Legend of the Great Sage

Chapter 17 The Body of Pure Yang

At the same time, Baijia will also provide various rewards to outstanding disciples. Following the simple law of survival of the fittest, the better your performance, the more resources you will get. On the contrary, it will become more and more difficult, and finally you have to go out of Baijia to find a job.

Li Long on the boat shouted excitedly: "Qingshan, here!"

Li Qingshan finally didn't notice that anyone was watching him, touched the back of his head, and walked onto the boat.

But he didn't know that his various performances fell into the eyes of the heads of the various families.

"This son's sense is sharp, and his cultivation is not bad. In this opening examination, he can be regarded as a talent." Liu Changqing made a judgment, and once again drew everyone's attention back to the focus of this opening examination. There may be talents in the group of children, but it will take at least a few months before they appear.

"It's a pity that I have already entered the old king's trap." The old man in sackcloth shook his head and said.

"This kid is a troublemaker, and I don't know which one he will choose?" Although Wang Pushi disliked Li Qingshan a little, but the talent who came out of the Eagle Wolf Guard had glory on his face.

"I think this son has a predestined relationship with my Buddha. I don't know if the king is willing to part with him?" the bald old monk said.

"He has refined the art of body training, which is more suitable than legalists and military strategists." Before Wang Pushi could answer, the middle-aged man who sat beside him and had been silent for a while suddenly spoke.

Even though he was sitting there, he kept his waist straight, put his hands on his knees, and made no unnecessary movements. He stared straight ahead. When he was not talking, he was more like a statue carved from wood and stone, even in a relaxed body. Sometimes, it also exudes a sense of power. It was the head of the military family, General Zhenwei Han Anjun.

"One thought. Is it true that as long as you have a bit of talent, you are destined to be a Buddha? Old Han, your son is in the first floor, but he didn't compete with Xiaohua. If he really wants to choose a soldier, I will say nothing."

"The Buddha is the Buddha in the heart, that is, the Buddha of all living beings. It is not related to your Buddha. It is related to the 'I' Buddha, Namo Amitabha Buddha!" ​​The monk once recited the Buddha's name.

Shuiyue Pan didn't linger on Li Qingshan too much, but turned to other people. They are all young and high-cultivated outstanding people in this opening test, and everyone belongs to them. can spark discussion.

Among them, Hua Chenglu is following in Hua Chengzan's footsteps, and she will undoubtedly join the Legalist School. Although she didn't stay on her for a long time, Qian Rongzhi was also photographed. She was born in the Eagle Wolf Guard, and she was also a member of the Legalist family. Wang Pushi's face was bright.

The question of the alien Yuan Kui caused a lot of disputes. The dispute between aliens and humans has not completely subsided yet, but in the end Han Anjun nodded and said, "I'll take it!" The heads of the various families had nothing to say.

Besides a few of them, the Shuiyue Mirror illuminated another ten or twenty people. They are all the talents of this opening examination. Although Li Qingshan was considered outstanding among ordinary Qi refiners, compared with these people, he seemed ordinary.

Qinghe Mansion spans 3,000 miles across and is placed on the earth in Li Qingshan's previous life, which is equivalent to the area of ​​the entire Jiangnan, with a population of hundreds of millions. There are countless people with talents and adventures.

Li Qingshan can stand out from so many people. To be photographed by the Shuiyue mirror, and to be discussed by the heads of various families, is already extremely rare, and it only shocks everyone if I really want to. But it's still far from being able to sit here. And who was not a genius at the beginning.

On the big boat, Li Qingshan and Li Long were leaning on the side of the boat, talking about the farewell, because what Li Qingshan experienced was too mysterious and surprising, and there were too many secrets in it. So most of the time, Li Long was talking and Li Qingshan was listening.

It turns out that Li Long is also a talent in the Iron Fist Gate. In less than a year, he has made an astonishing leap from a third-rate master in the world to the second level of Qi Refining. The Iron Fist Gate is ready to promote him as a protector.

A high wall of fog suddenly appeared on the horizontal surface, which looked extremely strange in such a weather, but Li Qingshan didn't feel any spiritual power in it.

But when the big ship sailed into the fog, Li Qingshan felt a sense of dizziness upside down, and immediately understood that the fog wall was a part of a large formation, but it completely absorbed the spiritual power. Looking at Li Long again, he didn't seem to feel anything, just looked around blankly.

Suddenly, a huge black shadow appeared in the fog, and it was getting bigger and bigger. In the blink of an eye, it was a ferocious fish, ten times bigger than a big boat. The mountain, with its mouth full of sharp teeth like knives and guns, swallowed towards the big ship in one gulp.

There were screams and screams on the ship, and many talisman spells flew out.

Li Qingshan shook his head, there is no murderous look, no demonic look, no anger, just a fake.

The strange fish passing through the boat was indeed just a phantom, and those talisman spells would naturally fall in the empty space, but this phantom is too real. Many people were pale and still in shock.

The male teacher clapped his hands and laughed: "Don't be afraid, everyone, it's just a joke, but if you enter and exit this fog at will without permission, the joke might come true!"

Everyone's performance naturally fell into the water mirror, which caused a burst of laughter, and made a general judgment in their hearts.

But cowardly people are not necessarily despised and rejected by various schools. Having no guts doesn't mean that you can't make organs, you can't divination, you can't study medicine, since you lack the courage to fight people, just do your own job honestly!

Of course, those frightened monks have already lost their qualifications in the hearts of Han Anguo and Wang Pushi. The core of the two families is the word "struggle to kill", and there is no room for the weak.

At this time, the fog began to dissipate, and the bright sunshine once again fell on the bow of the ship, and the big ship entered the boundary of light bit by bit.

Everyone involuntarily let out an exclamation, and Li Qingshan couldn't help but widen his eyes. The blue lake water seemed to be clearer than the mist, and many rare big fish were swimming in the water. The sky also seemed to be bluer. A group of huge white water birds flew over the boat. The rich aura seemed to make breathing much easier.

A green island stretching over mountains stands at the end of the line of sight, surrounded by many large and small islands, like emeralds scattered on blue silk.

Li Qingshan suddenly realized that it was these islands that formed this large formation, where man and nature are one.

This is the Hundred Schools of Classics, and the name of the central big island is "Zhengming"!

The big ship sailed straight to Zhengming Island, and everyone became excited.

After a while, the ship stabilized.

The instructor led everyone to a square on the shore, on which was painted a magic circle, and the appearance of the magic circle made Li Qingshan feel a little familiar. It suddenly occurred to me that when Sun Fubai was testing the attributes of Yin-Yang and Five Elements at the foot of Qingteng Mountain, the array map that Sun Fubai took out probably looked like this, but this one was much bigger and more complicated.

For Baijia, the yin-yang and five-element attributes are extremely important, even the first prerequisite.

Li Qingshan had already learned about it in "Vientiane", Legalism likes Xuanyin, Buddhism and Confucianism like Xuanyang, Mohist farmers like civil engineering, military strategists like gold and fire, famous scholars and novelists like water, Yinyang school wants yin and yang to balance each other, Taoism , Miscellaneous family want everything.

Of course, this attribute requirement is not absolute. Even if the five elements are not in harmony, they can still be included in each family. The legalists want all attributes, and the military strategists don't know how to stick to gold and fire. But although Buddhism opens the door to convenience, the main method of mind is still masculine. The awe-inspiring righteousness of Confucianism also needs Xuanyang.

The things that can be considered are enough to write a big book, and Li Qingshan only made some general understanding to ensure that the big things will not go wrong.

All the qi refiners called out their names one by one according to the order of boarding, and then set foot on the magic circle.

"Chen Han!"

A man walked out of the crowd and came to the center of the magic circle. The five elements lit up at the same time. The metal, wood, water, and soil were very weak, but the fire was a big fire seven feet high. The yin and yang qi on the head present two colors of light and dark, and the light is far better than the dark.

Only then did Li Qingshan know why the magic circle for this test was so big, it turned out to be able to measure the strength of various attributes at the same time.

The male teacher recorded on the side, "Fire B goes up, Yang B goes down, and everything else goes down."

When Hua Chenglu walked into the magic circle, a huge shadow immediately formed in the sky above. He was designated as "Under the Yin Armor", and he was an excellent disciple of the Fa school. He walked down the magic circle amidst the admiration of everyone.

Followed by Yu Zijian, she felt a little nervous, she is still practicing "Congenital Qi Refining Art", she has not tested Yin Yang and Five Elements yet.

There was a flash of light on the magic circle, and there was a very faint buzzing, blazing white light, dazzling, a dazzling ball of light rose above her head, like a small sun.

The brilliance, also through the water mirror, sprinkled in the dark room, illuminating everyone's face, and the heads of each family were slightly moved.

Liu Changqing said with a smile: "Yang Jia, it is suitable for cultivating righteousness, no one will fight with me this time!"

Yin-Yang and Five Elements, no matter how perfect they are in any aspect, they are rare geniuses.

"You know a fart!" The sloppy Taoist who had been drinking with his head down, said suddenly.

"Also invite seniors to teach me!" Liu Changqing was very self-cultivated, bowed and said, showing Confucianism's gentleness, courtesy and thrift.

Of course, the more important reason is that he is not such a seasoned opponent. He is in the early stage of foundation establishment, and this old Taoist is already in the late stage of foundation establishment.

I saw that the sloppy Taoist didn't look at him at all, but only looked at the scene in the water moon plate, with a little eagerness in his eyes. This appearance surprised all the patriarchs who knew him. Who doesn't know that this old man has a big temper and a bad mouth. Don't pay attention to anything, even though Yu Zijian's talent is extraordinary, it's not worth showing him like this!

But it didn't look serious, Liu Changqing lost his voice: "Pure Yang body!"

On the head of Yu Zi's sword, except for that blazing ball of light, there is not even a trace of darkness.

Ordinary people have both yin and yang. The so-called solitary yin does not grow and solitary yang does not grow. Only monks with extremely high Taoism can produce yin from the anode and reach the realm of pure yang. This is the simplest truth in practicing the Tao. Where there is light, there must be Darkness, where there is yin, there must be yang.

But there are very few people who are born with pure yin and pure yang, and they are the sacred body of Taoism. However, the male dominates the yang and the female dominates the yin, and the experience of pure yang appears in a woman, which is an odd number among odd numbers. (To be continued..)

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