Legend of the Great Sage

Chapter 2 Arriving, Qinghe Prefecture

Chapter 2 Arrived, Qinghe Fucheng

Clouds and mist surged, dragging a small white tail across the sky.

The strong wind blows towards the face, lifting the clothes of Li Qingshan and Xiao An, the spring breeze in March still has a hint of coolness, but the warm feeling seems to be really intoxicating.

The scenery on the earth receded rapidly, Li Qingshan had also been on a plane in his previous life, but the feeling of flying through the clouds and fog is not comparable to being locked in the cabin.

Under Li Qingshan's control, the cloud and mist suddenly swooped down and rushed towards a large lake. The emerald green lake water rushed towards us. The moment it approached the large lake, it suddenly stabilized, stirring up a clear wave, which splashed on Li Qingshan's face. He galloped across the water, drawing a trail of water on the lake.

When it was about to hit a hill, it suddenly flew up and rushed to the blue sky.

The surrounding scenery is constantly changing, the city walls and villages appear and disappear, and the mountains stand up for a while, and then calm down again.

In the early spring, the natural scenery that has not been destroyed by any human beings is full of eyes.

For a moment, Li Qingshan only felt that his heart was wider than ever before.

Li Qingshan released Malu from the insect sac, and let him, who had been crawling underground all his life, look at the scenery in the sky. As soon as Malu came out, he immediately curled up into a ball.

Li Qingshan laughed out loud, Xiao An giggled.

Flying through the clouds and fog, the flying speed is not particularly fast, at least it can't keep up with Li Qingshan's footsteps, but the good thing is that there are no obstacles in the sky, and you can walk in a straight line.

Although Jiaping City is thousands of miles away from Qinghe Mansion, it is not a problem to travel thousands of miles a day through the clouds and fog.

They set off in the afternoon, and the sky above their heads gradually dimmed, with bright spots of stars, and finally turned into a splendor of stars.

A small cloud, like a small isolated island, hovered under the starry sky. Li Qingshan couldn't help but be shocked by the scene in front of him, and sincerely praised: "It's so beautiful!"

Xiao An nodded. --Net. Li Qingshan patted her head, and took out the square inch map of Qingzhou, looked at it and said: "It's almost here."

The water of the Qinghe River turned into a jade belt shining with stars, leading to the core of the entire Qinghe Mansion, and the boats on the river gradually became denser.

As the clouds fly, over the dark land,

Suddenly, a group of flames appeared, burning brightly.

When Li Qingshan came close, he saw that the flame was made of thousands of lights, showing a little surprise.

He originally thought that Qinghefu City was an enlarged version of Jiaping City, at most covering an area several times larger.

But when he saw it with his own eyes, he felt as if he had traveled back again, to a modern city full of high-rise buildings, where buildings rose from the ground, and there were not a few buildings higher than ten floors, and all of them were very exquisite and beautiful. It looks like a giant art gallery, not a concrete forest like a modern city.

These traditional civil buildings should not have such a majestic appearance, especially the uniquely shaped pavilions. Even Li Qingshan, a layman, thought it was not in line with engineering, but they still stood proudly.

Li Qingshan immediately understood that this is the Mohism's civil engineering technique.

This is the world of practitioners. Their influence has penetrated into every corner of the world, instead of flying around in the sky every day, using spells to bombard them.

Before arriving at Qinghefu City, Li Qingshan also dispersed the clouds and walked with Xiaoan on foot, but he still used the glazed mirror to hide his figure and all his aura. It is unlikely that the person who is a person is careful, and there is always no big mistake.

When I came to the ground, I felt more and more the grandeur of the city in front of me, and there was still no city wall. If a war really breaks out one day, the outcome of the war must be written in the sky, and the city wall on the ground is just a small slope.

It is even more unnecessary to guard against bandits and bandits. This is the base camp of the entire Qinghe Prefecture Eagle Wolf Guard. The two commanders are stationed here. If they dare to come here to make trouble, they will be arrested and skinned immediately.

Li Qingshan's first destination was the base camp of the Eagle Wolf Guard. Originally, every newcomer who joined the Eagle Wolf Guard had to come to Qinghe Mansion to meet two red copper-ranked commanders after a period of investigation. It's routine. --net.

Both Qian Rongzhi and Diao Fei have been to Qinghe Mansion, but Li Qingshan has not done so. Before retreating, Fang Enshang specially reminded him that he should report to Qinghe Mansion as soon as possible.

If he wanted to practice in the School of the Hundred Schools of Medicine, he had to do this. The situation more than a year ago could not help but come to his mind, the handsome "Flower Commander" and the unsmiling "Lao Wang", I wonder what their expressions will be when they see me again?

And it's so late, these two are probably not at work, Li Qingshan thought about it, and suddenly felt a movement in his heart, as if a spiritual wave swept over him.

Li Qingshan immediately raised his vigilance, but he didn't see anyone approaching, so he couldn't help but feel a little strange.

Xiao An said: "This is a formation."

"how do you know?"

"It's written in the Book of Vientiane."

Li Qingshan was surprised, the formation covering such a big city is equivalent to an invisible city wall, guarding against those Qi refiners who can really threaten this place. However, he guessed that the deterrent effect of this formation might be much greater than the actual effect.

Li Qingshan was walking along the river, the boats on the wide river seemed like a city within a city, the pier was boiling against the sky, and the lights were as bright as day, illuminating the willow trees that were sprouting by the river, hazy like a cloud of mist.

On the main road, the flow of people comes and goes, intertwined like a shuttle, which is both prosperous and happy.

Li Qingshan suddenly realized that these mortals live under the care of gods.


Li Qingshan took Xiaoan, shuttled between the roads, and quickly found the destination, a red building with dozens of floors. At the very top of the building, stands a bronze eagle that is bigger than Jiaping City, and it also spreads its wings, looking majestic.

Li Qingshan couldn't help thinking, if it was Ruyi County, where Gu Yanying stayed, wouldn't it be possible to use silver to make such a big bird? If it's Nanshu City, I'm afraid I'll have to get a golden eagle.

However, when one's cultivation has reached that level, what is the gold and silver worth?

Li Qingshan removed the invisibility technique, climbed up the stairs, and entered this magnificent building. The hall was quiet, and the only way leading to it was a spiral staircase.

The marble floor is gleaming, and only one woman is dozing behind a marble table.

Li Qingshan deliberately didn't hide the sound of his footsteps, and he couldn't wake up the woman. Finally, he realized that she was just an ordinary person. The guards were so lax that he couldn't connect with the word Eagle Wolf Guard. He could only walk over and knock on the table.

The woman woke up suddenly: "Who are you looking for?"

Li Qingshan said: "Jiaping City Black Wolf Guard Li Qingshan, come to see the two commanders."

"Commander Wang has already returned home." The woman saw Li Qingshan's badge and dared not neglect it.

Li Qingshan said: "What about the Commander Hua?"

The woman immediately said: "Commander Hua has already gone to drink flower wine." She quickly covered her mouth, knowing that she had made a slip of the tongue.

Li Qingshan curled his lips, it seems that the Hua Commander is here, there is no majesty.

The woman is obviously just an ordinary waiter, probably because no qi practitioner is willing to do this kind of work, so she chooses such an ordinary person with a decent appearance.

"You can rest upstairs for one night first, and see the two commanders tomorrow."

The function of this magnificent building is obviously not only for office, but also for the accommodation of the guards who come from the place.

When Li Qingshan was thinking about it, a voice sounded from above.

"You are finally here." Qian Rongzhi descended slowly from the spiral staircase. Instead of the uniform of Eagle Wolf Guards, she changed into a thin purple spring dress, with a cloud bun on her hair, revealing her snow-white hair. The neck is more elegant than the gentleness in Jiaping City.

At this time, even Li Qingshan could hardly connect her with the Qian Rongzhi back then, her temperament was not just changed, but sublimated. She was already at the sixth level of Qi Refining, which probably played a vital role.

Li Qingshan frowned and said, "Why are you here?"

Qian Rongzhi stroked her hair: "I also want to come to Baijia Jingyuan to practice, maybe we will be classmates in the future, right, Xiaoan." Blinking at Xiaoan, he said to Li Qingshan: "Congratulations, you have been promoted to Qi Refining Sixth layer."

Although he didn't show it on the surface, he was surprised in his heart. When he first saw him, he was only at the first level of Qi refining. In less than a year, he had cultivated to the sixth level of Qi refining. It can be called supernatural speed, and he The real strength is far more than that.

She can practice so fast, although it is the overbearing skill of swallowing Yuanshu, but it has something to do with her accumulation over the years, so that she can successfully open up the sea of ​​​​qi in one fell swoop.

Li Qingshan said: "To each other."

Her triumphant celebration is not a pretense, no matter which qi refiner has cultivated to the sixth level of qi refinement, it is worth being happy. But this exquisite dress seems to be not so simple.

"Rong Zhi, what are you doing here? Didn't you agree to go to dinner together?" A young man came down from the stairs and came to Qian Rongzhi's side.

Li Qingshan's eyes moved, he had seen that man before, it was Wu Gen who led the team to encircle Qiuzhen Society back then.

It is not at all surprising that Qian Rongzhi knew him. Wu Gen was familiar with Fang Enshang, and Qian Rongzhi, who was valued by him, came to Qinghe Mansion, so of course he had to entrust this friend to take care of him.

When he saw Wu Gen's eyes looking at Qian Rongzhi, Li Qingshan became more enlightened. It was the way a man looks at a woman. Although it was intentionally hidden, the desire in it was still naked.

The prey has been hooked.

"Brother Wu, this is my colleague who entered the Eagle Wolf Guard with me. His name is Li Qingshan. Qingshan, this is a good friend of our commander, his name is Wu Gen." Qian Rongzhi introduced generously, but he always maintained a close relationship with Wu Gen. With a certain distance, he seemed closer to Li Qingshan.

But the more so, the more Wu Gen felt itchy. When he first saw her at the foot of Qingteng Mountain, he felt that this woman was different. Seeing her again in the Qinghe Mansion, she changed into a spring dress, which was like a completely new body, which made his heart skip a beat.

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