Chapter 3 Returning to **Floor

Qian Rongzhi is no longer the Qian Rongzhi who was eager to change her destiny and hook up with Shangguan when she first came to Jiaping City. With the capital up for grabs, she understands very well that men are cheap bones, so if they can't get them, they can achieve their goals better.

But this is all based on cultivation, only with the cultivation of the sixth level of Qi Refining, can Wu Gen value it, and dare not use strong methods.

Back then in Jiaping City, even if she wanted to hang Zhuo Zhibo in this way, it was impossible for her to do so. Only strength can win respect, which is one of the most fundamental rules of practice.

Li Qingshan saw it in his eyes, as if he could see through the fire, and he didn't say anything. He had a little grudge with Wu Gen, but now he felt sorry for him, and saluted, "I have seen Mr. Wu."

Seeing that Li Qingshan was at the sixth level of Qi refining, Wu Gen was not too arrogant, so he casually returned the gift: "Not bad, you still have some talent, you can consider changing your clothes, and you will enter the School of Economics in a few days. We are a family, so we must get closer, let's go, I will take you to see Commander Hua."

"Where is Commander Hua?"

"Of course it's the ** building, let's go together."

Li Qingshan was slightly taken aback, and Qian Rongzhi also showed a look of embarrassment, she was kicked out just after joining the ** sect, Wei Zhongyuan's son was slaughtered by her own hands, and all his cultivation bases were learned from "****".

"Rong Zhi, as I said earlier, it's not what you think. There are many interesting things there. Most of the good cooks in Qinghe Mansion are there. You won't be disappointed if you go." Wu Gen replied Thinking that Qian Rongzhi didn't want to go to the brothel, she persuaded her softly.

Qian Rongzhi bluntly talked about the grievances between Li Qingshan and the ** family.

Wu Gen looked Li Qingshan up and down: "I can't see it, but you are quite capable of causing trouble."

Li Qingshan said: "The tree wants to be quiet but the wind doesn't stop. I'll stay here for one night and wait until tomorrow to see Commander Hua."

"Wait!" Wu Gen took out the Scarlet Wolf card, flicked it lightly, and suddenly spoke to him, "Brother Hua, a man named Li Qingshan came from Jiaping and wanted to see you, but It seems to be a bit contradictory with Sister Qiu, yes, good!"

Then he raised his head, "Wait a minute, he said he'll be here soon. - Net."

It only made Li Qingshan have a feeling of time travel back, and he was in a daze for a while, wondering in his heart, what kind of character is that sister Qiu?

Qian Rongzhi said in a low voice: "Master of the **** sect,

Qiu Haitang, a foundation-building monk. "

Li Qingshan was shocked, the Eagle Wolf Guard of Qinghe Mansion had such a deep connection with the ** sect.

In front of his colleagues, Wu Gen was not as rampant as he was in Youquan Valley, but it was necessary to show off himself.

Li Qingshan and Qian Rongzhihuai had the same concerns, they reluctantly dealt with it, and exchanged glances from time to time, which made Wu Gen a little unhappy.

A moment later, there was a long hiss outside the door, and a silver-maned horse stopped in front of the door, and came riding the wind without touching the ground.

That horse was a head taller than ordinary steeds, with fine scales on its body, and it looked like a steed. A vigorous figure turned over and dismounted, it was Hua Chengzan.

Wu Gen smiled and said: "Brother Hua, you silver dragon horse, how about selling me a thousand spirit stones?"

Hua Chengzan glanced at Wu Gen: "It's not too bad to buy a horse leg." He was obviously drunk, his face was flushed, as if he had applied a layer of rouge, and he looked very gorgeous, but his eyes were still clear. When he saw Li Qingshan, His eyes lit up, he didn't expect that the person she mentioned would appear in front of his eyes so soon.

Seeing Li Qingshan's cultivation, he was taken aback again, and said in amazement: "The sixth level of Qi refining, amazing, amazing!"

Li Qingshan said neither humble nor overbearing: "This subordinate has met Commander Hua."

Hua Chengzan waved his hand: "Now is not the time for work, you are not allowed to address the leader."

Wu Gen said: "At my age, I'm almost at the sixth level of Qi Refining, so what's so special about it. --Net."

Wu Gen was at the eighth level of Qi refining at a young age. In this Qinghe Mansion full of talents, he can be called a genius. The only one who is convinced is Hua Chengzan. Hearing him praise Li Qingshan's cultivation is still in front of Qian Rongzhi. , can't help being a little dissatisfied.

Although Li Qingshan is only seventeen years old, he has a calm demeanor. No matter who sees him, he can't treat him as an ordinary young man, but a man with his own charm.

Hua Cheng praised: "How many years did it take you to reach the sixth level of Qi Refining?"

"About ten years, what does this have to do with it?" Wu Gen was also from a family, and he started to practice since he was a child. After he had a little foundation, he was sent to the School of Classical Studies of Hundred Schools.

Hua Chengzan raised a finger: "He only used it for a year."

"Brother Hua, are you kidding me!" Wu Gen was taken aback immediately, and looked at Li Qingshan with amazed eyes, he couldn't tell that this rustic guy had such talent.

Hua Chengzan said to Li Qingshan: "Am I right?"

Li Qingshan said: "Almost."

When Wu Gen looked at Li Qingshan again, he became more cautious.

Hua Chengzan put Li Qingshan's shoulders naturally, "Come on, let's sit on the first floor with me!" Immediately, he felt Li Qingshan's whole body tense, and smiled slightly, showing his white teeth. Merry.

Qian Rongzhi said heartily, the so-called peerless handsome man is nothing more than that! She didn't dare to attack this man casually, although his use value was much greater, because she had personally seen Qiu Haitang, the master of the ** sect.

Li Qingshan never thought that once he came to Qinghe Mansion, he would immediately go to the lair of the biggest enemy at present. There are foundation-builder cultivators sitting there, wouldn't this be a self-inflicted trap? Seeing that Hua Chengzan has a very close relationship with the ** sect, could it be that he wants to join forces with the ** sect to harm him.

Hua Cheng praised: "Don't be so nervous, just relax. Although women are fierce like tigers, they don't eat people, right, Rong Zhi?"

Qian Rongzhi smiled and said, "Yes."

Wu Gen likes it even more in his heart, she is indeed a woman I admire. When an ordinary woman sees Hua Chengzan, her eyes are straightened, how can she cope with it like him.

Li Qingshan pondered slightly, Hua Chengzan slapped Li Qingshan on the back: "Don't worry, this is my territory, I will keep you safe, if you have anything to say, just say it clearly, I am a dignified eagle wolf guard, hiding is not the way."

Qian Rongzhi said: "Yes, Qingshan, let's go and have a look!"

"But according to the command of the commander." Li Qingshan knew that he could not refuse, and pushing and procrastinating made people even more suspicious, and said decisively.

Although Qian Rongzhi has a vicious heart, her vision is also very vicious. Since she dared to go, it means that she has already made a judgment. He believes in her judgment. In this matter, they are grasshoppers tied to a rope. Speaking of it, she, a traitor, is much more guilty than him.

Even if she dared to go, there was nothing he dared to do. It would be a good thing if he could solve his worries.

"It's not allowed to be called the commander, but this is the right way."

Hua Chengzan squatted down again, and said to Xiao An who was beside Li Qingshan: "You are the Xiao An that the gang wants!"

Xiaoan ignored him and only held Li Qingshan's hand.

Wu Gen laughed loudly: "You also have times when you are deflated."

Hua Chengzan rubbed his nose: "It seems that my charm has not touched a woman of this age. You should grow up quickly, and then you will know who is better between me and this Li."

Wu Gen laughed even more, Li Qingshan grinned, and it was hard to feel any ill feeling towards him.

Several people came out of the gate, Li Qingshan looked at the silver dragon horse with its hooves raised and its head swaying. From a closer look, this horse is even more beautiful. Every muscle on its body has a sense of rhythmic beauty, and its floating aura is also extremely pure.

Li Qingshan knows that this is a spirit beast domesticated by humans. If you look at it by the standards of monsters, it is already a very powerful monster. The saddle and four-hoofed horseshoes on its body are all shining with spirit, and it is worth at least a high-grade spirit beast. Equipment, if you add the cost of daily storage, it is simply not something that ordinary Qi refiners can afford, and even if they can afford it, it is completely unnecessary.

However, the Hua family's strength is manifested in such unnecessary places.

"Would you like to ride and watch? Come, I'll carry you up." Seeing Xiao An also looking straight at the silver dragon horse, Hua Chengzan seemed unwilling to lose his charm, and said with a smile.

Xiao An still shook his head, Li Qingshan directly picked her up and put her on the horse, patted the horse lightly: "Sit down, there is still a long way to go!"

"Be careful!" Hua Chengzan hastily reminded, but saw the Yinlong horse standing there, motionless, as if stunned, "It's strange, this guy is usually very hot-tempered, if I don't discuss it well, I will never let anyone ride it. "

Although horses are far less intelligent than humans, they also have a sense of danger that humans do not have.

Wu Gen also took out a thing like a wat board, and summoned a horse, although it was not as good as the white dragon horse, it was still an extraordinary spirit beast, and asked Qian Rongzhi to get on the horse.

Qian Rongzhi nodded in thanks, and sat gracefully on the horse.

Hua Chengzan and Wu Gen led the horses for a walk, and the group walked along the street to the first floor. Along the way, Hua Chengzan and Wu Gen talked about the advantages and disadvantages of various riding animals. Among them, there were not only horses, but the price was as expected. It's extremely expensive, plus a whole set of outfits, at least it will cost thousands of spirit stones.

Li Qingshan couldn't get in the way either, he felt like a kid from the countryside, listening to young masters in the city talking about which car to buy.

Although he can't afford it, he will never spend spirit stones on such a place. He wants to transform every spirit stone into his own power so that he can fly to a higher sky.

Of course, if you really want a mount, there are a few monsters in the ground that look good. Even if these wild monsters are captured alive by humans, they cannot be domesticated, but it is only natural for the leader of the monster soldiers to bully his subordinates.

But if he wanted to go back there, it was not enough just to be the leader of the demon soldiers. He had to survive the catastrophe and become a demon general in order to regain that area.

From time to time, Hua Chengzan introduced the local conditions and customs in Qinghe Prefecture, humanistic anecdotes, witty remarks, so that no one would feel left out.

When I came to a splendid building, the three big characters of "** Building" were hanging high on the upper floor.

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