Legend of the Great Sage

Chapter 20 5 Lines Aioi

Li Qingshan was so keenly sensitive to murderous hostility, how could he not notice her, if it was for him, he might not care about it, but for An, it was enough reason for him to kill. [I]

Seeing that Li Qingshan is also on the 6th level of Qi Refining, the female teacher glared back, not to be outdone, but Li Qingshan's eyes had already landed on An.

But she didn't notice that among the crowd, Qian Rongzhi's eyes were as gentle as water, and there was absolutely no killing intent or hostility in them. Even if the female teacher saw it, she would only feel very gentle.

"An, why are you here?" Li Qingshan asked, suddenly surprised, hey, the third level of Qi Refining?

When An saw Li Qingshan, he immediately showed a bright smile and threw himself into his arms.

"What's the matter, I haven't seen you for a whole morning, how come you have reached the third level of Qi Refining?" Li Qingshan touched her head, and vaguely understood in his heart that this is probably also the effect of "The Way of the Scarlet Bone".

The fat old man didn't have time to explain, knowing that the heads of all the families were watching, he urged: "Hurry up and test the Yin-Yang and Five Elements!"

Li Qingshan smiled and said: "That's good, we can practice together, let's go!"

Under the watchful eyes of everyone, An walked towards the magic circle, and most of the qi refiners felt baffled. Why did a child come out in the end, and was still led by the professor himself? Could it be that he has some powerful background. But at such an age, it is really amazing to be at the third level of Qi Refining.

No one thought that she was just an ordinary person in the morning, at least she seemed to be an ordinary person. Even if someone thought of it, they would immediately dispel this ridiculous idea.

"Isn't this the child next to Li Qingshan, called An, isn't she going to take part in the Mengtong test?" Han Qiongzhi asked strangely.

Hua Chengzan frowned, what's wrong with this child? The third layer of gas refining? Is it hiding strength? Other than that, there is no better explanation. Suddenly, my mind flashed, wouldn't it?

"Brother Tian, ​​look at that child, so beautiful!"

"I seem to have seen it somewhere."

Chu Tian was walking forward surrounded by everyone, but he also turned around wondering. There are still people to test, what a waste of time. Baijia should raise the threshold. Any cat or dog can be a classmate with him.

An stood still in the center of the magic circle, looking at the ancient magic circle deep in the stone under his feet, and felt very familiar.

This sense of familiarity is far stronger than that of Li Qingshan, but so suddenly,

It was photographed like a wave without warning. Some memory residue. was poured out.

She couldn't help but close her eyes. In a certain year and month, she also stood on such a similar magic circle, and a surprised voice came from around, "Successful!"

What worked?

There was an undetectable buzzing sound from the magic circle, and it suddenly lit up. [Full text starting m] There was a silence around, everyone was stunned for a moment, and then a snicker broke out.

"This kind of talent is really rare!"

Chu Tian laughed the loudest, "Could it be that this is also the body of the Five Elements?"

Around Ann, the five corners of the magic circle shone with golden light, a young grass, and a drop of crystal water. A faint yellow firework, the position belonging to the earth line is directly empty. If you look carefully, you can find a floating dust.

But above the magic circle, both the light and the darkness were barely visible.

"All of them are Ding Xia?" The teacher in charge of recording frowned and said, no, it should be lower than Ding Xia, and he doesn't have any Yin-Yang and Five Elements talents. If it is Chutian, he is a peerless genius. This child is a peerless good-for-nothing.

The fat old man sighed. The female teacher laughed and said: "This is the Tianmai genius that the heads of the family value? I think it is a waste!"

Li Qingshan glanced at her lightly, no murderous intent anymore. For the dead. There's no need for a fierce stance. He also didn't want to understand why she was so hostile to Ann.

His Ann is a genius that even Brother Niu admires.

The Patriarchs of the various families were all disappointed. They were still thinking about determining An's belonging through the Yin-Yang and Five Elements, but the talents of the Yin-Yang and Five Elements were all so low, which meant that her connection with the aura of the world was so weak that it was almost non-existent.

Alas, even if she is in the Yin-Yang Five Elements, any one of them has a middle-aged posture, no, even if it is almost okay, but this is almost no cultivation talent at all. The Qi refining period is fine, what the Foundation Establishment Realm requires is to communicate with the aura of heaven and earth.

Liu Changqing shook his head and sighed softly: "Is this the so-called interdependence of fortune and misfortune?"

Behind the peerless talent lies a huge flaw. It is not impossible to make up for the talents of Yin-Yang and Five Elements, but the resources needed are so precious and huge,

I'm afraid only a big sect like the Xuanyin Sect of the Hidden Sword Palace, or a big family like the Zhoumu Mansion can afford it and afford it. But if you have this resource, if you invest it in an ordinary qi refiner, you can produce a genius, so why use it on her? God made a bad joke on her!

The heads of the various families looked at Huangtu Weng again, and they all admired his foresight, genius, and one should not only look at it from one side.

The old man was still smoking the pipe leisurely, without any disappointment or surprise.

Only Master Yi Nian put his palms together, bowed his head, pretended to be sorry, with an inscrutable smile overflowing from the corner of his mouth, everything was arranged by the Buddha!

"Shouldn't be!" The man in the high crown sackcloth frowned and whispered. As the head of the Yin-Yang Patriarch, the linen-clothed patriarch's understanding of Yin-Yang and Five Elements is beyond the reach of other Patriarchs. The world of life is created by Yin-Yang and Five Elements, even for ordinary people. Talent shouldn't be so weak.

"Son, you can come down now." The fat old man said softly.

An still closed her eyes tightly, unmoved.

A woman's indifferent voice echoed from the bottom of her heart, "Do you understand the usage of this magic circle? Show me!"

She murmured in an unrecognizable voice: "Yes, Queen Mother!"

"What are you?" the fat old man asked.

However, Li Qingshan felt that something was wrong with An's state, so he stepped forward a few steps, trying to hold An.

The magic circle suddenly turned into motion, shining brightly.

That crystal drop of water flew towards the immature grass, and the grass began to grow, and it grew into a tree in a blink of an eye. When the tree was thriving and sprouting, the spark fell on it and burned into a raging fire.

The tree turned into ashes, scattered into tens of thousands of dust, absorbed by that point of dust, turned into a block of black soil, and golden light was born from the black soil, which merged into the golden light.

Then the water droplets are born again, turning into a gurgling stream, surrounding the dead wood, and the grass and trees grow again.

Wild fire, in spring.

At the same time, above the magic circle, two points of light and darkness merged together and rotated continuously. Each rotation would grow a little bigger. In a blink of an eye, it was already the size of a fist. Looking at it from any angle, it looks like a yin and yang diagram.

The instructor in charge of recording said in amazement: "All attributes have become Ding Shang, no, it is C!"

The alchemists around were already stunned, isn't this a test circle? Can it still be used like this?

"The five elements grow together, and the yin and yang grow together. Is this impossible?" Ma Buyi's eyes widened and he suddenly got up.

Liu Changqing frowned and said, "Fellow Daoist Ma, what's going on?"

"Do you know what the full name of this formation is?" The linen clothes were breathing a little fast.

All the Patriarchs were stumped, based on their knowledge and experience, if they asked about some weird formations, they would definitely understand. The name of the magic circle for testing attributes in front of him, but he felt a little at a loss. Isn't this the magic circle for testing attributes?

The sloppy Taoist said: "But the yin-yang and five-element formations?"

Ma Buyi said: "That's right, Brother Dao is really well-informed, then do you know what the real function of this magic circle is?"

Even the sloppy Taoist is in vain, what else can he do besides testing attributes?

Linen said: "The ancient monks' skills are all Yin Yang and Five Elements, you should know that!"

The so-called mana in ancient times is a kind of power that combines Yin, Yang and five elements. It can freely cast and use any spell, which is extremely powerful and endlessly changing. However, the difficulty of practice is so high and the requirements for the talents of practitioners are so high that people today can't imagine. Only a very few people can master it. Even if there are ten people, it is rare.

In order to compete with the enemy, the ancient monks got inspiration from their enemies, aliens and monsters, and constantly improved the way of practice. Only today's practice method of refining a kind of attribute of true energy, although it reduces the quality of the practitioner, But it expanded the number of practitioners hundreds of times and thousands of times, and established the rule of mankind.

The Patriarchs of each family nodded, this is the basic history of practicing Dao, suddenly they seemed to understand something, and looked at the Shuiyue plate.

In the magic circle, an astonishing change is taking place.

The trees have been burned by fire more than ten times, but with the nourishment of water and soil, they turned into a lush forest. A river parted the thick soil and passed through the forest, and dots of golden sand shone in the river water.

An's existence is no longer visible in it, and only when the fire burns next time will there be a glimpse of it. And the two colors of yin and yang have also disappeared. They merge in every fire, every shade of a tree, one ebbs and another, and yin and yang change.

The attributes of the five elements are no longer independent, but a whole, like a living world. It's as if the heaven and the earth had just opened, and the prehistoric creation.

"They're all second class." The instructor in charge of recording murmured, not knowing what to say. Although it is still a second class, anyone can tell that this is even more rare than Chutian's full first class. Moreover, Yin Yang and Five Elements are still growing, and it is only a matter of time before becoming a first class.

"That's right, this magic circle was created for the cultivation of ancient monks. It also cultivates the five elements of yin and yang. It is necessary to understand the way of transformation of mutual generation and restraint. It is not only a method of practicing kung fu, but also the most popular one among ancient monks. Game, a game that has been forgotten by others." Linen clothes said to himself, his eyes seemed to remember, like to sigh.

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