Legend of the Great Sage

Chapter 19 Tianmai Wizard

Chapter 19 Tianmai Wizard

The female teacher rubbed her eyes, wondering if she was dreaming?

But the extremely handsome but expressionless child in front of him is clearly at the third level of Qi Refining.

The other professors were also alarmed and walked over. Seeing Xiaoan was like seeing a monster, full of inconceivable.

According to the rules of the Hundred Schools of Economics, Mengtong will be expelled if he does not feel the sense of Qi for more than three months. Even if he feels it, he must stay for three months to learn some basic things and not to contact the outside world.

Xiao An didn't want to show too many strange things, but when he thought of not being able to see him in March, he felt a burst of anxiety in his heart, which was more unbearable than burning himself, missing.

So there was only one way to complete the "Congenital Qi Condensation Art" and push her cultivation to the third level of Qi refining, which was not difficult for her.

The female teacher screamed: "This is impossible, she must have hidden her cultivation in advance."

In the history of the School of Economics, there is a genius who has completed the "Congenital Qi Condensation Art" within three months, but how long did it take her, an hour?

Several teachers nodded. This is the most logical explanation. After three months, the child with the highest cultivation will receive a valuable reward. It's not surprising that she has that kind of expensive sound-transmitting finger and spiritual tool that hides breath. The person behind her wants to use this method to cheat rewards, but he didn't expect the child's mind to be so simple.

The female teacher shouted: "It's really despicable. I said that she kicked that kid, but how could I hide it from my eyes? This kind of little liar should be severely punished and immediately expelled from all schools."

The vast hall became noisy, and those children who were active in meditation were very impatient. Seeing the excitement, they all opened their curious eyes, discussed with each other, and even slowly gathered around.

Only Xiao An was as quiet as before, but there was a rare trace of anxiety between his brows, and he said "I'm leaving." He stepped forward and walked out of the hall.

"Where to escape!" The female instructor stretched out her hand with a stern face, bringing a strong wind, trying to make her suffer severely.

Xiao An looked back and clenched his fists.

"Stop!" A fat old man stepped forward and grabbed the female teacher's hand.

The female teacher said: "Professor, she..."

"Needless to say,

I heard it all. "

Among the Schools of Hundred Schools, the teaching is done by those disciples who can't afford the tuition fees and still want to stay in the School of Schools of Hundred Schools. Their cultivation level is not necessarily higher than the disciples of other schools. Like this female teacher, she is only just now Just crossed the barrier of the sixth level of Qi Refining.

A professor is equivalent to an advanced teacher, and his cultivation is much higher. This fat old man is the ninth level of Qi Refining, in charge of all the teaching on this island, and educates these new ignorant children.

The fat old man had a kind face. Seeing her so hard on a cute little girl, he felt disapproving, "This matter needs to be dealt with by the patriarchs!" Then he said kindly to Xiao An: "Little girl, can you take care of me?" give me your hand?"

Xiao An nodded, let go of her fist, and raised her hand.

The fat old man held her slender wrist with three fingers and injected a burst of true energy into it. His face was puzzled at first, and then turned into shock, "This... this is..."

The female teacher said: "It's just a little liar!"

The fat old man shouted: "Shut up!"

The female teacher trembled in fright, and other teachers rarely saw this person speak so harshly, they were very surprised, and wondered what he had discovered.

Regardless of their doubts, the fat old man untied the jade tablet from his waist and injected his true energy.

Liu Changqing was arguing with others about whose family Chu Tian belonged to, when the jade badge on his waist flashed, he picked it up, tapped it lightly, and the voice of the fat old man came out from it: "Patriarch, there is a child who has cultivated to the third level of qi refining." layer?"

Liu Changqing frowned: "You're joking."


"It seems that you have hidden your cultivation!" Liu Changqing thought about it, and came to the most reasonable result. However, it is rare to be able to cultivate to the third level of Qi refining at such a young age. Although he has bad intentions, it is a pity. , just punish it.

Just about to order the fat old man to bring the child, he heard the fat old man say: "No."

Those sitting here who are not of the ear and eyesight stopped arguing one after another and turned their attention to Liu Changqing.

Liu Changqing said impatiently, "What's going on?"

"Patriarch, I think it's... Tianmai Wizard!" The fat old man swallowed, as if he didn't quite believe it.

Liu Changqing was stunned for a moment, and wanted to cover the jade plaque, but it was too late, the eyes of the heads of each family were shining like wolves.

Liu Changqing could only continue to ask: "Are you sure?"

All the patriarchs pricked up their ears, excitedly expecting, but also somewhat skeptical. Everyone has heard of Tianmai Wizard, but no one has seen it. It is rarer than the body of pure yang and the body of five elements. No less.

"Eight extraordinary meridians, twelve orthodox meridians, all orifices and a hundred acupoints, all of which are unobstructed." The fat old man said sixteen words, which is the most complete summary of the genius of Tianmai.

The slovenly Taoist immediately seized the control of the water moon disk, and the screen changed, showing a small island, then the small island rapidly grew larger, rushed towards the face, passed through the golden eaves, and landed on the fat old man. With a serious and solemn expression, the picture immediately turned to Xiao An who was beside him, and said in a broken voice, "So it's her."

So there was no longer any doubt, the Shuiyue pan had just illuminated her just now, and at that time she really did not have any breath of refining Qi. There is no spiritual weapon that hides the breath, which can be hidden from the eyes of this group of foundation-building monks. Even if there is such a spiritual tool, it is not something that a child at the third level of Qi Refining can manipulate.

He is really a genius of Tianmai!

Everyone's expressions changed. Tianmai genius, born with unblocked meridians, true qi running without hindrance, and it is easy to cultivate to the tenth level of qi refining. In other words, his physique is like a tenth-level qi refiner who has lost all his true energy, and he only needs to inject true energy into it again.

The vast majority of monks in the world are trapped in the realm of qi refiners all their lives. Even if they have the body of pure yang and the body of five elements, they have to spend a lot of thought to break through the bottlenecks and go up step by step. But Tianmai Wizards did not have this kind of worry. The problem he faced from the very beginning was how to cross the foundation establishment realm.

If the body of pure yang is more suitable for the three schools of Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism, the body of five elements is suitable for a wide range, but at least the yin-yang school is not cold. But Tianmai Wizards, there will not be any sect or family that is not interested. No matter how indifferent the Patriarch is, he has to roll up his sleeves and is ready to fight. If he wins, he will be at least a Foundation Establishment cultivator.

I finally understood why Qiu Haitang was able to make such a promise. She deserves all resources from any sect or family to support her.

Liu Changqing said: "You immediately take her to Zhengming Island to test Yin-Yang and Five Elements!"


"Also, what is that girl's name, she is not suitable to continue to teach Mengtong, let her go back to Zhengming Island to face the wall and think about it!"

This time, even Wang Pushi agrees very much, what kind of dirty woman, Tianmai Wizard, can you be wronged?

Suddenly, he changed his mind, and secretly scolded Liu Changqing for being cunning. He said it so loudly on purpose, obviously to sell the child, no, I have to let Xiaohua talk to Li Qingshan about this matter, whether he can be promoted to Chilang depends on this time performance.

"My lord, my lord!" The female teacher exclaimed from the jade tablet, looking from the water moon plate, her face paled instantly after hearing Liu Changqing's words.

It's just that Xiao'an remained expressionless, which disappointed Liu Changqing, and suddenly raised his head to look at Wang Pushi, his eyes met vaguely, and the heads of each family looked at others with unfriendly eyes.

Dangdang, three crisp sounds.

In the corner of the room, a rustic old man knocked on the floor three times with a cigarette pot to release the soot.

The old man's ravine-ridden old face was burnt yellow as if it had been smoked. He was wearing a white coat and half-squatting and half-sitting on the mat, like an old farmer who had been farming all his life. He looked extremely uncoordinated. His aura and wisdom revealed his true identity, the head of the farm family.

He is the oldest here, so old that no one knows how old he is, and everyone respects him three points, even the sloppy Taoist. No one knows his original name, only his real surname is Huang. No. "Loess Weng".

"Everyone, calm down, I'm just a genius with astronomical veins. I'm surprised that you have lost the dignity of the head of the family." Huang Tuweng said, adding more tobacco leaves, the flames flickered on and off, and the fragrance permeated.

Whether he saw Yu Zijian or Chutian, he didn't quarrel with each other. He seemed to be used to seeing the vicissitudes of life and the vicissitudes of right and wrong.

"Have you seen it before?" Liu Changqing said respectfully.

"More than two hundred years ago, I saw one."

"What now?"

All the patriarchs pricked up their ears, even Han Anjun, who was the most stern, couldn't help but listen intently. How far has the Tianmai genius come to after two hundred years? It must be more than Foundation Establishment, but if it is higher, it will not be an unknown person, but it seems that he has never heard of this person.

Huang Tuweng exhaled a puff of smoke and said: "Now, I am sitting here, he has been buried in the earth for a hundred years." He didn't say anything more, an unknown dead person is not worth talking about, no matter what kind of genius he was at the beginning.

However, the Patriarchs all felt that a good talent does not mean that they can go far, especially Wang Pushi was very emotional. At the beginning, the Qi refiners who were the same age as him were more talented than him, and they could not be counted in ten hands. But eventually he got to this point.

I can't help but sigh that ginger is still old and spicy, and it is old and strong.

The Shuiyue disk is still locked on Xiaoan, and they will still fight for it, but their minds are settled.

After finally testing the last qi refiner, the instructors yawned and prepared to take the qi refiners to dinner.

Suddenly, a flying shuttle came through the sky, and the fat old man brought Xiao An down, followed by the female instructor with a gloomy face. She was very unwilling and dissatisfied, looking at Xiao An with sharp eyes like knives, wishing she could It's just that the child didn't pay attention to her from the beginning to the end.

Suddenly, she felt a sharp gaze sweep across her face, she looked up and saw a stern young man frowning at her, she felt a chill in her heart for no reason.

ps: My birthday usually falls on the lunar calendar, not October 2nd, but August 22nd, um, the day before yesterday. The problem is, my mother only remembered it today, and then I remembered it after being reminded. What I ate at noon that day was half a bowl of salty noodles, and this was not the first time. Lifting the table, it must have been picked up, right? It must have been picked up, right? Anyway, I remember the day I picked it up, tears!

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