi in the two meridians of the Yin Qiao Meridian and the Yang Qiao Meridian first, even if it has the foundation of condensing spells. Also often lose sight of the other.

Fortunately, what Li Qingshan bought was the general staff of "Guishui Condensing Qi Jue", the experience of the seniors. Extremely detailed. But Li Qingshan tried to imitate, but he was always unsuccessful.

At such a time, Li Qingshan would naturally ask Xiao An for advice on how to balance his true energy?

"It's enough to share the snacks." Xiao An was surprised.

"How to divide the snacks?"

Xiao An's eyes widened, and she couldn't help Li Qingshan for the first time, because she couldn't understand the difficulty at all.

"I know that my understanding is average. You don't have to hit me like this." Li Qingshan patted Xiaoan on the shoulder, and said to Malu who was standing upright: "Yes. Malu, this kind of thing. It's not so easy for you and me to grasp."

Malu opened his mouth and spewed out a wave of evil spirit, although it was thin, it was divided into more than ten streams, interspersed and overlapped with each other, forming a very rhythmic and dynamic pattern.

Although he lost the demon core and his morality was greatly damaged, he was once a demon general and reached a realm that Li Qingshan had never experienced before. Although he seemed dull in the world, how could such a trivial matter as manipulating the demon energy be difficult for him. Li Qingshan wanted to find balance from him, but he really found the wrong monster.

Xiao An spread her hands and said, "It's very simple, right."

Li Qingshan didn't say a word, and went back to practice. In the blink of an eye, half a month passed, and Li Qingshan was just able to divert his attention to two tasks, and circulate the true energy in the Yin Qiao and Yang Qiao channels as desired.

Another day passed, and he achieved the balance needed to condense the sea of ​​​​qi in the Yin Wei Meridian and the Yang Wei Meridian. But it is still extremely difficult to integrate these four meridians.

He just tried again and again without distraction, without drinking or eating, without sleeping and resting, in the eyes of others, he looked like a bewildered man.

Xiao An couldn't help but feel a little worried.

But Li Qingshan himself knows that he is neither anxious nor discouraged, he is just constantly looking for the feeling, since he is not a genius, he should make up for his weakness with diligence, if he fails a hundred times, he will try a thousand times, and if he fails a thousand times, Just try 10,000 times.

No matter how patient a person is, after failing 10,000 times, it is inevitable that he will become irritable and frustrated, but Li Qingshan does not. What the spirit turtle suppresses is not only the evil spirit, but also his character.


Ninety-one thousand five hundred and twelve times, four strands of zhenqi rose at the same time, one ebbed and the other ebbed and flowed, but a wonderful balance was always maintained. The zhenqi was restrained and poured into the dantian.

Seeing that a sea of ​​air was about to form, but it dissipated again, and the effort fell short.

Li Qingshan showed a smile, reaching this step is certainly a great progress, but to really open up the sea of ​​energy, at least it will take several months, even a year is not considered slow. And now there are only a few days left before the opening test of the Baijia School of Economics.

In addition to diligence can make up for one's weakness, so can money. He took out nearly a hundred Qi Hai Pills, lined them up, and swallowed one. The function of Qi Haidan is to fuse these four true qi together, but the success rate is not 100%.

This first Qi Haidan failed unexpectedly.

If you fail, take it again.


After taking more than twenty Qi Hai Pills, there was still no success, and Li Qingshan's expression did not change at all.

Ordinary qi refiners would probably not be able to help but scold him for wasting the pills when they saw him taking the Qi Hai Pill like this. They would wait until they were sure before taking out the precious Qi Hai Pill to pursue a success.

But Li Qingshan is not afraid of waste, he can afford to waste, the most fundamental purpose of all the pills is to save him the time of practice. As long as he becomes stronger, he will naturally be able to include more and better pills, and time waits for no one.

After taking the thirty-seventh Qihai Pill, the four strands of true energy flowed into the dantian at the same time under the restraint of the pulse, and condensed with each other under the action of the Qihai Pill, and the medicinal power of the first thirty-six Qihai Pills still remained , almost forcibly bonding true energy together.

But this time, there seemed to be a bang in the lower abdomen, and the four strands of true energy, Yin and Yang merged into one.

True Qi undulates in the dantian, forming a vast ocean, no longer flowing, but embracing all rivers, becoming the source and destination of all the true Qi in the body.

The sixth floor is broken, and the sea of ​​​​qi is formed!

Li Qingshan finally showed a relieved smile, but his whole body languished suddenly, the exhaustion suppressed by "Spirit Turtle Town Sea Jue" surged up, making him almost fall asleep.

For the past half month, he has insisted on relying on the "Spirit Turtle Town Sea Jue" to maintain his mental state in the best state, just so that every bit of experience gained from each attempt will not be wasted in pauses and rests.

This kind of tyrannical method took a toll on his spirit, and even threatened to break the string, but he finally persevered and reached the other shore.

Xiao An stepped forward, stroked his forehead, and said softly, "Go to sleep for a while!"

"Don't forget to wake up..."

Xiao An's words seemed to have magical power, before Li Qingshan finished speaking, he fell to the ground and fell into a deep sleep.

During this sleep, he fell into a deep sleep, and was in a state that seemed like a dream but not a dream. He felt like he was sinking and floating in the sea, drifting with the undercurrents and waves, sometimes diving into the deep sea, and sometimes floating on the surface.

Before Xiao An called, he woke up from his sleep. He felt his head hurt a little, shook his head, and asked, "How long have I been asleep?"

"About seven hours."

"It's time to go!" Li Qingshan stood up suddenly, grinning.


Li Qingshan opened the insect sac, and said to Ma Lu: "Just be wronged again, don't worry, you won't be wronged for too long."

Malu dived into the insect sac and found all kinds of food that Xiaoan had prepared for him, and immediately began to eat and drink, but he didn't think he was wronged.

Turning the stone plate, the stone door slowly opened, a fresh air poured in, and the eyes were full of spring.

The place of retreat is the back mountain, which is already secluded, and he didn't specifically notify anyone, and directly performed the technique of flying clouds and driving fog, and billowing clouds and mists gathered at his feet.

After opening up the sea of ​​qi, he found that it was unprecedentedly easy to cast spells, and the effect was also many times stronger.

The cloud and mist supported Li Qingshan and Xiao An and flew straight into the sky, but just after flying a few feet high, they disappeared in a clear light.


"Sect Master, Li Qingshan has left the customs!" In the ** building, the host of ** rushed to report.

"Where is he now?" Wei Zhongyuan was impatient for a long time, and was overjoyed when he heard this.

"No, it's gone." The landlord stammered, there was a message from the mountain that the retreat cave was opened, but there was no one in it, and no one knew where Li Qingshan had gone.

"This little bastard!" Wei Zhongyuan waved his hand, and the hostess flew out, slammed into the wall, and spat out a mouthful of blood, but facing the furious Wei Zhongyuan, he neither dared to resist nor said anything more.

Wei Zhongyuan roared: "No matter where you escape to, I will find you and tear you to pieces!"

The clouds and mist have already flown to the highest place they can fly, the sky is dazzling blue, Li Qingshan stretched out his hand to the sky, as if he wanted to touch that phantom, that promise above the nine heavens.

Although the tentacles were nothing but a void, there was a smile on the corner of his mouth. Under the sunshine of spring, it was so bright that one couldn't look directly at it.

Xiao An looked directly at him, as if staring directly at a phantom, and silently recited her promise, not the long-forgotten hometown in the south, but staying with him until the nine heavens.

After a long time, Li Qingshan lowered his head and overlooked the mountains. The rushing clear river turned into a shining arc of light, and Yinglang Mountain looked like a small mound. Wei Zhongyuan's roar was probably worse than that of a mosquito, so Li Qingshan didn't pay any attention.

He took out the square inch map of Qingzhou, calibrated the direction, and pointed to the southeast:

"Let's go, Hundred Schools of Economics!"

ps: The road has been opened, and the dreamer has started to move forward. During the double period, I will try my best to get a monthly pass. For me, the real challenge has just begun. The plot will determine the outcome. Believe me or not, my writing is not as good as others! Please also guess, which family will Li Qingshan and Xiao An enter? The answer lies ahead, and I guess no one can guess it. ^_^(to be continued)

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