Legend of the Great Sage

Chapter 16 Water Moon Disk

Li Qingshan said: "I only reached the sixth level of Qi Refining not long ago."

Meeting an old acquaintance in a foreign land is a very joyful thing, but Li Long opened his mouth but didn't know what to call Li Qingshan. The cowherd boy who was ignored by everyone at the beginning has been able to fight against their sect master, and their identities It's so different, and calling him by his first name doesn't seem respectful enough.

"Um, this is the chief sect master of our Iron Fist Sect, Tie Zhan." He spoke with a accent that Li Qingshan was familiar with.

Li Qingshan's mind also returned to the past, the downfall of Woniu Village, the danger of Qingyang City, the chief sect master of the Iron Fist Sect, one of the four major forces in Qingyang City, is standing in front of him now, but a sixth level of Qi Refining is in front of him. In his eyes, it is nothing. He has no intention of socializing or offending, so he can deal with it at will:

"It turned out to be the iron gate master, disrespect and disrespect."

Tie Zhan said: "Woniu Village is really outstanding. When I met Li Long, I thought he was a rare talent. When I met Brother Qingshan, I realized that there are people beyond people, and there is a sky beyond the sky. The day before yesterday, you were in the ** building, and the second bet won **. It spread in Qinghe Mansion, but unfortunately I couldn't witness it with my own eyes."

No matter how powerful the Iron Fist Sect is, as long as the two are both at the sixth level of Qi Refining, they can be equal, and because Li Qingshan is relatively young and has a bright future, Tie Zhan has to be polite and make friends.

"Should the disciples of your sect also take the admission test?" Li Qingshan looked at Li Long.

Li Long's face darkened, and he lowered his head, not to mention Iron Fist Sect refused to agree, even if he agreed, where would he get the spirit stone to pay the admission fee? That's a full hundred spirit stones. He performed extraordinary in Iron Fist Gate, and occasionally got a few spirit stones, but they were not enough to buy all kinds of pills, so how could he save them. It's really the day when I save it, I don't know how old I am, I missed the best period of practice, and I fell behind step by step.

"It's a dog. I will ask you to take care of me from now on." Tie Zhan changed the subject, looked around and said, "What about the kid? Didn't I ask you to call him?"

How could the disciples trained so hard by Iron Fist Sect be willing to spend huge sums of money and send them to Hundred Schools of Economics? Once you broaden your horizons and improve your cultivation, whoever is willing to return to the Iron Fist Sect as an errand is afraid that if they really come back, they will also come to seize the foundation of the Iron Fist Sect.

"Young sect master said something is wrong." Yan Song said awkwardly.

"Let him come here soon!"

Li Qingshan thought for a while. Then he knew it was in, and pondered.

After a while, Yan Song brought over a young man with wide ears who looked somewhat similar to Tie Zhan, and said impatiently: "What's the matter, I'm busy!" The female nun chatted.

I don't want to see a man.

"Nizi, why don't you salute Brother Li?"

"Which Brother Li, it can't be that kid Li Long!" The young man laughed, seeing no response, came to Tie Zhan's side, saw Li Qingshan, and was shocked: "You are Li Qingshan!"

The night before last, he was also playing upstairs, and he was very impressed with this one in front of him. Immediately became respectful, "Little brother pays homage to big brother, and I hope big brother will take care of you in the future. If there is anything that needs my help, I will never refuse." Regardless of the fact that Li Qingshan is younger than him, he calls himself little brother, which is extremely humble.

Tie Zhan nodded with satisfaction, although this kid is a little bit of an idiot. But it was not in vain to follow him to see these worlds.

Li Qingshan said: "Young Master, he is a smart and wise person at first glance. His future is limitless. But when he arrives at the School of Classical Studies, there is no one to wait for him. If you don't ask Li Long to be a companion for him, you don't need to spend any money from the Iron Sect Leader , I will pay him the tuition first, what does the sect master think?"

"There is no need for mulberry fields to bury bones, and where there are no green mountains in life." Since he has decided not to return to his hometown, the Li Long in front of him is probably the last fellow from his hometown that he will see in this life. The one hundred spirit stones admitted to the hospital are nothing to him.

Li Long was overjoyed when he heard the words, he glanced at Li Qingshan gratefully, and looked at Tie Zhan nervously.

Tie Zhan hesitated for a moment, then smiled and said: "Well, brother benevolence, it is Li Long's blessing to take care of his fellow countrymen, and it is also the blessing of our Iron Fist Sect. I am too happy, so how could I not agree? It's difficult to turn around the spirit stones, so why spend your money." Seeing that Li Qingshan is also a nostalgic person, he will make that bastard be more polite to Li Long in the future.

"Then thank you, Sect Master." Li Qingshan took out a hundred spirit stones from the treasure bag and gave them to Li Long.

The young master of the Iron Fist Sect hooked Li Long's neck and said, "Aaron, you have developed!" Before Tie Zhan reminded him, he was already warm and polite.

Li Long knew that it was all because of the young man in front of him, and said gratefully: "Qingshan, I will definitely return this spirit stone to you." He knew very well that various missions would be issued in the School of Economics , Let the disciples have another chance to earn spirit stones. It is not impossible to earn these one hundred spirit stones. The most difficult thing is this threshold. Once you cross the threshold, you will have unlimited opportunities.

Li Qingshan said: "If you want to pay back, you can pay back two hundred!"

Li Long was stunned, and the young master murmured in his heart, this is still a usury, I really can't see it, it really is a fellow who sees a fellow and stabs him in the back.

But Li Qingshan continued: "Until the day you don't put these hundred spirit stones in your eyes."

"En!" Li Long nodded heavily.

Ye Dachuan said: "It's really gratifying, you will be classmates from now on!"

Li Qingshan smiled slightly, out of fellowship, there is only so much he can do to help, the next step is to see each of them practice.

At this time, on the misty waves, several large ships came cutting through the waves.

There was a commotion in Tingzhou, everyone stopped talking and raised their heads, the most conspicuous one was the giant wooden figure Mu Kui.

Hua Chenglu and Yu Zijian stood not far away, surrounded by a group of boys and girls, they didn't pay much attention to Li Qingshan who had only met him a few times, and didn't come to look for him.

On the contrary, it was Qian Rongzhi who kept searching the crowd. She was standing with a group of legalist law enforcement disciples. She had already heard that Li Qingshan and Wei Zhongyuan had a fight, and said that she was somewhat sure of killing Wei Zhongyuan.

In the eyes of the disciples of Legalism, this is a joke of overreaching, and the mouth of a dead duck is stubborn. But she doesn't think so, she thinks that Li Qingshan is 100% sure that he can kill Wei Zhongyuan, the key is how to let Li Qingshan hand over the living Wei Zhongyuan to her?

"Rong Zhi, you've known this kid earlier, has this kid always been such a big talker?" Han Qiongzhi still felt angry now, and when he noticed Qian Rongzhi's gaze, he felt a little angry again.

Qian Rongzhi said: "Senior Sister Han. I don't have much contact with him. Unless he has a top-grade talisman, he will never be an opponent of a tenth-level Qi Refiner."

Han Qiongzhi had a flash of inspiration, and murmured: "Is that so?" The top-grade talisman is equivalent to a blow from a foundation-builder cultivator. If he really has one, he really has a chance, of course, only a little bit.

"Come with me!" She couldn't bear it immediately. Pulling Qian Rongzhi, he forced his way through the crowd, came to Li Qingshan, grabbed his shoulder: "Tell me, do you have a top-grade talisman?"

"Master Han!" Tie Zhan was taken aback, Miss Han is very famous in Qinghe Mansion. That hot-tempered temperament has caused many people to suffer, but they never thought that Li Qingshan would still be familiar with her.

"Weird." Xiao An, who had been quietly staying aside all this time, recited silently,

No! Qian Rongzhi winked at Xiao An, and Xiao An smiled brightly, as if there was a tacit understanding.

Li Qingshan felt that Han Qiongzhi's character was a bit strange, so he said, "Come here with your ears."

Han Qiongzhi hurriedly stretched her head, only to hear Li Qingshan whisper in her ear: "There are a few."

Han Qiongzhi showed surprise. "You come here too!"

Li Qingshan shook his head helplessly, listened to her and heard her whisper: "What you said is true?"

"Believe it or not."

Han Qiongzhi smiled and said: "It seems that I really got in your way, okay, I forgive you, I was wrong for driving you off the shuttle just now, but I have good intentions, you have to thank me, let's talk draw."

"what ever."

Han Qiongzhi had a knot in his heart. Feel free. Seeing strange gazes all around, Fang realized that the situation of the two of them whispering in broad daylight just now was somewhat ambiguous. He roared: "Whatever you look at, get the hell out of here!"

He glared at Li Qingshan again, you don’t want people to hear it, just pass the sound transmission into the secret, why bother, it’s clearly out of good intentions,

With a snort, he stomped away. Qian Rongzhi nodded at Xiaoan, and followed. When Baijia had time to plan, it was her luck that Wei Zhongyuan didn't die.

Li Qingshan and Xiao An looked at each other, he was really weird.

At this time, the big boat sailed to the side of Tingzhou, and a big boat put down the running board, and a female teacher with extremely high cheekbones and a mean face shouted: "All the Mongolian children come here."

Li Qingshan bowed his hands to say goodbye, greeted Ye Dachuan, took Xiaoan's hand, and squeezed towards the big boat.

The children around were shouting and shouting, but no one was crying. Under the leadership of their respective teams, they boarded the big ship one by one in an orderly manner. The common people who can be recommended to come here must not only have the talent of a qi refiner, but also have a good temperament. Gotta pass.

"Go up, see you later, if there is anything, use this."

When Xiao An was about to board the boat, Li Qingshan squatted down, touched Xiao An's head, handed a jade ring finger to Xiao An, threaded it with a thread, and put it around her neck, then shook Thumb and showed the other one on it. Jade finger.

This pair of Kodama fingers is also an interesting spiritual weapon that Li Qingshan found from the thousands of treasure bags, the two are a pair, and they have the effect of sound transmission.

Seeing Xiao An and those children, big and small, queuing up to the big boat, Li Qingshan let out a sigh of relief, feeling like a parent sending their children to school.

In a moment, the surrounding air fell, and the big ship put away the walking plank, and disappeared into the mist again.

Ting Zhou was out of sight, so Xiao An looked away.

The children couldn't help but look excited. Many of them were riding such a big boat for the first time. If it weren't for the stern gaze of the female teacher at the bow, they couldn't help running and laughing.

"Hello, what's your name?"

An eleven or twelve-year-old fat boy asked Xiao An arrogantly. He was wearing silk and satin, and he was accompanied by a group of "little brothers". They all came from the same place. This fat boy was rich and tall And fat, it becomes a child's head.

Xiaoan didn't answer.

"This finger wrench is good, show me!" The fat boy saw the wrench hanging on Xiao An's chest, and immediately stretched out his fat hand to take it. He has always wanted what he wanted since he was a child.

Xiao An took a step back and stuffed the wrench into his clothes, and the fat boy caught nothing.

"Don't you dare not listen to me." The fat boy stared, showing a little hostility, and directly grabbed Xiao An's hair. At home, the maids were afraid of his trick, and they had to cry every time. , he was willing to let go.

Hmph, pull a strand of your hair down. How dare you ignore him like this.

Xiao An swung his fist, suddenly remembered that this was not an enemy to kill, and withdrew most of his strength.

With a bang, the fat boy flew out immediately, knocked down a group of younger brothers behind him, and burst into tears, and the children he hit also started to cry.

"Don't cry! What happened?" The female teacher walked up immediately.

"She hit me." The fat boy covered his face. Several teeth were missing.

The female teacher frowned and said, "Did you hit him?"

Xiao An remained silent, unless she was with Li Qingshan, she didn't have much to say to others, and it was more in line with her wish to turn everyone on this boat into flames.

The fat boy said aggrievedly: "I don't know what happened to her, she just hit me. My teeth fell out."

The female teacher felt annoyed, and pointed to Xiao An's forehead, "Tell me, why did you hit her?"

Xiao An suddenly raised her head, her delicate face was inlaid with a pair of black pearl-like eyes.

The female teacher looked into those dark and deep eyes, her heart trembled for no reason, and she couldn't touch her fingers. Could it be that this child has some powerful background, she shook her head instantly. Children from aristocratic families will basically refine Qi from an early age, and then join hundreds of families after they have a certain foundation. Only children selected from common people will be on this ship.

So I was even more annoyed: "Do you even want to hit me?" He raised his hand, and was about to draw it down, when he suddenly remembered that the hospital exam is open today. Maybe the house owners are watching here.

So let go. Turning his eyes: "You are not allowed to move." Then he said to the fat boy: "Get up, she hits you. You hit back."

The fat boy wiped his tears and stood up, getting the teacher's approval. His face was painful, but his heart was proud. If it was an ordinary child, he was afraid that he would not be able to fight, so he directly punched him hard. Before he could be happy, his stomach hurt sharply , the man flew out again, and fell to the ground in a faint. Fortunately, this time, his group of younger brothers avoided them wisely and were not hit again.

It's just that two of them cried more and more, "I've been beaten to death! I've been beaten to death!"

The female teacher Xiben was always watching Xiao An to prevent her from dodging, but Xiao An kicked her feet quickly and stealthily. She didn't react, she couldn't help being furious, and yelled: "An unruly little bastard like you also wants to move!" I don't think there is any way to practice Qi refining, as soon as you reach the shore, I will tell you to go home..."

Going back to the bow, of course she has no right to turn the big boat around now, but when she arrives at the Baijia School, there are plenty of ways to deal with such disobedient children.

Hundred Schools of Classics, in a quiet room.

The curtains in the room were drooping, and it was gloomy, and a dozen or so figures could be vaguely seen, lined up in various seats.

Heads of families, gather together. The aura emanating from the silence is enough to make any Qi refiner feel terrified. Their will determines everything in the three thousand miles of Qinghe Mansion.

In the center of the room, there is a nuoda jade plate with exquisite runes painted and engraved on it. This plate is called the water moon plate.

The real test has already begun, and everyone's performance falls into the eyes of the heads of each family.

At this time, the water ripples in the water moon disk, and a clear picture emerges.

What I saw at this moment was on the big ship.

No matter how the female teacher insulted and threatened her, Xiao An's face was always calm and expressionless, and she treated the female teacher with claws and claws like air.

"Is this the child that Qiu Haitang wants? It's really different." A man wearing a square scarf and dressed as a Confucian scholar said. He has a handsome face and looks only about thirty years old, but he is actually eighty years old. , is Ye Dachuan's brother-in-law, the magistrate of Qinghe Prefecture, and the Confucian patriarch Liu Changqing. What happened in the ** building the night before cannot be hidden from his eyes and ears.

"This girl is not surprised by favor or humiliation. This kind of heart is rare." A bald monk holding a rosary nodded and said.

"Changqing, who picked out this guide? He has such a harsh and irritable temperament, and he doesn't distinguish between black and white, so that these children will have a bad impression once they enter a hundred families." A man wearing a high-ranking official and wearing sackcloth, The old man said the clear and hearty old man.

"If you are too gentle, how can you control so many hairy children, and she is only to blame for her refusal to explain, otherwise the teacher will not misunderstand that it is her fault, and who is to blame for suffering. As for the little fat man, immediately depose After leaving the Confucian Academy, at a young age, you will be robbed by the crowd, turning black and white, and repaying your energy after training?" Wang Pushi, the commander of Chi Ying and the head of the Legalist family, said impressively.

Liu Changqing said: "In that case, let's do it like this!" Outside the curtain, someone got up and left immediately, and many instructors were waiting outside to ensure that their orders would be carried out at any time.

"Let's take a look at the person who brought her here!" The picture on the Shuiyue Pan changed, and it showed Li Qingshan, who was queuing up to board the boat with others.

Li Qingshan suddenly felt something, looked around, as if someone was watching him?

Someone behind urged: "Hurry up!"

Li Qingshan walked forward, came to a smiling instructor, and took out a hundred spirit stones that he had prepared, the instructor put the spirit stones into the treasure bag, and shouted: "Here comes another one!"

It seems to be doing business, but Li Qingshan has estimated that with the opening of the school this time, the income of the hundred schools of economics may be close to 100,000 spirit stones.

And this is just the beginning, the charging method of Baijia School of Economics is very special, the first year is a hundred spirit stones, if the cultivation level does not increase by one level in the second year, the number of spirit stones paid will be doubled , becomes two hundred.

Li Qingshan knew from the simple mathematics knowledge in his previous life that if he had to read it a few more times, it would not be something any qi refiner could afford, so it was easy to get into a hundred schools of thought, so there are so many, there is always one willing to take it in. But it is very difficult to stay in Baijia School of Economics, and it is not easy to improve the cultivation base, but it will suffer a bit.

ps: The update didn’t go as smoothly as you imagined. Maybe you have experienced this feeling. The more you want to do something well, the more you are afraid of not doing it well, and feel difficult. It just so happens that this episode is the most difficult Difficult transitional chapters to write, so really painstaking.

Don't think that when I don't update, I'm just spending time, drinking and gambling. I don’t know what other authors are like. When I can’t write code words, it’s more painful than constipation. I can’t feel at ease when I do anything. As a man with no car, no house, and no woman, except for the code word, It seems that there is nothing serious to do, and I also want to make more money! Fortunately, we have almost gone through this most difficult process, and the next update should gradually stabilize.

Originally, I didn't want to explain so much. To explain is to cover up, and to cover up is to tell a story. I suddenly remembered that this is my profession, so let me explain!

If you understand, I thank you for understanding. If you don’t understand, I also understand that you don’t understand. In short, mutual understanding, long live understanding. Today is the last day of the double monthly pass, do you understand!

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